C u cil Resolution . �
Presente By �
Referred To " � �� Committee: Date ���
Out of Committe By Date
RESOLVED, �that t e Counc'1 of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves an
ratifies the attached emora um of Agreement which amends the 1985-1987 Agr ement
between the City and lectric'ans Local 110 pertaining to Apprentice Electri ians.
COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of:
Yeas �� Nays �
Nicosia E
Rettman �n FavOi
Scheibel -�/ ��
Sonnen V� _ Against BY
Wilson �+
�i.T 2 3 � Form Approve b At ney
Adopted by Council: Date
Certified Yas e unc 1 Secre BY �
' � � �� �� VCT 2 3 ppro y Mayor for Submi 'on � C4u cil
Approved by M or. at �
. , �, ,"���, � .�-�, �/'
sy Bv
PUBII HED �'� 1 1986 �� �`'
Personnel Office , , DEPARTMENT (�/'� �^���� � �5936
.Jim Lombardi ' CONTACT
7301 ` '� PHONE
9-15-86 ' DATE „i�� . Qr
� �
SI N NUhB.ER FOR ,RO ING OR R C1 ` A11 Locations for Si nature :
Department Direct 'I 3 Director of ManagementJ ayor
Finance and Manag ent S rvices irector � 4 City Clerk
Budget Director �
�City Attorney
Rationale) :
This resolution amen s the 985-87 greement between the City and Electricians Lad 1 110.
This amendment chang s the ringe nefit contribution strueture for Apprentice E1 ctriciane
who began their appr ntices ip on after May 1 , 1984. The chat�ge re�uces the fr nge benefit
contributions for su appr ntices.'; The contribution is increased as the apprenti e completes
the required time�wo� ked. ,�
None. � Jt�,2,2, �
. ! C�� -���°
; �\a- ��� MAYOR'S OFFICE
. � � �
�, .
ture not re-
Total Amount of "Tra sactio : i quired if under
� �10,000)
Funding SourGe: �
Activity Number: i •
ATTACHMENTS � List and umber 11 Att , hments :
1 . Besolution � �G��, �� .
2. Eopy for City Cle k �
��� � ��
' �� �� ����
�'I� ,
I , .
Yes No Council solution Req red? � Resoiwtlon Required? Ye No
Yes � Insurance Requi d? Insuran�e 'Sufficient? Ye No
Yes No Insurance Attac d: j
Revised 12/84 ,
. � . � -���/
' 1986
This Memor�ndum o Agree ent is by and between the City of Saint Paul an
Electricia�s Loca 110. `
1. Except as her in mod fied, the 1985-87 Agreement between the parties
entere into ugust , 1985 shall be the basis of this Memorandum of
2. Appendi� C - ppendi C shall be replaced with Appendix C which is
attache� here and de a part hereof.
3. Appendi� D - pendix D shall be replaced with Appendix D which is
attache heret and de a part hereof.
It is under tood t at the above settlement shall be recommended by the Ci y
Negotiator, but is sub�ec to approval by the City Administration and ado tion
by the City Counci .
IN WITNESS W�iEREOF the p rties hereto have affixed their signatures this
lOth day o� Se ember , 1986.
'� �'� �� -.-.�`•�T �
tin A. panion
usin ss Manag
Labor Relati�ns
i��/�����I J V w .
James C. Lombsrdi
Labor Relatiens
� . �-r��/
The ba�sic ho rly wag rate for provisional, regular and probationar
employees appointe to th following classes of positions who are not co ered
by the provisions f Arti le 12.2.
Effective Effective Effective
I 4-27-85 4-26-86 4-25-87
Electrician . . . , , , , , , , , , . $17.69* 17.95* **
Electr�cian-F reman . . . . . . . . . . $18.95* 19.21* **
Electr cian-G neral oreman . . . . . . . $19.80* 20.06* **
Electr�cal In pector . . . . . . . . . . $18.95* 19.21* **
Senior Electr cal In pector . . . . . . . $19.80* 20.06* **
Lighting Main enance Worker
( ired p ior to May 2, 1981
57 of lectri ian Rate) . . . . . $13.27* 13.46*
Lighting Main enance Worker (Hired after May 2, 1981)
a - 6 onths . 50� of Electrician Rate
7� - 12 onths . . 55� of Electrician Rate
13� - 18 onths . . 60� of Electrician Rate
19� - 24 onths . . 65Z of Electrician Rate
25 - 30 onths . . 75� of Electrician Rate
The basic ho{urly w ge rat for temporary and emergency employees appointe to
the followin� clas es of sitions shall be:
Effective Effective Effective
4-27-85 4-26-86 4-25-87
Electri ian . . . . . . . . . . . . . $18.40* 18.67* **
Electri�ian-Fo•eman . . . . . . . . . . $19.71* 19.98* **
Electri�ian-Ge eral F reman . . . . . . . $20.59* 20.86* **
Electri al Ins ector. . . . . . . . . . . $19.71* 19.98* **
Senior �lectri al Ins ector . . . . . . . $20.59* 20.86* **
Lighting Maint nance orker
OI- 6 m nths . . 50� of Electrician Rate
7 - 12 m nths . . 55� of Electrician Rate
13 - 18 m nths . . 60� of Electrician Rate
19 - 24 m nths . . 65� of Electrician Rate
25 - 30 m nths . . 75z of Electrician Rate
*This ralte inc udes 9 Z Vacation Contribution
**The Te�mporar Rate hall be the May 1, 1987 rate paid by the emplo r to
employe s in c mparab e classifications under the agreement between cal 110
and NEC�. The rate f r provisional, regular and probationary employe s who
are not covere by th provisions of Article 12.2 shall be the tempor ry rate
divided by 1.0 .
