99-88:< .. . . • ����f���1R RESOLUTION Council File # �9 • g � Green Sheet # 63144 OF SAIlVT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By: Referred To: 1 WtIEREAS, the City of Saint Paul P 2 State of Minnesota, in the amount of Committee:Date: for the period January 1, 1999 through December 31, 1999, and WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul Police Department has been awarded this grant to reduce juvenile crime, and WHEREA5, this grant award requires a$28,170.71 match from the City of Saint Paul which will be funded by the Saint Paul Police Departmeut's Asset Forfeiture Fund, and 8 9 WHEREAS, the police department desires to establish a spending and financing plan for this grant, and 10 11 WHEREAS, The Mayor pursuant to SectioQ 10.07.1 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul, does certify that 12 there are available for appropriation funds in excess of those estimated in the 1999 budget; and 13 14 WEIEREAS, The Mayor recommends that the following addition be made to the 1999 budget: 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 149,098 28,171 177,269 SPENDING PLAN: 436 - Police-Special Projects 34120 - Narcotics/Special Investigations 0799 - Transfer Out-Intrafund 34067 - Juvenile Accountability Incentive Block Grant 011l - Full-Time Permanent Salaries - 60,753 60,753 0141- Overtime - 92,577 92,577 0219 - Professional Services - 87,353 87,353 0439 - Fringe Benefits - 41,024 41,024 34 , , , 35 36 THEREFORE BE I'P RESOLVED, that the City Council accept this grant award in the amount of $253,536 37 to reduce juvenile crime and authorizes Chief William Finney to enter into an agreement with the Minnesota 38 Department of Economic Security-Workforce Preparation Branch and approves the changes to the 1999 budget. Nays �� Absent Requested by Department of: Police � � Adopted by Council:Date:� ac1 \��� Adoption Certified by Coun Secretary: By: � � �� _. Approved by M e�a : p 2 (, B �r i`" �ov�r� FINANCING PLAN: 436 - Police-Special Projects — 34120 - Narcotics/Special Investigations 9830 - Use of Fund Balance 34067 - Juvenile Accountability Incentive $lock Grant 3199- Other Federal Direct Grants-State - 253,536 253,536 7499 - Intrafund Transfer - 28,171 28,171 - e > 28,171 13 AMENDED BUDGET 28,171 CURRENT BUDGET CHANGES � Recommended by u �.2e„/... fN� o-• by City � Vv� ' �� DEPART3�IENT/OFFICE/COUNCIL DA7E INITIATED Potioeve 1/8/99 GREEN SHEET No. 63144 �� CONTACT PERSON 8 PHO E INRIAV�AiE INITL4VDATE ChiefFinney 292-3588 'I oEVnnrrnexro�rsECroa_ $ crrrcouxrn MUST BE ON COUNCILAGENDA BY (DATE) __ PleaseprocessASAP �3 crtvnrroa"e. �cmc�xic __ �FlNANCIALSERVICESDIR �FlWWCIlLLSERV/ACCTG �MAYON�ORASSISTAM) �UMNNRIGHiS TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION REQUESTED Adopt ffie attached Council Resolurion establishing a financing and spending plan for a Juvenile Accountability Incentive Block Grant from the State of Minnesota, Deparpnent of Economics Security. RECOMMENDATION AppfOVe (A) o� RejeCt (R) PERSONAI SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: 1. Has this personffrtn everworked untler a contrad forthis department? PLANNING COMMISSION YES NO CIB COMMITTEE 2. Has this person/frtn ever been a city employee� CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION YES NO 3. Does this person/frtn possess a skill not nortnally possessed by any current city employee� YES NO 4. Is this person�rtn a targeted vendof.