86-1486 W�"'�- - C�TV CLERK � l c:�RV JDEPAR MENT ITY OF SAINT PAUL Council BWE - MAVOR File NO. �/ • • • u e lu on � Presented By } s� Referred To 1 T t 1-�� Committee: Date � '� Out of Commitltee By Date RESOLVED, t at t e Citizen Participation Task Forc is hereby estal�lish d to examine the citizen participation process , funding andlmodi icat ' on options vis-a-vis the City ` s significant �redu tion in CDBG and the new HOD regulatio s regarding thle u� of ederal dollars and to make recomm ndations to the Mayor' and City Council . BE IT F�IURTH R RE OLVED, that the Saint Paul City C uncil does hereby �conc r an approve of the following-flamed p rsons to the task for�ce : fstri t Councii gorum submission -- , herm n Eagles District 12 r . B ian Nelson District 17 atri ia Benson Distriet 14 ay D puty Distriet 8 ay Sa mons District 5 A tern tes � to Serve - 3n - Thf.s Order _� �-.-�-itzry--9�a s -�-����t�--3-- 1.�-. I Jo.a McA dle District 10 2.�. � Ire e Tr ezyk District 3 3.�. �� Cla ence Seidel District 4 4.sr. � Bil Joh son District 7 5.�i-. I Cou tine Brazel-Coke District 16 6.�. ! Kar Gra ek District 13 (Lexington-Hamlin ) 7 .$. �I Bev Hawk ' ns District 8 8.�. � Peg y Fl cker District 8 9. ' � Denn s Hil District 6 � , -1- COUNC[LMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas � Nays II Nicosia Rettman Irt Favo[ . Scheibel � Sonnen _ Against BY Teiarr� Wilaon Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: I�ate Certified Passed by Council ISecretar BY gy, Approve ' Mavor: Date Appr d by Mayor for Submis o 1 � B WH�TE - C�TV CLERK I . Plt. t FINANCE � /�OUnClI �A�r - DEPAi7TMENT I TY OF SA I NT PAUL File 1N0. � ` �� B!L'U E - M A V O R � , ouncil Resolution Presented By i Referred To Committee: Date Out of Commi�tee By Date � it - eouncil Subm ' y ission — --------------------- Andrea Albrecht Molly O ' Rourke Sue Vanelli CD Staff Submission ------------------ . Phyllis Ho lihan League of Women Voters �olly Voeg li Corporate Kathy Ziem n Planning Commission FINALLY, �iBE I RES LVED , that the task force will su mit draft recommemdati ns f r city-wide review by January 15 , 1987 , and after comr�ents are eceived , the task force will reco vene in March to f�.nali e an submit its recommendations by Ma 1987 . The task forc� wil sel ct a chair and vice-chair at its irst meeting , whicYi Jer y Je kins will act as facilitator . �2� COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas ,�_ Nays II �- Nicosia ✓ In Favor Rettman II Scheibel I � Sonnen __ Age1[1St BY fbeeste Wilson I Adopted by Council: C{ate OCT 2 � 1988 Form pprove City Attor y � Certified Yas e cil �ecre BY g}. Appr by Mavor. Date � � '� � �90� Approved Mayor for Submission c' ~ Bv Bv PUQlIS€iE0 ��Q�� :� 19$f. _. . ��-l�f�� I F AIN C Y O S T PAUL - O ICE OF THE CITY COIINCIL �*�s■a� •����\�\�M -����` ' p d t e ; October 20, 1986 I'� C M ITTEE RE PORT . TO = '�Sain Pau I C�ty Council F R O M � IIC O tY1 Ir t@ O h C i ty Deve 1 opment and Transporta i on ��c� ai filliam L . Wilson ��1 . Re oluti n amending C.F 85-1447 being a contrac between th City Riverfront Redevelopment Corp. and th BRW, Inc. fo prep ration of the Riverfront predevelopment study to al ow th study to be compieted by December 31 , 1986, and to incre se the compensation to be paid. (Commi tee re ommen s approval ) 2�. A - p eal f Planning Commission to deny a non c nforming us permit (Keith & Elaine Smith) (Committee re mmen s approval with amendment) 3r Re luti establishing a Citizen's Participatio Task Fo e an approving appointments of pe�sons as 1 sted to he t k force (Committee recomme�ds approval . � . CTTY HALL SEV TH FLOOR SAINT PAUL, MINN TA 55102 �.,. I