86-1519 WHITE - CITV CIERK PINK - FINANCE G I TY O F SA I NT PA U L Council e `/�/ C4NqRV - DEPARTMENT File NO. BLUE - MAVOR � ouncil Resolution , ; Presented Referred To ! s Committee: Date �d 'Z l� S Out of Committee By Date RESOLVEi, that the Co ncil of �he City of Saint Paul hereby apProves ncl ratifies theiattack► d 1986 - 1989 Collective Bargaining Agreement '�etween Independent 9chool istric No. 625 and The Tri-Council Local 49 - Local 1 0 - and Local 13�. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas p�eW N�ys � Nicosia [n Favor Rettman Scheibel Sonnen _ AgaltlSt B Tiiac�a. Wilson �� r � 1986 Form ove by ity t rney Adopted by Council: I Date r, Certified Pa.s .'1 S etar BY � By� Appro Mavor: D te _ N/V � ' i'�� Appr d by Mayor for Su 's io�i`to o cil By _ — sY PV��iS �t�l ;���`�i 1 519�f. � _._ _ C�'�I,.j te �E{ . . �y� -��/ � U`- �;• j C Y OF SgZ�TT PA.UL ::;�'"`-:`�+.;'!: • :.i� ti�.�s� O CE OF THT CITY COU�TCIL , �am.mittee Report �:' anc� �Ian eme�t � Personnel Cammittea. � � OCTOBER 30, 1986 1. Approval of minut � froa Beeting held October 23, 1986. approved 2. Discussion of Cit Hail/ ourthouse renovation. discussed 3. Resolution approv'ng the 1986-89 Agreement between Independent School D strict No. 625 an�l Unite Broth rhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America Twi City � Carpenters', Distri t Coun il. approved 4. ResQ >.. ,�c�;sc�vt�'�rg��art#��, �,g�r�ement b�c Itt�.. . 3:�t ' +�t Nv. b�:�a.d ��+e.�n�=G��.3.� LD��``.;'"'�ts�"rt']� 1�2� a j. e rov ' S. Resolution approv'ng •the 1986-89 Maintenance Labor Agreement between' In ependent School Dis rict . 625 nd United Union of Roofers, Waterproofers and lied ,, Workers,_,L cal Un'on No. 96. - _approved ._._ . __—___ -__ 6. Resolution' appro 'ng the 1986-89 Maintenance Labor Agreement between In ependent School District . 625 nd International Brotherhood of Painers and Al ied Trades Locals 61. a roved 7. Resolution author'zing a agreement with the State Department of Educat on for the continuation f the ending Library relationship with the city's Di ision of Libraries. a ro ed 8. Resolution amendi g the 986 budget and transferring $6,375 from Contin ent Reserve to Citq C erk - ecords and Elections. approved 9. Resolutionlamendi g the 985-86 Capital Improvement Budget and transfer ing $550,000 f om Wat r Poll tion Abatement Bonds and Lake Overflow Credit o Phalen Cre k Inte ceptor Sewer. approved 10. Resolution reques ing th Charter Commission review and recommend appro al of proposed o dinanc amend'ng Section 12.04.1 of the City Charter pertain ng to the hearin of gr'evance by the Civil Service Commission. a roved I �I C�Tl' HAj-I- EVENTH FLOOR SAINT PAUL, , FSOTA 55102 .�.as • � ONNEL - LABOR LATION II D�PARTMENT ��°�5/ � �o O��J�`� . _ 1.Jim Lombar ' ` CONTACT _ PHONE _ en e DATE ASS GN NUh�ER FOJt R UTING RDER i AU Locations for Si nature : Depa�rtment arre or 3 Director of Managemen /Mayor Finance and Man gement Servic Director � 4 City Clerk � Budget Directar j City Attorney i WHAT WILL BE ACHIEY D BY T ING A ION ON-THE ATTACHED MATERIALS? (Purpose/ Rationale�• THIS RESOLUTION AP OVES 198 1989 A�REEMENT BETWEEN THE TRI-COUNCIL BA GAIN NG UNIT AND THE I5D �625. � � , � THE NEW AGREEMENT CLUDE THE C GES LISTED ON THE ATTACH SHEET. THIS AGREEME T HAS BEEN APPROVED THE T. PAU SCHOOL BOARD. , �� ola,i`� }° . � COST BENEFIT BUDGE ARY AN PERSO EL IMPACTS ANTICIPATED: FINANCIAL IMPACT: NONE. THIS A �2EEMENT APPLIES ONLY TO THE SCHOOL DISTRI�T. . , � � � � � F�,�-�, .�..� � � RECENED 0 T ( . . . . . . f ��^^ �l� I �.J R �� li �� h 1 1�.t i►t i y�3 . �Rr 1� FINANCING SOURCE AN BUDG ACTIV TY NUWBER CHARGED�YOR' �RI��ED: (Mayor's signa- ture not re- Total Rmount of" ransa ion: 1 quired if unde � $10,000) ; Fundin,g Source: Activity Number: I ATTACHMENTS List a d Nwm r All ttachments : 1 - RESOLUTION ' � l - COPY .FOR CITY LERK _ j � . ,, DEPARTMfNT REVIEW ' CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW x Yes No Coun il Res lution hequired? ' Resolution Required? Yes No Yes x No Insu ance R quired � Insurance Sufficient? Yes No �� Yes x No Insu ance A tached �I � SEE •RE RSE SIDE FOR INSTRUCTIONS) � Revised 12/84 � '' HOW TO USE THE GREEN SHEET � � The GREEN SHEET has several PURPOSES: � � ' � 1. to assist in routing documents and in securing required signatures 2. to brief the reviewers of documents on the impacts of approval 3. to help ensure that necessary supporting materials are prepared, and, if - required, attached. . Providinq complete informa'tion under the listed headings enables reviewers to make decisions on the documents and eliminates follow-up contacts that may delay execution. The COST/BENEFIT, BUDGETARY AND PERSONNEL IMPACTS heading provides space to explain the cost/benefit aspects of the decision. Costs and benefits related both to City budget (General Fund and/or_Special Funds) and to broader financial impacts (cost to users, homeowners or other qroups affected by the action) . The personnel impact is a description of change or shift of Full-Time Equivalent (FTE) positions. � If a CONTRACT amount is less than $10,000, the Mayor's signature is not required, if the department director signs. A contract must always be first signed by the outside agency before routing through City offices. . Below is the preferred ROUTING for the five'most frequent types of documents: CONTRACTS (assumes authorized budget exists) ' � 1. Outside Agency 4. Mayor 2. Initiatinq Department 5. Finance Director 3. City Attorney 6. Finance Accounting ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER (Budget Revision) ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS (all others) . 1. Activity Manager 1. Initiatinq Department 2. Department Accountant 2. City Attorney 3. Department Director - 3. Director of Manaqement/Mayor 4. Budget Director 4. City Clerk ' 5. City Clerk � 6. Chief Accountant, F&MS COUNCIL RESOT,tJTION (Amend. Bdgts./Accept. Grants) COUNCIL RESOLUTZON (all others) 1. Department DirectOr 1. Initiating Department 2. Budget Director 2. City Attorney 3. City Attorney 3. Director of Management/Mayor 4. Director of Manaqement/Mayor 4. City Clerk 5. Chair, Finance, Mngmt. & Personnel Com. 5. City Council 6. City Clerk 7. City Council 8. Chief Accountant, E'&MS SUPPORTING MATERIALS. In the ATTACHI�NTS section, identify all attachments. If the Green Sheet is well done, no letter of transmittal need be included (unless signinq such a letter is one of the requested actions) . Note: If an aqreeraent requires eviderice of insurance/co-insurance, a Certificate of Insurance should be one of the attachments at time of routing. Note: Actions which require City Council Resolutions include: 1. Contractual relationship with another goverrmnental unit. 2.. Collective bargaininq contracts. � 3. Purchase, sale or lease of'land. 4. Issuance of bonds by City. 5. Eminent domain. 6. Assumption of liability by City, or granting by City of indemnific�tion. : 7. Aqreements with State or Federal Government under which they are providing � funding. 8. Budqet amendments. . ', Cont ct cha ges are as follows: ��� �`��J + - rticle VIII - Hours, Premium �; New language ba ed on SA r quirements regarding the computation of ov rtime ate. I - rticle IX - Insurance: New language with new caps on ploye s contribution, new requirements for ins rance ligibi ity for early retirees, and lower caps for hal -time mploye s. - rticle XII - Vacations: Language change in va tion i chedul , placing vacation earned on a fiscal rather than � alenda year basis. - rticle XV - Severance p�; Language change which clar fies he 6, 00 maximum severance pay. - endi s A and B - Wa es: . fo laborers - total package increase of 40� per h ur fo each year for driver-operators - total package increases of OC per hour in 1986, 45� per hour in 1987, and 50 per i hou in 1988 for e ui ment o erators - total package increase o SOC per hour for each year. - A endix C - Retirement: States mandatory retirement a age 7 . (Th s is not a change, but a clarification.) I > I � i , � � -��'q • - 89 1 86 �9 OLLECTIVE BARGAINING AGREEMENT ' - between - I EPENDENT SCAOOL DISTRICT N0. 