+ YES NO • Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, WHI� The Samt Paul Police Departmem has been awarded the Juvenile Accountability Incenuve Block Grant from the State of Minnesota, Department of Economic Security. This grant allows fhe Police Depazlment to complete the juvenile mitiatives _ � RECEIVED ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED ` To continue the department's comprehensive strategy in dealing withjuvenile crime m the City of St. Pa �t1AY0R 'S oFF��,� DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED None. �� '„ r( : � .fa �� DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED � � The Police Depaztment will be unable to accept this grant funding. � r, �� '; z I� �� . � � 'V` � ,�'°}^ ,;$'! i �. s'C"�z ,3e ..e , , iti".$�" -�;� r � 3 'FA ' _;, s � X ri� 5�i �P�� � , = , - ;vla�.�Z� � ��� � � � TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ SO9,$�$.00 COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO Dept of Justice through the State of MN FuNOiNC souRCe DES and local match from forfeiture fund AC7MTY NUMBER 34OC)7 FINANCIAL INFORMATION (EXPLAIN) � JCiViNC-63144.xIs �' f 1 Workforce Preparation Branch Offue ot YouthDsssloDweal. ��� � ' rHUt ii q9 -$d� Voice: (651) 296-0928 Fax: (651) 296-�745 'I'!1': {651) 296-2796 FORM A � ACCOUNTABI�ITY INCENTiVE BLOCK GRANT UAIBG) 7998 - 49 Local Entitlement Gnnts GRIINTEEAGENCY:Thefiscatagentwith Name: ��i 11 sam K. F;nr.e. whom the gran� agreement wlii be executed. � Tit1C: Chiei oC Pol ice S f � �� ' ' �'c � L'�/' 1'' u ,: ��� �a ..� ai �,'n.i c ��p �, �/!� S t y Phone#:(65t) 292-7588 Sf•P.,�/��� ��S�ic� F/�(: (65t1 292-75�2 E-Maii: CONTACTMAILINGADDRE55: ContaaName: amy 6rown (if different from above? ' nUe' Research/GrantS Manager Phone#: (65t) 292-3507 FqX: (65l) 292-3542 E-MOiI: abro�+r,Cs'scpaul.gov Pro}ect start date: t/ i/ 99 Project end date: 12 / 3 t/ 4 a CONTRACTING iNFORMATiON (grant agreementt cannot be processed without this information) MNTAX IDII: 0080250956 Federal Employer IDR: �� 6005521 1AIBG Altocation 5 15'i , i 3 6 MatchRequired:(11.2%ofAifocadon,exceptconmuttion S 28.t7p.71 requires a dofiar for doifar match). TOTAL ProJect Cost S Z 8 �•� � o.� � Authorized Si Date: �a �R� TypedNam . Wi111am . F1r.r,e�•. COP Phone: (65l) 292-3588 , (Chief of Police) c:wNmrn�nn�..o.v�ou.� �oq� w*ti•-va Page 1 a�ow e. resa 01/13/1999 10:43 6122923675 SAINT PAUL PO�ICE . . , �'01/13/1999 MINNESOTA DEPAR7MEHT OF ECONOMiC SECURITY J WENILE ACCOtlNTABILITI( INCEN7NE BLOCK GRANT (JAIBG) CERTIFICATION OF ALTERNATNE USE OF FUNOS rHUe i3 9q -8P' FORM C Uniess a signed Certification of Alternative Use of Funds is received by MDES, (other than funds set aside for administration), federal law requires that not less than 35 Qercent of JAIBG funds received at the local level must be used In areas 1 and/or 2 and/or 10. No less Lhan 45 percent of 1AIBG funds received at the loca! level must be used in one or more of areas 3 through 9. Funding may also be used in areas 11 and/or 12. We will use the funds in the following amount(s) and Program Purpose Area(s): PROGRAM PURPOSE AREA (Sat Attachment t) t. Constructfon 2. Accountabftlty-BasedSanaions 3. Hiri�q (Non-Prosecution) 4. Prosecutlon: Hirinq S. Prosecution: Drugs, Gangs. Ywience 6. Prosecutbn: Technology, Equipment 7rolning 7. Courts and Probatbn 8, JweMle Gun Courcs 9. Drug Court Prognms 10. Infom�atbn -SAsdng Programs 11. Accounubllhy - Based Prognms (Ww mforcement refertaUschoo� safet» 72. Con[rolted5ubstance7esting Grand Tota) Dollars Percent 69.1 27 90,775.77 � �5.