D00792C I T Y O F S A I N T P A U L OFFICE OF THE MAYOR �ro�eu con�� m: ADNIINI5TRATIVE ORDER: -CityClerk(Originai} BUDGET REVISION ��//��//�� - Finance Dept's Accounting Oiviston � - Requesting Dapt No: Date: n— ADM{NISTRATNE and based on the i the 1995 budget o'� amend said budae OEPARTMENT & DNISION: FIIND AND ACTNITY� FROM: JER, Corc�istent with the authority gra�ed to the Mayor in Section 70.07.4 of the City Charter iest of the Director of the Depar6nent of E�ceculive Administration - Budget Office to amend � Generel Fund, the Director of the Departrnent of Finance and Management Services is authorized to ffie folbwing manner: Mayor - Budget O�ce G¢neral Fund 001-00101A241 Duplicating 001-00107A251 Transportation 001-00101-0252 Lodging, Meals, etc. 001-00101-0253 Registretion Fees 001-00101-0368 O�ce Supplies -Storeroom TO: Mayor - Budget O�ce • General Fund OOM1-00101-0711 Fult Time Permanent 001-00 7 01-0157 Reserve for NegoUated Increase 001-U0101•�857 Data Processing - Hardware NETCHANGE ��.a.Lt� � �� /a-�9-9s Preparetlby: ActivityMan r Date ��-�,�-�- ,r,., �Z�,-� �z- l 9 _9S Reques : DepartmentDirector Date CURRENT suo�er 750 1,800 1,85U 1,715 4.182 9,697 301,479 5,801 2.500 309,780 APPROVED AMENOED GHANGES BUDGET �685) 65 (1,350) 450 (1,550) U (1,115) 0 �$_1�) 3.363 (5,879) 3,878 2,916 1,744 1.159 5,819 304,395 7,545 3.659 315,599 r�� ja-iq °,� Approv �y: Mayor Date T.WxeNmuCgetNawesau4aco_.o +RI95 BudgetOffice ��� �{-� INLAC[PFRSONQPEHINE ' Dede Demko, 266-8545 BE ON COUNCQ. Af�NDA BY (DA4E) OTAL # OF S[GNATURE PAGES af Administrative Order - Budget Revision P[AI1liIDiC:COMhIISS[ON QYII.SFitYICEC�A945ti[ON `. C�CAlAl.III'�E _ srntF _ oaia[crcoo2t _ �ao��z � GREEN SHEET NO. 35852 � pEpqg7MEKIDptECTOR � CLIYCOUNCQ. O CII'YATCORNEY 3Q C[7YCLER[C 2a BUUGEfD�tECIO% Q FIN.BMGT.SFRVICFSD� � MAYOR(ORASSCSlANq � _ CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNAI'URE) l. Has Ihis Qec5od5rm ever worked under a wut[aGt for ttiis deQazunent? YES NO 2. Has ffiis persoNfvm ever been a city employce? YES NO 3. Does this pecsan/fian possess a skili not nonnally possessed by any curtent ciry employee? YES NO .i (&zolain sll ves aoswecs on senarate sheet and attach to 4ree¢ sheetl PROHI.EM 155U6.OPPORTllN[[Y (Wbo.whaz. `Ahn WM1at WhY)� will occur at various major object levels based on eacpected expenditures for the remainder oF ]995. :ES ff APPROVID. wili be avoided. �AO� N/A RCISCf V C� DEC 2 6 i99� ClTY ,�',L�Rk' HSADVANTAC&S OFNOT APPROYED: leficits will occur and �penses incurred in 1995 will not be able to be paid. S�nL axourcr oF in�nsncnon wcucuuFOw.unoN��w� COSI/Rk:VFi3UEBUDGETED(CIRCLEONE) YFS NO d V�1