86-1478 WHITE - CITV CLERK / / PINK - FINANCE COUflCII �j C,pNARV���DE�ARTMENT . GI Y OF SAINT PAUL File NO. � Bl_UE - MAVOR � � C ncil Resolution n Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committe By Date LUTION APPROVING APPLICATION OF BEN ON I TMEI�TT/SIGNDESIC�T, INC. FOR CLASSIFICATIal�i OF PROPEIrTY LOCATED IN THE SAINT PAUL R RFROrTT EI�TTERPRISE ZONE AS CLASS 4d EMPIAYMEI�TT P12pPERTY Wt�REAB, Blenson nves t/Signdesign, Inc. (the "Cc�npany") filed with he City Clerk an Application �or cl ssifi ion of its property located south of Blair Ave ue in F�iipire Builder Industrial Pa k as loyment Property pursuant to Minnesota Statute Section 273.1313 and tY�e Sain Paul 'verfront Enterprise Zone Program (the "Program' ); and WE�REAS, t�e new inves nt, tax classification, and State tax credits s set forth in detail in t Sept r 4, 1986, Staff Report will result in the creation of 8 new positions in int Pa 1 with he oonstruction of a new 21,600 square foot p uction facility for t scr n pr s printing c�npany, and Wf�REAS, ere s been resented to and considered at this meeting a P rticipation Agreeqnent bet n the City a the Canpany whereby the Cctnpany covenants res cting the cc�npletion of ropert impro nts; and WHERF.AS, Po Authp ity of the City of Saint Paul has received aut rization fran the Departinent of Ene y and conanic Developnent to utilize an alternative scal oontribution of infra truct improve�nents in lieu of local property tax r ction; and i�REA.S, he Cit Clerk uly published on Sept�nber 20, 1986, in the Sa nt Paul Legal Ledger, the of icial ewspa for the City a notice of public hearing befor the City Council upon e C ny's lication; and WHERF�AS, aistric 6 and Planning Councils along with the Riverfront ission have reviewed and rdcamtien ed app val of the Application; and COU(VCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Drew Nays � N"°S'e In Favor Rettman Scheibel Sonnen _ AgelnSt BY Tedesco Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: ate -� Certified Yassed by Council Secretar BY �A �`' By� Approved by ;Navor: Date Appr v y Mayor for Su �ss' nko un il By _ _ By WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE V I y OF SA I NT PALTL Council CANARV - DEPARTMENT � 7 0.UE � MAVOR ��. F11C �0. ' / C uncil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WI�REAS, th� City ouncil conducted a public hearing on October 23, 1986, upon the Application at which h ring o portunity was provided for the Applicant, the unty Assessor, representativ s of a fected taxing authorities and any taxpayer of he City or mesnber of the public t presen their views orally or in writing at or before the hearing, and having duly �onside ed the testimony and written views presented at the ring and the Application,' staff eport nd draft Participation Agreement; now therefor , be it RESOLVED by the C cil o the City of Saint Paul that it hereby determi es that tY�e Application of Benson i vest� t/Signdesign, Inc., the property improvements, retained and new jobs and tax benefi s pro sed meet the objectives of the Saint Paul Rive front Enterprise Zone Progr . RESOLVED FUIrI'f�R t the City Council additionally finds and determines that the construction of the ne facili y (1) is reasonably likely to create new empl yi�ent in the City; (2) will not hav the e fect of transferring existing employment froan e or more other cities within Mi esota; (3) will result in an increase in market valu of the employment property of 520,00 which is .00008$ of the market value of all t xable property in Saint Paul; and (4 will not result in the reduction of the asses ed value of existing property withi the C ty owned by Applicant. - RESOLVED FURTt�R t the �pplication and employment property reclassifi ation