86-1593 WHITE - CITV CLERK PINIt - FINANCE G TY OF SA I NT PA U L Council CANARV - DEPARTMENT � BLUE - MAVOR I FIIC NO. ncil Resolution Presen d By + ` �/ �j�-- � r_ Referred To fN �-�� Committee: Date // 'Z � Out of Committ e By Date WHEREAS, The M yor, ursua t to Section 10. 07. 1 �of the Charter of he City of Saint Paul, does ertif that there are available for appropria ion total revenues in excess o thos estimated in the 1986 budget; and WHEREAS, Council Fil 2775 0, adopted October l, 1981, did establi h certain Special Fund Policie ; and WHEREAS, The Mayor r comme ds that the following additions be made to the 1986 budget: FINANCING ' '� Current Amend d Fund No. Activit Names & Nos. Budget Changes Budge 240 Traffic aint. Projects 12005-72 9 -0- 5,225 5,22 Tra sfer In - eneral Fund Net Change 5,225 SPENDING PLAN 240 Traffic aint. Projects 120I,05-08 1 -0- 5,225 5,22 Shop Equ'pment Net Change 5,225 Now, therefore, be i RESOLVED, that the C' ty Co ncil adopts the above additions to the 986 budget. � APPROVED: � J Budget i ector COUNCILME[V Requested by Department of: �� Yeas p�eW Nays Nicosia Public Works Traffic - R.H Roett er Rettman �n FaVO[ ^ S.o -�e�,�„ � _ Against By � � �+�0 wilson Adopted by Council: '�, Date �C 5} � ���� Form Appro d by City Attorne Certified Ya.s ouncil Sec ry By d � BS' Appro by Arlavor: Date Appro Mayor for Subm' o Cou il BY - — BY � p�g� }�g D E 1 31986 Public Works DEPARTMENT ��c��3 NQ 4661 `,�ames W. 3tah 3ce CONTACT 292-6292 PHONE � � �re e e October 20, 1� 86 OATE ASSIGN NUMBER FOR RO TING 0 DER Cli All Locations for Si nature : 4 Director of Management Mayor 5 Finance and Mana ment ervice Director 6 City Clerk � Budget Director 7 Cit Council � City Attorney 8 Chief Accountant, F & MS WHAT WILL BE ACHIEVE BY TA ING AC ION ON THE ATTACHED MATERIALS? (Purpose/ Rationale) : 'rhis fund transfer 'l1 a1 the 'al funding of a mechanical traffic sign s ipper. The rnechanical sign stri appr as a winning entry in tlye work si�ler tition conducted by tY�e Mayor's Offi m�' award for work simpler cam�tition was $20,00 .00 'I'he additional $5,525.00 is ed. to lete funding for the purch�ase. �;ECEiV � � OCT 3 1 COST/BENEFIT, BUDGET Y AND PERSONN L IMPACTS ANTICIPATED: ��AYOR'S OFf � The purchase of this equi t wil substantially clecrease our annual sign stripp g costs. We estimate the payback on pure se to be 64 months. There will be less expo e of City workers tA hazardous stri ` g c 'cals. There will be less need to dispose of zardous chemical waste. `tio fim ' is available in our painting materials acooun , since less ch�nical stripping teri will to be purchased. Other funds are available due to law�r than expected prices for fic king pa.int. FINANCING SOURCE AND UDGET ACTIVI NUMBER CHARGED OR CREDITED: (Mayor's signa- ture not re- Total Amount of Tr nsact n: quired if under - 1�� ��o,00a) E,������D Funding Source: N��, \� �� o T , Activity Number: � o �966 ATTACHMENTS List and Numbe Al l A achments : � �Y ����n �;�����Y Council Resolution DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW X Yes No Council Reso1 tion R uired? Resolution Required? es No Yes X No Insuran e Req ired? Insurance Sufficient? es No Yes No Insuran e Att ched: (S E REVE E SIDE FOR INSTRUCTIONS) � Revised 12/84 c � � �! ��� � � � � is�� .y� CI Y OF S.AINT PAUL ••{-��iu't'� � ' . � t�i� i�.i( � O G"� OF' TH� CITY COUDTCIL 1 Cammittee Repart F:i�. ce ana eme�.t � Pers�n�el �ammittee. NOVEMBER 20, 1936 1. Ap�roval of minute from eting held November 13, 1986. approved 2. Resolution amendin the l 6 budget and adding $112,236 to the Financing lan and to the Spendin Plan r General Government Accounts (salary costs) . [Laid over from No ember , 1986] . approved � 3. Resolution �a endin the 1 6 budget and' transferring $3,T93,187 from Cont'nger�t Reserve Spec'fied o depa ments as listed to meet salary needs [laid ove from Novembe 13, 986] . approved 4. Resolution a endin the S ary Plan and Rates of Compensation Resolution, . ' Section I, S bsect'on J a correcting language relating to Building• Ins ctor . Sa?ary Rates. approv d 5. Re�olution a enclin the 1 86 budget by adding $100,000 to the Financing lan and to the S endin Plan or Finance Special Projects Fund - Facility an In�ernal Ene gy Ma agemen System. approved 6. Resolution a endin the 1 8b budget by adding $5,225 to the Financing P1 and to the Slpendin Plan o� Traff ic Maintenance - Projects. a rove 7. . Resolution amendin the 1 86 budget and transferring $4,750 from Conting nt Reserve to General Gove ent Accounts Executive Administration - Civic Or�anization Contr bution (United Arts contract) . approved 8. Resolution a;mendin the 1 85 and 1986 Capital Improvement Budgets by tra s- ferring $100'I,000 t Facil ties Management System from activities as list d. a roved i . . C`� �'I-=- FLOOR SAINT PAUL, OTA SSI02 - .�.as