86-1537 NiHITE - CITV CLERK � " PINK - FINANCE COUflCll Ci�NARV�EPARTMENT ITY OF SAINT PAUL �i`Ile NO. ���� 'Bl:6E AVOR ` � < � ,, I � Z � Ordinance N�. Presented y Referred To ' Committee: Date �/ 3 � � Out of Commi tee By Date An Ordin nce amending Chapter 411 of �he I Sa nt Pa 1 Legislative Code pertaining to th lice sing and regulation of entertain- ' me t in n-sale licensed establishments. THE COUNCIL OF THE C TY OF 5AINT PAUL DOES ORDAIiV: Section 1 . Tha sect on 41 . 02 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code e and _, is hereb amen ed to read as follows : 411 . 02. icens Classification. Any person desiring t provide ent rtain ent on the licensed premises must obtai an entertai ment icense of the applicable type as herein after �rovi ed: Class 1 - Ampli ied o•r non-ampliiied music and/or singi g by on performer, anc� group singing participa ed in by patrons of the es�ablishment. Clas� 2 - All a tivities allowed in Class 1 , plus ampli ied or no -amplified music and/or singing by thre or fe er performers . , Class 3 - 11 a tivities allowed in Classes 1 and 2, pl s i ampli ied or non-amplified music and/or singi g y pe formers without limitation as to number, and d cing by patrons to live , taped or elec ronic lly-produced music, and which may also I ermit volleyball and broomball participated 'n by atrons or guests of the licensed estab 'I ishme t. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department oE: Yeas Nay c 4'Ul� Drew � � Nicosia �f1 F8V0[ Rettman s�n.�bei ' Against BY soonen �� Tedesco ' Wilson Adopted by Council: Date Form Approv d by City Attorney Certified Passed by Coun lil Secret ry BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Appro Mayor for ub s �on o Co il By B I `=� = ' , �--i���7 ' , � ¢ �����. Class 4 - R11 a tivities allowed in Classes l , 2 and 3 , pl s stage shows , skits , vaudeville , theat r, contests , and/or dancing by perfo mers without limitation as to number, inclu ing patron participation in any of the a orementioned. Section 2. That sect ' on 41 . 03 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code e and is hereby amen ed to read as follows : 411 . 03 . ee. he annual license fees shall be as foll ws : Clas's 1 - ���. - $100.00 C 1 a s s 2 - 3�: - $250.00 Class 3 - 58� - $350.00 Clas's 4 - $1 , 00 .00 Section 3. That Sect on 41 .04, subdivision 1 , of the Saint Paul L gis- lative Co,de be and i hereby amended to read as follows : Subdivisi n 1 . Application. Any person desiring a licqnse t prov de entertainment shall make his appli- cation in writi g upon a form to be provided by the inspector with whom the application shall be filed. The �inspe tor s all require that the following infor- mation be set f rth upon the application: (1 ) ,The n me an place of residence of the applicant. (2) The e act 1 cation of thP: premi_ses upon which the lappli ant p oposes to provide entertainment. ( 3) Wheth r the applicant has ever been engaged in a Isimil r bus ness and, if so , the location thereof and t e dat when so engaged. (4) I bdl�e�13 �-�l�e app��ea��-p�e�eses ,--��-add}��e�-�e-��ie sa�e- �-�}q e�;-�e-p�e��de-�a�-}�s��t�x�e��a�-�t�s�e va}��- a�e}� -€e�-�l�e-Q�es�s-��ie�e}�-e�-s��g���-e� �at�de ���e- ��e��a��x�e��-e�-a��-eex�b��a�}e� 2 . WHITE - CITV CLERK � PINN - FINANCE ITy OF SAINT PAUL Council CriNARV �� DEPARTMENT / BLyE � -MAVOR � F1IE NO• ��� ° � • ,�3,/ I � e Ordinance N 0. � Y�`J` Presented By Referred To ' Committee: Date Out of Commi tee By Date e€-��i se;--e -�b�-�r�s���x�e��a�-�t�s}e-se�e�},--�a��l� Ie��-d �e��� �e�-�t�es�s-��ie�e��;-e�-s��Q}��;-e� �aa�de }��e- ��e��a}�r�e��-e�-a�}�-�ea�b}�a�}e�-e� ��iese A d scription of the type or types of lenter ainme t to be provided and the frequency 'there f. In c�ase t e app ican� proposes to afford the public the privilege of da cing, the application shall set forth t e amo nt of floor space available and which the applicant pro�oses o mai tain for dancing purposes . The appli ation shall be signed by the applican� in per on, and if th appl cant is a corporation, by an officer of the 'corpo ation who shall agree to comply with all the ordi ance of t e city relating to the business of pro- vidi�ig en ertai ment. He shall file with his applicati_ n the licen e fee , together with