86-1592 WHITE - C�TV �LERK PINK - FINANCE G TY OF SAINT PAUL Council �j�� CAN1tRV - D�PARTMENT File NO. �/`� ' � BIUE - MAVOR Return copy to: u cil Resolution Valuations - Room 218 "', (Dgl Y'resented By Referred To � � Committee: Date ��" 8� Out of Committ e By Date WHEREAS, the City of Saint P ul is committed to maintenance of its building ; and WHEREAS, prope main enance f buildings requires knowledge of the conditio of each building and its mec nical, electrical and structural components; and WHEREAS, timel and dequate maintenance and repair of buildings and their components wil'�,1 resu t in 1 g-term benefits including reduced capital cost for repair, renova tion o replac ment of buildings and their components; now th refore BE IT RESOLVED by th Council of the City of Saint Paul, upon the recommend tion of the Mayor and with t e advic of the Long Range Capital Improvement Budget ommittee that the 1985 �nd 19 6 Capi 1 Improvement Budgets be amended as follows: Current Amende 1985 PUBLIC IM ROVEM NT AID Financing Change Budget S-1703 John Ireland Overla 8,000 (8,000) C-6611 Facilities nageme t System 0 8,000 8,00 TOTAL: 1 85 PI 8,000 0 8,00 r�,;� ��. Paul Loag- ar_c;F C pi:,=.: 1..:,, r , -:�;.� , i L'-. S "T�:t�:-'�? £C�"1'J�i1 L� 7 t^ .. ,... ;..:.CJ£:t C+Oa°�".��� - ' - ..l '' ____— cbx_:,.'.0 _..i:t .. .... �.`°�i", - page 1 of 3 - � �S� % �!' COUNC[LMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas preW Nays Nicosia F� Rettman Irt Fevo[ _ 1 OJ C.�� Scheibel So�nen __ Ag81[lSt BY irector Tedesco Wilson Form Appr ed ity Att rney Adopted by Council: Date /'�JC c�, � Certified Yassed by Coun il Secret ry BY By (� Approved by Mavor: Date Appro d y Mayor for Submi ' n Lou cil By _ — s � WHITE - C�TV CLERK PINK - FINANCE G TY OF SA I NT PA U L Council � � CAIFARV - CTEPARTMENT File NO. �'"��/ � BLUE - MAVOR Valuationsy-tRoom z�8 ouncil Resolution (DN) Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date SUMMARY OF PROJECT F NANCIN USING 1985 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT ONDS A D 1985 AND I986 PUBLIC ItKPROVEM NT AID Current Amen ed Financing Change Finan ing C-6607 Citywide Ene gy Ret ofit 250,000 (100,000) 150, 00 C-6611 Facilities nageme t System 0 100,000 100, 00 S-0407 Sixth Street Overla 6,000 0 6, 00 S-1506 Snelling Ave ue Rec nstruction 25,000 0 25, 00 5-1703 John Ireland Overla 8,000 0 8, 00 S-1720 Eighth Stree Recon truction 16,000 0 16, 00 5-5518 Lexington Pa kway 0 erlay 4,000 0 4, 00 5-6606 Traffic Chan eliza t ons 25,000 0 25, 00 S-6608 Signal Insta lation 50,000 0 50, 00 TOTALt 1985 IB; 19 5 & 1986 PIA 384,000 0 384, 00 APPROVED APPROVED AS TO FINANCING: ------ - -- - --- --- ----�� ----r gl� - �� - - -- - - - �o� Gregory B es' Eugene A. Schiller, Direct Budget Director Finance and Management Services ' page of 3 COUNC[LMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Drew Nays Nicosia [n Favor F. Rettman •��p�� J��� c�tio�tioi_ �ormetr � __ Against BY � Director —�aYacoo Wilson Adopted by Council: ' Date D � `� — 198u Form Approve y City Attorney Certified Ya• • d b C cil Se r By " By, Appr by Mavor: Date - g86 Appr by Mayor for Su io to Cou cil _ _ B p IS#IED E C 1 31986 Financ,e-& Manage,ment Servic s � DEpARTMENT "' �'f��- ° 06149 Dave Nelson CONTA�T 298-53YT PHONE October 21 1986 ! DATE ��� Q,r , SIGN NUNBER FOR RO ING 0 DER C1 A]1 Locations for Si pature : . ,� Depar�ment Direct r r 3 Director of Management Mayor 2 Finance and Manag ent rvices Director � � Cit,� Clerk Budget Director 5 valuations 1 City Attorney HAT WILL BE ACHIEVED BY TA ING ACT ON ON TNE. A7TACHED MATERIALS? (Purpose/ Rationale) : The transfer wi11 pa tially financ the services and computer software associated ith the Facility and Interna Energ Manag ent System. ' '� at��° �, , � � �� � . COST BENEFIT BUDGETA Y AND ERSONN