�� 96.383•67 37.6 S2i6.353. i 100% * I hereby certify to MDES that the interesti of pubilc safety and of crime control would be better served by expending JAIBG funds in a proportlo er than the percentage minimums required under Federal law. Authorized Signature: Date: �a �� TypedName/iltie: Wflliam . Finne�. C PhonC: (651) 292-3�88 Please describe your reason(s) for requesting a C ification of Altemative Use of Funds: 7he Sc_ Paul Polfce Departmen[ is req s[irg a Certil'icar.ior, ol Alterr,ative Use :I FaoAs ATTACH ADaIT10NAL PAGE(S) IF NECESSARY o.wr,mrrmnrto��w�e�a�v�u�. r�.-w Page 5 «�n.� e. is�s 01/13/1999 10:43 6122923675 SA1N1 rHUL ru�i�c ��uc �o � , MiNNE50TA DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMIC SECURtTY JUVENILE ACCOUNTABILITY INCEtiTIVE BlOCK GRANT BUDGET INFORMATION SUMMARY A. [2 q9 -8'�' FORM D Totai JA18G AitocaUon ... .. . . . . ... . . . . .. . .. . . . .. . . . . . . 5 2 i 3, i 3 6 28 170.:1 RequiredMatch ........................................................................ 5 � C. Toul Program Cost (A plus B) ... ... . .......... . . .. . . . 5 '` � � . ' �6. � i D. Minus AdminiStraUon (up to 7096 of the amount on line A) z s• 3 i 3. 60 .............................. 5 ?i6.3�3.1� E. Amount Available for Progrem Purpose Areas (C minus D? .... . .... . . . ... .. .. . . . . . . . ... . 5 * PROGRAM PURPOSE AREA (Se� Attachment, t) t. Construction 2. AccounUblltty- Based Sanctions 3. Hiring (NomProsecution) 4. Prosetutlon: Hlring 5. Prosecutlon:0iugs,Ganys,Yalenca 6. Ptosecutbn: TKhnology, EqulpmenL TreinFng 7. Courts and Probation 8. Jwen�k Gun CouRS ' 9. �ug Court Programz 7 0. Infortnatbn - Shering Programs 7 t. Acmuntability - Based Prognms (law enforcemeni referraUschool safety) 12. Controllad5u6sunceTescinq TOTAL Dollars Percent 69,IQ3.67 27 �' 90.775.77 � li.�i 96.J8J.67 J1.i s _&. --- -- 100% * Totai must equa! Amount Available for Program Purpose Areas (tine E above). c wNmvnn�n�+.�v,.mou.ow �s r�.. Page 7 October 8. 1998 :< .. . . • ����f���1R RESOLUTION Council File # �9 • g � Green Sheet # 63144 OF SAIlVT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By: Referred To: 1 WtIEREAS, the City of Saint Paul P 2 State of Minnesota, in the amount of Committee:Date: for the period January 1, 1999 through December 31, 1999, and WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul Police Department has been awarded this grant to reduce juvenile crime, and WHEREA5, this grant award requires a$28,170.71 match from the City of Saint Paul which will be funded by the Saint Paul Police Departmeut's Asset Forfeiture Fund, and 8 9 WHEREAS, the police department desires to establish a spending and financing plan for this grant, and 10 11 WHEREAS, The Mayor pursuant to SectioQ 10.07.1 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul, does certify that 12 there are available for appropriation funds in excess of those estimated in the 1999 budget; and 13 14 WEIEREAS, The Mayor recommends that the following addition be made to the 1999 budget: 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 149,098 28,171 177,269 SPENDING