86-1588 WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINAN�E COUnCIl L !/ CANARY - DF?ARTMENT G TY OF SA I NT PAUL File NO. � /v v BLU€ - MAVOR ; u cil Resolution , � �` � _--- Present By Referred To / l � Committee: Date �� � � Out of Committ e By Date Page 1 of 2 v�'.AS, the dollars budg ted in Specified Contingent Reserve for adjusting the 1986 budgets naw tha salary costs have been bargained and agreed to are ina�dequate to cover the ests of the department ar�d offices, ar�d Wf�REAS, The Mayorr purs t to tion 10.07.1 of the City Charter, does certi y that there are avaxlable or app opriation revenues in excess of those estimat in the 1986 budget and rsuant to Section 10.07.04 of the City Charter, does recom�nend the foll ing s to spending plans for the 1986 General Fur�d u�dget; and in1t�REAS, The Mayor reco ryds following changes to the 1986 budget: Current Amended Bu�lget Changes Budget FINANCING PLAN _----------- ----------- ------------ OO1 General Fund 0200 Fund B ance, Unrese ved Undesigna ed 1,840,252 +112,23 1,952,488 All Other F'nanc' 108,950,981 108,950,981 ' 110,791,233 +112,23 110,903,469 COUNC[LMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas DfeW Nays Nicosia [n Favor Rettma� Scheibel Sonnen __ Ag8ltlSt BY Tedesco Wilson � Form Appr d City ttorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Coun ,il Secret ry BY By� Approved by ;Navor: Date Appro or for Sub i sio to C cil BY - — BY � WMITE - C�TV CIERK PINK - FINANCE G TY OF SA I NT PAUL Council � _ ��� CANARV - D�PARTMENT File NO. BLU� - MAVOR , uncil Resolution Presented By � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committ e By Date Page 2 f 2 SPII�IDING PLAN 001 C�neral Fund ! G�rrent Amended General Gov�rnment A�ccoun s Budget Changes Budget Finance Dept. Gen' Gover nt A�ccounts ------------ ----------- --_�_�� 09106 Working Capi al:Advi ces s� Contr. 09106-0535 Recover le Ad ance To 180,000 -180,000 0 S�ecial Fund 09106 All Other S ing 0 0 0 E�cecutive 'n. eral vernment A�ccounts 09061 Cont' ent serve ified 09061-0537 rat' g Tran fer Dut 2,900,951 +292,236 3,193,187 09061 All her ing 0 0 0 All Other S i.ng 107,710,282 0 107,710,282 110,791,233 +112,236 110,903,469 � � +112,236 RESQLVID, That the City C uncil pproves these changes to the 1986 bu�dget. Financing i Ava' le roval Recom¢nended -- - - = -- -- �-���.°��.�„�. Director of Financ ��� _�'� Budget D ector �,.i COUNCILMENI Requested by Department of: Yeas Drew Nays Nicosia General Government A�ccounts Rettman �rt F8v0[ ' r Cahai�el• ��r ti _ Against BY �ede�eo Wilson �+:�'.� 7 � 1986 Form Appro ed ity torney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Vas y oun il S t BY Bp � Appro d y Mavor: Date � ��C 8 — �98� Appro by ayor for Submis ' n t CEu cil sy BY � PUBU NED �E 1 31986 � DE PARTMENT � �-.�� N� 2 916 ` K ` � • CONTACT 298-4323 PHONE ���� � DATE ASSIGN NUMBER FOR ROU ING 0 DER C1 ' All Locations for Si nature : � Department Direct r 5 Director of Management Mayor � Finance and Manag ment S rvices Director � City Clerk � Budget Director �\�_,� � City Attorney ��" -T \J WHAT WILL BE ACHIEVED BY TA ING ACT ON ON THE ATTACHED MATERIALS? (Purpose/ The dollars budgeted in Spe ified ontingent Reserve(09061) for RationaTe) : adjusting 1986 budge s,to c ver sa ary costs bargained and agreed to since 1986 b gets were adopted,are inadequa e. Contingent Reserve S ecifie will e increased by $292,236 by appropriating $112,2 6 of Unreserved Undesigna ed Fun �alan e and by transferring $180,000 from Working Cap'tal Advances & Contr. (09106) for 986 sa ary ne ds. COST/BENEFIT BUDGETA Y AND PERSONN L IMPACTS ANTICIPATED: Contingent Reserve S ecifie (09061 will be increased by $292,236. -$112,236 of Unre erved ndesi ated Fund Balance will be appropriated to the 86 budget. -$180,000 of Wark ng Cap tal Ad ances & Contr. (09106) will be transferred to C tingent Reserve Specifie . The General Fund's f nancin and t tal spending plan will increase $112,236. The Contingent Reser e Spec fied A tivity's spending plan will increase $292,236. The Working Capital dvance & Con ri. Activity's spending plan will decrease $18 ,000. REG�'VED FINANCING SOURCE AND UDG�T ACTIVI NUMBER CHARGED OR CREDITED: (Mayor's signa- ture not re- OCT 2`� � Total Amount of Tr nsaction: $ 12,236 net change. quired if under ($112,236 bu get op ning a ndment, $180,000 budget trans���ndment) ���V /t�'�����, Funding Source: F nd Bal nce, U 'reserved, Undesignated 0200 � �� W rking apital Advances •& Contr. 