86-1591 WHITE - CITV CIERK PINK - FINANCE � G TY OF SA I NT PA U L Council CANARV - DEOARTMENT File NO. � ~ BLUE - MAVOR uncil Res�lution ..� Presented y i � �� /� //— Referred To Committee: Date � r� Out of Committ e By Date The Mayor, pursuan� t Secti n 10.0 .4 of the City Charter recommend� the following transfers f r the 986 Ge eral Fund Budyet: TRAI�FER FROM: General Goverrunent ccount Contingent Reserv S�eci ied 09061-537 �erating Tran fer Ou -4,750 Current Amended Budget Changes Budget ------------ ------------ ------------ TRANSE'ER T0: General Government Accoun Executive Admin. neral Gover nt Accounts 09100 Civic Organ zatio Contri utions 09100-0545 Civic ontri . to �.i sic�e Agency 173,945 +4,750 178,695 09100 All Other S� nding 40,000 0 40,000 ------------ ------------ ------------ 213,945 +4,750 218,695 NET CHANGE 0 RESOLV�, That the Ci y Cou i�. ap� oves tlhese changes to the 1986 audget. Financing is Available• A�proval Recommencled: - .�..- - / - -- -�-l�z��--- - Direc r of Finance � �(, Budget ir tor 1�,3� COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Drew Nays Nicosia Executive m . General Gover nt A ounts Rettman [n Favor �8eheibwl eib .�.�� � __ Against BY —�aaesee- Wilson Adopted by Council: Date ��' �"' �J` ^ t98u Form Appr e by City Attorney Certified Va. - y n il Se r BY ( BS• App by Mavor: Dat Approved y Mayor for Sub is ' n Cou � �ue t�o u t c l 31986 General Govermm �t Ac ounts DEPARTMENT �� ��� NO 2912 Anne Howden, PE CONTACT 292-1577 PHONE 1 - DATE r� ,�� e ASSIGN NUMBER FOR ROU ING 0 DER C1 ' All Locations for Si nature) : ,� Department Direct r 5 Director of Management Mayor Finance and Manag ment rvices Director 6 City Clerk Budget Director City Attorney � WHAT WILL BE ACHIEVED BY TA ING AC ON ON THE ATTACHED MATERIALS? (Purpose/ Rationale) : $4,750 .00 budgete in C nting nt Reserve Specified will be transferr d to Civic Organization Cont ibuti ns. he money will be used to fulfill the C 'ty' s payment obligatio s und r a c ntract with United Arts, "Agreement Be ween the City of Saint Pau and aint aul-Ramsey United Arts Council(DBA: Un 'ted Arts) " . cy9r°`���e���y-- �EC�i�v"' t� � COST/BENEFIT, BUDGETA Y AND PERSONN L IMPACTS ANTICIPATED: �i�n����� �� For $4750 .00 Unit d Art will provide : PJIAYOR'$ �F�I ,�` 1. Instruction to membe s and other xecipients of United Arts Funds r other assistance from t e Cit to n tify and consult United Arts prior to akinq request. United Arts will ake e aluat 've reports on these consultations to d signated City staff. 2 . Periodic revie and ommen on requests for assistance submitted artists and art organizations to th City as requested by the Mayor ' s Office . 3. Periodic updat s and a fin l report on ti�e effectiveness of the U ited Arts �F�ICT�N��o�R�'�6 GET ACTIVI NUMBER CHARGED OR CREDITED: (Mayor's signa- ture not re- Total Amount of T nsact on: 4,7 50 .00 quired if under Funding Source: 9061 ontin ent Reserve Specified - $1��E�� ��E� , Activity Number: 09100 Civic Organization Contributions �C� 3 � 19d6T . � 1��g OFFICE OF THE DIRECT ATTACHMENTS List and Numbe Al l A achments : DEPARTMENT O� �������� 1. Resolution AND M10.NAG�MENT 2 . Agreement Betw en Th City of St. Paul and St. Paul-Ramsey United ts Counci 3. Specified Cont ngent Reser e Status Report 9�?!� /} ��� 0 ��J�� ___��.� DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW x Yes No Council Resol tion R quired? Resolution Required? es No Yes x No Insura ce Req ired? Insurance Sufficient? es No Yes x No Insura ce Att ched: (S E REVE SE SIDE FOR INSTRUCTIONS) Revised 12/84 �. �. � . �-�.��� � C VIC ORGAPJIZATION CONTRIBUTION AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL AND SAINT PAUL-R MSEY UNITED ARTS COUNCIL (DBA: UfJITED AKTS) AtJ AGR '�,EMEfJT, dated his lst day of October, 1986, between the CITY F SAINT PAUL, Minnes ta, he einafter called "City" and Saint Paul-Ramsey Un ted Arts Council , 75 W st Fif h Street, Saint Paul , Minnesota, hereinafter ca led , "United Arts". 4JITNESSETH: � t+!HEREA�', Unit d Arts through its services and its United Arts Fund p ovides , support for �a numb r of a ts organizations that serve Saint Paul ; and I�IHEREA , the ayor a d City Council of the City of Saint Paul wish t provide general sup ort fo the a ts in Saint Paul ; and, WHEREAS„ the ity wi hes to demonstrate its support for the united a proach i to raising nperati g supp rt for the arts; and, i�1HEREAS, the ity wi hes to strengthen its relationship with United rts : so as to benefit f om Uni ed Arts ° expertise in the arts; � � NOW, TH',EREFOR , IT I MUTUALLY AGREED by and between the City and Un ted ; ; Arts that: ' l , For Uni ed Art ' faithful performance of the terms of this agr ement, ; the f:it �Nill pay to United Arts ' United Arts Fund the total sum of our Thousand and even H ndred and Fifty Dollars (�4,750) , pursuant to C ty C�uncil Re�ol� tion (1986 Operating Budget, General Funr1, General Gov rn��ental Accounts , Civic Orga ization Contributions-09100) ; and , � � •` •+ . , �-�5�� 2. he Cit 's pay ent will be made in two installments , �2,375 on Octobe 3Q, 1 86, an $2,375 on December l , 1986; and 3. nited rts wi 1 consider this commitment as part of its 1986 United Arts F nd cam aign; and 4. nited rts wi 1 instruct members and other recipients of supp rt from the Unit d Arts Fund requesting funds or any other assistance rom the City, to otify nd consult United Arts prior to making such requests, and, United A ts wil make evaluative reports on these consultations to , the Mayour's 0 fice o to other designated city staff; and � 5, l�t the equest of the Mayor's Uffice, United Arts will periodically review�land co ment o other requests for� assistance submitted by ar ists and ar organ'zation to the city; and, 6. nited rts wi 1 periodically update the city and make a final report on the effect veness of the United Arts Fund's 1986 campaign, and how � the furf�ds wer alloc ted among members and programs of United Arts nd will i offer an acco nt of onsultations and re�ommendations; and 7, United rts ' e ployees and subgrantees will not be considered mployees of the City b virtu of this grant, and that United Arts will save and � hold harmless the Ci y from any and all claims of its agents and em loyees ; ; which ' llege 'n whol , or in part an employment relationship with t e City; � � and, ; 8, or the purpos s of the administration of this agreement the ity's liaiso will e Anne Howden and United Arts ' liaison �vill be Meliss Lindsa . , -2- � .. r; . ���s�l IPJtJIT ESS HE EOF, t e parties have caused this Agreement to be exec ted the day and year f rst ab ve written. APPROVED AS '�TO FOR : CITY OF SAINT PAUL Fund Code : 09100-545 Mayor's signature not req ired. By By Contract less than $10,00 . City Attorney It�ayor _ By Its Director, Department o Finance i , and Management Services SAINT PAUL-RAMSEY.