86-1603 .:._�:�
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File No. X86-P-1006
Voting In the Matter f i provin Otis Avenue fraa Eustis Street to Pelham Blvd.
Ward b gradi g and aving, constructing concrete curb and gutters,
c tch ba ins, c ncrete driveway aprons, and doing all other
4 w rk nec ssary nd incidental to complete said improvement.
A so, re onstru ting sanitary sewer in Otis Avenue from Eustis
S�reet t Pelha Boulevard.
The Council f the Cit of Saint aul having received the report of the Mayor upon the above improv ment, and
having considered s id report, ereby res lves:
1. That the s�id report and the s e is hereby approved with no alternatives, and that the estimated c st thereof
is$ 4 6 00 00 , finance by C$pital Improvement Bonds $257,998.17; Me jo
S�wer R air Fu ds $166,000.00; Storm Sewer Service Charge $42 001,83
2. That a public hearin be had on said improvement on the 8th day of Jaauary, 19 7 ,at
10:00 o'c14ck a.m., the Cou cil Chambers of the City Hall and Court House Building in the City of aint Paul.
3. That notic of said ublic hear g be given to the persons and in the manner provided by the Chazter,stating the
time and p�ace of he ing,the n ture of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated.
COUNCIL PERS N Adopted by the Council: Date ��C � tg86
YeasDrew ays
Nico�ia Certified P b uncil Secret
�e�l In Favor B
Te'd�sto , Against
Wilson , Mayor
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PUBlISf1�0 �E 2 01986