86-1590 M�HITE - GTV CLERK PINK - FIf�ANCE G TY OF SA I NT PA U L Council /j C4NARV - DEPARTMENT File NO. � /S/D BLUE - MAVOR ] p } Return copy to: �n Z` 1\es��u�i�n Valuations - Room 218i '� (CounRes) (DN) ` ���y', Presente y � `�� � Referred To , � Committee: Date �� � � `9 Out of Committ e By Date WHEREA , Th Mayo , pursuant to Section 10.07.1 of the Ch rter of the City o Sai t Pau , does certify that there are availa le for appropriati n total re enues in excess of those estimated in t e 1986 budget; and WHERE S , C uncil File 277510 , Adopted October 1, 19 l, did establish c�rtai Special Fund Policies; and WHEREAS, th May r recommends that the following additions be made to the 1986 budge : Current A ended Budget Changes udget FINANCING P AN G/L 165 Fin nce S ecial Projects Fund 31156 CW/Fa & I terna Eng . Mgn. -7099 Trfr r Fed Gen ev Sharing 100 , 000 0 1 0 , 000 -7299 Trfr r Ge eral und (01320) 0 100 , 000 1 0, 000 All other F nd Financi 1,192, 062 0 1, 1 2, 062 1,292, 062 + 100 ,000 1, 3 2, 062 Net Change + 100 , 000 SPENDING PL N G/L 165 Finance S ecial Projects Fund 31156 CW/Fac & I ternal Eng. Mgn. -0111 Fu11 ti e per anent salaries 0 10 ,000 0 ,000 -0219 Fees - ther rof. service 60 , 000 62, 400 1 2, 400 -0439 Fringe enefi s 0 2 , 600 2, 600 -0856 Data Pr cessi Software 40. 000 25, 000 5 , 000 All other Fund S ending 1, 192, 062 0 1,1 2, 062 1,292, 062 100 ,000 1,3 2, 062 COUNCILME[V Requested by Department of: Yeas preW Nays Nicosia [R F8v0[ F• Rettman , Scheibel ' Sonnen _ Ageirlst BY Director Tedesco Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date � Certified Yassed by Coun�il Secret ry BY By� Approved by Mavor: Date Appr y Mayor for Submiss' to ou cil By _ — By �NHITE - CITV CLEr7K PINK - FII�ANCE G TY OF SAINT PAUL Council J GANA^FiV - DEPAi7TMENT File NO• `�_/ o BIUE - MAYOR Return copy to: uncil Resolution Valuations - Room 218 (CounRes) (DN) Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Net Change + 100 ,000 NOW, THEREF RE, B IT RESOLVED, That the City Council ad pts the above additions o the 1986 Budget. Approved as to f nding Approval Recommended ( Fina ce Director � Budget i ctor !�j}�T� ,�- � COUNC[LMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas pfeW Nays Nicosia [n Favor Finance & Mana ement Services Rettman �3LNeibef .s„�„� � __ Against BY Direc o � w�i8o� Adopted by Council: Date ��r - i986 Form Appr ved by City Attorney Certified Pa.s b C nc�l Sec t BY � � `� � B}� Appr by Mavor: Date �� o - �g�� Appr ed y Mayor for Submis ' n t Cou ci,� B — B . p�� UtC � 31986 Fitlance & Mana ement Servic s ' �EPARTMENT ����� � _ oo��� Dave Nelson � CONTACT -5317 PNONE October 24 1986 ! DATE e�� e , SIGN Nl�BER FO#t RO ING 0 DER C1 All Locations for Si nature : � Departmer�t Direct r 3 Director of Management Mayor d Mana ent ervice Director � 4 City Clerk B�•$'fT'�6to1^ 5 Valuations " � City Atxorney � t�FIAT WILL BE ACHIEVE BY TA ING AG ON ON THE �ITTACHED MAT�RIALS? (Purpose/ Rationale) : Modifying the City-Wi e Fac ity an Internal Energy Management budget .to-allow fo payment for the servi,ces and omput soft re associated with the Facility and. Internal E ergy Management System. C�' ���'� ��� �� COST BENEFIT BUDGET Y AND PERSON L IMPACTS ANTICIPATED: The cost/benefit of o taini g the gineering/architectural sex�vices and the inter 8cing of ssrvey services to th Faci ity Ma ger 2000 software produced by Locke Systems wi 1 enable the individual City d partm ts to 'omputerize their corrective repair/`preventive intenance work order system and inter 1 ene y tracking tor all 200+ facilities of the City It wi11 also provfde City ide b geting tool for facility and energy management forecasting. _ . FINANCING SOURCE AND UDGET CTIVI NUNBER (�ARGED OR CREDITED: (Mayor's signa- �����ED Tota1 Amount of 'Tr nsacti n; $ 0,00o ture not re- quired fif under $10,000) �� Funding.Source: e Gen ral Fu (Budget Authorization ' 3 1986 ists: Adm. der ��'D-8107 Activity Number: 3115b � • &�`{ �,TY������ TTACHMENTS List and Numbe All A achments : ���E���� Council Resolution �!�lV {��J : r��YaR°s��� ; DEPARTMENT REYIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW , x Yes No Council Resol ion R uired? ' Resolution Required? x es No � Yes x No Insuran e Req ired? ', Insurance Sufficient? es No ,_ Yes X No Insuran e Att hed: . . � (S •REVE �E SIDE FOR INSTRUCTIONS) Revised 12/84 C �' -I� �' ���� � � - �-�s�a �� CI Y OF SAI�TT PgUL :�ii'i i:iii O CB� OF TH� CITY CO�iYCIL � � . , Camini�tee Report �' c� ana eme�t � Persa nel Committee. NOVE:MBER 20, 1936 1. Ap�roval of minute from eeting held November 13, 1986. approved 2. Resolution amendin the 1 86 budget and adding $I12,236 to the Financing Plan * ana to the Spendin Plan or General Government Accounts (salary costs) . . _ [Laid over from No ember 3, 1986] . approved 3. Resolution �amendin the 1 86 budget and' transferring $3,193,187 from Con ingent Reserve Specified o depa tments as listed to meet salary needs [laid ov r . from November 13, 986] . approved 4. Resolution amendin the S Iary Plan and Rates of Compensation Re�solution . ' Section I, Subsect on J a d correcting language relating to Building- Irts ector . Sa�ary Rates. approv d 5. Resolution amendin the 1 8�i budget by adding $100,000 to the Financing lan . and to the Spendin Plan or Finance Special Pr'ojects Fund - Facility an In�• B��r Ma age�en System. approved 6. Resolution amendin the 1 86 budget by adding $5,225 to the Financing PI n and to the Spendin Plan or Traffic Maintenance - Projects.. a rove 7. . Resolutio� amendin the 1 86 budget and transferring $4,7�0 from Conting nt Reserve to General Govern ent Accounts Executive Administration - Civic Or;anization Contr bution (United Arts contract) . approved 8. Resolution amendin the 1 85 and 1986 Capital Improvement Budgets by tra s- fe-ring $100,000 t Facil ties Management System from activities as Iist d. avuroved C'TY �L- FLOOR �I'�pA�,, p'TA SSI02 . �....