625 • - and - THE TRI-COUNCIL LOC L 49 - LOCAL 120 - AND LOCAL 132 � � • �'�-/s`��' � I N D E X ARTICLE'' TITLE PAGE � - . i Princ les iii I Recog tion 1 II Mainte ance of Standards 3 III Union ights 3 IV ' Payrol Deduction 4 V Manage ent Rights 4 VI Safety 5 VII Discip ine Procedures 6 VIII Hours, Premium Pay 7 � IX Insura ce 8 X Employ e Rights - Grievance Procedure 11 � XI , Senior ty 14 XII ' Vacati ns 15 XIII Holida s 16 XIV Jury D ty 17 XV Severa ce Pay 18 XVI Wages 20 XVII , Saving Clause 20 • XVIII Jurisd'ction 20 XIX Sick L ave 21 XX Matern ty Leave 21 XXI Legal ervices 21 XXII Strike , Lockouts, Work Interference 21 XXIII Terms f Agreement 22 Append x A A1-7 Append x B B1-4 Append x C C-1 � • - ii - PRINCIPLES � This AGREEMENT is entered into to facilitate the adjustment of grievances and disputes between the EMPLOYER and EMPLOYEES to provide, insofar as possible, for the continuous employment of labor and to establish necessary procedures for the amicable adjustment of all disputes which may arise between the EMPLOYER and the UNION. The EMPLOYER and the UNION encourage the highest possible degree of practical, friendly, cooperative relationships between their respective representatives at all levels. The officials of the EMPLOYER and the UNION realize that this goal depends primarily on cooperative attitudes between people in their respective organizations and at all levels of . responsibility, and that proper attitudes must be based on full understanding of and regard for the respective rights and responsibilities of both the EMPLOYER and the IIKPLOYEES. • There shall be no discrimination against any EMPLOYEE by reason of race, color, creed, sex or UNION membership. The EMPLOYER and the UNION affirm their joint opposition to any discriminatory practices in connection with employment, promotion or training, remembering that the public interest remains in full utilization of employees' skill and ability without regard to consideration of race, • color, creed, national origin, age or sex. • - iii - � ,F�--i..�i 9 ARTICL� I - R COGNIT ON • 1.1 The EMPL YER re ognizes the UNION as the sole and exclusive col ective b rgaini g agen y for all Employees who have been certified by the S��ate of Minnes ta, Case No. 73-PR-427-A, as follows: All empl yees o the City of �Saint Paul in the classifications f Air Comp essor perator Paving Breaker (Hydra H mmer A�phalt atche n Operator) A phalt lant E gineer Plasterer's Tender A phalt ker Playground Custodian A phalt hovele Power Clam Operator Power Shovel Operator Backfill r Oper tor Public Works Laborer • Bitumino s Curb Machine Operator Pulvimixer Operator B tumino s Spre der Operator Pumperete Operator B idge C ew Lea er • B idge L borer Road Machinery Operator B�iilding Labore Roller Engineer (under tons) Roller Engineer (6 tons or over) Ditch Di ger Sanitation Laborer Fc�restry Crew L ader School Grounds Maintena ce Foreman Sewer Crew Leader G rden L borer Sewer Laborer • G�rdener Sewer Maintenance Labor r Groundsw rker Sno-go Operator Sweeper Operator H�avy Eq ipment Operator H avy Eq ipment Operator--Asphalt Plant Tamper H isting Engine r Tractor Operator I Tractor Operator II J�ckhamm r Oper tor Tractor Operator II (Ba khoe) Jet Sewe Clean r Operator Tree Trimmer I Tree Trimmer II Kettle F reman Truck Driver Tunnel Laborer L�bor Cr w Lead r Unskilled Laborer : Miner Miner--W ter De artment Vibrator Operator Mixer En ineer � Mprtar M xer Water Laborer M tor Eq ipment Operator Water Serviceman I M�tor Eq ipment Operator--Water Water Serviceman II (Co nections) Department Water Serviceman II (Ma ns) Motor Pa rol Op rator Water Service Worker--C ntrol Desk and Watershed Laborer wlho work more t an 14 hours per week and more than 100 work d ys per y ar, e luding supervisory, confidential, temporary, emergen y, and • e ployee excl sively represented by other labor or e ployee o ganiza ions. - 1 - Article I - Recognition (continued) The parties agree that any new classifications which are an expansion • of the above bargaining unit or which derive from the classif�cations set forth in this Agreement shall be recognized as a part of this bargaining unit, and the parties shall take all steps required under the Public Employment Relations Act to accomplish said objective. 1.2. The II�PLOYER agrees not to enter into any contractually-binding agreements with any employee or representative not authorized to act on behalf of the UNION. There shall be no individual agreements with any employees that conflict with the terms of this AGREEMENT, and any such agreement or contract shall be null and void. • - 2 - • � - �sr9 ARTICLE II - INTEN CE OF STANDARDS 2. 1 Tle part es agr e that all conditions of employment relating t wages, • h urs o work overtime differentials, vacations, and al other g neral orking conditions shall be maintained at not less t an the h ghest inimu standard as set forth in the Civil Service les of , t e Cit of Sa nt Paul and the Saint Paul Salary Plan and R tes of C mpensa ion at the time of the signing of this Agreement, nd the c�nditio s of employment shall be improved wherever pecific paovisio s for mprovement are made elsewhere in this Agreemen . ARTICLE III - UNION IGHTS . 3. 1. The UNIO may esignate employees from within the bargaining nit to act as teward and shall inform the EMPLOYER in writing f such designat ons. Such employees shall have the rights and , responsi ilitie as designated in Article 10 (GRIEVANCE PRO EDURE) . T11ere sh 11 be no more than one Steward from each local invo ved in arty one pecifi grievance. i 3.2. T ere s all b no deduction of pay from Stewards when irectly i volved in m etings with management during working hou s for g ievanc proce ures. 3.3. D signat d Unio Representatives shall be permitted to visit e loyees • o job s tes an at department buildings during working time. 3.4. I� the ions e ter into any Agreements with any individual ployer o� group of Em loyers for more favorable wages, hours or con itions t11an her in spe ified, the Unions shall immediately furnish a opy of any such Agreem nt to the City and the Union may, effective u on ten (10) day ' noti e to the City, apply all or part of such Agree ent as the new greeme t between it and the City. II • - 3 - ARTICLE IV - PAYROLL DEDUCTION 4.1 The EMPLOYER shall, upon request of any employee in the unit, deduct • such sum as the UNION may specify for the purposes of initiation fees and dues to the UNION, providing the UNION uses its best ef�orts to assess such deductions in as nearly uniform and standard amounts as is possible. The EMPLOYER shall remit monthly such deductions to the appropriate designated UNION. � 4.2 In accordance with M. S. 179.65, Subd. 2, the EMPLOYER agrees that upon notification by the UNION, the EMPLOYER shall deduct a fair share fee from all certified employees who are not members of the exclusive representative. In no instance shall the required contribution exceed a pro rata share of the specific expenses incurred for services rendered by the representative in relationship to negotiations and administration of grievance procedures. 4.3 The UNION will indemnify, defend, and hold the EMPLOYER harmless against any claims made and against any suits instituted against the EMPLOYER, its officers or employees, by reason of negligence of the - UNION in requesting or receiving deductions under this Article. The EMPLOYER will indemnify, defend, and hold the UNION harmless against any claims made and against any suits instituted against the UNION, its officers or employees by reason of negligence on the part of the EMPLOYER in making or forwarding deductions under this Article. ARTICLE V - MANAGEMENT RIGHTS • 5.1 The UNION recognizes the right of the EMPLOYER to operate and manage its affairs in all respects in accordance with applicable laws and regulations of appropriate authorities. The rights and authority which the EMPLOYER has not officially abridged, delegated or modified by this Agreement are retained by the EMPLOYER. 5.2 A public employer is not required to meet and negotiate on matters of inherent managerial policy, which include, but are not limited to, such areas of discretion or policy as the functions and programs of the employer, its overall budget, utilization of technology, and organizational structure and selection and direction and number of , personnel. 5.3 If the Unions enter into any Agreements with any individual Employer . or group of Employers for less favorable wages, hours or conditions than herein specified, the Unions shall immediately furnish a copy of any such Agreement to the City or, if the City comes upon such an Agreement, the City may, effective upon ten (10) days' notice to the Unions, apply all or part of such Agreement as the new Agreement between it and the Unions. • - 4 - �-/.�i� ARTICLE VI - AFETY • 6. 1 Accident and in ury-free operations shall be the goal of all LOYERS and EMPL YEES. To this end, the EMPLOYER and EMPLOYEE will, to the best of heir a ility, abide by and live up to the requirements of the several tate a d Federal Construction Safety Codes and Regulations. . . . _ 6.2 To this end, t e EMPLOYER shall from time to time issue r les or notices to his EMPLOYEES regarding on-the-job safety requi ments. Any EMP OYEE v olating such rules or notices shall be sub ect to discipli ary ac ion. No EMPLOYEE may be discharged for refu ing to work und r unsa e conditions. 