86-1559 WMITE - CITV CLERK �� � PINK - FINqN�E I Ty OF SA I NT PA U L Council C4NARV - DEPARTMENT File NO. � � �� BLUE - MAVOR I ; �- ou ci Resolution Presented B v �✓�-�� Y Referred To Committee.: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, That �ipon e ecuti n and deliveryo uf a release in full to the City, inIa fo m to e approved by the City Attorney, the proper City officers are h reby authorized and directed to pay out of the Tort �iabi ity F nd 09070-511-000 , to : l . B. P. Manage ent/ nvest ent the sum of $655 . 67 in full settlement o� its claim of damages sustained on or about June 22 , 198�, as more articularly set out in the [Votice of Claim fil d in the C' ty Clerk ' s office on 5eptember 9 , 1986 . ?_ . Safeco Insur�nce C mpani s the sum of $2 , 500 . 00 in full settlement of its laim f damages sustained on or about June 27 , 198� , as ore p rticularly set out in the Notice of Claim filed in he Ci y Clerk ' s office on Decsmber 3 , 1985 . I i I I I i I I I COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Drew Nays I Nicosia Rettman Itl F vo[ Scheibel I Sonnen __ AgBi St BY Tedesco Wilson A�0 f � ��n �,� � Form Appr ved by Cit tto e Adopted hy Council: Date Certified P�s d by Council cret�ry B � sy Approve :Navor: Date ��OV ► 5 1986 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council BY — BY Pl���►����i� � �v r � 98� �� ���� ��.=�TT �.; CITY OF SAINT PAUL • mG OFFICE OF THE CITY ATT RNEY � III11111111 ro° ?; 1O �i°° ,s� EDWARD P. STARR, CITY AT ORNEY I'Q"IC�o°;��y 647 City Hall, Saint Paul,Minne ota 55102 � 61 -298-512� GEORGE LATIMER MAYOR 5 November 1986 M E M O R A N D U M CLAIMS AGAINST CIT� OF S INT P UL BY B. P. MANAGEMENT/INVE TMENT AND SAFECO INSURANCE CQMPANI S On �7une 22 , 1986 , the aint aul Police Department conducted a murder investigation at 65 Po tland Avenue. B. P. Management/ Investment is seek�ng r imbur. ement for damages to the property as a .result of the inves igati n. Our office approve,s the settlem of B. P. Management/Inve tment ' s claim in the amount of $655 . 67. On June 27 , 1985 , a Cit of aint Paul police squad driven by Officer Jerome Kubash p lled ' n front of a vehicle that had a green liqht. Officer Ku ash did not see the vehicle in time and struck it causinq consid rable damage . This car was driven and owned by Kenneth Shoop a d the car was totale� as a result of the impact. Mr. Shoop ' s ins rance company, Safeco, paid him for the loss of his vehicle in t e amo nt of $3 , 627 . 35 . We have reached a compromise settlement in t e amount of $2 , 500 with Safeco Insurance Companies ' for t e los of this vehicle . � �