PLAN: 436 - Police-Special Projects 34120 - Narcotics/Special Investigations 0799 - Transfer Out-Intrafund 34067 - Juvenile Accountability Incentive Block Grant 011l - Full-Time Permanent Salaries - 60,753 60,753 0141- Overtime - 92,577 92,577 0219 - Professional Services - 87,353 87,353 0439 - Fringe Benefits - 41,024 41,024 34 , , , 35 36 THEREFORE BE I'P RESOLVED, that the City Council accept this grant award in the amount of $253,536 37 to reduce juvenile crime and authorizes Chief William Finney to enter into an agreement with the Minnesota 38 Department of Economic Security-Workforce Preparation Branch and approves the changes to the 1999 budget. Nays �� Absent Requested by Department of: Police � � Adopted by Council:Date:� ac1 \��� Adoption Certified by Coun Secretary: By: � � �� _. Approved by M e�a : p 2 (, B �r i`" �ov�r� FINANCING PLAN: 436 - Police-Special Projects — 34120 - Narcotics/Special Investigations 9830 - Use of Fund Balance 34067 - Juvenile Accountability Incentive $lock Grant 3199- Other Federal Direct Grants-State - 253,536 253,536 7499 - Intrafund Transfer - 28,171 28,171 - e > 28,171 13 AMENDED BUDGET 28,171 CURRENT BUDGET CHANGES � Recommended by u �.2e„/... fN� o-• by City � Vv� ' �� DEPART3�IENT/OFFICE/COUNCIL DA7E INITIATED Potioeve 1/8/99 GREEN SHEET No. 63144 �� CONTACT PERSON 8 PHO E INRIAV�AiE INITL4VDATE ChiefFinney 292-3588 'I oEVnnrrnexro�rsECroa_ $ crrrcouxrn MUST BE ON COUNCILAGENDA BY (DATE) __ PleaseprocessASAP �3 crtvnrroa"e. �cmc�xic __ �FlNANCIALSERVICESDIR �FlWWCIlLLSERV/ACCTG �MAYON�ORASSISTAM) �UMNNRIGHiS TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION REQUESTED Adopt ffie attached Council Resolurion establishing a financing and spending plan for a Juvenile Accountability Incentive Block Grant from the State of Minnesota, Deparpnent of Economics Security. RECOMMENDATION AppfOVe (A) o� RejeCt (R) PERSONAI SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: 1. Has this personffrtn everworked untler a contrad forthis department? PLANNING COMMISSION YES NO CIB COMMITTEE 2. Has this person/frtn ever been a city employee� CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION YES NO 3. Does this person/frtn possess a skill not nortnally possessed by any current city employee� YES NO 4. Is this person�rtn a targeted vendof.+ YES NO • Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, WHI� The Samt Paul Police Departmem has been awarded the Juvenile Accountability Incenuve Block Grant from the State of Minnesota, Department of Economic Security. This grant allows fhe Police Depazlment to complete the juvenile mitiatives _ � RECEIVED ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED ` To continue the department's comprehensive strategy in dealing withjuvenile crime m the City of St. Pa �t1AY0R 'S oFF��,� DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED None. �� '„ r( : � .fa �� DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED � � The Police Depaztment will be unable to accept this grant funding. � r, �� '; z I� �� . � � 'V` � ,�'°}^ ,;$'! i �. s'C"�z ,3e ..e , , iti".$�" -�;� r � 3 'FA ' _;, s � X ri� 5�i �P�� � , = , - ;vla�.