86-1597 WHITE - CITV GLERK • PINK - FINANCE G TY OF SAINT PALTL Council� _/ lCANAR' - DEPARTMENT File NO. BLUE - MAVOR cil Resolution �� ��, Presented By ''� �" �' ��' Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date B�, IT RESOLV�D, T at th Council of �the City o� Saint Paul here y certiiies and approves the a tion of the City of Saint Paul Board of Appeals and Review pertaining o the following listed property and as shown y the E�cerpted P�iinutes of s id Bo rd of Appeals and Review, dated October 14 , 19�6, and marked EXHIBIT A, nd at ached hereto and made a part hereof by er"erence: Dl�TE OF BOARD Mii�TUTES CASE NO. PROP RTY APPELLA�VT 10/14/�6 66-86-H 785 entral Ave. Linda J. Thomas BOAA'2D ACTION: S�op al futu e fees ior 6 months; Present fees to be paid when the permit i take out. PROPERTY DESCRIP�'ION: Butte field Syndicate Addit ' on No 1 LOT 1 BL�C 7 -------------------- ----- ----------------------------------- 10/14/86 31-86-H 270 . 7th ST. Josephine G. Berg BOARD ACTION: Continu vaca t Building iees; iVo penalties to be ch rged, give the appellant 6 nths o actively work with the His�toric Preservation Commission. After pla s are completed and fees ar� paic� a permit will be issued. Appellant may retur and request the vacant building fees e refunded. PROPE�TY DESCRIPTION: �:ice Irvings Addition BLKS 6 thru 41 46 thru 53 SELY 0 FT of LOT 1 & SUBJ _ LOT 5 BLK 28 ------------------------- ----------- ------------------------ COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas p�� Nays N"os'e In Favor Rettman Scheibel Sonnen __ Ageipst BY Tedesco Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secret ry BY Bp Approved by Mavor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Cou cil BY - — BY WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE G TY OF SAINT PAUL Council � CANARV - OEPARTMENT - �BLUE - MAVOR File NO. il Resolution Presented By Referre o Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date DATE OF BOARD MINUTES CASE NO. P OPERTY APPELLAiVT 10/14/86 43-86-H 59 Como Ave. Donald A. Huo't BOARD ACTION: Grante a 30 day extension of time to obtain a permi to up date the wiring acc rding to code, and affirm the order as per le ter dated June 26, 1986. PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: Densl w' s Addi�ion to the City f St. Paul EX SW Y lOFT for AVE LOT 1 BLK 2 ---------------- ----- ---------------------------- 10/14/86 63-86-H 730 N. Fairview 64-86-H 154 Grand Ave. Patrick Sullivan BOA�'�D ACTION: 4Jaive he pe alty for the renewal for Certificate of Occupancy at both uses, after the inspector meets with the Appelant and finds 'th all eficiencies on �the list of letters da�ted July 24, 1986 h e bee campleted and brought up to code on both proper�i�s ( 730 N. airview and 1544 Grand Ave. ) PROPL�TY DLSC�IPTION: 730 N. Fairview AVe. College Place, West Division LOT 11 BLK 12 ---------- ----- ---------------------------- COUNCILMEIV Requested by Department of: Yeas p�eW Nays Nicosia lrt Favo[ Rettman Scheibel sor,�e� _ Against BY Tedeseo Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secret ry BY B}� Approved by Mavor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Cou cil BY - — BY WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE G TY OF SAINT PALTL Council L CANARV - DEPARTMENT File NO. /`� �BIUE � - MAYOR • cil Resolution Presented By • Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date 1544 Grand Ave. Sumnit View LOT 5 BLK 3 -------------- ----- --------------------------------------- COUNC[LMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas p�eW Nays' ru��os�a [n Favor Rettman rStilreibel. � __ Against BY --�e wi�soo DE � - 1986 Form Ap v by Atto Adopted by Council: Date � Certified P s Council , et BY By� Approve Mavor: Date `^'� � — ���� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Cou cil By — By pllBt HE8 U C 1 319$6 .. . � _�s�� . _ , . ST PAUL BOARD OF APPEALS AND REVIEW 705A City Hall St Paul , Minnesota 55102 Mi utes, Meeting of October 14, 1986 MEMBERS PRE ENT: Ron lassman. Chairman Rosi Bostrom , Glen Gausman ' William Hite William Tilton ABSENT WERE : Rudolph Sawyer Haroid Knutson OTNFRS PRES�NT: Pat ish, Fire Prevention Bureau ' 5tev Roy, Buiiding Inspection and Design I Jackie Breecher, Fire Prevention Bure�u Moll 0'Rourke, Legislative Aide to Kiki Son en Jim rill , Building Inspection and Design Jackie Breecher, Fire Prevention Bureau Tom ousignant Linda J. Thomas Jose hine Berg Roy Mastel Donald A. Huot David J . Hoiland Rich rd A. Miller Pa�:rick Sullivan � Cnyt ia Syring Jeff 5yring �� STAFF : Jose hine P. Palermo � The meeting of oard f Appeals wss called to order by Chair an Ron Glassman at :30 p.m. on October 14th, 1986. He welcomed he appellants and xpiai ed the procedures and goals of the boa d, stating that the board is here to do whatever the�i can do to h ip the appellants s ive t eir code problems . Minutes of the Sept mber 9, 1986 meeting were approved as submitted ih wri ing. CASE N0. f� .OPER Y APP ALED APGELLANT 55-86-H 9 5 Re ney A e P.oy Carlson APPEARANCE om T usign nt, representing Roy Carlson SUBJECT A� e? la t is requesting the requirement for vac nt building re istr tion ees be waived. PROCEEDINGS The prope ty in question haC a fire about two ye rs ago. The � buii ing as closed up, and the insur-ance comp ny denied the clai on t e property to rehab it. Since that t me the appeliant as filed a Chapter 13 because of financ al difficulty. At pres nt the mortgage c.ompany has a court c se with the insura ce co pany. Appellant would like to rehab he building with fi ancial help from some friends. I 1 I � ' . • .. Steve Roy, from 3uilding and Design Division stated that the city ' was made aware o= the building in May, 1984 after a fire and the building was boarded up. Appellant had been notified over the past two years of the registration requirement and the appeals process . Two tickets were issued because of failure to register the bu` ]ding. In July 1986 he filed for an appeai and was scheduled �n September 1986. He did not appear at the meeting. At that time the appeal was denied. Appellant came inta my office in Oc�eber to take out a building permit and at �that time we advise� him no permit would be issued until thP fiees were paid which �t this point are $5 ?5. 00 . Appel ] ar.t s�L-atzd t��e was not notifiec of the meet�ng in September. Mr. Carlson wo� d like a review of the reqistration fee based on the reason that he was not notified of the September meeting. BOARD Ac�TION Mot �on made by Bill Tilton to deny the reguest for a waiver of the iacant build�ing fees . Seconded b� Glenn Gausman. MOT I ON CARR I ED !�'��AN I MOUSLY. ---------------------------------------------------------- � 66-86-H Linda� � . Thomas 785 Central. Ave. � APPEARANCE Linda J. Thomas SUBJECT Appell ��t is requesting the requirement for vacant building regist-ation fees be waived, because of financial hardship. ' PROCEEDIlVGS Ap��llant had a fire in the building on May 9th, 1986. Steve P.oy'� office was made aware of the fire and the vacant building. The =ees were started on July 1 , 1986 first quarter, second quarter G_tober 1 , 198b, a total of $105. 