6.3 Such saf ty equ pment as required by governmental regulation s all be provided withou cost to the EMPLOYEE. At the EMPLOYER'S opti n, the EMPLOYEE may b required to sign for safety equipment and s all be obligate to eturn same upon discharge, layoff, quit o other terminat on in comparable condition as when issued, p oviding reasonab e wea and tear. The EMPLOYER shall have the r ght to . withhold the co t of such safety equipment if nat returned. 6.4 The EMP YER a rees to pay $10.00 toward the cost of each air of safety s oes pu chased by an EMPLOYEE who is a member of thi unit. The EMPL YER sh 11 contribute for the cost of two pair of sh es per year an shall not be responsible for any additional cost or any addition 1 shoe thereafter. This reimbursement of $10.00 per air of shoes s all be made only after investigation and approval by the immediat supe isor of that employee. This $10.00 per pair o shoes � contribu ion to be made by the EMPLOYER shall apply to those e ployees who must wear p otective shoes or boots for their employment. . - 5 - ARTICLE VII - DISCIPLINE PROCEDURES 7. 1 The EMPLOYER will discipline EMPLOYEES for just cause only. � Discipline will be in the form of: a) Oral reprimand; . . b) Written reprimand; c) Suspension; d) Reduction; e) Discharge. 7.2 Suspensions, reductions, and discharges will be in written form. 7.3 A notice in writing of suspensions, reductions, and discharges shall be sent to the EMPLOYEE and the UNION within seventy-two (72) hours after. such action is taken. 7.4 Discharges will be preceded by a five (5) day preliminary suspension without pay. During said period, the EMPLOYEE and/or UNION may request, and shall be entitled to a meeting with the EMPLOYER - representative who initiated the suspension with intent to discharge. During said five (5) day period, the EMPLOYER may affirm the suspension and discharge in accordance with Civil Service Rules or may modify or withdraw same. 7.5 Grievances relating to this Article shall be processed in accordance with existing Civil Service procedures, except that oral and written reprimands shall be taken up in the grievance procedure under Article • 10. 7.6 EMPLOYEES who are unable to report for their normal work day have the responsibility to notify their supervisor of such absence as soon as possible, but in no event later than one-half hour before the beginning of such work day. 7.7 Failure to make such notification may be grounds for discipline. • - 6 - �-�.�i9 ARTICLE VIII HOURS PREMIUM PAY • 8. 1 Hours o Em lo ent--The normal work day and the normal wo k week shall b eight hours, excluding one-half hour for lunch in any twenty-f ur hou period and 40 hours in any seven-day period (For employee on a hift basis, this shall be construed to mean an verage of forty hours -a week.) The normal work week shall consist f five consecut ve no 1 work days. 8.2 Except i cases of emergencies, the EMPLOYER shall notify the affected Union of an int ntion to change a shift at least 24 hours prior to the beginnin of th new shift. 8.3 EMPLOYEE shall report to work location as assigned by a designated EMPLOYER superv sor. During the normal work day, EMPLOYEES may be assigned to oth r work locations at the discretion of the EMPL ER. 8.4 Call-in a --Wh n an EMPLOYEE is called to work, he shall rece've two hours' p y if n t put to work. If he is called to work and co ences work, he shall be guaranteed four straight-time hours' pay. These � provisio s, how ver, shall not be effective when work is un ble to proceed ecause of adverse weather conditions. 8.5 Overtime Time on the payroll in excess of the normal hours set forth above sh 11 be 'overtime work" and shall be done only by order of the head of the de artment. An EMPLOYEE shall be recompensed f r work done in xcess f the normal hours by being granted compensato y time on a ti -and-o e-half basis or by being paid on a time-and- e-half • basis fo such vertime work. The basis on which such overti shall be paid shall e determined solely by the EMPLOYER. The t me and one-half overti e rate shall be based on the total rate, inclu ing any premium ay, be ng earned during the overtime hours worked. 8.6 A premi pay f fifty cents (50�) per hour shall be paid or all swing st ge wor , such as work performed from a boatswain's ch ir or a swing s ffold or hazardous work that requires the use of a safety belt fi y (50) feet or more above the ground. All standard safety laws sha 1 be c mplied with. 8.7 The work break hall not exceed fifteen (15) minutes from the ime the employee stops orking until he resumes work, and shall be t ken in close pr ximity of the employee's work station. . - 7 - ARTICLE IX - INSURANCE 9.1 The Employer will continue for the period of this Agreement to provide • for employees such health and life insurance benefits as are provided by Employer at the time of execution of this Agreement. � 9.2 For each eligible employee covered by this Agreement who is employed full-time and who selects employee insurance coverage, the Employer agrees to contribute the cost of such coverage or $70.00 per month, whichever is less. For each full-time employee who selects family coverage, the Employer will contribute the cost of such family coverage or $180.00 per month, whichever is less. 9.3 For the purpose of this Article, full-time employment is defined as appearing on the payroll at least 32 hours per week or at least 64 hours per pay period excluding overtime hours. 9.4 For each eligible employee covered by this Agreement who is employed . half-time who selects employee insurance coverage, the Employer agrees to contribute fifty percent (50�) of the amount contributed for full-time employees selecting employee coverage in the same insurance plan. For each half-time employee who selects family insurance coverage, the Employer will contribute fifty percent (50%) of the amount contributed for full-time employees selecting family coverage in the same insurance plan. • For the purpose of this Article, half-time employment is defined as appearing on the payroll at least 20 hours but less than 32 hours per week or at least 40 hours but less than 64 hours per pay period excluding overtime hours. An employee will be considered half-time only if such employee is assigned to a position which is regularly assigned half-time hours. 9.5 For each eligible employee, the Employer agrees to contribute the cost of $5,000 of life insurance coverage. 9.6 The Employer will for the period of this Agreement provide for full-time employees who retire after the time of execution of this : Agreement and until such employees reach sixty-five (65) years of age such health and life insurance contributions as are provided by the Employer for active employees under this Agreement. 9.7 The Employer will for the period of this Agreement provide for half-time employees who retire after the time of execution of this Agreement and until such employees reach sixty-five (65) years of age fifty percent (50y) of such health insurance contributions and life insurance contributions as are provided by the Employer for full-time employees who retire under this Agreement. • - 8 - ��i��� Articl� IX - nsuran e (continued) I • 9.8 � Not ithsta ding Article 9.6, the Employer will for the pe iod of thi Agre ment contribute for full-time em lo ees who retire aft r Dec ber 31, 1986 and who select the Blue Cross health � ins rance rovided by the Employer and until such retiree reach six -five (65) ears of a e, the cost of such retiree c vera e � or 106.32 er month, whichever is less. ! For such tirees selectin famil covera e, the Em lo r will i con ribute the cost of such famil covera e or $284.12 er month, whi hever s less. i j For half-t me em lo ees who retire after December 31, 1 86 and who select the Blue Cross health insurance provided y the � Emp oyer a d until such retirees reach sixt -five (65) ars of a e the lo er will contribute fift ercent (50%) f such hea th ins rance contributions as are rovided b this rticle 9.8 for fu 1-time em lo ees who retire. . 9.9 Emp oyees ho retire after execution of this Agreement mu t meet the followi g conditions at the time of retirement to be e igible for the Em loyer contributions to health insurance set f rth in Art cles 9. , 9.7, and 9.8. � 9.91 Be re iving benefits from a public employee retirem nt act at the time of retirement AND � i 9.92 Have vered his relationship with the City of Sai Paul and I dependent School District No. 625 under one f the early etiree plans. 