�Z� � ��� � � � TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ SO9,$�$.00 COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO Dept of Justice through the State of MN FuNOiNC souRCe DES and local match from forfeiture fund AC7MTY NUMBER 34OC)7 FINANCIAL INFORMATION (EXPLAIN) � JCiViNC-63144.xIs �' f 1 Workforce Preparation Branch Offue ot YouthDsssloDweal. ��� � ' rHUt ii q9 -$d� Voice: (651) 296-0928 Fax: (651) 296-�745 'I'!1': {651) 296-2796 FORM A � ACCOUNTABI�ITY INCENTiVE BLOCK GRANT UAIBG) 7998 - 49 Local Entitlement Gnnts GRIINTEEAGENCY:Thefiscatagentwith Name: ��i 11 sam K. F;nr.e. whom the gran� agreement wlii be executed. � Tit1C: Chiei oC Pol ice S f � �� ' ' �'c � L'�/' 1'' u ,: ��� �a ..� ai �,'n.i c ��p �, �/!� S t y Phone#:(65t) 292-7588 Sf•P.,�/��� ��S�ic� F/�(: (65t1 292-75�2 E-Maii: CONTACTMAILINGADDRE55: ContaaName: amy 6rown (if different from above? ' nUe' Research/GrantS Manager Phone#: (65t) 292-3507 FqX: (65l) 292-3542 E-MOiI: abro�+r,Cs'scpaul.gov Pro}ect start date: t/ i/ 99 Project end date: 12 / 3 t/ 4 a CONTRACTING iNFORMATiON (grant agreementt cannot be processed without this information) MNTAX IDII: 0080250956 Federal Employer IDR: �� 6005521 1AIBG Altocation 5 15'i , i 3 6 MatchRequired:(11.2%ofAifocadon,exceptconmuttion S 28.t7p.71 requires a dofiar for doifar match). TOTAL ProJect Cost S Z 8 �•� � o.� � Authorized Si Date: �a �R� TypedNam . Wi111am . F1r.r,e�•. COP Phone: (65l) 292-3588 , (Chief of Police) c:wNmrn�nn�..o.v�ou.� �oq� w*ti•-va Page 1 a�ow e. resa 01/13/1999 10:43 6122923675 SAINT PAUL PO�ICE . . , �'01/13/1999 MINNESOTA DEPAR7MEHT OF ECONOMiC SECURITY J WENILE ACCOtlNTABILITI( INCEN7NE BLOCK GRANT (JAIBG) CERTIFICATION OF ALTERNATNE USE OF FUNOS rHUe i3 9q -8P' FORM C Uniess a signed Certification of Alternative Use of Funds is received by MDES, (other than funds set aside for administration), federal law requires that not less than 35 Qercent of JAIBG funds received at the local level must be used In areas 1 and/or 2 and/or 10. No less Lhan 45 percent of 1AIBG funds received at the loca! level must be used in one or more of areas 3 through 9. Funding may also be used in areas 11 and/or 12. We will use the funds in the following amount(s) and Program Purpose Area(s): PROGRAM PURPOSE AREA (Sat Attachment t) t. Constructfon 2. Accountabftlty-BasedSanaions 3. Hiri�q (Non-Prosecution) 4. Prosecutlon: Hirinq S. Prosecution: Drugs, Gangs. Ywience 6. Prosecutbn: Technology, Equipment 7rolning 7. Courts and Probatbn 8, JweMle Gun Courcs 9. Drug Court Prognms 10. Infom�atbn -SAsdng Programs 11. Accounubllhy - Based Prognms (Ww mforcement refertaUschoo� safet» 72. Con[rolted5ubstance7esting Grand Tota) Dollars Percent 69.1 27 90,775.77 � �5.�� 96.383•67 37.6 S2i6.353. i 100% * I hereby certify to MDES that the interesti of pubilc safety and of crime control would be better served by expending JAIBG funds in a proportlo er than the percentage minimums required under Federal law. Authorized Signature: Date: �a �� TypedName/iltie: Wflliam . Finne�. C PhonC: (651) 292-3�88 Please describe your reason(s) for requesting a C ification of Altemative Use of Funds: 7he Sc_ Paul Polfce Departmen[ is req s[irg a Certil'icar.ior, ol Alterr,ative Use :I FaoAs ATTACH ADaIT10NAL PAGE(S) IF NECESSARY o.wr,mrrmnrto��w�e�a�v�u�. r�.-w Page 5 «�n.� e. is�s 01/13/1999 10:43 6122923675 SA1N1 rHUL ru�i�c ��uc �o � , MiNNE50TA DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMIC SECURtTY JUVENILE ACCOUNTABILITY INCEtiTIVE BlOCK GRANT BUDGET INFORMATION SUMMARY A. [2 q9 -8'�' FORM D Totai JA18G AitocaUon ... .. . . . . ... . . . . .. . .. . . . .. . . . . . . 