thereby proposed is he by app oved and the City Clerk is directed to transmi the Application together w' h a ce ified copy of this resolution to the Cce�nnis5i er of Energy and Econanic De lopznen and the CaYmissioner of Revenue for oonsidera ion and final approval. RESOLVED FURTHER t the Participation Agreement between the City and t Applicant is hereby approved, an the p per City officers are authorized to sign the s on behalf of the City, and' upon i s sign ture by the Applicant to transnit Attachment C of said Agreement to the Ccnmi ioner f Energy and Econanic Develognent and the Carm'ssioner of Revenue for sign�ture the C issioners or their designee upon final appro al of the Application. - 2 - COUNCILMEN Requested b Department of: Yeas �r Nays ' Nicosia Rettman IR FBVO[ son�� � _ Against BY Tedesco Wilson � ���� Adopted by Council: Date u�'T Form Approved by City Attorney Certified Pa. • d b ou cil e BY B}� �+ Approved by •_avor. at � � yr 1 �prov by Mayor for Submi i n o Cou il By ��-� _ � By P�I�!��� p '���l 1 198�6 - _ � ` �/�7� St. Paul Port uthori y � DEPARTMENT � � _ �s�55 3.A � • . E.A. r ut ' CONTACT � . � _ ' PHONE Oct. 8 1986 DATE ��� e ASSIGN NUl�ER FOR. ROU ING OR ER Cl � All Locations for Si nature .: . L Depar�ment Direct r I � Director of Management/ yor � Finance and Manag ent S rvicesl irector � �City Clerk Budget Director ;,I RE: ENTERPRISE ZONE CRED TS �Ci ty Attorney , B N , NC. i WHAT WILL BE ACHIEVED 8Y TAK NG ACT � N ON THE ATTACHED MATERIALS? (Purpos.e/ Rationale): Enterprise Zone cred'ts will be us d as :an incentive for Benson Investment/Sigr�de ign, Inc. to construct a new 2 ,600 uare 'ot screen process printing facility in Empire uilder Industrial Park. I Benson Investment/Si" ndesi n, Inc. Ipresently has 28 full-time and 8-part-time emp oyees and will create 8 new po ition with e construction of this facility. Attached are two copies of the Participatio Agree � nt for review and execution.� . OST BENEFIT BUDGETA Y AND ERSONN IMPACTS ANTICIPATED: REC��v�o 0�� 16 N/A � � . MAYOR S��� � • i �INANCING SOURCE AND UDGET CTIVIT NUMBER CHARGED OR CREDITED: (Mayor's signa- ture not re- Total Amount of�Tr nsacti n: I� quired if under . � �lO,DOQ) Funding Sour.ce: /A:u; '� � Activity Number: • ATTACHMENTS List and Number All At chments : 1 . Draft City Coun il Res lution 2. Staff Report 3. Participation A reemen � cc. J. Shoholm I; . DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVI,EW Yes No Council Resolu ion Re ired? ��Resolution: Required? Y s No Yes No Insuran e Requ red? Insurance Suffici�nt? Y s No Yes No Insuran e Atta hed: . . . (SE •REVER , SIDE FOR INSTRUCTIONSj Revised 12/84 � � ��� � :�' •", �_/N 7� �� � �� �� � ` �, k � `,� PORT AUTHO ITY OF T E CIN F SAINT PAUL TOLL FREE(8 ) 328-8417 ��•: 1900 AMHOI�T TOWE • 3 5 ST. PETER STREET • ST, PAUL, MN. 55102 • PHONE(6 2) 224-5686 October 8, 1986 Mr. James B llus, irecto Planning & �conomi Devel pment Department City of St. Paul 13th Floor �ity Ha 1 Anne REGEI�IED St. Paul , Minnesot 5510 ��;'(` � �1 SUBJECT: E(�TERPRI E ZONE CREDITS BENSON I VESTME T/SIGNDESIGN, INC. PJIAYOR'� ��Fi�� Dear Jim: We submit herewith for yo r review and referral to the office of the May r, City Council and City Att rney's Office details pertaining to the issuan e of Enterpris� Zone Credit to Benson Investment/Signdesign, Inc. The credits will be in the fo of $90,000 in State income tax credits made p of $20,000 i empl ee cr its and $70,000 in debt service credits. Loc 1 contribution�in th amoun of $94,462 has been approved by the State in the form of infr structure improvements in Empire Builder Industrial Park. Enterprise Z ne cre its wi 1 be used as an incentive for Benson Investmen / Signdesign, �nc. to constr ct a new 21 ,600 square