9. 10 Effe tive J nuar 1, 1988, in addition to meeting the elig bility requ rement stated in 9.91 and 9.92 above, retiring em loyees must also eet the following condition in order to be e igible � for the ea 1 retiree insurance benefits set forth in A ticles i 9.6, 9.7, a d 9.8. i 9. 10 1 M st be at least 58 years of age and have complet d 25 i y ars of employment with the City of Saint P ul or I S.D. No. 625 0 T e combination of their age and their years of s rvice m st equal eighty-five (85) or more I 0 � M st have completed at least thirty (30) ye rs of s rvice. I i i I � � � - 9 - �I Article IX - Insurance (continued) 9.11 Effective January 1, 1988, full-time employees who retire and who • meet the conditions set forth in 9.91 and 9.92 but who meet none of the conditions set forth in 9. 10. 1 shall be eligible for the following percentages of the amount contributed by the Bmployer toward health insurance for active employees in the same health � plan. Such retirees shall be eligible for such contributions until they reach sixty-five (65) years of age. Combination of Age and Contribution for Contribution for Years of Service Single Coverage Family Coverage 84 90y 90% 83 80% 80% 82 70% 70% 81 60% 60% � 80 50� 50% 9.12 A retiree may not carry his/her spouse as a dependent if such � spouse is also a City/I.S.D. retiree or City/I.S.D. employee and eligible for and is enrolled in the City/I.S.D. health insurance program. 9. 13 The contributions indicated in this Article 9 shall be paid to the Employer's Group Health and Welfare Plan. 9.14 Any cost of any premium for any Employer-offered employee or • family insurance coverage in excess of the dollar amounts stated in this Article 9 shall be paid by the employee. 9.15 Any employee having ten or more years of service with the Employer who becomes ill or injured so as to be unable to continue working and has exhausted all his sick leave and vacation shall be eligible for Employer-paid health and welfare benefits for a maximum of three years. 9. 16 Notwithstanding the benefits granted in this Article, the cost to the Employer for the insurance coverages in Articles 9.1 through 9.15 shall be included in the computation of fringe benefit cost deductions indicated in Appendix A. � - 10 - �-1.51�1 ARTICLE X - LOYEE RIGHTS - GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE 10.1 THe EMP OYER s all recognize stewards selected in accordan e with • UNION r es an regulations as the grievance representative of the bargaini g unit The UNION shall notify the EMPLOYER in wri ing of tt�e name of th stewards and of their successors when so mamed. � 10.2 It is re ognize and accepted by the EMPLOYER and the UNION t at the processi g of g ievances as hereinafter provided is limited by he job d�ties a d resp nsibilities of the EMPLOYEES and shall there ore be a compli hed d ring working hours only when consistent wi such EMPLOYEE duties and responsibilities. The steward involved and a grieving EMPLOY E shall suffer no loss in pay when a griev nce is p ocesse durin working hours, provided the steward and the LOYEE ha�ve not fied nd received the approval of their supervisor to be absent t proc ss a grievance and that such absence would not be detrimen al to he work programs of the EMPLOYER. 10.3 T�e pro edure stablished by this Article shall be the s le and e clusiv proce ure, except for the appeal of disciplinary ac ion as � provided by Art cle VII for the processing of grievances, wh ch are d fined s an lleged violation of the terms and conditions f this A(�REEMEN . 10.4 Grievanc s sha 1 be resolved in conformance with the fo lowing procedur : S�ep 1. Upon he occurrence of an alleged violation of this � Agree ent, the EMPLOYEE involved shall attempt to esolve the atter on an informal basis with the EMP OYEE'S supe isor. If the matter is not resolved to the EMP OYEE'S ' satis action by the informal discussion, it may be educed to wr ting and referred to Step 2 by the UNION. The ritten griev nce shall set forth the nature of the grievan e, the facts on which it is based, the alleged section(s) of the Agree ent violated, and the relief requested. Any lleged viola ion of the AGREEMENT not reduced to writing by the UNION ithin seven (7) calendar days of the first occ rrence of th event giving rise to the grievance or within he use of re sonable diligence should have had knowledge of the first occurrence of the event giving rise to the gri vance, shall be considered waived. Ste 2. Withi seven (7) calendar days after receiving the wr tten griev nce, a designated EMPLOYER supervisor shall me t with � the ION steward and attempt to resolve the grievanc . If, as a result of this meeting, the grievance emains unres lved, the EMPLOYER shall reply in writing to th UNION withi three (3) calendar days following this meetin . The UNION nay refer the grievance in writing to Step 3 within seven (7) calendar days following receipt of the EMP OYER'S writt answer. Any grievance not referred in wri ing by the ION within seven (7) calendar days following eceipt of th EMPLOYER'S answer shall be considered waived. • - 11 - Article X - Employee Rights - Grievance Procedure (continued) Step 3. Within seven (7) calendar days following receipt of a • grievance referred from Step 2, a designated EMPLOYER supervisor shall meet with the UNION Business Manager or his . designated representative and attempt to resolve the grievance. Within seven (7) calendar days following this meeting, the EMPLOYER shall reply in writing to the UNION stating the EMPLOYER'S answer concerning the grievance. If, as a result of the written response, the grievance remains unresolved, the UNION may refer the grievance to Step 4. Any grievance not referred in writing by the UNION to Step 4 within seven (7) calendar days following receipt of the EMPLOYER'S answer shall be considered waived. Step 4. If the grievance remains unresolved, the UNION may within seven (7) calendar days after the response of the EMPLOYER in Step 3, by written notice to the EMPLOYER, request arbitration of the grievance. The arbitration proceedings shall be conducted by an arbitrator to be selected by mutual agreement of the EMPLOYER and the UNION within seven (7) calendar days after notice has been given. If the parties fail to mutually agree upon an arbitrator within the said seven- (7) day period, either party may request the Public Employment Relations Board to submit a panel of five (5) arbitrators. Both the EMPLOYER and the UNIOh' shall have the right to strike two (2) names from the panel. The UNION shall strike the first (lst) name; the EMPLOYER shall then strike one (1) name. The process will be repeated and the � remaining person shall be the arbitrator. 10.5 The arbitrator shall have no right to amend, modify, nullify, ignore, add to or subtract from the provisions of this AGREEMENT. The arbitrator shall consider and decide only the specific issue submitted in writing by the EMPLOYER and the UNION and shall have no authority to make a decision on any other issue not so submitted. The arbitrator shall be without power to make decisions contrary to or inconsistent with or modifying or varying in any way the applications of laws, rules or regulations having the force and effect of law. The arbitrator's decision shall be submitted in writing within thirty (30) days following close of the hearing or the submission of briefs by the parties, whichever be later, unless the parties agree to an extension. The decision shall be based solely on the arbitrator's interpretation or application of the express terms of this AGREEMENT and to the facts of the grievance presented. The decision of the arbitrator shall be . final and binding on the EMPLOYER, the UNION, and the II�iPLOYEES. 10.6 The fees and expenses for the arbitrator's services and proceedings shall be borne equally by the EMPLOYER and the UNION, provided that each party shall be responsible for compensating its own representatives and witnesses. If either party desires a verbatim record of the proceedings, it may cause such a record to be made, providing it pays for the record. • - 12 - ��.-i.�rg Articl X - ployee Rights - Grievance Procedure (continued) • 10.7 The tim limit in each step of this procedure may be exte ded by m tual a reemen of the EMPLOYER and the UNION. � 10.8 I is u erstoo by the UNION and the EMPLOYER that a grievanc may be determi d by ither the grievance procedure of this contrac or by the pro isions f the Civil Service Rules of the City of Sai t Paul. If an i sue is determined by this grievance procedure, it s 11 not a ain b submit ed for arbitration under the Civil Service Ru es. If a issu is de ermined by the provisions of the Civil Servic Rules, i shal not a ain be submitted for arbitration under this g ievance p ocedur . • . - 13 - ARTICLE XI - SENIORITY 11. 