86-1582 WHITE - C�TV CLERK PINK - FINANCE G I TY O F SA I NT PA IT L Council (�// CANARV - DEPARTMENT FIIC NO. �/�V � BIUE - MAVOR . ' C ci R so l tio� --�� �, ��- , :� ; . Presented By ` �� -' Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committ e By Date RESOLVED, t at th Council of the City of Saint Paul oes hereby confirm t e app intment by the Mayor of Benno W. Sale ski to the posl,tion f Ass ' stant to the Mayor, to be effective pon passage , approva , and publication of this resolution. � I I , COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas ,�,� Nays �.0 y�f°°"° [n Favor Rettman , � Scheibei I Sonnen _ AgeinSt BY �r Ta�esco 'Ison � I � NQ 2 5 1986 Form Approved by City Attorney y Council: , Date Certified Pa•s Coun il Sec ry BY '✓Q.G(fL �tT. ��Z2C'�/"C'.C2�/� //– '�j'� By� ' � i� ; � Approved : avor. Date Approv Mayor for Sub ' ion o cil �- By — BY , p�e��.�. H€� �;�: . ?986 � ��� � �. ITY OF SAINT Pg�L OFFI OB' THE CITY C�IINCIL -.....: . �';������ D G t� ; �ovember 24, 1986 ....� p �CO M ( TEE RE PORT TO � Scttnt Qu 1 ity Council F R 0 M � C Q t"(1[Tt l t 22 O h RULES AND POLICY No�ember 1 , 198 . C H A I R Victor J. Tedesco The Rules a d Poli y Committee, at its November 21 , 1986, meeting recor�mended to the City Council approval of the appointment of Mr. �enno W Salew ki as an Assistant to the. Mayor. � c� �, --i '�_ �,,_c �,„_.,a __, � �; VJT:lc ' — �T _ _ _, r= � m -_";; F--' o , �,, �_��..� �..__y :_..�.� �__. C") C""�',=A i7'1 Ci'7 I Cm�J�, ' EVENTH FLOOR SAIId'r PAUL. NESOTA 55102 ��.a , �,`- _,��� �'��'_'*°;'� G TY OF SAINT PAUL . :"� '; OFFICE OF THE MAYOR a, ,, �� iiii�iilii ; �� ,�c , ,... � 347 CITY HALL SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 GEORGE LATIMER (612) 298-4323 ?vtAYOR '� �� � ,- ' --� November , 14 , 1 8 6 __ _ °� ''? r=- rn :-.� � v _,� � , `Ti :� .� !'11 .� Council Presid nt Vi tor Tedesco and City Coun il Me bers 7th Floor City Hall Saint Paul, Mi nesot 55102 Dear President Tedes o and Council Members : Attached is a ouncil Resolution appointing Benno W. Salews i as an AsSista to e Mayor. Also attached is Mr. Salewsk' ' s resume. I am app inti Mr. Salewski to the position formerly held by Maure�n Warren. r. Salewski will be joining the City' s intergov�rnme tal r lations team in representing the City at the State egisl ture. He will also be responsible for variety of ot er in ergovernmental relations , including wor with federal, state and local governments, the U. S. Confere ce of Mayors and trie N tional League of Cities. Mr. Salewski as se ected from a group of more than 60 applicants. 11 ap lications were submitted to the City' s Personnel Off 'ce an were screened by the Personnel staff according to he mi imum qualifications for the position. Joining me in candi ate interviews were Peter Hames, Diane Lynch a d Ste e Proeschel. Mr. Salewski ore t an meets the minimum qualifications. A you will see n his resume, he has more than ten years of lobbying expe ience. He has worked extensively with local elected offic' als a d is a lawyer. Finally, he received enthusia��stic ecomm ndations from the many references which I contac'ted. Because I!,the 1 gisla ive session will begin in six weeks, I request '�,that is ap ointment be given priority consideratio ��46 � � � �_i,s��'� City Council mbers page 2 November 14 , 1986 by the City Co ncil. Your app$'oval f the attached resolution is respectfully requesteg. Very truly yo s , . Georg atime Mayor GL:kh cc: A1 Olson Benno W. Salews i Departme t and ffice Directors attachments II �� � I �, I .- � �f �-�s�� � � � � r� � BENNO W. SALE�VSKI 1 725 Portland Avenue South #301 Burnsville, MN 55337 ' (612) 892 3266 • ' October 14, 1986 Personnel Office Room 265, City Ha 1 � St. Paul, MN 5510 Dear Sir or Madam Your ad in th Octob r 13 Minneapolis Tribune described your need for chief lobbyist and'',inter-g vernme tal relations specialist. My el ven ye rs of xperience in governmental relations, which have i cluded work with a trade ssociat on, a respected law firm, and a state-wide citize lobby organization,, should enable me to contribute to the success of St. Paul's leg slative efforts. ' Here is what can of er St. Paul: o Proven eff etivene s as a lobbyist at both the state and local levels; � o Experience researc ing, developing, editing, and producing public poli papers; o Experience in coo dinating and staffing boards, committees, and ta forces; o Broad expe ience i working with a wide range of community groups a programs; ` o Experience in supe vising paid staff, interns, and volunteer staff. My resy�me is nclosed I look forward to meeting with you, at your conve ience, to discuss m',� quali ications for this position further. Sincerely yours, � Benno Salews � Enclosure - � - ,J �_i��'� f.