foot screen process printing fac lity i Empir Builder Industrial Park. The company present y has 28 full-�ime an 8 par -time employees and will create 8 new position with the con tructi n of t is facility. In addition o the taff r port, we are attaching the Participation Agreement an a dra t copy of the proposed City Council resolution which authorizes t e exec tion o the Participation Agreement and the submittal of the propo al to he Dep rtment of Energy and Economic Development and the Departme t of R venue. Your expeditious ha dling f this matter will be appreciated. Yours truly, � �1�...D� ' Eugene . Kraut EAK:ca Executi e Vice President Attach. cc. Mayor Latimer .._.�._____..._ EUGENE A KRAUT,C.I.D. DOf�ALD G.DUN HEE.C.1.0. ' CHARLES M.TOWLE CLIFFORD E.RAMSTED,P.E. PERRY K.FEDERS C.P.A EXECUTiVE VICE PRESIDENT AS�T.EXEC.VICE RESIDENT DiRECTOR OF INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT CHIEF ENGINEER DIRECTOR OF FINANCE ASST TREASURER ICHARD A. IERDAL WILLIAM E.McGIVERN PROPERN MA ER DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC RELATIONS COMMISSIONERS GEORGE W.WINTEI� WILLIA WILSON ARTHUR N.GOODMAN VICTOR P.REIM RAYMOND E.LANGEVIN CHRIS NI OSIA JEAN M.WEST PRESIDENT �, VICE ESIDENT SECREUARY TREASURER COMMISSIONER COMMI$$I NER COMMISSIONER C.I.D.Certified Industrial Developer .r `, �_ �c..�7� 9 /86 STAFF REPORT RE: BENSON I TN�I�TT (SUBLEASE TO SIC�TDESIQV, INC. ) ENTERPRISE ONE AP LICATION A. PROP(�SED YMEI�T PROPERTY � Benson Inves nt p oposes that approximately 85,917 square feet o approximatel 1.97 cres of land leased fran the Port Authority of the City of Sain Paul n the Empire Builder Industrial Park be determ ned eligible for reclas ification as employment property through the C ty's Riverfront E terpri e Zone Program. The property will not be fo lly reclassified for t purposes as an alternative contribution of infrastructu e impr vements is being provided in lieu of local pro rty tax reductio . Thi alternative aontribution has been approved by the Minnesota De rtmen of Energy and Economic Developnent. The pro rty description s atta hed. This property is identified by the Ramse County Tax partme t through the property identification n�unber 09-12000-190 O5. This propert was f rmerly owned by the Burlington Northern as pa of its Jackson treet hops canplex. B• INR'ROVEMEI�TTS AND P POSED USE Benson Inves nt w 11 construct a 21,600 square foot production facility to subl ased to Signdesign, Inc., a screen process pri ting company spec alizin in retail store signage. Benson Investment i a Minnesota pa nersh p consisting of the President and Vice Preside t of Production f r Sign esign, Inc. The Port Authority and City Counc'1 have approve the u e of $740,000 of industrial revenue bonds to construct th new f cility. C. PRQ7ECTED IN REASED MARKET VALUE The market v lue wi 1 increase by the amount of the improvements p s the land val e as t property has not generated any taxes being ed by the Port thori . The development will result in an est unate market value of $52 ,000 which is .00008 of the market value of all taxable pro ty in aint Paul. - � i -i�r � � D. RETA�NED AN NEW J BS Signc�esign' prese t 28 full-time and 8 part-time employees will reta'ned in Saint aul with construction of the new facility. In addi ion, e com ny estimates it will hire at least 8 new e�nplo ees with'n the ext t years. The ccxnpany has entered into a City o Saint� Paul ploym nt and Training Participation P,greement and anticipates recrui ing from the imnediate neighborhood. E. DRAF'I� PARTI IPATI AGREEMENT A dr�ft Pa icipat on Agreement has been negotiated with the foll ing tax t�enef it : Annual 2-Year Total I Stat� New ployee Credits 10,000 20 000 Stat� Debt inanci g Credits 70,000 70 000 