1 Seniority, for the purpose of this Agreement, shall be defined as � follows: A. "City Seniority" - The length. of continuous regular and probationary service with the EMPLOYER from the last date of employment in any and all class titles. B. "Class Seniority" - The length of continuous regular and probationary service with the EMPLOYER from the date an employee was first certified and appointed to a class title covered by this Agreement, it being further understood that class seniority is confined to the current class assignment held by an employee. 11.2 Seniority shall terminate when an EMPLOYEE retires, resigns or is . discharged. 11.3 A. In the event it is determined by the EMPLOYER that it is . necessary to reduce the work force, employees will be laid off by class title within each division based on inverse length of "Class Seniority". Recall from layoff shall be in inverse order of layoff, except that recall rights shall expire after two years of layoff. B. In cases where there are promotional series such as Unskilled Laborer, Crew Leader, etc. , when the number of employees in these higher titles is to be reduced, employees who have held lower . titles which are in this bargaining unit will be offered reductions to the highest of these titles to which class seniority would keep them from being laid off, before layoffs are made by any class title in any department. C. It is further understood that a laid-off employee shall have the right to placement in any lower-paid class title in this bargaining unit, provided said employee has been previously certified and appointed in said lower-paid class title. In such cases, the employee shall first be placed on a reinstatement register and shall have "Class Seniority" based on the date originally certified and appointed to said class. Employees may also apply for positions in a lower class but may, nevertheless, . return to original class as provided in paragraph (A) above. 11.4 To the extent possible, vacation periods shall be assigned on the ; basis of "Class Seniority", within each class, by division. It is, however, understood that vacation assignments shall be subject to the ability of the EMPLOYER to maintain operations. 11.5 Promotions shall be handled in accordance with current Civil Service Rules and practices. • - 14 - i �`��9 ARTICLF� XII - VACATI NS � 12. 1 Vacation credit shall accumulate at the rates shown below f r each f�ll hou on th payroll, excluding overtime: � Yea s of S rvice Hours of Vacation' lst year t rough 5th year .0385 (10 days) � 6th year t rough 15th year .0577 (15 days) I 16t year hrough 25th year .0808 (21 days) 26t year nd thereafter .0847 (22 days). Fo�r empl yees a pointed prior to January 1, 1967, years of ervice will be define to mean the number of years since the d te of apjpointm nt. Folr empl yees a pointed on or after January 1, 1967, years of ervice sh�all be determ" ed by the actual number of hours worked. 12.2 Th�e head of the epartment may permit an employee to carry over eighty . (80) hou s of va ation into the following "vacation year". Fo the urpose of this Article, the "vacation year" shall e the fi�cal y r (IRS payroll reporting year). 12.3 The abov provi ions of vacation shall be subject to The Sai t Paul SalLary P n and ates of Compensation, Section I (one) , Subsect on H. 12.4 If� an em loyee s an accumulation of sick leave credits in ex ess of � ong hundr d and ighty days, he may convert any part of such ex ess at the rate f two (2) days of sick leave for one (1) day of vaca ion up tola maxi um of ive (5) days of vacation. 12.5 Th� maxim m numb r of days' vacation allowed by the conversion f sick lefive cre its sh 11 be no more than five days in any one year o that th@ maxi m vaca ion time which may be taken in any one year s all be th�rty-se en day including the regular vacation period. i I : i i • - 15 - I I ARTICLE XIII - HOLIDAYS 13. 1 Holidays recognized and observed. The following days shall be � recognized and observed as paid holidays: New Year's Day Martin Luther King Day Presidents' Day Memorial Day Independence Day Labor Day Columbus Day Veterans' Day Thanksgiving Day Christmas Day Two floating holidays. Eligible EMPLOYEES shall receive pay for each of the holidays listed � above, on which they perform no work. Whenever any of the holidays listed above shall fall on Saturday, the preceding Friday shall be . observed as the holiday. Whenever any of the holidays listed above shall fall on Sunday, the succeeding Monday shall be observed as the holiday. 13.2 The floating holidays set forth in Section 13. 1 above may be taken at any time during the contract year, subject to the appr�val of the department head of any employee. 13.3 Eligibility Requirements. In order to be eligible for a holiday with � pay, an EMPLOYEE's name must appear on the payroll on any six working days of the nine working days preceding the holiday; or an EMPLOYEE'S name must appear on the payroll the last working day before the holiday and on three other working days of the nine working days preceding the holiday. In neither case shall the holiday be counted as a working day for the purposes of this section. It is further understood that neither temporary, emergency nor other employees not heretofore eligible shall receive holiday pay. 13.4 In the case of Board of Education employees, if Presidents' Day, Martin Luther King Day, Columbus Day or Veterans' Day falls on a day when school is in session, the employees shall work that day at straight time and another day shall be designated as the holiday. This designated holiday shall be a day on which school is not in � session and shall be determined by agreement between the employee and his supervisor. . • - 16 - ! �-��r� ARTICL� XIV - JURY D TY � 14. 1 y emp oyee w o is required during his regular working h urs to a�pear i court as a juror or witness, except as a witness in is own behalf a ainst he EMPLOYER, shall be paid his regular pay whi e he is s enga ed, pr vided, however, that any fees that the EMPLO EE may r�ceive rom th court for such service shall be paid to the �LOYER � and be eposite with Independent School District No. 625 - siness 0 fice. Any LOYEE who is scheduled to work a shift other t an the n rmal d ytime hift shall be rescheduled to work the normal aytime shift du ing su h time as he is required to appear in court as �uror o� witne s. I I I I I • I I I I I I . I - 17 - I I ARTICLE XV - SEVERANCE PAY 15.1 Employees shall be eligible for severance pay in accordance with the � School District's Severance Pay Plan. The amount of severance pay allowed shall be that amount permitted by state statutes subject to the provision that the maximum amount allowed shall be $4,000. or as established by Section 15.2 of this Article. 15.2 Severance Pay: Provisions effective May 31, 1984. The Employer shall provide a severance pay program as set forth in this Section: 15.21 To be eligible for the severance pay program, an employee must meet the following requirements: 15.21. 1 The employee must be 58 years of age or older or must be eligible for pension under the "rule of 85" or the "rule of 90" provisions of the Public , Employees Retirement Association (PERA) . The "rule of 85" or the "rule of 90" criteria shall also apply to employees covered by a public , pension plan other than PERA. 15.21.2 The employee must be voluntarily separated from School District employment or have been subject to separation by layoff or compulsory retirement. Those employees who are discharged for cause, misconduct, inefficiency, incompetency or any other disciplinary reason are not eligible for this severance pay program. • 15.21.3 The employee must have at least ten (10) years of consecutive service under the classified or unclassified Civil Service at the time of separation. For the purpose of this Article, employment in either the City of Saint Paul or in Independent School District No. 625 may be used in meeting this ten- (10) year service requirement. 15.21.4 The employee must file a waiver of re-employment with the Director of Personnel, which will clearly indicate that by requesting severance pay, the employee waives all claims to reinstatement or re-employment (of any type) with the City of Saint Paul or with Independent School District No. 625. 