86-1595 WHITE - CITV CLEHK �� PINK - FINANCE G TY OF SAINT PAUL CANARV - DEPARTMENT COUIfCII �L/ BLaE -MAVOR File NO. � �� � u ci Resolution � , Presented By � Refe Committee: Date Out of Committ e By Date WHEREAS, Pursuant o Minn sota Statutes, .462.357 and .64.210 of the Legislative Code, orthwe tern College of Chiropractic duly petitioned t rezone 1834 Missis ippi R ver Boulevard located on the northwest side bet een Kenneth and 'Prior rom R- to Planned Development (PD) for the purpose o constructin 54 un ts of ousing, the petition having been certified by t e Planning Di ision n Sept mber 5, 1986 as having been consented to by at east 67% of the wners f the rea of the property to be rezoned, and further having been consen ed to y at least two-thirds of the owners of the pro rty situated wi hin 10 feet f the total contiguous property within one yea preceding t e date of the petition; and WHEREAS, In accord nce wi h the requirements of Section 60.730 of the zon'ng ordinance, preli inary lan was prepared and submitted depicting new constructio and r habili ation of the former Northwestern College of Chiropracti build ng int 54 market-rate residential units for househol s having at least on membe 55 years of age or older and underground parki g for 54 vehi les wi h an a ditional 36 vehicle surface parking lot; and WHEREAS, Se tion 6 .737 p ovides that once an area is included within a planned dev lopmen distr ct by preliminary plan approval that no develo ent shall take place u til th final plan is approved and adopted by the cou cil or at the e�pirati n date of the plan, and Section 60.737 requires that he final plan ust be presen ed to the City Council within one year of the approval of the pr limina y plan; and WHEREAS, Th Zonin Commi tee on September 18, 1986 conducted a public h aring for the pur ose of consid ring the rezoning petition, and pursuant to Se ion 107.03 of t e Admi istrat ve Code, submitted its recommendation to the Planning Commissio that he petition be granted; and WHEREAS, Th Plann ng Co ission has reviewed the preliminary plan and rezoning pe ition t its eeting held on September 26, 1986 and recommen ed that the City Coun il app ove the petition; and COUNC[LMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas p�eW Nays Nicosia ln Favor Rettman Scheibel Sonnen __ Ag81I1St BY Tedesco Wilson Form Appro e by City Attorney Adopted hy Council: Date Certified Passed by Coun .il Secret ry BY ss� Approved by 14avor: Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Co cil By _ _ � WHITE - CITV CLEr7K PINK - FINANCE G TY OF SAINT PAUL Council CANARV - l2EPARTMENT File NO• ��`/ BLIlE -MAVOR uncil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committ e By Date WHEREAS, Not ce of publi hearing before the City Council on the said rezoning pet'tion w s duly published in the official newspaper of the Cit on October 4, 1 86 and notice were duly mailed to each owner of affected property sit ated w olly o partly within 350 feet of the property sought to be rezoned; nd WHEREAS, A public h aring efore the City Council , having been conducted n October 16, 1986 wh re all interested persons were heard, and the Council having considered a 1 the acts and recommendations concerning the petiti n and the preliminary plan; NOW, THEREFO�E, BE T RESO VED, that the Council of the City of Saint Pau hereby appro es the prelim nary plan submitted for the planned developmen district rez ning f r 1834 South Mississippi River Boulevard, legally described as Lots 1, 2, 3, 22, 23, 24, and 25, Block 1, Arcade Addition. i , COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Drew Nay Nicosia P1 nni E [n Favor � Rettman �� � � ��, Q _ Against BY �' ' `"`�' —Tzde�eo Wilson D �, .j, - 1986 Form Appr d by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Pa: d by oun il Sec t r BY By� ;� A�ppro by 1Aavor. Dat C Approve by May or ' sion to Co cil _ � �. Ptf ltSttED �E C 1 31986 . PEn DEPARTMENT �� -•��� o �5995 .. Donna Datsk � CONTACT 2921577 Ext 295 '� PHONE 11-14-A6 i DATE ��� � � ASSIGN NUN�ER FUR RO ING 0 ER C1 All Locations for Si nature : Department Direct r 3 Director of