86-1516 fV CLERK
. +- MAVOR File NO. �� _/i�1✓
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, rdin�nce Ordinance (�0. ���!
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Referred To d"- ls � Committee: Date "
Out of Comm'ttee By Date
An ordin ce amending Chapter 24 of the
Sa'nt Pa 1 Administrative Code, pertaining
�, to a cod of ethics for City officials
Section l .
That Se tion 2 .02(2) , (3) and (4) of the Saint Paul dmini-
strative Cod be a the same is hereby amended to read as follows :
"2�.02. Defi itions.
(2) Business ith which an individual is associated.
a. Any a sociation, doing business in Minnesota,
in co nection with which an individual is co en-
sate in excess of $50 except for actual and
reaso able expenses in any month as a directo ,
offic r, owner, member, partner, employer or
emplo ee, or is holder of securities worth
$2 , 50 or more at fair market value.
' b. Any a sociation, doing business in Minnesota,
in co nection with which an individual owes
money except for customary household expenses,
retai credit accounts , and mortgage contract
on th principal place of dwelling.
COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of:
Yeas Na s
Nicosia ln Favor —
s�ne�nei Against BY
Form Approved by City Attorney
Adopted by Council: Date
B �R.ur2 �-, `�'L�u���.�,/� lU -,Z 3 -f3
Certified Passed by Cou cil Secr tary Y
Approved by Mayor: Date Appro y Mayor for S ss' rnt.aC uncil
By B
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(3)I Fin ncial interest. Any interest which shall
yie d, di ectly or indirectly, a monetary or
oth r mat rial benefit (other than duly author-
ize sala y or compensation for services to
the city) to the public official .- , the spouse
of he pu lic official , and all minor children
wit in th custody and control of the public
off' cial .
(4)' Pub ic of icial . Includes :
(a) memb rs of the city council and their
appo 'nted aides ;
(b) the ayor and the mayor ' s appointed assistan s
' and ides.- ;
(c) the ollowing individuals for as long as the ' r
titl s are exempt or unclassified:
iAffi mative Action Director
, Budg t Director
Chie of Police
De uty Chief of Police
City ttorney
De uty City Attorney
City Clerk
I City Information and Complaint Officer
Dire tor of Community Services
Dire tor of Finance Department
Pr erty Manager
Director of Human Rights
Direc or of Planning & Economic Development
Dep ty Director - Community Development
Dep ty Director - Downtown Development
Dep ty Director - Housing
Dep ty Director - Neighborhood Development
Dep ty Director - Planning
Direc or of Public Works
Fire hief
Ass ' stant Fire Chief
Labor Relations Director
Perso nel Director
2 .
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Section 2.
That ecti n 24. 3 , Subdivision 1 of the Saint Paul Admi i-
strative C�de b and he same is hereby amended to read as f llows :
"24. 03 . C flic s of interest.
SL�bdi�isio 1 . ny public official or any appointed
member of y Ci y board, commission, committee, task
force or ot er a visory body who in the discharge of
offic�al du ies ould be required to take an action
or ma e a d cisi substantially affecting financial
interests o tho e of a business with which the
official or appoi ted member is associated shall take
the f�llowi g ac ions :
( 1 ) prepar a w itten statement describing the
' matter requiring action or decision and the
ature of th conflict of interest.
2 �o ies of
( ) p th statement shall be delivered as
follow :
�a) C uncil members shall deliver the statement
' t the resident of the city council .- and
t e cit clerk.
(b) T e may r shall deliver the statement to
t e cit clerk and president of the city
• _ c uncil .
s• � (c ) I divid als listed in 'Section 24.02(4) (c)
s all d liver the statement to the city
c erk a d their immediate supervisor.
(d) A point d members of City boards , commissions ,
c mmitt es , task forces or other advisory
bo ies s all deliver the statement to the city
. c erk a d the chair of the group. "
Section 3.
That S�ectio 24. 0 of the Saint Paul Administrative Code be
and the samle is ereby amended to read as follows :
"Subdivisio 1 . n individual shall file a statement
of eco�nomic inter st with the city clerk:
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(a) with n ten days of accepting employment as a
� publ c off'cial ; or
(b) � with'n fou teen days after filing an affidavit
iof c ndida y or petition to appear on the ballot
for n ele tive public office; or
(c) iin t e cas of a public official whose appointment
requ' res t e advice and consent of the city counci ,
Iprio to t e submission of the official ' s name to
the ity c ncil ; and if there is insufficient tim
Ito file th statement before the name is submitted
to t e cit council , within ten days after the
� duti s of t e office are undertaken.- ; or
(d) lin or er to comply with any amendments to
ithis hapte , within fourteen days after the
effec ive d te of those amendments or within
! fourt en da s after the city clerk issues
revis d sta ement of economic interest forms
� where such evised forms are necessary to
icompl with the adopted amendments.