5 2 i 3, i 3 6 28 170.:1 RequiredMatch ........................................................................ 5 � C. Toul Program Cost (A plus B) ... ... . .......... . . .. . . . 5 '` � � . ' �6. � i D. Minus AdminiStraUon (up to 7096 of the amount on line A) z s• 3 i 3. 60 .............................. 5 ?i6.3�3.1� E. Amount Available for Progrem Purpose Areas (C minus D? .... . .... . . . ... .. .. . . . . . . . ... . 5 * PROGRAM PURPOSE AREA (Se� Attachment, t) t. Construction 2. AccounUblltty- Based Sanctions 3. Hiring (NomProsecution) 4. Prosetutlon: Hlring 5. Prosecutlon:0iugs,Ganys,Yalenca 6. Ptosecutbn: TKhnology, EqulpmenL TreinFng 7. Courts and Probation 8. Jwen�k Gun CouRS ' 9. �ug Court Programz 7 0. Infortnatbn - Shering Programs 7 t. Acmuntability - Based Prognms (law enforcemeni referraUschool safety) 12. Controllad5u6sunceTescinq TOTAL Dollars Percent 69,IQ3.67 27 �' 90.775.77 � li.�i 96.J8J.67 J1.i s _&. --- -- 100% * Totai must equa! Amount Available for Program Purpose Areas (tine E above). c wNmvnn�n�+.�v,.mou.ow �s r�.. Page 7 October 8. 1998 :< .. . . • ����f���1R RESOLUTION Council File # �9 • g � Green Sheet # 63144 OF SAIlVT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By: Referred To: 1 WtIEREAS, the City of Saint Paul P 2 State of Minnesota, in the amount of Committee:Date: for the period January 1, 1999 through December 31, 1999, and WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul Police Department has been awarded this grant to reduce juvenile crime, and WHEREA5, this grant award requires a$28,170.71 match from the City of Saint Paul which will be funded by the Saint Paul Police Departmeut's Asset Forfeiture Fund, and 8 9 WHEREAS, the police department desires to establish a spending and financing plan for this grant, and 10 11 WHEREAS, The Mayor pursuant to SectioQ 10.07.1 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul, does certify that 12 there are available for appropriation funds in excess of those estimated in the 1999 budget; and 13 14 WEIEREAS, The Mayor recommends that the following addition be made to the 1999 budget: 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 149,098 28,171 177,269 SPENDING PLAN: 436 - Police-Special Projects 34120 - Narcotics/Special Investigations 0799 - Transfer Out-Intrafund 34067 - Juvenile Accountability Incentive Block Grant 011l - Full-Time Permanent Salaries - 60,753 60,753 0141- Overtime - 92,577 92,577 0219 - Professional Services - 87,353 87,353 0439 - Fringe Benefits - 41,024 41,024 34 , , , 35 36 THEREFORE BE I'P RESOLVED, that the City Council accept this grant award in the amount of $253,536 37 to reduce juvenile crime and authorizes Chief William Finney to enter into an agreement with the Minnesota 38 Department of Economic Security-Workforce Preparation Branch and approves the changes to the 1999 budget. Nays �� Absent Requested by Department of: Police � � Adopted by Council:Date:� ac1 \��� Adoption Certified by Coun Secretary: By: � � �� _. Approved by M e�a : p 2 (, B �r i`" �ov�r� FINANCING PLAN: 436 - Police-Special Projects — 34120 - Narcotics/Special Investigations 9830 - Use of Fund Balance 34067 - Juvenile Accountability Incentive $lock Grant 3199- Other Federal Direct Grants-State - 253,536 253,536 7499 - Intrafund Transfer - 28,171 28,171 - e > 28,171 13 