Management yor ,� Finance and Manag ent S rvices '�Director. � _ �5 City Clerk Budget DireCtor' �, 1 Pe R.eichert " � City Attorne,� 4 Councilman Wilson WHAT WILL BE ACHIEVED BY TA NG ACT ON ON THE ATTACHED MATERIALS? (Purpose/ : Rationale) : Approval of the r znnin for No thwestern f'ollege of Chiropractic at 1834 Mississip i Rive Boule ard. The pu}ilic hearin� was held R��'� ���� 1�-16-R6. `- NOV 1 iQ86 COST BENEFIT BUDGET Y AND ERSONN L IMPACTS ANTICIPATED: ` ��� A �o���Y R���'IV�D N/A ' NOVlg, MAY���, N , _ . . FINANCING SOURCE AND UDGET CTIVI NUMBER q�IARGED OR CREDITED: (Mayor's signa- ture not re- Total Amount of"Tr nsact� n: quired if under I � $10,000} Funding. Source: - il Activity Number: � • ATTACHMENTS List and Numbe All A achments : l. Resolution 2. $taf� Report - 3. Public Hear3.n Noti . . � ' , DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW �Yes No Council Reso1 ion R uired? , ' Resolution Required? es No Yes x No Insura ce Req ired? Insurance Sufficient? es No Yes X No Insura e Att ched: � (S E •REVE E SIDE FOR INSTRUCTIONS) � Revised 12/84 � I -v � — _--{;-.._._,_.. �,, c-� c� S O � 0� �►"' O � O►--1 —I � t'+ � Z -G -G N iv � � ►-�G�f� n C `t � � � ,�rn 3 -o � � cn z N "�S • D—i 7C i Z N � r � - r D :U � N � O . W G � N I-� Q, 1 c+ � N Z � � , Vl CD � c+ � � ¢ � N . ro 'S J• O �V J. � Q � � � � � � N W V "' w n � �P G n 3 n o N. c � z --� �, � -< � � � m ,zj' c� � O F,. � � � I m r• � C N n V NJ �/�.� W � � � � � \�\j � !✓� l I � - . ��a-� L . W , �+ ` } I"fi ♦ p I rV �� M*�-, • l' 1 � w,t, TATE 0 biINNES(XxA } Coun* of Ram.sey ) ss. ITY OF SAIIvT PAUL ) ti co � I� . , . , Albert B., Olson ,, , ,, , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,Gity C erk of the ,_, c � ity of Saint �aul, Minnesota, do hereby certify that have �" ompare the �ttached copy of Council File No. . 86�1595 . . . . . . . . . . un �i -- -- s adop �d by the City Councii. . . . Decembe.r. 4:. . . . . . . . . . i9.86. , :- _ nd app oz ed by the riayor. . . .. . . .. December. 8:.. . , . . , . . , ��,86. . . ith th original thereof on file in my office. :t urther certify that said copy is .a true aFid co rect cogy f said original and the wnole thereof. WI NESS ny hand and the seal of the City of Saint Yaul, innesa a this . . . , 18th . . , , , day of , , , February. . . ` . . A.n. �9.87. � � . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . .'S! . . . . .. . . . City Clerk. • ,,�,�-� w P. . . � j..,..`t . . ;�',�... � . . ' . �.,_.. . .'1T. ' .. . .. . ^ �C � L� r CLERK �PJNK �- FINph�E C�unC�l `� GaNARV — OEPaRTMENT G TY OF SAINT PAITL �A PLVE —INAVOR �� F11C NO. V�" � �•�� � � � � u ci Resolution � ��� �� �3b�3102 , Presented By '� � Refe Committee: DaEe Out of Committ e By Date WHEREAS, Pur'suant o Minn sota Statutes, .462.357 and .64.210 of the Legislative Code, orthwe tern College of Chiropractic duly petitioned t rezone 1834 Missis ippi R ver Boulevard located an the northwest side be ween Kenneth and Prior rom R- to Planned Development (PD) for the purpose o c�nstructin 54 un ts of ousing, the petition having been certified by he Planning Di ision n Sept mber 5, 1986 as having been consented to by at least 67� of the wners f the rea of the property to be rezoned, and further having been consen ed to y at least two-thirds of the owners of the pro erty situated within 10 feet f the total contiguous property within one yea preceding the date of the petition; and °� WNEREAS, In accord nce wi h the requirements of Section 60.730 of the zo ing ordinance, prc?li inary lan was prepared and submitted depicting new constructio , and r habili ation of the former Northwestern College of Chiropractic build ng in� 54 market-rate residential,�units for househol s having at least on membe 55 years of age or older and underground park ng for 54 vehicles wi h an a ditional 36 vehicle surface parking lot; and �tHcREAS, Se tion 6 .737 p ovides that once an area is included within a planned dev lopmen distr ct by preliminary plan approval that no develo ment . shall tak.e_._ lace u til th . final plan is approved and�.adopted by the cou cil __ _ or at the expirati n date of the