86-1551 �_,,`, .:><- , J � � • ,� '� /�''�_......� CITY OF ST.,PAUL COUNCIL F E NO. � '- / PRELIMINA �iY O DER � � B ' ` Y � ' File No. 18446 � Voting IntheMatterqf co struct ng sanitary, storm and water connections, if Ward r�queste by th property owner� for the combined sewer seperat on 6 project nown a the MARYLAND FLANDRAU/FURNESS IVY AREA STORM S ER AND STRE T PAVI G AND LIGHTING PROJECT. � � � � � � � � The Council�of the Ci y of Sain Paul having received the report of the Mayor upon the above impro ement, and having considered�aid repor hereby r olves: 1. That the �aid repo and the e is hereby approved with no alternatives, and that the estimated ost thereof zs$ er iconnec io�finan d by assessments, Saniltary, S orm an Water Connections assessed at cost. 2. That a pu�blic heari g be had said improvement on the 9 th day of Decembe r, 986 at , 10:00 d�lock a.m. in the Co ncil Chambers of the City Hall and Court House Building in the City Saint Paul. 3. That not�ce of sai public h ring be given to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charte ,stating the time and place of h aring,the ature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. COUNCIL PEI�SON Adopted by the Council: Date �O , � � Yeas Drew ! Nays Nicosial Certif'ied Passed by Council Secretary Rettmar� � Scheib�l In Favor By Sonnen , � Tedescq Against Wilson � ��,1,f ; i;+y��Yor � Pi�B�iSliED i� u i/ 15 198f� . ' PUB115�4�� .=�:'�. `' :' 1986