- C1 -
- � . , . � @� �_,���
. ' APPENDIX C (continued)
Apprentice E ectric n (prior to May 1, 1984)
lst 950 hours. . . 507 of Journeyman Rate
2�id 950 hours. . . 55� of Journeyman Rate
3�d 950 hours. . . 60z of Journeyman Rate
4�h 950 ours. . . 65� of Journeyman Rate
5 h 950 ours. . 707 of Journeyman Rate
6 h 950 ours. . 75� of Journeyman Rate
7�h 950 ours. . 807 of Journeyman Rate
8�h 950 ours. . 85� of Journeyman Rate
Appren ice E1 ctrici n (on or after May 1, 1984)
l�t 950 ours. . . 48� of the journeyman rate
2 d 950 ours. . . 48% of the journeyman rate
3�d 950 ours. . . 55� of the journeyman rate
4 h 950 ours. . . 60� of the �ourneyman rate
S�h 950 ours. . . 70� of the 3ourneyman rate
6 h 950 ours. . . 75% of the journeyman rate
7�h 950 ours. . . 80� of the �ourneyman rate
8t{h 950 ours. . . 85z of the journeyman rate
The bas�ic hou ly wag rate for regular employees appointed to the fo lowing
classes of p,ositio s, who are covered by the provisions of Article 12.2 o this
AGREEMENT, shall b :
Effective Effective Effecti e
4-27-85 4-26-86 4-25-8
Electrician . . . . . . . . $17.24 $17.35 ****
Electrician-�'orema . . . . . . . $18.31 18.39 ****
Electrician- enera Forema . . . . ****
$19.02 19.10
Electrical I spect . . . . . . $18.31 18.39 ****
Senior Elect ical I specto . . . . $19.02 19.10 ****
Apprentice E�ectric an
(hired prio to Ma ch 16, 1974)
(85� of Ele�tricia rate) . . . . $14.65 14.74 ****
- C2 -
. . � �-i��/
' � '****Th 1987 ourly age rates in this contract for the titles list d below
� will be the t tal pa kage paid by the employer to employees in comp rable
classi icatio s in t e May l, 1987 agreement between Local 110 and he National
Electr cal Co tracto s Association less the cost of sick leave usag for 1986
and le s the ost of pensions, vacations and holidays for 1987 and ess the
cost o healt and 1 fe insurance for the period May 1, 1986 thru A ril, 1987
incurr d by t e empl yer for employees in this bargaining unit. The 1987 hourly
wage r tes fo Appre tice Electrician (Hired prior to March 16, 197 ) shall
be 85Z of the base r te for Electrician.
lectri ian
lectri ian-Fo eman
lectri ian-Ge eral Foreman
Electri al Ins ector
enior lectri al Inspector
Employ es who work o a regularly assigned shift, beginning earlier han
6 a.m, or e ding 1 ter th n 6 p.m. , provided that at least five hours of he
shift are w rked b tween he hours of 6 p.m, and 6 a.m. , there shall be p id a
night diffe ential for th entire shift.
Employ es who work o a regularly assigned shift, beginning earlier han 6 a.m.
or ending l ter th n 6 p. . , but less than five hours of the shift are wo ked
between the ours f 6 p. . and 6 a.m. , there shall be paid a night diffe ential for
the hours wo ked b tween e hours of 6 p.m. and 6 a.m.
The nig t dif erenti shall be 5� of the base rate, and shall be pa d only for
those night hifts actual worked.
The tot 1 com nsatio (wages and fringes) received by employees cov red by
this Agreeme t sha be eq ivalent in money to the total package paid by he
employer to mploye s in c mparable classifications in the Agreement betw en Local
110 and the ationa Elect ical Contractors Association. (NECA)
The tot 1 pac ge cos shall exclude any costs of payments made for ndustry
promotion an /or ad ertise ent or any other purposes not directly and cle rly
beneficial t the p blic e ployer.