00. Ap�ellant is waiting for the �nsurance to settle. The insurance company made a commitmen�t on �r about October 17, 1986. Bill Titton adv� sed the appe] Ian�L- that the attorney handling the insur�nce cla �� includes the fees that are necessarily inciaen��al to h= �ina a vacant building because or" fire damaae. BOARD ACTiON r]c�ion made by aiil Tilton to stop all future fees for b months , b�_ present fees to be paid when insurance paYs and a permit is taken ou�t. Seconded by Rosie Bostrom. MQTION CARRIED UNANiMOUSLY. -------------------------------------------------------- 31-86-H 270 W. 7th St. Josephine G. Berg APPEARA�ICE Jose��ine G. Berg 2 ,. . . . . �_�.�-�7 ^ SUBJECT This cas was before the Board in July, 1'�8b. A 1 actions of the board go before the City Council for fin 1 approval . This ca e was deleted from the Resolution and referre back to the Board for urthe review. PP.QCEEDINGS The appel ant stated she is still having proble s and the contract r is ery discouraged because of the time spe t with diFferent th ngs t be presented to the City Council . e Historical Preser ation Society is still being real negative. t thi = �oint Ms. Be g wan s to put the build�ng up for saie. Steve Roy, from Build' ng Inspection and Design stated thP city was made aware of the v cant �uilding January, 1986. The cit.y i5 continuing to ins ect t e building. The fee will continue un il a permit � s ta�e out nd rehab starts. Tne tota{ for fees is $ 105. OU plus th last quarter which now makes the fee $ 160. �. Glenn Gausman s ggest d that the fees be waived during t is period of time th t the are arguing with another city entit , waive the fees , nless there was a fee be}ore the appellant w nt to the Heritage P eserv� tion Board. If the at�pellant stops geing before the Preser atio Board then the fees are to continue. BOARD ACTION Moti n ma e by Glenn Gausman to continue the vac nt . building fees a d the Appellant be given 6 months (April 198 ) to activily co tinue to work with the Historic Preservat on . Commission, but not t charge the appeilant any penalities . W en final �lans are inish d and a permit is taken out, the app�ll nt may come back efore the board and request her vacant build ng fees be refunde . Se onded by Rosie. Bostrom. MOTION CARR ED UNANIMOUSLY. ----------- ----- ------------------------------------ 67-86-H 111 Sn lling Ave. N. City of St. Paul Fire & Safety(Ed. B. Heinen APpEARANCc Nane SUSJECT Appell nt i requesting a variance from St. P ul �egislative Code 33 . 07 pertaining to Fence height. This case is bei g lai over to the November lOth meeting. ----------- ----- ------------------------------------- 68-86-H 1367 7 h St. E. Roy Mastel & Cnythia Kurtz APPEAP.ANC� Roy M stel Cnythia Kurtz SUBJECT Appellan requ sting a variance from St. Paul Legisl tiv� Code 33 .07; pert inin� to fence height. 3 . \ � ' . PRO�EEDINGS Appellant bouc�t the house July 1 , 1986. Appellant put up a fence. After the `ence was buiit, Mr. ConwaY came out to inspect and stated that t�� fence was in violation of the code. Steve Roy, from the Builc Inspection 8 Design, according to St. Paul Legislative Code 33. G7, No fence shall exceed 6'6" in heiaht above the si�ewalk, or f�inished rade of any lot, in any residencE district. or an�� lot occupied for residential purr�oses , all fencAs erected betweer the front property line and the front set back sha11 be no more �han 3' 6" . with excer�tions , fences r.ot obstr�.sctinq vision to an �xcess an� extend in zx.cess ofi ZO% ot= above a heiqht of 3'6" sh= : l bE exempt. B�JARD ACTFON Motion mac� by Bill Hite to grant a variance an fence hsight as long as Mr . Mastel owns the house ard revokz the order. �econded by Glenn C�usman. MOTION CARRIED JNANIMOUSLY. -------------------------------------------------------- 51-86-H 345 hlapie St. Oarlene L. Booi:s The case has been withdrawn from the agenda because there was a fire in the building. -------------------------------------------------------- 43-86-H 591 Como Ave. Donald A. Huot APPEARANCE Donald A. Huot SUBJECT This case had bee^ laid over fr�m the September 9, 1y86 meeting. PROCEEDINGS Mr. Huot wa: here in Se�tember and at that time the board asked the appellant =o meet with Mr. Donatell , elec�triai inspector. Appellant hac tnree different Electrical Contz�actors out and is waiting for fir�l bids. Electricity has been shut off by Northern States �'ower. The Appellant received a letter trom the ?