86-1572 �MHITE — C�TV CIERK 6PtNK — FINANCE C011I1C11 � CANARV —DEPARTMENT G TY OF SAINT PAUL �'lle NO. `��/�� • Bl�E • nr^,vOR :� � � � Ordin�nce Ordinance N0. Presented y Referred To C- t'1� C Committee: Date �''� � � Out of Committee By Date An rdina ce amending Chapter 409 of 'the Sai t Pau Legislative Code pertaining to Int xicat 'ng Liquor. THE COUNCIL OF HE CI Y OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1 . That secti n 409.08(11 ) of the Saint Paul Legislative Co e be and is hereby a ended to read as follows : (11 ) Ther shal be provided in all zoning districts , other than B-4 o B-5 districts , off-street parking spaces for all o -sale premises as provided herein: (a) ransf r or new issuance to a structure newly const ucted for that purpose, off-street parki g at he rate of one space for each 45 squar feet of patron area. (b) ransf r or new issuance to an existing struc ure n t previously licensed for on-sale purpo es , o f-street parking at the rate of one space for e c�z 45 square feet of licensed patron area inus he number of off-stree par .ing space whic would be required for the previous use o the ame area under the existing zoning code rovis ' ons . Existing parking ���� which revi usly erved the p�e��et�s t�se same area shall not b counted to meet the requirements; unles any re in excess of what would have been requi ed fo the previous use. ar3d-}r3-r3e-e�aeri� s�ia�� �a��} �-be-�e�t���ed-}�-e�eess-e�-w�ia�-wet��� �ia�e- eeri-� qr���e�-��-��ie-s��t�e�t��e-we�e-�ew�� COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Drew Nicosia ln Favor Rettman Scheibel A gai n s t BY Sonnen Tedesco Wilson Form Appro by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secreta y BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by ayor for ubmission to Cou il By By . _ � � . . : . ��,��°z � . , � ,y����. �e�s� t�e�e�. --P�e�}ded,--�ievae�e�,--�i�at No ad- itio al of -street parking shall be required k�-�l� -ee�►p �e�-����e�e�ee-be�wee�-��ie-e�d-a�d �iew-t� es-�s �ess-�l�a�-�9-pe�ee�� ,--e� if the humbe of a ditional spaces required is five or fe er sp ces. (c) xpans ' on of licensed area, off-street parki g at he same rate e�-e�e-spa�e-€e�-eaet� 4�-s� a�e-� e�-e�-e��a�de�-�a��e�-a�ea,--a�d-�� a�d}� ' e�,- a transfer or new issuance to an exist 'ng st ucture not previously licensed for on-sa e pur oses , plus 25 percent of any parking short all f r the existing ����d��g licensed area. "Par ing shortfall" shall mean the diffe ence etween ��ie-�tza�be�-e€-�a�l�}�g-spaees �i}e�i vaet��d l�a�e-bee�-�eqt���ed-}�-�l�e-bt�}�d��g et�s� g-�l�e �}ee�sed-es�a��}s�ia�e��-kad-bee� e6a�� ee�s� t�e�e�-a�d-�l�e-�t�x�be�-e�-�a����g paee -ae�t� ���-p�e�}ded-e�-�l�e-da�e-e�-eex�- �e�� �-e�- l�e-e��a�s}e�-e�-��e-��ee�sed-a�ea ne s ace f r each 45 square feet of patron loor area or the existing licensed area minus he n mber f parking spaces actually provided �or t at ar a. (d) ' Patro area" shall mean to include all areas used y the public , and excludes all areas used xclus 'vely by employees for work, storage or of ice s ace. (e) odifi ation of Parking Requirements . ' ) The council may modify the off-street arkin requirements contained in this ectio upon application made for that urpos and upon findings made by the ounci that granting of such modifi- ation would not have a substantial etrim ntal impact on the surrounding eighb rhood. Modification, if granted, hall e by resolution adopted by at east ive affirmative votes. I 2 . ... . ., - . . ' , j° �''_�� ,� ` � � ' � ���j�, I, ii ) The council shall consider the appli- '� cation at a public hearing following ' ailed otice thereof to property owners ithin 350 feet of the proposed licensed remises. The council may require , by esolution, the payment of an admini- strati e processing fee for parking odification applications . Applications d fees shall be made to the license i spect r. }}}�-� e-eet�rze��-�►a�-�e�-r�ed���-�ke eqt�}�e -e��-s��ee�-pa�l���g-�eQt���er�e��s -x�e�e-�Y�a�-���-e�-��ie-ax�et���-�eq�}�ed -�13}s-see��e�.- ��� iii ) In �ranting any modification, the uncil may attach reasonable conditions , egardi g the location, design, character d ot r features of the licensed struc- re a d parking area deemed necessary or th protection of the adjacent neighbor- �� ood. aa� i ) Of -street modifications shall remain ith licensed premises so long as the c arac eristics of the licensed establish- ent r ain unaltered. In the event parking roble s arise , the council may consider aking adverse action pursuant to the roced res set forth in Chapter 310 of is c e. Such adverse action may i clud requiring the licensee to do e or ore of the following: ) Pr ide more off-street parking; ) Re ce the usable floor space ; � c) Re ce patron capacity (seating or ! bar area) . 3. WHITE - C1TV CLERK PINK - FINANCE COU�ICII 6 �j 2 CANARV - DEPARTMENT CITY OF SAINT PAUL {y -/�/I'7 ��y�..-.���oR File N0. . � , . /- O� in�nce Ordinance N 0. �7`f�5� Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committ e By Date Section 2. This ordina ce sh 11 take effect and be in force thirty ays from and a ter i s pas age, approval and publication. 4. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Drew � _ Nicosia �0J [n Favor Rettman �1 s�n.�bai Against BY sonnen TedeSC!! Wilson Adopted by Council: Date FEB It Form Approve City Atto y Certified Pa Counc 1 re BY By Approve Mayor: Da Approved by yor for Sub ission to Cou cil BY BY P ISHEO �;: ';�: � 1987 . � � . � -15�� '� � � ' . - . i75�.�� An rdina ce ending chapter 409 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pert ining to Intoxicating Liquor. THE COIINCIL �OF E CI Y OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: ' Section � That sectibn 409. Q8(1 ) of the Saint Paul Legislative Code b and is hereby amend to ead as follows: (11) Ther shal be provided in all zoning districts, ther than -4 o B-5 istricts, off-street parking spaces fo all on-sa e pr ises as provided herein: (a) ransf r or new issuance to a structure ewly const ucted for that purpose, off-street parking a the � rate of o e sgace for each 45 square feet of p tron area. b) Trans er or new issuance to an existing stru ture ot revio sly licensed for on-sale purpases, off- stree par ing at the rate of one space for eac 45 squar feet of licensed patron area minus the aumb r of � off-s reet parking spaces which would be required for he revio s use of the same area under the exi ting onin code provisions. Existing parking �seri�a�srg hich �'� rev' usl served the prediana n'e same area shal not e c unted to meet the requirements,-unless an a in exces of what would have been re uired or e revi us us . end in no eden� sha�� parking be req �red " n e eeas e€ Frhat �►en�d he�re been reqn�red if �he . �rne ttre ere nex�y eons�rt�e�ed- Pravided; hair ver; hatN addi ional off-street parking shall be req ired ' � �h eemp ted dt€�erenee be�ireen �he o�d aad new t�.sea ia �e a tha �8 perean�,- er if the number of addit'onal _ , , space requ red is five or fewer spaces . - �• ' i,(c) xpans on of licensed area, off-street parki g at. he ame r te e� one sp�ee for eneh. 45 aqt�nre �ee of xpan ed p tron area; and in nddstion,-as transfe or ew s.suan e to an existin structure not rev' usl licen ed fo on-sale ur oses lus 25 percent of any parki g sh rtfall for the existing bai�ding lia nsed area. "Pa king shortfall" shall mean the diffe ence , etwe n �he nt��nber af perksng spaeea xkrch �aoe��d have een reqtti ed sf �he bt�i�d�ag ho�esisg �he �ie naed '�ab sshme � kad been neFr�y eans�rtseted and the n ber �e� p rk�ng apeces ae�ne��y grovtded on �he dn� ef eomp� tton of the expen�ien o� bhe �icensed n eone . s ace for ach 45 s uare feet of atron floor ar for the e istin icensed area minus the number of ki 's ace actu 11 rovided for that area. (d) ' Patro area" shall mean to include all areas used 'by th publ c, and exclu�es all areas used exclusively 1 � � ' . � � �,- /572 � � �7�.�� by emp oyees for work, storage or office space. Qe) M dific tion of Parking Requirements. ) T e co ncil may modify the off-street pa in� r quire ents . contained in this section upon a plic ion made for that purpose and upon f ' ndin made by the council that granting of such m ciifi tion would not have a substa tial ' d trim tal impact on the surro ding , n ighb hood. Modification, if granted, sha 1 be b resolution adopted by at least five aff irm tive v tes . ii ) T e c ncil sha11 consider the application t a p blic earing following mailed notice thereo to p oper owners within 350 feet of the pro osed 1' cens premises. The council may require, by r solu ion, the payment of an administr tive , oces ing fee for parking modific tion a plic ions. Applications and fees shall be made t the license inspector. ii) � e eo et� meey ne� �nedify the req�sred eff-a ree� rk�n reqniremen�a by mere than �546 of �he onnt reqnired bp thi' see�ien- _ _,� .�.::a,i ' )In ranting any modification, the council may a tach reasonable conditions regarding the 1 cati n, design, character and other featur s of . ! t e 1 'censed structure and parking area d emed cess ry for the protection of the adj cent ighb rhood. v� iv) Of -street modifications shall remain with licens d premises so long as the characteris i.ces � th licensed estatilishment remain unalt red. ..----�- I the vent parking problems arise, the co ncil _ y co sider taking -adverse action pursuant t the roced res set forth in Chapter 31Q of this ode. ch dverse action may incl.ude requiring the . licens e to do one or more of the following: . . '� ) Pr vide more off-street parking; � - ' ) Re uce the usable floor space; • ) Re uce patron capacity(seating or bar are ) . Section 2 This ordin nce hall ake effect and be in force thirty days from and after ts p ssage, approval and publication. �. . • 2 ' :, � � G1`'�1' ':,� �J -/��� � _ .. , � ly��� CI Y OP` SAINT PAUL i�ii�ii�n ' O ICE OF TH� CITY COIINCIL KIKI SONNEN ' Councilmember MOLLY O'ROURKE I.egidative Aid� ' MEMORANDUM DATE: Nove ber 12 1986 T0: Joe arched •, License Inspector FROM: Kiki Sonnen Councilmember �J'� � RE: Park ng Req irements for Bars Recentl , I as ed Jerry Segal to amend Chapter 410 of the Legislative ode wh ch deals with parking requirements for the 3.2 or non-i toxica ing malt liquor establishments so that it would be con istent with the recent amendment to Chapter 409.08 (11) of the egisla ive Code which deals with off-street parking requirements for li ensed onsale liquor establishments. In disc ssions ith Wendy Lane, Jerry found that the code did not adeq ately eflect the interpretation used by the Zoning Sectio to d termin parking requirements. In fact, the existing code allowed for th ee or four separate interpretations. So the nclose amendments to both 3.2 and full liquor license esta lishme ts will conform with the Zoning Section�s current meth ds of etermining parking compliance. In addition, the amendmen s allo s the City Council to modify the parking requir�ements if the e is not alot of negative impact on the surrou ding eighbo ood. Y, ur co ents the proposed amendments are most welcome since they a e part f the licensing statutes. If you ave an questions, please call me at 298-5378. I am introd cing hese a ndments now so that your comments and anyoth r's c n be b ught forth in committee discussion. KS/mb , � . c�� Enc. �,n,�,�;{ �,� cc: W' ndy L e, Hou ing & Building Code Enforcement ?�,'�' _; J rry S gal, Ci y Attorney's Office ,' C ty Co cilme ers • • ,� ='�' t, � ��Y> _�=? � . ..rj �< � -.. �'� C.,+�,� CTTY HALL SEVE TH FLO R SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 �'� 612/298-5378 s�4e _ - • � ' �G/-'-'�(o-/57Z . . /7�3� CIT OF SAII�T PAUL � :..o.:. OF CE OF THE CITY CQIINCZL •f19\����4��T . . .�� ��l��ijQaY�� • =='g�" �dte . . January 26, 1987 C MM TEE REPORT � TO = �aint PQUi City Cour�cil F R O M � C O i'11 !r t@� 0 h C i ty Deve 1 opment and Transportat i on CNAIR i 11 iam L . Wi ison � ;; , � , 11 Ap eal MidwaY Coalition, District 11 , N �- `�� �r )�'" co formi g use for 1415 Thomas tMoved out of ;,`� co itte without recammendatian} ,, 2 Or inanc amending Chapter 410 of the Legislati e ' � Co e per aining to Non-Intoxicating Malt �iquor . - -�, -- - (C mm i tt e -recommends approva l ) .4. 3 -. . . A � � . #t'�f-�t'�" .�449 of t l�'i� :L.�'�1��;. � G . ;.� �,,,� � -�t� I�c��c��r� ;L i q�a�r f"�rk�i�+g r e u i�:�;m ts f€�r ba�*s} ••f` - tee" .r�z�+�ends a , .crv�t 1� 4. An lysis and recommendations on panhandling (T is it m was referred to committee on 7/29/86 ' fo disc ssion - no action was needed by commit ee) I CTTY HALL SE ENTH FLpOR SAINT PAUL. MIN ESOTA 55102 __ *�'�i,�� �= ��- �s7z. ^ �' e 7�13 C.� -��������^��vo -� � � ��� CITY OF 5 I NT PAU L _._.,.�,.. .,�,� =�'� �'%'- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK '; �; �` ��� '' ALBERT B. OLS N, CITY CLERK S q� wQ c " ,,, �.�'' 386 City Hall,Saint Pa I,Minnesota 55102 `'o �..• Umnw ..a 612-298-4231 CEORGE LATIMER � MAYOR February 5, 1 87 ATTE TION DISTRICT COUNCILS P BLIC HEARING NOTICE At the r gula City Council meeting on Tuesday, February 24 1987 at 10:00 A.M. in the City Council Chambers, a publi hearing �'will be h ld to consider final adoption of tw ordinances a nding Chapter 409 and Chapter 410 of th Legislat�ive Code pertaining to intoxicating an non-into icat ' ng m lt liquor establishments and parkin requirem nts (86-1 72 and 86-1573) . Copies of th ordinanc s w re pr viously sent to District Councils b Councilm�ember Sonne . � ABO:th ; - { . 'C;`� I lst ., _ j- �i ��'� 2nc1`_ _ '' :-� - =� �� 3rd - � '� - "'� � �/ Adopced t,� ; c, ,� � Yea �_��,��,- Nays � DREtJ ,I ��_ �� ����� ' NICOSIA � : !7 y�=�^ RETTMAN �CHEIBEL SONNEN �dILSON MR. P ESIDENT T�DESCO i I