-UNITED ARTS OUNCIL (DBA=United_ s) � I� By �`� ��-- Its Preside -3- I . + .. • ��/��/ (7[7NCIL ADOPTID 1986 BUDGET SPDC IID CONTINGENT RESER�IE (09061-537) as of October 8, 19a6 � � �'� Council Changes/Transfers Ado�ted ------------------------- - 1986 Councii Budget File Date Anount Available Salary Reserve (cor,t�acts year �rx� � accruals) 2,G36,090 :-iw�i�an R�gni:s Di-r. Seiect' n 86-46 1/16 (7,85 ) 2,623,233 actiny Finance Director just�r� t withurawn Co,-��par�ie v�'orth (See Fund 0 . Balance) Fair Labor StandarGS, A.ct (See Funu 0 ; Baiance) Worker's Coinpensai.io#� (See Fund 0 ' Balance) Deputy D�.rector of P rsonn (See Fund 0 (P.I.T:F. recanu,�en'ation) Balance) Personne� (P.I.T:F. recomne "ation) 75,000 86-174 2/13 (34,90 ) 40,100 Telephone R�zte Incre�se 15% Reserv 86,500 86,500 i COP•�AS Contract fo-r Servic 5,000 �6-1343 9/25 (4,75 ) 250 Unite� Ar;ts Cont-ract for vice 5,000 �r�ciny (4,75 } 250 � Coo�erati;ng Func1 Drive Con uct fo 5,000 86-629 5/20 (4,75 ) 250 Servic� ; United ti�1�y gr,eraency', Care ntract 4d,000 86-16 1/9 (40,00 ) 0 Sanitarian I - Certi ica�e f tk:cu ancy 26,808 26,808 Deputy License Ins�>e tor Tr inee 21,553 21,553 and fringes ----------- ----------- ----------- To al 2,900,951 (97,00�} 2,803,944 per�ing = Pending ac ion by ti�e Fi anc2 Con��stt2e ar identifie� but r,ct Yet subrii �ed by the depurtr�,ent. recor�;�. - Reconanendeca by tii Finan e Co►,�uittee ior approvul. �c�^,�S/jeane�ta 700/RF.SERV86 -- 1G/�/86 c ; -y � �.�+� � �-���� �• CI Y OF SAINT PAUL :�i�'i i:" � p G'� OF TS� CITY COIINCIL � .._ �I • ' .. Cammittee Repart F:i� �e ana e e�t & Personnel �ommittee. � . NOV�ER 20, 1936 1. Ap�roval of minute from eeting held November 13, 1986. ap roved R 2. Resolution amendin the 1 86 budget and adding $112,236 to the Financing Plan and to the Spendin Plan or General Government Accounts (salary costs) . _ [Laid over from No ember 3, 1986] . approved � 3. Resolution �amendin the 1 86 budget and' transferring $3,193,187 from Con ingent Reserve Specjified o depa tments as listed to meet salary needs [laid ov r from Novembe� 13, 986] . approved 4: Resolution a endin the S lary Plan and Ra.tes of Compensation Re�solution . Section I, S bsect on J a d correcting langnage relating to Building• Ins ector . Sa�ary Rates. approv d 5. Resolution a endin the 1 86 budget by adding $100,000 to the Financing lan and to the S�pendin Plan or Finance Special PYojects Fund - Facility an Internal Enelrgy Ma. agemen System. approved 6. Resolution aanendin the Z 86 budget by adding $5,225 to the Financing P1 n and to the Spendin Plan or Traffic Maintenance - Projects. a rove 7. . Resolution amendin the l 86 budget and transferring $4,750 from Conting nt Reserve to..General Gove ent .Accounts Executive Administration - Civic Or3anizatio� Eontr bution (United Arts contract). approved 8. Resolution a;mendin the 1 85 and 1986 Capital Improvement Budgets by tra s- fe=ring $lOq,000 t Facil ties Management System from activities as list d. approved'� I C`TY �'L=- FLOOR Sr1Il�IT pAUL, OTA.55102 � - �;•