-iea i th De;�artment s=3t i ng the bu i 1 d i na has been conr_+emned. Appellant stated the wirir? must be done as ±he house is without heat and with winter comir� it must be done. Ron Glassman, asked the appeilant if the wiring was the only violation. Mr. Hout stat��� that there are several other items , but the main concern is tre electricai wiring. BOARD ACTIC�N Motion made �y Glenn Gausman to give the appellant an extension of 30 days �� get a permit and have the wiring done (November 14, 1986) an aT=irm the order as per letter dated June 26, 1986. Seconded by Bi �� ? Tilton. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. ------------------------------------------------------ 4 :� ' - � _ �-�i.��7 _. 56-86-H 312 Su erior St. Miriam Baer � David J. Hoiland, Attorney APPEAP.ANCE David J. Hoiland SUBJECT Appella t re uesting a waiver on all items on he efficiency list date July 2, 1986. pertaining to beams nd j�ists damaged y in ects; floor jacks; foundation; ille ai plumbing; damage wall and cabinets; rotted floors in bath; h rd wired smoke ala s; issing bath fixtures; replace entry d or frame; re�air brick an siding; sea] all windows an� door fram . PROCcEDINGS Re* rring to a letter dated July 2, 1985. he inspectien was t e res it of the tenants making the complaint. he house is old, it has brick exterior on three sides , one sid was buldging t is w s torn down and replaced with si�i g. Appellant is in he pr cess of having contractors give some b ds or even the possiblit of selling, because of the uncertain y. The appellant is befor this board to talk about two items on he eficiency list o July 2, 1986, they are item #3 , pertaining to fo��ndation; item 10, ertaininy to brick and sid�ing ar.d seal 11 window frames an door frames from air infiltration; Pat Fish, from Fire P evention Bureau stated the Certificate of Occupancy was rev ked a d a tag was issued in July for the rea on that the buildin did n t have smoke detectors in the units. Steve Roy, Building Inspection and Design Department, stated he house vacant, ope and respassing, routine maintanance, conti nuing the inspe tion. Moisture l�eaks through and in time he foundation is wea ened. Brick veener, windows have been repla ed on the building, but here are areas were moisture gets behind the bricks and ev ntually this weakens the wall . The house is in very bad shape. BvARD ACTION Moti n mad by Bitl Tilton to grant a variance fo 3 months on items #3 , pertaining to foundation; � item #10, pertaining to bri k and siding, seal all window frames and d or frames as per 1 tter ated July 2, 1986. S�conded by Ro ie 13ostrom. MOTION ARRIE UNANIMOUSLY. ------------ ----- -------------------------------------- 65-86-H 2l50 Wilson Bradlev House Duane Speigle, AttorneY This case was wit drawn, as the violations have been worked ut with the Fire Pre entio Bureau, therefore, not necessary for the appellant to appe r. � ------------ ----- -------------------------------------- 39-86-H 1541 W. Minne aha Ave. Richard A. Mi11er APPEARANCc Richar A. Miller 5 SUBJECT Appellant is appealing item #4, pertaining to atarm system, also item #6 pertaining to dwelling unit upstairs, laid out as threz s�perate un'ts, r�m�?ve k i t�_t-�?n f�c;i i i�i es �rom tw�1 of the