86-1479 WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE I TY O F SA I NT PA U L Council CANARV - DEPARTMENT '�� BLUE - MAVOR . FIIC NO. oun il Resolution . Presented y � Referred To � � ' Committee: Date �� Out of Commit�ee By Date A admini trative Resolution establishing the r te of p y for the titles of Human Rights T hnicia and Field Representative II in the S lary P1 n and Rates of Compensation Resolution. RESOLVED, that the tit e of Human Rights Technician be paid at the ra e set forth in �rade 3 , Sect on I D 2 of the Salary Plan and Rates of Compe sation Resolution; a�d be i FURTHER �ESOLVE , that the title of Field Representative II be paid a the rate set forth in Gr de 38, Section I D 2 of the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation �esolut'on; an be it FINALLY �tESOLVE , that this resolution shall take effect and be in fo ce following the first ay per od after the passage, approval and publication of this resolution. COUNC[LMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas �� Nays N��os�a [n Favor ICE Rettman � Scheibel Sonnen __ Against Y Tedesco Wilson Q T 2 3 �986 Form A v by C'ty rne Adopted by Council: Date � Certified Pa:• o i Secre y BY sy� Approved by Mavor• at � — `�'� �,s� �CT 2 � I�U1�Prove y M r for mission to Cou cil BY��- — � BY P �!!�3��� �����V 1 1986 . ! i�79 �T Personnel' Office i DEPARTMEPIT � �� .L�I� 05943 John Shockle CONTACT 4221 � i PHONE September 24, 1986 � DATE / e�� Qi � AS IGN NUMBER FOR -R0 ING DER C i All Locations for Si nature : Department Direc or 3 Director" �of Managemen /Mayor Finance and Mana ement ervice Director � 4 City Clerk Budget Director � City A�torney , HAT WILL BE ACHiEVE BY T ING AC ION ON THE ATTACHED MATERIALS? (Purpose/ � Rationale) : This resolution estab ishes ew rat s of pay for the titles of Human Rights Tech�ie'an and . Field Representative I.in t e Sala ' Plan and Rates of Compensation. ;� � ; RECEtV�D � COST BENEFIT BUDGET RY AND PERSON +IEL IMPACTS ANTICIPATED: SEP.� �y �a+�� See at�ached sheet. I' �AY�R►s ���"� � _ �'�i'i � ' , FINANCING SOURCE ANO BUDGET ACTIVI NUMBER CHARGED OR CREDITED: (Mayor's signa- ture nat re- ' Total Amount of 'T ansact on: �'�„ quired if under � � a,o,o00) Funding Source: � �; Activity Number: ,i • � ATTACHMENTS List an Numbe All A achments : 1 . Resolution ',� 2. Copy for City C1 rk _ 'I ! I' , � � � , . � _ DEP ftTMENT REVIEW I' CITY ATTORNEY REYIEW Yes � Council Resol tion R �uired? ' Resolution Required? es No Yes � Insura e Req ired? , Insuwance S�f�fici�nt? es No�� Yes No Insura e Att ched: . (S E �REVE IE SIDE FOR INSTRUCTIONS) � Revised 12/84 ' :.� � � ��" �-�y79 Change of grad s for t'tles of Human Rights Technician and Field Repr sentative I. Human Ri hts T chnicia will go from: Grade 28 (Technical Standard R nge) to: Grade 30 (Technical Standard R nge) Field Representative I will go from: Grade 36 (�echnical Standard R nge) to: Grade 38 (Technical Standard R nge) Grade 28 - Hum Right Technician A B C D E F 10-yr 15-yr. 20- r. 25-yr. 796.31 �27.22 862.77 898.32 924.40 978.68 1004. 17 1030.45 104 .45 1056.45 Grade 30 835. 71 71 .26 906.80 947.00 987.94 1031 .21 1057.49 1086.08 109 .08 1112.08 Grade 36 (Fiel Repre ent-ative II) 972.51 1014.99 1059.0 1105.40 1154.84 1207.40 1239.87 1273.08 128 .08 1299.08 Grade 38' 1025.04 1067.54 1116.2 1164. 13 1217.46 1269.23 1306.31 1340.33 135 .33 1366.33 � , ,� .�. � � " � � ' i �, /�7�' �►� C TY OF SAINT PAUL � .:ue..�;�;�i. � :��� ii:u �� O CE OF THF CITY' COWi CIL Cammittee Repart ` F:' an�e �dan em �t & Persannel �ommittee. � OCTOBER 16, 1986 1. Approval of minute from eeting held October 9, 1986. there will be no minutes 2. Introduction of Pe sonr.el Office Supervisory Staff. --- 3. Financial r port f om Par s and Recreation on Riverfest I986. discu sed 4. An ordinanc estab ishing the title of Administrative Secretary to the Superintend nt for Indepe dent School. District No. 625 in the Unclassifi d Service. a ro ed 5. Resolution �stabli hing t e rate of pay for Administrative Secretary to he Superintend nt in ndepen ent School District No. 625 in Grade 37 Cleric 1 . � Group of th Salar Plan nd Rates of .Compensation Re�olution. approv d . 6. . Resolution stabli hing r te of pay for Deputy Director-Neighborhood Dev lopment • _ _ �. in Grade_�)._,_Secti n I D , _Professi.on��. Employees Supervisory Group of_ . he - Salary Plan and Ra es of ompensation Resolution. approved 7. Resolution st�b.Z h�g t e rate of pay for the titles o� Huma� `�ghts Tec�rrtician nd Fie d Regr sentative II in Grade 38, Section I D 2 of the 5��� �tnd Ra es of ompensatio.n Resolution. ap�rovad 8. Resolution establi hing t e rate of pay for Public Works Bridge Foreman n the Salary Plan an Rates of Compensation Resolution. laid over to 10/2 9. Resolution pprov' g the 986-1989 Maintenance Labor Agreement between t e City and th Boile kers Union, Local 647. approved 10. Resolution pprov g the emorandum of Agreement which amends the 1985-1 87 Agreement between he Cit and the Electricians Local 110 pertaining to Apprentice Electr' ians. approved 11. Resolution ecomme ding t e Charter Commission amend Chapter 12.02 of th Charter so as to in rease he mem ership of the Civil Service Commission from th ee to five member (4/12 84) . ithdrawn er Scheibel � CTTY HAj-I- E�/ENTH FLOOR SAINT PAUL,M ESO'I'A 55102 .___ . ar�.ss .-.u-�•-�,• :... -�..a.m.�,!b.�r.e�..�...,.�,...-.�,.>.�...:...._...�.. ,._......__.F..._,_«..-.....-,.--....._._..�........ :, ..: