86-1570 �NHITE - C�TV CLERK PINK - FINANCE G TY OF SA I NT PA U L Council � CANARV - DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAVOR File NO. uncil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committ e By Date WHEREAS the Certi ieate of Achievement for Exoellenee in Finaneial Re orti g Pro ram (Formerly the Certificate of Confor anee Program) was begun by the Government Finanee Officers Associati n (GFOA) in 19 5 to mphas ze the belief that every governmental nit should prepa're an publ sh an easily understandable, Comprehens ve Annual Financial eport (CAFR) covering all of its funds and fi aneial transaetions duri g the year; and WHEREAS, the CAFR s a very detailed report that goes beyo d the requirements of g neral y aecepted accounting prineiples; and WHEREAS, the Certi ieate of Aahievement is the highest for of reQOgnition in the ar a of governmental finaneial reporting, and its attainment re resen s a signifieant aecsomplishment by gover mental units and it man gemen ; and WHEREAS, the City f Saint Paul recseived its first Certifi ate of Aehievement in 19 3; an WHEREAS, the City f Saint Paul has reeeived an annual Certificate of Ae ievem nt sinee 1976; NOW, TH REFO E, BE IT RESOLV ED, that the City Council , on behalf of the Cit of S int Paul , aQknowledges the reeeipt of t e GFOA Certificate of Ae ievem nt for 1985; and BE IT F NALL RESO VED, that the City Council commends the following s aff, hose fforts were important and neQessary in rder to receive he Ce tifie te of Aehievement: Jeanette Anderson; Elisabeth Atehiso ; Rob rt Beikler; Thomas Bergeland; Joyee Blu 1 ; Flilliam Car oll , r.; K ren Casby; Ronald Christiansen; Angelita Cisneros; Dennia Davis; Jam s Elw od; Margaret Grant; Corrine Haas; Gregory Jorgensen Jose Jovellana; Nanaq Larkey; Susan Luekow; Christine Meyer; homas Meyer; Kathy Mohrland; Sharon Peterson; Riehard Rupert; J an Ru ten; Antoinette Sassor; James Schwartz; RiQhard Seott; Ma lon S monson; James Snyder; George Splichal ; John Swanson; Mar an Tu ley; Sur3eet Verma; and Sharon Wolfe. I COUNCILMEN R ested by De rtment of: Yeas �� Nays . � Nicosia r ��� Rettman �� FavO[ Scheibel Sonnen d __ Against BY Tedesco Wilson Adopted by Council: Date #`O 2 � 1985 Form Approve y City Attorney Certified Va_- undil Se ry BY sy� Approved by Mavor. te ` `�` �° ��Y 1 � t �6Appro y Mayor for Submissi to ou '1 By _ By F����°"�=� �. �.� ; :� 19�6 �,os� .. Fil�ance & Mana emen Servi es DEPARTNIENT �/`"�`��7� N� 3950 e � Jam�s Sh der CONTACT 298-411 �' PHONE 11/OS/86 DATE / Q,/�� � ASSIGN NUMBER FOR ROU ING OR ER C1 Al1 Locations for Si nature : Department Direct r 3 Director of Management yor „� Finance and Manag ment S rvices 'Director 4 City Clerk Budget Director 2 City Attorney WHAT WILL BE ACHIEVED BY TAK NG ACT �ON ON THE ATTACHED MATERIALS? (Purpose/ Ration�t le) • Recognition of the ity st ff thr ugh whose efforts the City of St. Paul received the Certificate of chieve ent fo ! Excellence in Financial Reporting for the year 1985. Also, a special rec gnitio to Ge rge Splichal for his role in preparing the 1985 Comprehensive Annua Finan ial Re ort. RE ElVE� COST/BENEFIT,� BUDGETA Y AND ERSONN L IMPACTS ANTICIPATED: t��c�iv�� NOV 51986 N/A �Q��� r!�`� r � Cii �� i1�t ii��� 1�� � F�IAY�C�'S �FFI�� FINANCING SOURCE AND UDGET CTIVI NUMBER CHARGED OR CREDITED: (Mayor's signa- ture not re- Total Amount of Tr nsacti n: N A quired if under $10,000) Funding Source: Activity Number: ATTACHMENTS List and Numbe All A achments : � RECEfVED (2) Council Resolut ons N�V Q 5 �956 OFFICE OF THE DIRECTOR DEPARTMENT OF FMANCE AND MANA(3EMENT SERy DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW X Yes No Council Resol tion R quired? Resolution Required? X es No Yes No Insura ce Req ired? �A Insurance Sufficient? es No N/A Yes No Insura ce Att ched: (S E REVE SE SIDE FOR INSTRUCTIONS) Revised 12/84