units, as per letLer dated May 13 , 1986. PROCEEDINGS Mr. Miller �s appealing the item pertaining to extra kitchen in upper unit. Pat Fish, from the Fir= Prevention Bureau stated after severai attempts to inspect the �roperty. in Jul _y Ms . Fish ma�e the inspection and came uc w�th a efficiency list. �1� . Fish recomrnended that the a��?llant has to clarifv wi �h zonina board as to what direction -he appellant wants to take, the unit upstairs has two kitcher= and shared bath and this is iile�al . If the appellant woul� like the ups�tairs unit to be sleeping rooms then Mr. Miller m��:st go to the zoni �g board, if not then one kitchen must be remo�:ed. The area is not zoned for sleepin� rooms. By removing the extra stove, capping the pipes thz building wou?d be legall:r a tri-plex in the upper unit . Alarm System has been corrected. BOARD ACTION Moti.on ma�e by Bill Tilton to grant a vari�ance on the seconc! sink and =_econd refrigerator, in the upper unit, with the understanding =hat the stove must be removed in one or" - the kitchens and affirn the order as per letter dated May 13 , 1986. Seconded by Rosie �ostrom. MOTION CARRIED U�IAl�lIMOUSLY. ------------------------------------------------------- 64-86-H 1544 Grand Ave. Patrick Sullivan 63-86-H 730 N. Fairvie��+ Ave. APPEARANCE Patrick Sull `van SUBJECT Appellant is appealing all items listed on lett�rs dated July 24. 1986, because t�ey are either fixed or ofi a minor nature. 1'ROCEEDINGS Mr. Sultivan fee1s that most of tt�e violations are of a minor nature and unnec�ssary. Mr. Su� livan feels the city has been unreasonable. Pat Fish, from Fire Pr=ventic�n Bureau, stated tha-t the letters that were mailPd to the :�pe ! lant se�tting up appointments to meet with inspectors were ic�ored or appointments were cance� lec� by the appeilant. BOARD ACTION Mo�ion ma�s by William Hite that the appellant meet with the inspector= . and if the inspectors find that all the deficiencies on the list of a letters dated July 24 , 1985 on both properties (703 N. Fai--view and 1544 Grand Ave) have been done then waive the penalt�:� for the renewal for Certificate of Occupancy at both house=_. Seconded by Glenn Gausman. MOTION CARRIED UNAlVIMOUSLY. 6 . , , �_ /.�'�i7 i~ 69-86-H 838-840 Third St. E. Cynthia 8 Jeff Syring APPEARANCE Cynthi 8 Je f Syring SUBJECT Appeliant is re uesting a variance on item #1 , pertaining to escape windows in sl eping room bringing this up to code. PROCEEDINGS Appel ant w uld like a variance on the sleeping r om in the lower u it a artment at 840 Third St. E. The Fire Preve!-ztion Bureau maint ins that the window must lead directly to the outside. Th - bedr om is in the center of the unit �+irec ly adj�cent to tne ining room. The building has smoke detect rs throughout, auto atic sprinklers in the basement, and fire extinguishers . Pat Fish , from the Fire Prevention Bureau suggested that t is being a interior edroo no variance should not be gr�anted. Suggested made b Bill itton that maybe opening the wall 50% or switch the roo s aro nd so as to have a window in the bedr om that leeds direc ly to the outside would solve the probiem. BOARD ACTION M tion made by Bil.l Tilton to deny the varia ce � pertaining to e cape indows in the interior sleeping room nd affirm the order as pe letter dated May 7th. 1986. Seconded by Rosie Bostrom. OTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. ----------- ----- ------------------------------------- ADDITIONAL BUSIN SS 7he regular me ting or November will be changed from Novem er 11 , 198Ei to Nove ber 1 , 1986 at 1 :30 p.m. in Room 707 City Hali , 15 W. Kellogg B vd. , ecause of a Holiday and all city offic s will be closed. Meeting adjourne at 3 25 p.m. 7