86-1576 Q' /�, is CITY OF STI PAUL COUNCIL FI NO. o ���J� PRELIMINA � Y O DER � By , � File No. 18�+47 Voting IntheMatter�f co struct ng an area storm sewer in Kansas Avenue from P ge Ward S reet n rth to midblock, Pa�e Street from Concord Street to w st 2 m�dblock, Curti e Street from Waterloo Street to Stickney Stre t, aQd Stic ney St eet from Wyoming Street to Concord Street. (bounded by Ann polis on the south, on the west by MN Trunk H ghway 3 and roperty abutting permanent easement, on the ��rth b Page S reet and on the east by Concord Street) to be kpown as the A APOLIS-CONCORD AREA STORM SEWER PROJECT. The Council 'Iof the Ci of Saint Paul having received the report of the Mayor upon the above improv ment, and having considered s9id report hereby re lves: 1. That the �aid repor and the s e is hereby approved with no alternatives, and that the estimated st thereof is$ 466 000 , financ d by Minnesota Department of Transportation Co t Sh ring 54,000; Assessments $35,000; State and Federal Grants nd Loans $2 ,000 and St Sewer Service Charge $ 93 ,000. 2. That a pu�lic hearin be had o said improvement on the 18th day of �cember, 198 ,at 10:00 o'c�ock a.m., in the Co ncil Chambers of the City Hall and Court House Building in the City o Saint Paul. 3. That notice of said ublic hea ing be given to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter stating the time and�lace of h ring,the ature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. COUNCIL PER�ON Adopted by the Council: Date N�V [ � YeasB�r.ew �Iays Nieos ia i Certified ss d y Council Secr tary Rettman Scheibel� In Favor By S onnen Tedeaco I Against Wilson N�v � �1 ��ab ayor I Puei.►���o �!�`� 9 1986 I