86-1585 W . CITV CLERK CA. EP RCMENT i GITY OF SAINT PAUL Council B� �� � , File N . . ' � � '' indnce Ordinance N0. y��__ � Presented By � % �� �� � �F�` Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committ e By Date An inter m ord nance preserving the status quo with r spect to the esta lishm nt or enlargement of adult uses pendin comple ion o stud es of possible amendments to the City' Comprel�ensiv Plan and/or Zoning Regulations, adopted pur uant to Minmesota Statu es, Section 462. 355, Subd. 4. T�E COU CIL O THE CITY OF SAIHT PAUL DOES ORDAIH: Section 1 Th� Sain Paul City Council has initiated a study of he adoption of inendm nts to the Comprehensive Plan and Zoni g Regulations or th City of Saint Peul permitting certai specif�ed ad lt us s r+ithin industrial zones and excludin such adult ses f om ot er designated zoning dietricts. Section 2 Pe�ding he co pletion of the studies and the recommendati ne of the Planning Comtnission, and the adopt on of the necessar amen ments by the City Council to the City' Compre ensiv Plan and Zoning Regulations, for the period of time n t to xceed one year from the date of the adoption of this o dinan e, no permit for the establishment or the enlarg�ment f any adult usetas defined in the Zoning Cod >, includ ng sp cial ondition use permits or building permi s, shall e .iss ed or granted by the Planning Commission, or any other ity o ficia , within any zoning classification dis rict in the city f Sai t Paul; provided, however, that the fo egoing restriction oes n t regulate or prohibit adult entertain ent, � I COUNCILMFN � Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Drew Nicosia l [n Favor — Rettman s�ne'bei Against Bv Sonnen Tedesco Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secret ry BY � By Approved by Mayor: Date Approve Mayor for Submission to Cou cil BY BY . , � WHI GTV CLERK PIN INANGE G I TY OF SA I NT PA U L Council ,���,� CA . EPAjiTMENT + File NO. B�VE - MAVOR� s • , 0� in�nce Ordinance N0. � 0 Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date does not est blish any nevr zoning classification or areas having a new or dif erent zoning classification for any purpose, and does not ope ate t confer nonconforming or grandfathered status to any use o prop rty within the city of Saint Paul, but is enacted sole y to reate a moratorium for a limited perio to permit study and r eommendations for possible amendments o the Comprehensiv Plan and Zoning Regulations. Section 3 The rest ictio s enacted herein may be extended by resolution o the ity Council for additional periods not to exceed an ad ition 1 eighteen (18) months in the event th studiea and ecomm ndations of the Planning Committee and the deliberation by t e City Council require such extensions of time. Section 4 This or nanc shall take effect and be in force thir y days from and aft r it passage, approval and publication. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays � — Drew Nicosia [n Favor Rettman w` Scheibel ((,y Sonnen Against BY �adeseo� Wilson DE 2 � 1 Form Approved City Attorn Adopted by Council: Date Certified Pa Council r BY By � Approv y Mayor: Date OC �� ��'ri Approved b Mayor for Submission to Cou il By PUgIFSNED J A N - 3198� � I .r.� e� 5^ lst /a' ��� � 2nd:; ;.a:'� /� '/�_��v � 3rd Adopted /02 - o?a -�� eas Nays 1� DREW . _ ' , a � �(D,�,5�'G :; NICOSIA t'/ �J f � y�� ���, - , SCHEIBEL , SONNEN WILSON MR PRESIDENT TEDESCO � I . v I I - I I