09106 Activity Number: Financing Summary: S lary Needs - Salary Reserve $2,628,233 ATTACHMENTS List and Numbe All A achments : - Telephone Rate Increase Reserve 86,500 1. Resolution - Working Capital 2. Contingent Reserv Speci ied St tus Report Advances . 180,000 - Fund Balance 112,236 �r�����E� ....�' $3,006,969 Oi�T �.���86 - a � . � AIV� +�IANAGEMEI��VICES DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW �Yes No Council Resol tion R quired? Resolution Required? es No Yes g_No Insura ce Req ired? Insurance Sufficient? es No Yes �_No Insura ce Att ched: (S E REVE SE SIDE FOR INSTRUCTIONS) Revised 12/84 _ - � - - � ` , IL ADQPTID 1986 BUDGET - ` �'y',�� • � SPF7C. IE� CONTINGENT RESF�RVE (09061-537) - _ as of October 22, 1986 - , Council - Changes/Transfers Adopted ----------------------- - � 1986 Council Budget - Fil�e Date Amount Available Salary Reserve (cont acts year end - accruals) 2,636,090 pending (2,628,23 ) Htunan Rights Dir: lect' n 86-46 l/16 (7,85 ) 0 Acting Finance Dir tor jus t - withdrawn Co�arable Worth (See Fund p Bal�nce) � Fair Labor Standards Act (See Fund 0 . Balance) Worker's Compensation (See Fund 0 Balance) Deputy Director of P rsonn (See Fund 0 (P.I.T.F. reco 'ation) Balance) Personnel (P.I.T.F. reco�e ation) 75,000 86-174 2/13 (34,90 ) 40,100 Telephone Rate Incre se 15� Reserv 86,500 pending (86,50 ) 0 -reallocated to 198 Salar Needs Transfer CONIPAS Contract for rvic 5,000 86-1343 9/25 (4,75 ) 250 , United Arts Contract�' for Se vice 5,000 pending (4,75 ) 250 Cooperating Fund Drive Cont act fo 5,000 86-629 5/20 (4,75 ) 250 Service United Way Emergency Care ntract 40,000 86-16 1/9 (40,00 ) 0 Sanitarian I - Certificate f Occu ancy 26,808 26,808 Deputy License Inspe¢tor Tr inee 21,553 21,553 and fringes �, Council Amendments to 1986 Budget Transfer/Amer�ment f r 1986 ----------- Salary Needs 112,236 pending (112,23 ) 0 180,000_ per�d ing (180,00 ) 0 Zb al 3,193,187 - (3,103,97 ) � 89,211 ; pending - Pending action by the Fi ance Committee or identified but not yet submi ed by the department. ` OI�S/7eanetta 700/RESER�l86 10/22/86 � � �� � � ��� _ { . . �_,��� CI Y OF SgINT PgUL iiti�. ' �����',� � Q�i �� . . • —LLL . � TH� CITY COIINCIL � . 1 Cammittee Repart �:i� ce Mana eme�t � Persan�el Com.mittee. ! NOO�IBER 20, 1986 1. Ap�roval of minute from eeting held November 13, 1986. approved 2. Resoiution �mendin the 1 86 budget and addiag $112,236 to the Financing lan and to the �pendin Plan or General Government Accounts (salary costs) . �,aYd over rom No ember 3, I986] . approved 3. Resolution �.mendin the 1 86 budget and' transferring $3,193,187 from Cont'ngent Reserve Spe ified o depa tments as listed to meet salary needs [laid ove from Novemb r 13, 986] . approved 4. Resolution mendim the S lary Plan and Rates of Compensation Resolution, . ' Sectio.n I, ubsect on J a d correcting language relating to Building� Insp ctor . Salary Rate . approv d 5. Resolution mendin the 1 86 budget by adding $100,000 to the Financing P an and to the pendin Plan or Finance Special Projects Fund - Facility an Internal En rgy Ma agemen System. approved 6. Resolution �mendin the 1 86 budget by adding $5,225 to the Financing P1 and to the $pendin Plan or Traffic Maintenance - Projects. a rove 7. . Resolution amendin the 1 86 budget and transferring $4,750 from Conting t Reserve to General Govern ent Accounts Executive Administration - Civic Or�anization Contr'bution (United Arts contract) . approved 8. Resolution smendin the 1 85 and 1986 Capital Improvement Budgets by tra s- ferring $100,000 t Facil ties Management System from activities as list d. approved� ; . C� �'I-I- S FLOOR SAINT PAUL, ESOTA 55102 �i .ye , . - � �_�� �-�' . : �� � C TY OF S�.INT PAUL :siii�.� . O CE OF THE CITY COIINCZL Canimittee ReFart F:'' ane l� a eme�t � Personnel Committee. ADD�QDUM �o�emb�r 20, �S$6� 1. Discussi n of R verfes 1987. laid over to 11/26 2. Discussi n of C vic Or nization Partnership Fund. discussed C� �� SEVENTH FLOOR SAINT PAUi,M NESOTA 55102 �a36