15.21.5 The employee must have accumulated a minimum of sixty (60) days of sick leave credits at the time of his separation from service. • - 18 - �-l5/I Articl XV - everan e Pay (continued) 15.22 If an employee requests severance pay and if the emp oyee � meets the eligibility requirements set forth above he or she ill be granted severance pay in an amount e ual to � one-h lf of the daily rate of pay for the position eld by the _mployee on the date of separation for_ each day of � accru d sick leave sub,ject to a maximum total pa ent of $6,50 . � 15.23 For t e purpose of this severance pay program, a dea h of an emplo ee shall be considered as separation of em loyment ' and, f the employee would have met all of the requ rements set f rth above at the time of his or her death, pa ent of the s verance pay may be made to the employee's es ate or spous . 15.24 For t e purpose of this severance pay program, a tra sfer from ndependent School District No. 625 employment o City of Sa nt Paul employment is not considered a separa ion of . emplo ment, and such transferee shall not be eligi le for this everance program. 15.25 The m nner of payment of such severance pay shall be ade in accor ance with the provisions of the School D'strict , Sever nce Pay Plan already in existence. 1.�.26 This everance pay program shall be subject to and go erned ' by th provisions of the original School District Se erance • Pay P an (which allows $4,000 maximum payment) ex ept in those cases where the specific provisions of this ection confl ct with said Severance Pay Plan and in such cas s, the provi ions of this section shall control. 1 .27 Any e ployee hired prior to May 31, 1984 may, in any vent, and u on meeting the qualifications of this section or the origi al School District Basic Severance Pay Plan (which allow $4,000 maximum payment) , draw severanc pay. Howev r, an election by the employee to draw severa ce pay under either this section or the basic School D strict Sever ce Pay Plan shall constitute a bar to re eiving sever ce pay from the other. Any employee hired af er May : 31, 1 84 shall be entitled only to the benefits f this secti upon meeting the qualifications herein. . 15.28 An em loyee of Independent School District No. 625 sh 11 not ' be el gible for the severance pay provision of this ection if su h employee is also eligible and a recipient o Early Retir ent Incentive payment under the Memoran um of Agree nt with the exclusive representative dated ctober 18, 1 3. � - 19 - ARTICLE XVI - WAGES 16.1 The basic hourly wage rates as established by Appendix A shall be paid for all hours worked by provisional, regular, and probationary � employees. 16.2 The basic h�urly wage. rates as established by Appendix B shall'be paid _ _ for all hours worked by temporary or emergency employees. ARTICLE XVII - SAVINGS CLAUSE 17. 1 This AGREEMENT is subject to the laws of the United States, the State of Minnesota, and the City of Saint Paul. In the event any provision of this AGREEMENT shall hold to be contrary to law by a court of competent �urisdiction from whose final �udgment or decree no appeal has been taken within the time provided, such provision shall be voided. All other provisions shall continue in full force and effect. ARTICLE XVIII - JURISDICTION 18. 1 Disputes concerning work �urisdiction between and among unions is recognized as an appropriate subject for determination by the various unions representing EMPLOYEES of the EMPLOYER. 18.2 In the event of a dispute concerning the performance or assignment of work, the unions involved and the EMPLOYER shall meet as soon as • mutually possible to resolve the dispute. Nothing in the foregoing shall restrict the right of the EMPLOYER to accomplish the work as originally assigned pending resolution of the dispute or to restrict the EMPLOYER'S basic right to assign work. 18.3 Any employee refusing to perform work assigned by the EMPLOYER shall be sub�ect to disciplinary action as provided in Article VII (DISCIPLINARY PROCEDURES). 18.4 There shall be no work stoppage, slow down or any disruption of work resulting from a work assignment. 18.5 The subcontracting of work done by the EMPLOYEES covered by this AGREEMENT shall in all cases be made only to EMPLOYERS who qualify in accordance with Ordinance No. 14013. • - 20 - ��/.5�%�l ARTICLE XIX SICK L AVE � 19.1 S ck 1 ve wi hout pay may be granted in accordance w th the p ovisio s of ection 20H of the Civil Service Rules for a p riod up t but t to e ceed three years. � � ARTICL XX - TERNI Y LEAVE � i 20. 1 M�ternit Leav . Maternity is defined as the physical s ate of pregnanc of n EMPLOYEE, commencing eight (8) months bef re the estimate date f childbirth, as determined by a physician, an ending six (6) months after the date of such birth. In the even of an EMPLOYEE'S preg ancy, the EMPLOYEE may apply for leave withou pay at any tim durin the period stated above and the EMPLOYER may approve such lea e at i s option, and such leave may be no longer than one (1) year. ARTICLE XXI - LEGAL ERVICES 21. 1 E cept i cases of malfeasance in office or willful or wanton neglect o duty, the LOYER shall defend, save harmless, and inde ify an E LOYEE and/o his estate against any claim or demand, whether g oundle s or o herwise, arising out of an alleged act or omi sion in t e perf rmance and scope of the EMPLOYEE'S duties. • � ARTICL$ XXII STRIK S, LOCKOUTS, WORK INTERFERENCE 22. 1 The UNI NS and the EMPLOYERS agree that there shall be no trikes, work st ppages slow-downs, sitdown, stay-in or other c ncerted interfer nce wi h the EMPLOYER'S business or affairs by any f saic� UNIONS nd/or he members thereof, and there shall be no b nnering during he ex stence of this AGREEMENT without first us ng all possible means of peaceful settlement of any controversy wh ch may arise. i ��� • - 21 - � �/�i y� ARTICLE XXII - TE OF AGREEMENT • 23.1 The EMP OYER a d the UNION acknowledge that during the meet ng and n gotiat ng whi h resulted in this Agreement, each had the r ht and o�portu ty to ke proposals with respect to any sub�ect co cerning ,_ the te s an conditions _ of . employment. The agreemen s_. . and . , . u�►dersta dings eached by the parties after the exercise of th s right are ful y and ompletely seti forth in this Agreement. Any nd all prior greeme ts, resolutions, practices, policy or ru es or r�gulati ns re rding the terms and conditions of employment to the extent they re inconsistent with this Agreement are hereby s�persed d. I those areas where Civil Service Rules re not i consis ent w th this Agreement, the Civil Service Rule shall cintinue to be n effect. 23.2 Except a herei provided, this Agreement shall be effective as of the . d te it is exe uted by the parties and shall continue in ful force a�d effe t thr gh April 30, 1989, and thereafter until modi ied or amended y mutu 1 agreement of the parties. Either party desi ing to � a�end or modify this Agreement shall notify the other in writi so as td compl with he provisions of the Public Employment Labor Re ations A�t of 1 71. 23.3 This con titute a tentative agreement between the parties whi h will be� reco ended y the School Board Negotiator but is subject to the approval of the Board of Education of Independent School Distr ct No. 62,5 and s also subject to ratification by the UNIONS. I • WITNESSES: INDEPENIDENT S HOOL D STRICT N0. 625 TRI-COUNCIL �� � ) BY: BY: - / � �.�- � �,- School �8o rd egotiat r Business Representative, Loc 1 49 i 3 / 1 �� • Date siness epresen ative, Loc 1 120 I BY: 1%�%� BY: �" t�.�=� '-{- 1t7.i-1�t--� Chairmap, Boa of Ed cation Business Manager, Loc 1 132 SE� 51 86 AUG 2 s 1986 � Date Date I j - 22 - I �-��i y� APPENDIX A The hburly age r tes for provisional, regular, and probation ry employees ` working in t class s listed below are as shown: GROUP A � Effective Effective Effective 4-26-86 4-25-87 5-07-88 A�phalt aker 13.38 * * Asphalt hovele 13.03 * * B idge C ew Lea er 13.63 * * B idge L borer 13.03 * * Building Labore 13.08 * * D�tch Di ger 13. 18 * * . Grounds rew Le der 13.10 * * J�ckhamm r Oper tor 13. 13 * * Kettle F reman 13.03 * * L�bor Cr w Lead r 13.53 * * Miner 13.61 * * • Miner--W ter De artment 13.61 * * Mqrtar M xer 13.08 * * PTastere 's Ten er 15.27 * * Public W rks La orer 12.93 * * Sa�nitati n Labo er 12.93 * * Schools abor C ew Leader 13.78 * * Sewer Cr w Lead r 13.78 * * S wer La orer 13.18 * * S�wer Ma ntenan e Laborer 13. 18 * * Stores L borer 12.93 * * T mper 13.23 * * T�nnel L borer 13.18 * * Unskille Labor r 12.93 * * Vibrator Operat r 13.03 * * Water La orer 12.93 * * Water Se icema I 13.08 * * W ter Se icema II (Connections) 13.38 * * Water Se icema II (Mains) 13.38 * * Water Se ice W rker--Control Desk 13.43 * * • I - A1 - Appendix A (continued) GROUP A (continued) Effective Effective Effective � 4-26-86 4-25-87 5-07-88 After After � After Start 6 mos. Start 6 mos. Start 6 mos. Garden Laborer $11.89 $12.25 $ * $ * $ * $ * Gardener 12.14 12.50 * * * * Groundsworker 12. 