86-1541 WHITE - GTV CLERK �, PINK - FINANCE GI y OF SAINT PAUL Council CANAR� - DEPAi7TMENT � � ,�/� 6LUE �- MAVOR File NO. � C u cil Resolution Presen d By Referred To � Committee: Date �� ' Out of Committe� By Date WHEREAS, THe Minn sota D partment of Jobs and Training has approved a gr nt to the City of Saint P ul pro iding $115,000 for the City's participation in n employment and t�rainin progr m for workers displaced from Sperry and Union B ass; and ' WHEREAS, Tl�is pro ram wi 1 provide employment assistance and training fo up to 100 dislocated work rs; no , therefore, be it RESOLVED, '�hat up n reco endation of the Mayor, the Council of the City of Saint Paul does 'hereby approv the City's participation in the Sperry/Union B ass Dislocated Worker Proj ct; an be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That t e proper City officials are hereby authorized a d directed to execute th contr ct between the Minnesota Department of Jobs and Training and th� City f Sain Paul; and be it FINALLY REiOLVED, That t e 1986 Special Funds budget be amended as ident'fied below: Activity 3i552 - perry/ nion Brass Dislocated Worker Project Fund 345 - overmm �tal Employment and Training Program i Current Increase Revised Financing Plan Budget Decrease Budget Sperry/Union Br�ss Dislocated Worker Proj ct $ 0 $115,000 $115,000 345-36552-3111, Direct Grant State Administe�ed-Fed ral $ 0 $115,000 $115,000 COUNC[LMEN , Requested by Department of: Yeas Drew NaYS Nicosia Rettman I �R F8v0[ SaM�iblr' � �� � Sonnen _ Agel[lst BY Tedesco i Wilson Adopted by Council: I Date Form Appr ed by City Att rney Certified Vas• d by Counc.il Secret r BY � � By Approved by Mavor: Date Appro d b Mayor for Sub 'ssi n to Cou cil By _� — BY I WHITE — C�TV CLERK PINK — FINANCE COUflCll CANARV� DEPARTMENT GI Y OF SAINT PAUL File NO. � /� �LUE - MAVOR C uncil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committeel By Date Page 2 Current Increase Revised Spending Plan Budget (Decrease) Budget Subcontractor Payments 345-36552-0547 $ 0 $ 97,750 $ 97,750 Operating Transfer Out 345-36552-0537 $ 0 $ 17,250 $ 17,250 Net Charge i, $ 0 $115,000 $115,000 �� APPROVED AS TO F NDING: APPROVED: , 'YI� ►a 6- �� Dire or, D rtm t of Financ �,v Budget 'r tor and anagement Services 5,►°� �� COUNC[LMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Drew Nays Nicosia Rettman [n Favor '�°w"Y'I� ' .,�' s so��e� ', � __ Against BY redesco ' Wilson Adopted by Council: Date ��y 3 1986 Form App oved by City Attorney . Certified assed by Council S retary BY ' L�� � gy .- Appr y Mavor: Date N � t 19$6 Approv Mayor for Submis 'on o C nc' B By � �Oae, �?i.>:� i'��.� ... R�����dp�. �; 198� , i � � � � ���� � 06014 ' EPARTMENT • Tom Norman �ONTACT 292-1577 361 HONE . Se tember 24, 1986 ATE e�� Q. � ASSIGN NUMBER FOR ROUT NG OR R C1� ! A11 Locations for Si nature : �partr�nt° Dfrecto � Director of Management/ yor � Finance and Manag ent Se vices prector � s C�ty C1Qrk � o r _.1_ �City Attorney � 2 ilii m Pat n . � HAT WILL BE ACHIEVED Y TAKI G ACTI ON THE ATTACHED MATERIALS? (Purpose/ Rationale) : The attached Council esolut on pro �.des for the acceptarice of funds to operate a c mprehensive employment- and traini prog ant for pproximately 100 workers laid off from the Spe ry and Union srass �ompanies. RECLIW'ED . _ `s� ' _ RECEtVFO � ' QCT � 4 ����n ' OCT 81986 MAYOR'S OFFICE � COST BENEFIT BUDGETAR AND P RSOMNE IMPACTS ANTICIPATED: OFFICE OF THE D�rtECTO � pEpARTMENT C1F FMAN AND MANAGtM1ENT The City CQuncil woul appro e the ceptance of $115,000 for the operation of a Di located Worker ,Project for wor ers 1 id off rom Sperry and Union Brass companies. Funds a e . available through a $1 5,000 compet' ive grant .from the Minnesota Department of Job and Training. FINANCING SOURCE AND BU GET A IVITY �UI�ER CHARGED OR CREDITED: (Mayor's signa- ture not re- Total .Amount of "Tran actio : Si �S,000 quired if under . �10,00Q) Funding Source: Min . 'sota epart nt of Jobs and Training JTPA Title III Grant Activity Number: 365 2 • ATTACHMENTS List and N mber 1 Atta hments : One Council Resolution ✓ ; . DEPARTMENT REVIEW ; CITY ATTORNEY REYIEW Yes No Council R soluti n Requ ,red? � Resolution Required? Ye No Yes No Insurance Requi d? Insurance Sufficient? Ye No Yes No Insurance Attac . ; (SEE • EVERSE �SIDE FOR INSTRUCTIONS) Revised 1Z/84 I , L [ � ,t�+� � . �- (S`�(/ � +��; � ITY OF SAINT PAUL :"i fit��u � O�'B�I OF THF CIZTY COUiYCIL � I � Il1Il'll�te� �� OI"� P �:i�anc��� l� a e e�.t & Persannel Cammi�tee. , ovn��R 6, 'i9s6 _ i. Approval of minutes fro meeti g held October 30, 1986. approved 2. P.esolution establishing the ra e of pay for Parking Enforcement Officer in Grade 17, Sectio� I D 1 of the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation Resolution. a xoved 3. Resolution amend�.ng the 1986 b dget by adding $10,200 to the Financing Plan and to the Spending Pla for S ecial Projects - Police - Employees Assistance Program. a roved 4. Resolution amending the 1986 b dget by adding M115,000 to the Financing Plan and to the Spend�,ng Pla for S erry/Union Brass Dislocated Worker Project. • approved . � ' � 5. Resolut3.un conser�tin; t the a proval of Port Authority Revenue Bonds in - t�►e a�ount-�o-f-�$9�5,000 o fina ce construc�tion and headquarters office--for =- - B��•� 2nc. , i�{�°�mpir :8uild r Industrial. Park. approved 6. Administrative Oxders: D-8145: Authorization f paym nt to Mercury Ma.rine for training parts and tool�s rela ive to Watergate Marina. discussed D--8148: Additio s of $ ,73$.4 to the contract for Como Golf Clubhouse site im�roveme ts - g lf course reconstruction. laid over 11/13 I i � � C`� �� S FLOOR SAINT PAUL,MINNES A 55102 �.�s — 'i