In the vent L cal 11 and NECA amend their bargaining agreement to rovide for
either a wag or be efit f eeze or reduction during the period of this Ag eement,
such freeze r redu tion s all be immediately applicable to the total com ensation
paid to empl yees c vered y this Agreement.
- C3 -
, ^ � , . �-���/
Effective M�y 1, 1986, th EMPLOYER shall:
(1) Contri�ute $1.25 per hour for all hours worked by all participating employees
as defined in Articl s 12.3, 12.4 and 12.5 covered by this Agreemen , to
a Unio� desig ated H alth and Welfare Fund.
(2) Contril�ute $. 0 per our for all hours worked by participating empl yees as
defined in Ar icles 2.3, 12.4 and 12.5 covered by this Agreement, o
a Unio desig ated P nsion Fund. No pension contribution shall be ade for
appren ices w o star ed working as an apprentice on or after May 1, 1984 until
they h ve wor ed 570 hours as an apprentice.
(3) Contri ute $. 6 per our for all hours worked by all participating ployees
as def�ned in Articl s 12.3, 12.4 and 12.5 covered by this Agreement,
to a U�ion de ignate Apprenticeship Training Fund.
(4) Contri�ute $. 6 per our for all hours worked by participating emplo ees
as defined in Articl s 12.3, 12.4 and 12.5 covered by this Agreement,
to a U�ion de ignate Seniority Fund. No seniority fund contribution shall be
made f r appr ntices who started working as an apprentice on or afte May 1,
1984 u�til th y have worked 5700 hours as an apprentice.
(5) Contribute $. 2 per our for all hours worked by participating emplo ees
as defi ed in Articl s 12.3, 12.4 and 12.5 covered by this Agreement
to a Union de ignate Reserve Trust Fund. For apprentices who start d working
as an apprent ce on after May 1, 1984, this reserve trust contrib tion shall
be limi�ed to $.05 pe hour for the first 5700 hours of apprentice w rk.
(6) Contrib te 3� f the ross wages earned by all participating employe s
as defi�ed in rticle 12.3, 12.4 and 12.5 covered by this Agreement
to the �Jnion's design ted National Employees Benefit Fund (N.E.B.F.)
(7) Contrib te 9}' of all wages earned by participating employees as def ned in
Article� 12.3, 12.4 a d 12.5 covered by this Agreement, to a Union d signated
Vacatio� and H liday und. This contribution is subject to all payr 11
deducti ns. F r appr ntices who started working as an apprentice on or after
May 1, 984 th s Nati nal Employees Benefit Fund (N.E.B.F.) contribu ion shall
be base on ho rs wor ed as an apprentice as shown below.
1ST 190p HRS 1901 HRU 3800 HRS 3801 THRU 5700 HRS 5701 THR 7600 HRS
5}7 6}� 7}� �
(8) Contrib te $.5 per h ur for all hours worked by participating emplo ees
as defi�ed in rticle 12.3, 12.4 and 12.5 covered by this Agreement to
a Union Idesign ted An uity Fund. No annuity Fund contribution shall be made
for app�tentice who s arted working as an apprentice on or after May 1, 1984
until tt}ey hav worke 6650 hours as an apprentice.
(9) Contrib te $1. 5 per our for all hours worked by participating empl ees
as defi�ed in rticle 12.3, 12.4 and 12.5 covered by this Agreement, to
a Union design ted Fl xible Benefit Fund. For apprentices who start working
as an apprenti e on o after May 1, 1984, this Flexible Benefit Fund
contrib tion s all be limited to $.20 per hour for the first 5700 ho s of
apprent�ice wor .
- D1 -
� � : . , . � � �-��d'�
. APPENDIX "D" (con inued)
The EMPLOY�R shal estab ish Workman's Compensation and Unemployment
Compensatiin prog ams as required by Minnesota Statutes.
Participat�ng emp oyees s defined in Articles 12.3, 12.4 and 12.5 cover d
by this AGR�EEMENT shall ot be eligible for, governed by, or accumulate
vacation, s�ick le ve, ho 'day, funeral leave, jury duty, or insurance fr nge
benefits th�at are r may e established by Personnel Rules, Council Ordi ance,
or Council �tesolut on.
The EMPLOYE�'S fri ge ben fit obligation to participating employees cove ed
by this AGRFEMENT, as def ned in Articles 12.3, 12.4 and 12.5 is limited solely
to the cont�'ibutio s and/ r deductions established by this AGREEMENT. T
actual leve7� of be efits rovided to employees shall be the responsibilit
of the trustlees of the va ious funds to which the EMPLOYER has forwarded
contributior�s and/ r dedu tions.
- D2 -