Alte�native local ntribution is $94,462 based on $47,231 per ac e of Port Author'ty sit improvesnents. The contribution has had prior appr�val fr the partment of Energy and Econanic Developnent. This repres nts a rivate-to-public ratio of approximately $9.89 priv�te pe $1 pub ic tax reduction or credit. It also represent one new �ob per $11,25 tax credits or reductions. F. COtJNQ:IL FI INGS The $lenson nves nt/Signdesign, Inc. a�plication proposes creat'on of up tb S ne jobs, one of which would be a transfer fran another Minn�sota icipa ity. The proposal will not result in the aban�onmen or d lition of other property owned by the applican in Sain Paul usin reduction of the assessed value of existing pr perty with�n the ity. G. RECOINII�IENDA ION The �Staff f the rt Authority of the City of Saint Paul re ds the �ity C uncil prove the attached Participation Agreement fo Bens n Inv stment as drafted. Staff further recomnends the City Coun'�il de ermine that the project is eligible for esnployment pr rty recl ssifi tion nd that Attachment C of the Participation Agr ent be f�naard d to t e C�nissioner of Energy and Econcmic Develo nt. , I � ���y�" � • . � , t i 1 �---�, N ICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ON APPLICATION FO RECLASSIFICATI�i OF PROPERTY FOR TAX P ES UNDER THE E[JTERPRISE ZONE PROGRAM rsuant to Min esota Statutes 1984, Section 273.1313 Subdivisi n 2(b) and to provi ion o the Program For City of Saint Paul Rive front Enterp ise Z ne N ICE IS E�REBY GIVEN THAT A PUBLIC HEARING will held before the Co cil o the City of Saint Paul in the Council Chambers third floor ity H 11, 15 West Kellogg Boulevard, Saint Paul, Minne r�. �n Thurs ay, t e 23r day of October, 1986, at 10:00 a.m. , or s soon thereafter as the m tter may be heard, upon the Application of Benson Invest ent/S gndesi n, Inc. , 55 West Ivy Avenue, Saint Paul, Minnes ta for reclas ifica ion of certain real property located in the Sain Paul Riverf ront nterp ise Zone, Ramsey County, Minnesota, as emp oyment propert and or as essment of said property as provided for c ass 4d property in Minne ota Statutes 1984, Section 273.13 Subdivi ion 9, Paragr ph (4) for t xes levied in 1986 and for four succeeding years thereaf er. AT SAID UBLIC HEARING the City Council will consider whe her to approv the aid Ap lication upon findings as required by Min esota Statut s 1984, Sect on 273.1313 Subdivision 2(d) . At said heari g, the Applica t, the Ramsey County Assessor, representatives of affected axing author'ties a d any taxpayer of the municipality or representative of any cannuni y orga izatio will have opportunity to be heard or may p esent their v ews in writin at or before the Hearing. Co ies o the plication, the report of the Saint Paul Riv rfront Off ice �nd the propos Participation Agreeqnent between the Appl ica t and the Cit may ins cted at the offices of the City Clerk or t e Port Authori y of he Cit of Saint Paul during normal business hour , and writtem m�nen s may delivered or mailed % City Clerk, Roan 38 , City Hall, 15 West Kell g Boulevard, Saint Paul, MN 55102, or c/ Port Authori y of he Ci y of Saint Paul, 1900 Amhoist Tawer, 345 St. Peter Street, Saint aul, 55102. Telephone inquiries may be made t John Campoba so, 22 -5686. AIBERT . O , City lerk P O R T '� � �°��y�� AUTHORI OF THE CITY OF S�. PAUL Memorandum TO: A1 Olsor� DATE:Sept. 26 1986 FROM: J.A. Ca�r�obass SUBJECT: E�ERPRI�SE Z APPLI TIONS Attached�for yo info tion are copies ot the public hearing notices for the considerati n of E terprise Zone credits for American Linen Supply Ccenpany �nd Ben on Inv st.ment/Signdesign. Also enclosed are the staff reports �nd app icatio forms. Please note that Benson Investme t/Sign sign nly involves State credits and dces not require a change i the t x stat s of that property. As requirl�ed, pl ase di ribute the inforniation to the appropriate taxi g jurisdictlions. have ready forwarded material and will be meeting w th the River�ront issi n Task Force regarding these projects. If you ha�e any estio , please oontact me. JAC:Ca � Attach. I d:�•� r7 ,.;, ..