plan, and Section 60.737 requires that he final plan must be presen ed to the City Council within one year of the approval of the pr limina y plan; and WHEREAS, Th Zonin Commi tee on September 18, 1986 conducted a public h aring for the pur ose of consid ring the rezoning petition, and pursuant to Se tion 107.03 of the Admi istrat ve Code, submitted its recommendation to the Planning Commissio that he petition be granted; and WHEREAS, Th Piann ng C ission has reviewed the preliminary plan and rezoning pe ition t its eeting held on September 26, 1986 and recommen ed that the Ci y Coun il app ove the petition; and COUNCILMEN Requested by Depactment ofc Yeas prew Nays Nicosia l Rettman � FaVO.f Sche'rbel so��a� _ Against BY Tedes�o Wilson Form Appro e by City Attomey Rdopted by Council: Date Certified Yassed by Coun il Secret ry BY B;' Approved by Mavor: Date Approved by Mayo� for Submission to Co ncil Sy - — ��H17E --C�TV- CL�RK � P�NK - FINANCE �� COURCIl CANARY - QEPAR7MENT G TY OF SA I NT PAU L � �� ���E � - M.,��oR . File NO. ��o/3"'Q.5 � � � uncil Resolution 2363102 Presented By Referred To ' Committee: Date Out of Committ e By Date WHEREAS, Notice of publi hearing before the City Council on the said rezoning petition w s duly published in the official newspaper of the Cit on October 4, 1 86 and notice were duly mailed to each owner of affected property sit ated w olly o partly within 350 feet of the property sough to be rezoned; nd WHEREAS, A public h aring efore the City Council , having been conducted on October 16, 1986 wh re all interested persons were heard, and the Council having consi�ered a 1 the acts and recommendations concerning the petiti n - and the prel minary plan; NQW, THEREFO E, BE T RESO VED, that the Council of the City of Saint Pa 1 hereby appro es the prelim nary plan submitted for the planned developme district rezbning f r 1834 South Mississippi River Boulevard, legally described as Lots l 2, 3, 22, 23, 24, and 25, Block 1, Arcade Addition. - ; � COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Draw N��os�a In Favor P1 n i n' _ Rettman /j p ,�� � Q _ Against By r'� � �✓ ;��LG'�I � Wilson :J l� `'i '� f9�6 Form Appr d by City Attocney Adopted by Council: Date Cettified Ya: d by oun il Sec t r BY B; �lppro by Wavor: Date � �' r U Approve by PAay or ' sion to Co ncil � • - � _ p� ,���;�p E C 1 31986 , . . . . � � r'�t}' ;� � � r_, � c,� �: � (�' y � m i� ^' J; ^," ::; --I � �- C C cn � `n �° ("} D �' � y `..� <� �. `r , O � / � i--� _ �w =7 S� �� �..� CS' C (TE �, j .� �`�� � ". � ✓ r_; �-,� �z. ,�,� .w. � Q � �'�' �i�-� fF' -� t�� 0.-. � � .c �[' � nj CJ _ (i :� � �\ l� ( '� S� °�'' � v �; �J -� � �' �, � T`�, � � � � � � -- �;. � ,� e5 , � ,..r -� x. ;� 1 �' �� r; c: �W:�. f, � �,*`�',, r� ' � �—' � .'� ry C! ql? _ �� 1 -� `' C � tl�`` �� -} � � m� � ) J r� � �:r� G � ,.... � !J'i `r� �f � Cr� �, ro � "' ,`F �: �.� ._� �. � � a. � �y .s �; —�i �'C� �� s'°` ;� 9->_. U ::, :� �E �O � �WJ �. V> y' � ..] ..�'.\ �r' 'a•-� � (i -�� e� 7 � �,= �,'Y ::=t E�r, � �' _:- �a �+� �.� ��� � � � � ��� � ��� � � t`� � v ���, � �,� �: � r.. ,�. :_ �^ c� � 't7 i i � � � r�� m � � ;y � , �-,�5%s ZON NG COMMITTEE STAFF REPORT FILE 9993 1. APPLICANT• North estern ollege of Chiropractic DATE OF HEARING: 9/ 8/86 2. CLASSIFIC TION: ezonin from R-2 to Planned Development (PD) 3. LOCATION: 1834 S uth Mis issippi River Blvd. (Northwest side between Kenneth a d Prior) 4. PLANNING ISTRI T: 15 5. LEGAL DES�RIPTI N: Lot 1, 2, 3, 22, 23, 24 and 25, Block 1, Arcadia Addition 6. PRESENT ZONING: R-2 ZONING CODE REFERENCE: 60.730 7. STAFF INVESTIGA ION A D REPORT: DATE: 9/15/86 BY: Donna Datsk ____________________ ______ __________________________________=__________ ______ _������xas����==a�ac ���c�� a�=����ms��aSa����mm����o�=�oc����=���==�s��� �=c��� A. PURPOSE: '�'o allo constru tion of 54 units of market rate housing. B. FFI IEN Y: Th petitio was declared sufficient by the Planning Division on S tember 5, 1986; 19 p rcels el gible, 1 parcels required, 1 S parcels signed. C. PAR EL I E: The parcel i flag-shaped and has 320 feet of frontage on Mississipp River Blvd. and a