Subdi2. A y off cial who nominates or employs a
publ�c off cial equired by this section to file a
statement f eco omic interest shall notify the
cityiclerk of th name of the individual required
to file a tatem nt and the date of the nomination
or cdmmenc ment f employment.
Subd.� 3 . he ci y clerk shall notify by registered
mail any � �d��a e-�e�-e�ee���e-e€�}ee-bvke-�a��s ,-
w}�l��lr3-�et� �eex- a�s-a��e�-����r3g-€e�-e€�}ee indi-
vidua�l who fails to file a statement of economic
interest a requ' red by subd. 1 of this section.
A-�a d}da� �n i dividual who kiiowin�ly fuils to
submit a s ateme t of economic interest within
seven! days after receiving notice from the city
clerkiis g ilty f a petty misdemeanor.
i 4.
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Subd. 4. stat ment of economic interest required
by this se tion hall be on a form prescribed by the
city clerk The individual filing shall provide the
following nform tion :
( 1) Name , addre s, occupation and principal place
of bu iness
(2) The n me of each business with which the indi-
vidua is a sociated and the nature of that
� assoc ation
( 3) A lis ing o all real property within the city,
exclu ing h mestead property, in which the indi-
vidua has fee simple interest , a contract for
deed, an op ion to buy, or any other financial
, inter st , w ether direct or indirect , and which
inter st is valued in excess of $2, 500. The
filin shal indicate the location of such
prope ty .
Subd. 5. ach i dividual who is required to file a
statement f eco omic interest shall file a supple-
mentary st temen on April 15 of each year except
those who ile a statement during that calendar year
under Subd 1(b) of this section .
Subd. 6. 11 pu lic officials in office on the effective
date of th s ord nance shall file with the city clerk
statement f eco omic interest within ten days after t e
'. . date the c ty cl rk issues statement of economic inter st
forms .
Subd. 7. ny pu lic official , except elected official ,
who is req ired o file a statement of economic intere t
and fails o do o by the prescribed deadline shall. be
suspended ithou pay by the city council . Any person
' who is sus ended pursuant to this provision is entitle
' to the pro edura rights afforded to employees in the
classified servi e of the city . "
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- Ord�n�nce Ordinance N�. �T�'O
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
Section 4.
Tha� Sec ion 2 .05 of the Saint Paul Administrative Co e be
and the same ' s her by amended to read as follows:
"24. 05. Penal y for false statements. A statement
required to be filed by Section 24.04 shall be signed
and' cert ' fied s true by the person required to file
the repo t. A person who signs and certifies to
be �,true repo t or statement which he knows contains
fal�e in ormati n or who knowingly omits required
informati n is uilty of a petty misdemeanor. "
Section 5.
Thi� ordi ance hall take effect and be in force thirty (30)
days from and iter ' ts passage, approval and publication.
COUNCILMFN Requested by Department of:
Yeas Nays
�� In Favor —
Scheibel Against BY
JOlileerr• �
DEC 1 r �86 Form Approved by City Attorney
Adopted by Council: Date
Certified Pas y ouncil Secr ry By ��$- �° ' ��2'w7"�IG 0�Z,3 -g
Ap rov d Mayor: D � eC � � 6 Approv b Mayor for Sub ' •si to �u cil
By By
,� D E C 71986
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:� � � C TY OF SAINT I-�AUI.
�` aPifli�. .
�'!� 17!)�l�9i1��-
.yt: �=�g3��+ . . . � .
- D a t e . November 2 , 1986
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0 (1�l ITT' EE RE PORT
-ro = sa, � P� i c��y cou�,���
F�� � ' CO t'�T)i�'�' E Oh LEGISLATION
1 . Discus�ion of possib e 1987 State legislation regarding Buy America
in St. Paul .
Laid dver fo two w eks.
2. Discus�ion of possib e 1987 State legislation regarding CIB Bonding
Reauthprizati n.
N� A pro ed the resolu ion with recotmnenda.tion to nass. Resolution to be drafted.
3. Discussion of possib e 1987 State legislation regarding Human Servi es.
No ac ion.
4. Discus ion of possib e 1987 State Legislation regarding State Fundi g
for Oa�C Wilt nd Ash Yellow.
roved the resolu ion with recanmendatian to ass.
5. Ar► ord'nance mendin Chapter 24 of the Adrninistrative Code
pertai irtg t a code oF ethics for City officials (financial
discla ure).
t�:e dinan. e with recammen.datian to pass.