� c'.; � i c� ;� BENNO W. SALEWSKI 14 25 Portland Avenue South #301 Burnsville, MN 55337 ' (612) 892 3266 EXPEBIENCE 10/83 - 9/86 Dir tor o Public Affairs Minnea oUs, MN � NESOT ASSOCIATiON OF HEALTH CARE FACILITIES Ma ager of legislative and regulatory relati�ns for a trade a sociation rep esentin 250 long-term care facilities in Minnesota. Res onsibil ties rncluded directing the Association's legisl tive and ad inisuat ve iobbying prograr��; d:aftir,� le�;s2ation; : c.uiti^g, I sup rvising, and training associate lobbyist and regulatory attorney; edi 'ng an publication of Association policy statements an position pap rs; pu lication of weekly legislative update newslett r during leg' lative sessions; coordinating and staffing Associatian s policy co mittees and task forces; managing Association's politic 1 action co mittee. 10/81 - 10/83 Ass' t for Government Affairs Minnea olis, MN LA KIN, OFFMAN, DALY AND LINGftEN, LTD. Lo yist f r law firm representing interests of business nd trade ass ciatio before the Minnesota Legislature, state agen ies, the � He nepin ounty Board, and the Minneapolis City Council. R.es onsibi ies included establishing and maintaining working relation- shi with 1 gislators, agency personnel, Hennepin County Com issioners, and Minne polis aldermen and their staffs; drafting and onitoring leg' lation; preparing weekly and monthly legislative reports. I ?/75 - 9/81 ' �c utive irector Iviinnea ons, MN JO T RE GIOIIS LEGISLA'T'IVE COALITION - Dir eted a tatewide lobby agency sponsored by the Minnesot Council of Church s, the Minnesota Catholic Conference, and th Jewish Co munity Relations Council Anti-Defamation League whose program '�, inc ded le islation in energy, housing, human services, health, land use and minori issues. R onsibil ties included acting as chief Iobbyist for the oalition; dra ting 1 islation; recruiting, training and coordinating olunteer lob yists; irecting the Coalition's research program and e iting its po y stat ents; developing the Coalition's citizens' lobby org ization; , p ning a coordinating educational programs and workshops planning and execut ng annual legislative conferences. I , . -- C� �`� _,s� BENNO i6N. SALEWSKI Page Two 1963 - I975 ' Cl man St. John' Lutheran Church, Stewartville, Minnesota, 963-1966; Un versity utheran Student Center, University of Minnesota, 966-1974; an Redee er Lutheran Church, Owatonna, Minnesota, 1974 February 1975. 1966 - 1975 Dic ctor o Public Relations Minnea olis, MN M NESOT SOUTH DISTRICT, LUTHERAN CHURCH - ISSOURI SY OD Re ponsibil ties included managing all media relations for th district; pro ucing ews releases, news letters and magazine articles. 1961 - 1963 R istrar d Instructor in New Testament Greek Spri field, IL �, CO CORD SEMINARY �I Re ponsibil ties included acting as Admissions Officer for the eminary; �� ma aging s udent academic records; teaching 1/3 academic 1 ad. 1959 - 1961 Sta f Assis t St. ouis, MO BO RD F R HIGHEIt EDUCATION, LUTHERAN CHURCH - LSSOURI SY OD fte onsibil ties included research and administrative responsib lities for the college and seminaries of the Lutheran Church - RZissou i Synod. PROFESSIONAL AND VOLUNTEER ACTIVITIES 1983 - Present Me ber, H nnepin County Bar Association 1983 - Present 1�1e ber, M nnesota Bar Association � 1983 - Present 'I Me ber, A ercian Society Association Executives 1981 - Present ' Me ber, M nnesota Government Relations Council 1979 - 1983 Boa d of D rectors, Management Assistance Program 1980 - 1982 Ad isory B ard, Community Resources Division of the Unite LNay of Min eapolis Area 1978 - 1982 Ad isory B ard, Voluntary Action Center of Minneapolis . - �' �-�Sd'� BENNO W. SALEWSKI ' Page Three I EDUCATION ' J.D , Willi Nlitchell College of Law (1983) St. aul, MN Gr uate S udy, Concordia Seminary (1959 - 1961) St. ouis, MO Th logical Diploma, Concordia Seminary (1959) Sprin field, IL B.E E., Re selaer Polytechnic Institute (1951) roy, NY MILITARY EX��P.t�:ti CL 1951 - 1954 U.S S. JOY E (DER.317) Ele tronics Officer, Communications Officer and Operations fficer of a r dar pic et ship. REFERENCES � Fur ished on request. � �