epth of 321 feet the total area is 76,552 square feet. D. EXI TING AND �: The site was originally developed as a parochial school and arking area. Most r cently i s use w s a Northwestern College of Chiropractic; the building ow is vacant but t e parki g lot co tinues to serve the adjacent church. E. SURR NDIN L ND North: Parking lot single amily residential - East: Institution 1 South: Park land West: Single fam ly resid ntial F. ZONING HISTORY: In 1978 the college's request to modify a setback requirement as denied. �i An applicati n for a ezonin to RM-2 was heard by the Zoning Committee in Augus ; the current prop sal is a ompro ise proposal reached between the applicants and neigh rs of the site. G. Z NIN O E �T TI N: Section 60.731 states: "The PD Planned Development D strict is intended to p rmit m re flexi le and creative private or public development or redev lopment than is possi le unde standa zoning classifications. Planned Developments shall b harmonious ith the eneral urrounding uses, permitting flexibility in overall devel pment while insurin adequ te safe uards and standards for public health, safety, convenie ce, and . .. --�r--- I , � �.� -��-�� File #9993 Page Two H. FINDING CQNT'D. Underground pa king fo 54 vehicles and surface parking for 36 vehicles will be provided in the rea that now serves as surface parking. Parking st;indards for 4 residential units would b 81 spaces. PD rezonings have no setback or density st ndards as found in othe zoning districts. These standards are based on the specific pla . This proposal offers west si e yard setback ranging from 63 feet to 107 feet; the so th and east setback will remain he same as the existing building. The parking are will be set back from the existing residence to the west by 7 fe t; on the north side the se back ra ges from 7 feet to 13 feet (due to the irregularly shape lot). The entrance to he unde ground parking will be from the alley at Prior Avenue The Traffic Enginee ing Dep rtment recommends altering the radius of this entranc but foresees no prob ems wit this type of access. Access to the surface lot is from P ior as well as from the alley. 3. Section 60.740 r uires t at the Planning Commission and the CounGil review a D proposal based o seven riteria; these elements and the ability of the proposal t meet them are as foll s: . (1) The propose develo ment is not in conflict with the Comprehensive Plan. The City's C mprehe sive plan states that the City does not have enough ho sing units to mee the de and. It identifies as housing supply objectives that the City will expand rent 1 opport nities, increase the variety of housing opportunities w'thin neighborhoo s and s bilize the City's population. The plan af 'rms tha the City will emphasize alternatives to sirigle-family d tached homes and e courag medium density housing on larger vacant or underutili ed sites both within uilt up nd developing city neighborhoods. As stated in he City Comprehensive Plan, "St. Paul neighborhuods provide lenty of testimony to the fact that the alternatives to single family homes needed to eet our population n eds can be entirely compatible with neighborhood ch�racter w ich is predominate y single family." (2) The propose develo ment is designed to provide a desirable and unified � environment within i s own boundaries. The propose develo ment is strictly residential and provides 3S one-bedroo and 19 two-bedroom units; e ery unit will have one enclosed parking space and addi ional surface park ng will e available. Additional amenities include extra storag ,, elevator acce s, a co munity room and spa. The layout of the floors indicat s that the plan max mizes t e river valley vistas to the south. (3) The propose uses wi 1 not be detrimental to present or future land uses in t surrounding rea. i � -/s�� �'ile #9993 � Page Three � H. FINDIN N 'D (6) The Ipropose develo ment will not create an excessive burden on parks, sch ols, streCts, or ot er publ c facilities and utilities which serve or are proposed to serve the PD. i The Isite is a jacent the Hidden Hills park area. The target population is enters over 55 year of