AMENDED BUDGET 28,171 CURRENT BUDGET CHANGES � Recommended by u �.2e„/... fN� o-• by City � Vv� ' �� DEPART3�IENT/OFFICE/COUNCIL DA7E INITIATED Potioeve 1/8/99 GREEN SHEET No. 63144 �� CONTACT PERSON 8 PHO E INRIAV�AiE INITL4VDATE ChiefFinney 292-3588 'I oEVnnrrnexro�rsECroa_ $ crrrcouxrn MUST BE ON COUNCILAGENDA BY (DATE) __ PleaseprocessASAP �3 crtvnrroa"e. �cmc�xic __ �FlNANCIALSERVICESDIR �FlWWCIlLLSERV/ACCTG �MAYON�ORASSISTAM) �UMNNRIGHiS TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION REQUESTED Adopt ffie attached Council Resolurion establishing a financing and spending plan for a Juvenile Accountability Incentive Block Grant from the State of Minnesota, Deparpnent of Economics Security. RECOMMENDATION AppfOVe (A) o� RejeCt (R) PERSONAI SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: 1. Has this personffrtn everworked untler a contrad forthis department? PLANNING COMMISSION YES NO CIB COMMITTEE 2. Has this person/frtn ever been a city employee� CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION YES NO 3. Does this person/frtn possess a skill not nortnally possessed by any current city employee� YES NO 4. Is this person�rtn a targeted vendof.+ YES NO • Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, WHI� The Samt Paul Police Departmem has been awarded the Juvenile Accountability Incenuve Block Grant from the State of Minnesota, Department of Economic Security. This grant allows fhe Police Depazlment to complete the juvenile mitiatives _ � RECEIVED ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED ` To continue the department's comprehensive strategy in dealing withjuvenile crime m the City of St. Pa �t1AY0R 'S oFF��,� DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED None. �� '„ r( : � .fa �� DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED � � The Police Depaztment will be unable to accept this grant funding. � r, �� '; z I� �� . � � 'V` � ,�'°}^ ,;$'! i �. s'C"�z ,3e ..e , , iti".$�" -�;� r � 3 'FA ' _;, s � X ri� 5�i �P�� � , = , - ;vla�.�Z� � ��� � � � TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ SO9,$�$.00 COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO Dept of Justice through the State of MN FuNOiNC souRCe DES and local match from forfeiture fund AC7MTY NUMBER 34OC)7 FINANCIAL INFORMATION (EXPLAIN) � JCiViNC-63144.xIs �' f 1 Workforce Preparation Branch Offue ot YouthDsssloDweal. ��� � ' rHUt ii q9 -$d� Voice: (651) 296-0928 Fax: (651) 296-�745 'I'!1': {651) 296-2796 FORM A � ACCOUNTABI�ITY INCENTiVE BLOCK GRANT UAIBG) 7998 - 49 Local Entitlement Gnnts GRIINTEEAGENCY:Thefiscatagentwith Name: ��i 11 sam K. F;nr.e. whom the gran� agreement wlii be executed. � Tit1C: Chiei oC Pol ice S f � �� ' ' �'c � L'�/' 1'' u ,: ��� �a ..� ai �,'n.i c ��p �, �/!� S t y Phone#:(65t) 292-7588 Sf•P.,�/��� ��S�ic� F/�(: (65t1 292-75�2 E-Maii: CONTACTMAILINGADDRE55: ContaaName: amy 6rown (if different from above? ' nUe' Research/GrantS Manager Phone#: (65t) 292-3507 FqX: (65l) 292-3542 E-MOiI: abro�+r,Cs'scpaul.gov Pro}ect start date: t/ i/ 99 Project end date: 12 / 3 t/ 4 a CONTRACTING iNFORMATiON (grant agreementt cannot be processed without this information) MNTAX IDII: 0080250956 Federal Employer IDR: �� 6005521 1AIBG Altocation 5 15'i , i 3 6 MatchRequired:(11.2%ofAifocadon,exceptconmuttion S 28.t7p.71 requires a dofiar for doifar match). TOTAL ProJect Cost S Z 8 �•� � o.