L IMPACTS ANTICIPATEQ: The cost/benefit of btaini g the ngineering/arehitec�ural services and the inte acing of survey services to t e Faci ity Ma �ager 2000 software produced by Locke Systems w 1 enable the �:ndfv�dual Ci�y epartm nts to !computerize their corrective repair/preventive intenance work order system an inter al eneigy tracking for all 200+ faciiities of the Cit . . It will also provide a City Wide b dgeting tool for facility and energy managemen forecasting. F'INANCING SOURCE AND UDGET CTIVI NUN�ER CHARGED OR CREDITED: (Mayor's signa- . Sl o,000 ture nat re- Total Amount of "Tr nsacti n. quired if under C�B t PIA - �10'�00) Funding Source;. RECEIVED �. ' � Activity Number: ! �CT 2 � �986 ATTACHMENTS List and Numbe All A achments : OFFICE OF THE DIRECTOR ' 1. Resolution ��e�qu� tzng . he fun ing transfer for s ��P �x���ac�� ��i.tF�8$fQ6ci1 ap oval. 2. Budg�t and spend ng pl . � �����►NAGENiENT SERVICES • . _ ' , DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTARNEY REYIEW xYes No Council Resol ion R uired? � Resolution Required? es No Yes x No Insuran e Req ired? Irtsurarrce Sufficien�E3 es No Yes �No Insuran e Att hed: tS •REVE E SIDE FOR INSTRUCTIONS) � Revised 12/84 I i . -- �.i��.� CITY OF SAINT AUL - FACILITY AND INTEREST ENERGY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM 1986 - 1987 BUDGET Funding Sources: Activity 31 56 $100 , 000 Activity O1 20 100 , 000 CIB retrofi to P A 100 , 000 $300 , 000 Expense Source: 0100 Salari s 198 (Assessment & Val . Aide I) $ 9, 930 0100 Salari s 198 (Assessment & Val . Aide I) $ 21 , 000 st . 0219 Fee - ther referred Service 1986-1987 Locke Systems (Prof . Services and Software) $128 , 595 Design Consultants (Architectural/Eng . analysis and survey) $160 , 000 st. (Project in 3 phases - Phase 1 $60 , 000 Phases 2 and 3 to be negotiated) Data E try ( emporary) to load survey data $ 10 , 000 0251 Transportation $ 874 Seminar on Facility Management in Reno (Dave N lson) and Inspection of Locke Systems ' installation in Seattle (Dave Nelson and He b Holzschuh) 0252 Lodging - meals - etc. $ 805 0253 Registr tion ee (out-of-town) $ 330 0299 Other S rvice $ 120 Balance (December 31 , 1987, project completion) ($ 31, 654) (Budget) c . � . j � ���, � ��--i�-��-- °. f� CI Y OF' SgINT P�.ZTL :dii�iii:`"i�i O C� OF TH� CZ7:Y COIINCII. ( . .._ . i Cammittee Report ��. ce ana eme�t & Personnel �om.mittee . NOVEMBER 20, 1936 1. Ap�roval of minute from eting held November 13, 1986. a roved 2. Re�olution a endim the 1 6 budget and adding $112,236 to the Financing Ian and to the S endin Plan r General Government Accounts (salary costs) . [Laid over f om No ember 3, 1986] . approved 3. Resolution �a endin the 1 86 budget and' transferring $3,1�93,I87 from Con ingent Reserve Specified o depa tments as listed to meet salary needs [laid ov r from November 13, 986] . approved 4. Resolutiom a endizt the S lary Plan and Ra.tes of Compensation Resolution, ' Section I, S bsect on J a d correcting language relating to Building• Ins ector � _ Saiary Rates. approv d 5. Re�olution amendin the 1 86 budget by adding $100,000 to the Financing lan and to the S;pendin Plan or Finance Special P�`ojects Fund - Facility an In;.ernal Ene gy Ma agemen System. approved 6. Resolution a endin the 1 86 budget by adding $5,225 to the Financing P1 n and to the S endin Plan or Traffic Maintenance - Projects. a rove 7. . Resolution amendin the 1 86 budget and transferring $4,750 from Conting nt Reserve to General Govern ent Accounts Executive Administration - Civic Or;anizatio Contr bution (United Arts contract) . approved 8. Re�olution endin the 1 85 and 1986 Capital Improvement Budgets _by tra s- fe:ring $10 ,000 t Facil ties Management 5ystem from activities as list d. approved � � C� �'�- S FLOOR Se1II�IT PAUI, OTA 55102 . .�.�s