age. Early review of the proposal does not indicate that pu lic faci�ities or tilities ould experience excessive burdens as a result of this deve�lopmen . (7) The Ipropose develo ment is consistent with the reasonable enj�yment of ne ghboring property. � � The �Sitc has ready a cess to street systems which can accommodate traffic a ociated with this ty e of de lopment. The Mississippi River Boulevard is classifie as a collelctor str et. As ith other collector streets such as Arlingto:�, Hamline a d Grand, its f nction i to connect neighborhoods within the same communitie and carry traffi from 1 al streets to the arterial system. This site is approxima ely one bloc�C from e Shep rd Road-Highway 5 interchange, a minor arterial A classaficatio . Imme iate access to a collector street and minor arterial stree s would mini�nize tr ffic con estion associated with the proposed multiple-family us . The �TE r' n r ' n report states that the average weekday trip rate fo a retirpment c mmunit is 3.3/dwelling unit (178 for 54 units), fc�r a single fa ily hom� is 10/ welling nit and for a community college is 1.55/student (496 tr ps for 320 tudents Summe 1983 college enrollment level). This data indicates tha while the �evelop ent will generate more weekday trips than a single family deve opment, the v�ehicula activit at the site will be much less than when the site accom odated the chiropra tic coll e. Fina}ly, the roposal is for residential development as opposed to its former institutional use. Th s development will reinforce the residential character the neigl�borhoo and is onsistent with the reasonable en joyment of Reighborin property. I. STAFF ANA Y I : his pro osal is a compromise proposal reached by the develope and the neighborhood. It inc udes a r duction in the total number of units, a redesigned park'ng area � for improved�circula ion, and a reduced west wing addition. It provides needed hous ng for a growing segment of t e popul tion and provides a stabilizing neighborhood influence on a currently underutiliz d lot. J. TAFF RE MMEN TI : Based on findings 1, 2 and 3, staff recommends appr val of the preliminaFy plan or rezo ing from R-2 to PD for 1834 So. Mississippi River Boul vard. I i I I I I � f 1 � �T I ao ; y � m 4'1 � r T � 'r ¢c__a o0O o I o � � � y �', � i �� .I I 2 i i r i 7c 1 I II ; I � � �l. m a m O � o a �c �i > m - n _ o 0 �z t ; i e i / � � � I ; r A O �i � \ ❑� """"__"'____"""! . � N . y / v 9 � r Q o c z m y / r o t . 9 � y O > 's r .� O ________________._- "__� r o x ."-, , „ � � , \ � � t d � ' , , : � v � � 'd i � I 1 � I � x . • � � � , � 0 I o �' u s x v � � ° p i � N � � �� o � r � r m s ( � � � � U ; PRELIP�1INARY PL N Pa e 2 of . p�� . � .i >y � � �$e y C=-1 . � � O�'� C ' Z T � �,��, � Z 0� i�3 � � � a � � ; c��� a3 3 �� � z m �, Q �� t , y m v; � � ° N �.� > Y� � �� s , , : 1 � _..— '--_ �I'... \�.NORF + � �t — -j--,. � „ � __ �,= �:_ f_ __ :�� "'= �a� �-. _ i __�____ ---��' _ �� rk=__ _ -______ __;� �� _ J _ ,- '�--�'� ! i� ; ; i ; �; ; ' `� ' , „ � v ` �` ...�...��.'.' `�» Grs � : C i .�"' 1�N 1 ; _� 1 ; ' I i i i I � / -t71 I I j �..� j � I � j I �� ! 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' : � ��� � ,. t � � � �� Zp� , . . , , , 3 � . t r ` i � ' g : '" '� N ' . • � �3 . O� � m � , vi � i S�� �� � is�5� . S . AUL CITY COUNCIL P 6 IC HEARING NOTICE ZONING T0: Property owners within 350 ft. ; Representatives of Pla ning District 15 FIL E N 0. 9993 PAGE P U R P 0 S E To rezone from R-2 (single family) to PD (Planned Development to allow construction of a 54 unit elderly apartm nt st ucture. L 0 C A T I 0 N 18 4 So. Mississippi River Blvd. (northwest side etween Ke neth and Prior) P E T I T 10 N E R N RTHWESTERN COLLEGE OF CHIROPRACTIC H E A R I N G Thu sday, october �6, 1986 io:oo a.M. Cit Council Chambers, 3rd Floor City Hall - Court ouse Q U E S T 10 N S zon ng 298-4154 (Donna Datsko) Con act the Zoning Section of the Planning and Econ mic Dev lopment Department, Room 1101, City Hall Annex, 25 . 4th Street, St. Paul, Minnesoia 55102 Le 1 Descri pti on: Lots 1 , 2 , 3, 22 , 23, 24 and 2 , Block 1 , Arcadia Addn. Notice sent �0-3 86