the consent of property ownelrs or tenan s as hereinafter provided. Section 4. Thisl� ordi ance hall take effect and be in force thirty days from and after its p ssage, approval and publication. �I I I x 3� COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays' /� ` � Drew II�., � _ �— �/(J� 1dW � Nicosia l In Favor Rettman • Scheibel � Against BY Sonnen �d�sca Wilson �� _ 1987 Form Approv by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Pas ounc'1 Se r BY By EB � - 19$ ` Appro by Mayor: Date Appro Mayor r Submi on Cou cil By By PU�IISH D F E B - ig8� i Finarice, � Mana �erv' �s , DE PARTMENT �� / ���7 3 6 8 6 Jo h F. Carchedi � CONTACT t T��� 298-5956 PHONE l�avgnber 4 1986 DATE / Q��� � ASSIGN NUMBER FOR R UTING RDER i All Locations for Si nature : C��:�- ����i� Department Direc or Director of Managemen /Mayor Finance and Man gement Servic Director City Clerk ��!f��,; ; �.. � Budget Director City Attorney ��� �` �' WHAT WILL BE ACHIEV D BY T KING A TION ON THE ATTACHED MATERIALS? (Purpose/ Rationale) : Adoptian of Sectio 411.0 to city's Entertainment license will allaw for mQ control and i�roved enfo t f the s of Entertainment allaw�d in On Sale Liquor establistan�ents. To distribute the st of enfo t on an equitable basis. ��� COST/BENEFIT BUDGE ARY AN PERSO NEL IMPACTS ANTICIPATED: ��\� It is anticipated t city �11 recoup the $65,000.00 it presently costs enforoe/ regulate St. Paul isla 've e 411 (Entertainment) . No ahange is antic'pat.ed per �nel. FINANCING SOURCE AN BUDGE ACTIV TY NUI+�ER CHARGED OR CREDITED: (Mayor's signa- ture not re- Total Amount of ransac ion: quired if unde $10,000) Funding Source: Activity Number: c*� ATTACHMEN� ti st a d Num r Al 1 ttachments : RECENED � .r. � � � NOV a 4 i986 , �� a �� } �CE OF THE DIRECTOR � z ARTMENT OF F1NqNCE � �iD N1�INAGEMENt SE�ES � � DEPARTMENT REUIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW Yes No Council Res lution ,equired? Resolution Required? Yes No Yes No Insur nce R quired. Insurance Sufficient? Yes No Yes No Insur nce A tached: SEE RE RSE SIDE FOR INSTRUCTIONS) Revised 12/84 � � ,� � � . . �.--�..:��j-� �_.., � � , C TY OF SAINT PBUL :..:�.: � O FIC� OF THE CZTY COIINCZL ,�........•.� � �x,„�•;,�.�,•� ;�` =- Date ; January 26 , 1987 OM (TTEE REPORT TO = Sa� � Pa 1 City Councit - - '� : , - �, FR � � � CO t11I�'t � Oh LEGIS�.ATION ' .� C�{ IR : OHN DREW . 1 . Apprdval o minu es from the meeting held January 12, 1 87. • APPRCSVED. . 2. An ordinan e ame ding Chapter 411 of the Saint Paul Leg slative Code ' pertaining o the iYcensing and regulation of ente tainment in on-sale lice ed establishments. Council File No. 8 -1537. COMMITTEE ECOM NDS APPROVAL, WITH THE AMENDMENT THAT HE ANNUAL LICEMSE FE 5, A SET OUT IN SECTION 2, SHALL BE AS FOLL WS: CLAS 1 - �100.OD � CLAS 2 - $250.00 ' CLAS 3 - $350.00 � CLAS 4 - $1 ,000.00 , � i CTTY HALL SEVENTH FLOOR SAINT PAUL, INNESOTA 55IO2 •���� � . � � . M. ' � ' 4�- ���15�"�� . . 1:". a �'�'4��.��7 �:� � ' C TY OF S3INT PAUL � �,,,��._t ' O C� OF TSE CITY COII�7CIL =„�..�.....•., �ZL+t±�^,,,.;..��a.r•.y <'� -- , D d t e : December 15 1986 � COM (T"f" EE RE PORT ; TO = � Sat t Pa t Cit�r Councit � . F R O � = C O [1"i I�'t � O t7 LEGISLATION C� �;-R : J HN DREW . 1 . F.inal Discus ion an Prioritization of the City's 1987 State Legisl,ative ssues. Commi tee re orr�nend approval of the PRIORITY STATE LEGISLATIVE ISSUE li�ti g, cop attached, and of the proposed City Council . Resol tion, opy at ached, adopting ruies of conduCt and procedure , f�r. t e 1987 lectisl tive session. ' � . __._._,- _ _ ------�-T - 2. Rn Ordinanee arnendi ,g Chapter 411 of the St. Paul Legislative �Code perta�in ng to licensing and reguletion of entertain� �t: �n on-s le 1 i�c sed e�tabi isfiments. Cc,�i. tee ov 1 . 3. An ordinance repea} ng Section 409.05, Subd. 3, of the St. Paul Legislative ode pe taining to fees for intoxicating liquor licenses. C�mmi tee-re ommend a roval . � i � ' CITY HALL SEVENTH FLOOR SAINT PAU4 j►`iNESOTA 55IO2 - •�.�� .. � . �''.i . . !��� � I . � � �� r �.�t :__.��f- 3-� '� . ` `��t? ' � /� - �3-�'� 3:d ' � ` � U �Adopted f" �° � � � . —+--- eas Nays � 3�� -� DRF.ja G'��-��3 7 N�caszA ��� ��� I7 SCHEIBEL SONNEN WILSON ' MR PRESIDENT TED�SCO , � . ,. =---#T:_ ___ _ - ---�--- .,«_ _ _ _ , I