14 12.50 * * * * Playground Custodian 12.14 12.50 * * * * School Grounds Maintenance Foreman 12.46 12.83 * * * * Watershed Laborer 12.59 12.93 * * * * *The April 25, 1987 and May 7, 1988 hourly wage rates for provisional, regular, and probationary employees working in the classes of Unskilled Laborer and Plasterer's Tender shall be the rates as shown below LESS the average cost . of sick leave usage, holidays, pensions, and vacation for the calendar years of 1986 and 1987 respectively and less the average cost of health and life insurance for the period May, 1986 through April, 1987 and May, 1987 through April, 1988 respectively. Said average costs shall be based on all employees working in classes represented by Local 132. Effective Effective 4-25-87 5-07-88 Plasterer's Tender $ 19.53 $ 20.03 • Unskilled Laborer 16.65 17.05 The cents per hour adjustment in the hourly rate for Unskilled Laborer which results from the above calculations shall be applied to the classes listed below on the same dates as the Unskilled Laborer adjustments. Asphalt Raker Public Works Laborer Asphalt Shoveler Sanitation Laborer Bridge Crew Leader School Grounds Maintenance Foreman Bridge Laborer Schools Labor Crew Leader Building Laborer Sewer Crew Leader Sewer Laborer Ditch Digger Sewer Maintenance Laborer Garden Laborer Tamper ; Gardener Tunnel Laborer Grounds Crew Leader Groundsworker Vibrator Operator Jackhammer Operator Water Laborer Water Service Worker--Control Desk Kettle Fireman Water Serviceman I Water Serviceman II (Connections) Labor Crew Leader Water Serviceman II (Mains) • Watershed Laborer Miner Miner--Water Department Mortar Mixer - A2 - C..'��-�`�� Appendix A (C ntinue ) • GROUP B Effective Effective Effective 4-26-86 4-25-8� 5-07-88 . *Air Compress r Oper tor $13.24 * * *Bituminous C rb Mac ine Operator 13.24 * * *Mixer Engine r 13.24 * * *Roller Engin er (un er 6 tons) 13.24 * * *Tractor Oper tor I 13.24 * * *The Apr 1 25, 1987 and May 7, 1988 hourly wage rates for provisional, regular, and probat nary employees working in the class of *Tract r Operator I . shall be the rate a shown below LESS the average cost of sick le ve, holidays, pensions, an vacat on for the years 1986 and 1987 respectively and less the average cost f heal h and life insurance for the period May, 1986 hrough April, • 1987 and May, 1987 t rough April, 1988 respectively. Said average osts shall be based on all mploye s working in classes represented by Local 49. Effective Effective 4-25-87 5-07-88 *Tractor Oper tor I $16.98 $17.23 The cen s per our adjustment in the hourly rate for *Tract r Operator I . which results from t e above calculations shall be applied to the lasses listed below on the ame da es as the Tractor Operator I ad�ustments. *Air Co ressor Operator *Mixer Engineer *Bitumin us Cur Machine Operator *Roller Engineer (under 6 t ns) *This title a olishe except as to present incumbents. • - A3 - Appendix A (continued) GROUP C . Effective Effective 4-26-86 4-25-87 Asphalt Batcherman $ 15.35 �* — Asphalt Plant Operator 15.35 * Backfiller Operator 15.35 * Bituminous Spreader Operator 15.35 * Heavy Equipment Operator 15.35 * Heavy Equipment Operator-Asphalt Plant 15.35 * Heavy Equipment Operator-Water Department 15.35 * Hoisting Engineer 15.35 * Jet Sewer Cleaner Operator 14.99 * Motor Equipment Operator 15.35 * Motor Equipment Operator-Water Department 15.35 * , Motor Patrol Operator 15.35 * Paving Breaker (Hydra Hammer Operator) 15.35 * Power Clam Operator 15.35 * Power Shovel Operator 15.54 * Pulvimixer Operator 15.35 * Pumperete Operator 15.43 * Revolving Power Equipment Operator 15.54 * • Roller Engineer (6 tons or over) 15.35 * Snow-go Operator 15.35 * Sweeper Operator 15.35 * Tractor Operator II 15.35 * Tractor Operator II (Backhoe) 15.35 * *The April 25, 1987 and May 7, 1988 hourly wage rates for provisional, regular, and probationary employees working in the class of Heavy Equipment Operator shall be the rate as shown below LESS the average cost of sick leave, holidays, pensions, and vacation for the calendar year of 1986 and 1987 respectively and less the average cost of health and life insurance for the period May, 1986 through April, 1987 and May, 1987 through April, 1988 respectively. Said average costs shall be based on all employees working in classes represented by Local 49. , . - A4 - d(0'�✓�� Appendix A ( ontinue ) Effective Ef ective 4-25-87 5 07-88 • Heavy Equipm t Oper tor $ 19.77 $ 0.27 The c nts p r hour adjustment in the hourly rate for Heavy E uipment Operat r whi h resu ts from the above calculation shall be applie t.o the. . _ . classe list d belo on the same dates as the Heavy Equipment perator ad�ustments. � Asphalt Batc rman Paving Breaker (Hydra Hamme Asphalt Plant Operat r Op rator) ' Power Clam Operator Backfi�ler Op rator Power Shovel Operator Bitumi ous Sp eader perator Pulvimixer Operator Pumperete Operator Heavy Equipme t Oper tor-Asphalt . Plant Revolving Power Equipment 0 erator Hoisti g Engi eer Roller Engineer (6 tons or ver) • Jet Se er Cle ner Op rator Snow-go Operator Sweeper Operator Motor Equipme t Oper tor Motor Equipme t Oper tor-Water Tractor Operator II Department Tractor Operator II (Backho ) Motor atrol perato • GROUP D Effective Effective Effective ' 4-26-86 4-25-87 5-07-88 Driver�Operat r $ 12.81 * * *The April 2 , 1987 and May 7, 1988 hourly wage rates for prov sional, regular, and robati nary employees working in the class of Driver- erator shall be the ate as shown below less the average cost of sick leav usage, holida s, pe ions, and vacation for the calendar year of 1986 a d 1987 respec ively nd les the average cost of health and life insurance for the period May, 986 th ough April, 1987 and May, 1987 through Apri , 1988 , respectively. Said verage costs shall be based on all employees orking in classes re resent d by Local 120. • Effective Effective 4-25-87 5-07-88 Driver Operat r $ 16.65 $ 17.15 • - AS - i Appendix A (continued) GROUP E Effective Effective Effective + 4-26-86 4-25-87 5-07-88 After After After Start 6 mos. Start 6 mos. Start 6 mos. Tree Trimmer I $12. 14 $12.50 * * * * Tree Trimmer II 12.65 13.06 * * * * Forestry Crew Leader 13.64 --- * --- * --- *The April 25, 1987 and May 7, 1988 hourly wage rates for provisional, regular, and probationary employees working in the class of Tree Trimmer II shall be the rate as shown below less the average cost of sick leave usage, holidays, pensions, and vacation for the calendar year of 1986 and 1987 respectively and less the average cost of health and life insurance for the period May, 1986 through April, 1987 and May, 1987 through April, 1988. Said average costs shall be based on all employees working in the classes of Tree Trimmer II. Effective 4-25-87 Effective 5-07-88 Tree Trimmer II 16.81 $ 17.21 The cents per hour adjustment in the hourly rate for Tree Trimmer II which results from the above calculations shall be also applied to the class of Forestry Crew Leader. The April 25, 1987 and May 7, 1988 hourly wage rates for provisional, regular, • and probationary employees working in the class of Tree Trimmer I shall be the April 25, 1987 and May 7, 1988 respective hourly wage rates applicable to the class of Groundsworker. For the purpose of this Appendix A, the term pension shall not include Social Security. Effective upon the effective date of this contract, the following premium pay provisions shall apply: A. Driver-Operators assigned to drive tandem trucks shall receive 20� per hour above the base rate of Driver-Operator for each hour or any part thereof ' worked in such an assignment. B. Any employee in this bargaining unit assigned to operate a chipping hammer shall receive 20� per hour above their regular base rate for each hour or any part thereof worked in such an assignment. C. Any employee in this bargaining unit assigned to operate a chain saw, except employees working under the titles of Tree Trimmer I or Tree Trimmer II, shall receive 20C per hour above their regular base rate for each hour or any part thereof worked in such an assignment. D. Any employee in this bargaining unit assigned to perform the duties of a • Tender for a Bricklayer or Blocklayer shall receive 15C per hour above their regular base rate for each hour or any part thereof worked in such an assignment. - A6 - I �-��i� Append�Lx A (c ntinue ) I • E. �y Gro ndsman or Water Shed Laborer assigned to operate a hipping m chine shall ceive 25� per hour above their regular base ate for each