� � Authorized Si Date: �a �R� TypedNam . Wi111am . F1r.r,e�•. COP Phone: (65l) 292-3588 , (Chief of Police) c:wNmrn�nn�..o.v�ou.� �oq� w*ti•-va Page 1 a�ow e. resa 01/13/1999 10:43 6122923675 SAINT PAUL PO�ICE . . , �'01/13/1999 MINNESOTA DEPAR7MEHT OF ECONOMiC SECURITY J WENILE ACCOtlNTABILITI( INCEN7NE BLOCK GRANT (JAIBG) CERTIFICATION OF ALTERNATNE USE OF FUNOS rHUe i3 9q -8P' FORM C Uniess a signed Certification of Alternative Use of Funds is received by MDES, (other than funds set aside for administration), federal law requires that not less than 35 Qercent of JAIBG funds received at the local level must be used In areas 1 and/or 2 and/or 10. No less Lhan 45 percent of 1AIBG funds received at the loca! level must be used in one or more of areas 3 through 9. Funding may also be used in areas 11 and/or 12. We will use the funds in the following amount(s) and Program Purpose Area(s): PROGRAM PURPOSE AREA (Sat Attachment t) t. Constructfon 2. Accountabftlty-BasedSanaions 3. Hiri�q (Non-Prosecution) 4. Prosecutlon: Hirinq S. Prosecution: Drugs, Gangs. Ywience 6. Prosecutbn: Technology, Equipment 7rolning 7. Courts and Probatbn 8, JweMle Gun Courcs 9. Drug Court Prognms 10. Infom�atbn -SAsdng Programs 11. Accounubllhy - Based Prognms (Ww mforcement refertaUschoo� safet» 72. Con[rolted5ubstance7esting Grand Tota) Dollars Percent 69.1 27 90,775.77 � �5.�� 96.383•67 37.6 S2i6.353. i 100% * I hereby certify to MDES that the interesti of pubilc safety and of crime control would be better served by expending JAIBG funds in a proportlo er than the percentage minimums required under Federal law. Authorized Signature: Date: �a �� TypedName/iltie: Wflliam . Finne�. C PhonC: (651) 292-3�88 Please describe your reason(s) for requesting a C ification of Altemative Use of Funds: 7he Sc_ Paul Polfce Departmen[ is req s[irg a Certil'icar.ior, ol Alterr,ative Use :I FaoAs ATTACH ADaIT10NAL PAGE(S) IF NECESSARY o.wr,mrrmnrto��w�e�a�v�u�. r�.-w Page 5 «�n.� e. is�s 01/13/1999 10:43 6122923675 SA1N1 rHUL ru�i�c ��uc �o � , MiNNE50TA DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMIC SECURtTY JUVENILE ACCOUNTABILITY INCEtiTIVE BlOCK GRANT BUDGET INFORMATION SUMMARY A. [2 q9 -8'�' FORM D Totai JA18G AitocaUon ... .. . . . . ... . . . . .. . .. . . . .. . . . . . . 5 2 i 3, i 3 6 28 170.:1 RequiredMatch ........................................................................ 5 � C. Toul Program Cost (A plus B) ... ... . .......... . . .. . . . 5 '` � � . ' �6. � i D. Minus AdminiStraUon (up to 7096 of the amount on line A) z s• 3 i 3. 60 .............................. 5 ?i6.3�3.1� E. Amount Available for Progrem Purpose Areas (C minus D? .... . .... . . . ... .. .. . . . . . . . ... . 5 * PROGRAM PURPOSE AREA (Se� Attachment, t) t. Construction 2. AccounUblltty- Based Sanctions 3. Hiring (NomProsecution) 4. Prosetutlon: Hlring 5. Prosecutlon:0iugs,Ganys,Yalenca 6. Ptosecutbn: TKhnology, EqulpmenL TreinFng 7. Courts and Probation 8. Jwen�k Gun CouRS ' 9. �ug Court Programz 7 0. Infortnatbn - Shering Programs 7 t. Acmuntability - Based Prognms (law enforcemeni referraUschool safety) 12. Controllad5u6sunceTescinq TOTAL Dollars Percent 69,IQ3.67 27 �' 90.775.77 � li.�i 96.J8J.67 J1.i s _&. --- -- 100% * Totai must equa! Amount Available for Program Purpose Areas (tine E above). c wNmvnn�n�+.�v,.mou.ow �s r�.. Page 7 October 8. 1998