hou or an part thereof worked in such an assignment. � F. A�y empl yee i this bargaining unit required to work eight (8) feet or lower beneat ground shall receive 25� per hour above their regular b�se ra e for each hour or any part thereof worked in uch an a signme t. Th s provision shall not apply to employees worki g under the titl s of D tch Digger, Water Serviceman II (Connections) r Water S�rvicem n II ( ins). G. Any emp oyee i this bargaining unit other than employees olding r�gular ppoint ents to the class of Jackhammer Operator, assi ned to operate �ackh mmer, shall receive 20� per hour above their regular b�se ra e for each hour or any part thereof worked in uch an a�signme t. , H. A�y empl yee in this bargaining unit, other than an employee wh holds al regul r appo ntment in the class of Mortar Mixer, assi ned to operate Morta Mixer, shall receive 15� per hour above their egular b se ra e for each hour or any part thereof worked in uch an a�signme t. I. �y Tree Trimme II in this bargaining unit assigned to oper te the l ,rge tr e spad shall receive 50� per hour above their regul r base rate for each h ur or any part thereof worked in such an assign ent. • J. Ar�y Tree Trimme II in this bargaining unit assigned to oper te the stump ch pper s all receive 50� per hour above their regular ba e rate for each hour o any part thereof worked in such an assignment. K. Any Tree Trimme II regularly assigned to the crew performi g tree trimming duties in assisting Northern States Power Company shall receive 0� per hour above their regular base rate for each our or any part thereo worked in such an assignment. L. Any regu arly-a ointed Driver-Operator assigned to operate any of the equipmen covere by the class titles listed below shall receiv $ .43 pe�r hour above heir regular base rate for each hour actually worked inlsuch assig ent. *Air mpress r Operator *Roller Engineer (under tons) , *Bitu nous C rb Machine Operator *Tractor Operator I I *Mixe Engine r I I • i - A7 - I I �-�Si9 APPE�IX B 1. The hour y wage rates for temporary and emergency employees wor ing in the � classes isted elow are as shown: Effective Effective Effective ' 4-26-86 4-25-87 5-07-88 sphalt Raker $ 13.60* $ 13.85* $ 14. 15* sphalt Shovel r 13.60* 13.85* 14.15* Bridge rew Le der 14.05* 14.30* 14.60* Bridge aborer 13.55* 13.80* 14. 10* B;uildin Labor r 13.60* 13.85* 14.15* Ditch D'gger 13.80* 14.05* 14.35* Jackha er Ope tor 13.65* 13.90* 14.20* . Kettle ireman 13.45* 13.70* 14.00* L bor C ew Lea r 14.04* 14.29* 14.59* M ner 14. 15* 14.40* 14.70* M�3.ner-- ater De artment 14.15* 14.40* 14.70* Mortar ixer 13.60* 13.85* 14.15* P' blic orks La orer 13.45* 13.70* 14.00* S nitat n Labo er 13.45* 13.70* 14.00* • Srhools abor C ew Leader 14.40* 14.65* 14.95* Sewer C w Lead r 14.40* 14.65* 14.95* Sewer L orer 13.80* 14.05* 14.35* S�wer M intenan e Laborer 13.80* 14.05* 14.35* S ores borer 13.45* 13.70* 14.00* T mper 13.65* 13.90* 14.20* T nnel borer 13.80* 14.05* 14.35* Unskille Labor r 13.45* 13.70* 14.00* V brator Operat r 13.65* 13.90* 14.20* W ter La orer 13.45* 13.70* 14.00* � Wster Se icema I 13.55* 13.80* 14.10* Water Se icema II (Connections) 13.90* 14.15* 14.45* Water Se icema II (Mains) 13.90* 14.15* 14.45* For te porary and em rgency employees working in the titles listed n (1.) above, the f llowin frin e benefit contributions shall be made to he Minnesota Labore s' Fri ge Ben fit Fund. Effective Effective Effective 4-26-86 4-25-87 5-07-88 Health'and We fare $ 1.30 $ 1.35 $ 1.40 Pensio 1.50 1.60 1.65 • Vacati n .45** .50** .55** *This rate i cludes the taxable vacation contribution. **This contri ution s taxable. - B1 - Appendix B (continued) 2. The hourly wage rates for temporary and emergency employees working in the class listed below are as shown: Effective Effective Effective � 4-26-86 4-25-87 5-07-88 Plasterer's Tender $ 16.23* $ 16.58* $ 16.98* For temporary and emergency employees working in the title of Plaster.er+s Tender, the . following Fringe Benefit contributions shall be made to the Minnesota Laborers Fringe Benefit Fund. Effective Effective Effective 4-26-86 4-25-87 5-07-88 Health and Welfare $ 1.30 $ 1.35 $ 1.40 Pension 1.50 1.60 1.65 Vacation .45** .50** .55** *This rate includes the taxable vacation contribution. **This contribution is taxable. 3. The hourly rates for temporary and emergency employees working in the classes listed below are as shown: ' Effective Effective Effective 4-26-86 4-25-87 5-07-88 Air Compressor Operator $ 13.83 $ 13.98 $ 14. 13 ' Asphalt Batcherman 16.37 16.77 17. 17 Asphalt Plant Operator 16.37 16.77 17.17 Backfiller Operator 16.37 16.77 17. 17 Bituminous Curb Machine Operator 13.83 13.98 14. 13 Bituminous Spreader Operator 16.37 16.77 17. 17 Heavy Equipment Operator-Asphalt Plant 16.37 16.77 17. 17 Heavy Equipment Operator-Water Department 16.37 16.77 17. 17 • Hoisting Engineer 16.37 16.77 17. 17 Jet Sewer Cleaner Operator 16.01 16.41 16.81 Mixer Engineer 13.83 13.98 14. 13 Motor Equipment Operator 16.37 16.77 17. 17 Motor Equipment Operator-Water Department 16.37 16.77 17.17 Motor Patrol Operator 16.37 16.77 17. 17 Paving Breaker (Hydra Hammer Operator) 16.37 16.77 17. 17 Power Clam Operator 16.37 16.77 17. 17 Power Shovel Operator 16.67 17.07 17.47 Pulvimixer Operator 16.37 16.77 17. 17 Pumperete Operator 16.49 16.89 17.29 Roller Engineer (under 6 tons) 13.83 13.98 14.13 ' Roller Engineer (6 tons or over) 16.37 16.77 17.17 Snow-go Operator 16.37 16.77 17. 17 , Sweeper Operator 16.37 16.77 17.17 Tractor Operator I 13.83 13.98 14. 13 Tractor Operator II 16.37 16.77 17.17 Tractor Operator II (Backhoe) 16.37 16.77 17. 17 For temporary and emergency employees working in the titles listed in (3.) above, the following fringe benefits shall be made to funds designated by IUOE, Local 49. Effective Effective Effective 4-26-86 4-25-87 5-07-88 • Health and Welfare $ 1.95 $ 1.95 $ 1.95 Pension .90 1.00 1. 10 Apprentice Training .05 .05 .05 - B2 - , �-rs'iy Appendix B ( ontinu ) � 4. The hou ly wag rates for temporary and emergency employees wo king in the cla ses lis ed below are as shown: � Effective Effective Ef ective . 4-26-86 4-25-87 � 5 07-88 Driver- erator $ 16.20** $ 16.65** $ 7. 15** Driver- erator assigned to drive a tandem truck shall receiv 20� p�er hou above he base rate for Driver-Operator for each hour worked i� such ssign nt. A$�y tem orary r emergency Driver-Operator assigned to operat any of the equ pment overed by the class titles listed below shall receive 18� per our ab ve the normal base rate for each hour actuall worked , in such n assi nment. *A Compr ssor Operator *B uminou Curb Machine Operator , *M er Eng neer *R ler En ineer (under 6 tons) *T ctor 0 erator I 5. The hour y wage rates for temporary and emergency employees wo king in c asses isted elow shall be the same as the wage rates appli able to p ovisio al, re ular, and probationary employees working in sa d classes as s own i Append'x A. � Garden borer Gardener Groundsw rker P aygrou d Cust dian R sident Ground man School G ounds intenance Foreman W ter Se ice W rker-Control Desk W�tershe Labor r Fbr temp rary a d emergency employees working in the titles 1 sted in (5.) abo e, the following fringe benefit contributions shall e made to the M nnesot Laborers' Fringe Benefit Fund. Effective Effective Ef ective 4-26-86 4-25-87 5 07-88 H�alth a d Welf re $ 1.30 $ 1.35 $ 1.40 Pension 1.50 1.60 1.65 Vacation .45* .50* .55* *This ',contri ution s taxable. **This includ s $2.5 payment in lieu of fringes. • - B3 - � Appendix B (continued) 6. The hourly wage rates for temporary and emergency employees working in i classes listed below shall be the same as the wage rates applicable to provisional, regular, and probationary employees working �n said classes as shown in Appendix A. Forestry Crew Leader Tree Trimmer I Tree Trimmer II For temporary and emergency employees working in the titles listed in (6.) above, the following fringe benefit contributions shall be made to funds designated by IUOE, Local 49. Effective Effective Effective 4-26-86 4-25-87 5-07-88 � Health and Welfare $ 1.95 $ 1.95 $ 1.95 , Pension .90 1.00 1. 10 Apprentice Training .OS .05 .OS 7. Regular employees who are laid off and then called back in to work on a temporary or emergency basis shall receive the regular rate of pay as shown in Appendix A for such titles worked and shall continue to earn and accrue Employer benefits for such hours worked. • • - B4 - I �-�.5�� � � APPEND�CX C : A11 emp yees s all retire from employment with the Employer o later than the la t cale dar day of �he month in which an employee becomes sevent� (70) ears o age. I I I . I I I • I I I I I I � i - C1 - I I