� ..'O r n-': C�„...g +, ` C. �1 � _ 1� � (�'1 _ "�. r-> o I : � I _ :._, . -„ .,. � ,.._. , ,.,.�. ...-n � rn I _ �_ ,�7� C TY OP` SAINT PAUL - O CE OF THE CITY COIINCIL �.....�. �..,...uee I .�'�'�'.t�'= I 0 d t e : October 6, 1986 OM (TTEE RE PORT TO = ��, Sai t PQ I City Councit F R � M �i (i O �il l�t e O h �i ty Deve 1 opment and Transport t i on �i CHA R W� 11 iam t_ . Wi lson ..,, - ,. . i . ,,,,.t� . _ . ..,. �<f;' ttee r+�ern�e �-.�;� 2. Ent�erpri e Zon �3oundaries (Committee recommends appro al ) 3 . Res�luti n a�c pting the St. Paul Child Care Task Forc � Rep�rt with Pl nning Commission� amendments (Cornmittee rec4�mmen s app va 1 ) 4. App�als o For Mall Associates relative to property a 212 Ford Park ay. Atso site plan review for the pro, ect. (MoYed ou of c mmittee without recommendation) . . , . CTTY HALL SE ENTH FLOOR SAINT PAUL,MINN OTA 55102 ��. CITY OF SAINT PAUL. MINNES�TA �f= �'tv '�`�7� APPLICATIOM FOR ` RIVE FRONT ENTERPRISE ZONE TAX CREDITS 1 . Name of Person pplyin : John F. Babler Position� Owne /Manag r Name of �U51�ES : Benson Investment/Signdesign, Inc. Address QIf Busi' ESS: 55 w. zvy Avenue I St. Paul, Minnesota 55117 Phone Nun�ber: 488-5504 2. Legal des�cripti n of t e parcel of land on which the business is loca ed (or i s td be 1 o ated f r ne�c constructi on): (See ttachm nt) • 3. The marke� valu and a sessed value of the land and other taxable pro erty from your most ecent roperty Tax Statement: Estimated Marke Value: N/A Assessed �IalueS N/A 4. Total �pro�erty xes Ti te� on line- 10 of th� property tax statement or 19 pay�ble i 19 : *Note: attach a copy of ycuw Property Tax S ate- ment. Applicat'on is for con truction on a new site in Empire Builder Indus rial Park. 5. If you t s� th Tartcf o space for your busi rtess. do you pay the prop rty _ t3xe57 Si ndesig will ease the facility from Benson Investment. Y�s x No Who pays �he pro erty t xes if you don't? 6. Current n�mber o emplo ees: Full—time: 28 Part—time: s _ I 7. For cortstructiort incTude: A. A general description of the facility or improvement and its proposed use. Construction of a new 21,600 square foot production facilitv of which 4�000 square feet is office. The new buildinq will house a screen process printinq company SAeciali2inq in retail store sianaae. B. A probatiTe tin� schedule for undertakfn� the constr.uction or improvement. Commencinq on September 23, 1986 and comAletion bv March 15, 1987. C. An estimate of the probable cost of new construction or improvement. S�2o,o00 0. An estimate of the market value of the new or improved facility (excluding land) whert completed. $524,880 E. The number of new �obs expected to. �e created. s 8. State the type and amount of enterprise zone incentives requested and briefly explain why they are necessary to the project: $70,000 debt service credit $20,000 Employee credit The incentives are necessary to offset the cost differencial between con- structing in White Bear and also allow the company to expand close to its labor market. . I hereby declare an� certffy that this applicatiorr is true and correct to the. best of my knowledge and belief. ' ' 1 �� S'gnature q�, Ap��li�c t . Da e l�:h.��Y'/�i i�Gt"� e`e�'L�" Position or itle Remember to attach the following: 1. A copy of ya�r property tax statement for taxes payable in 19 . 2. A check for �1500. payable to �h� Port Author�ty of the C�ty. of 5a.int Pau1 , � � -1�f 7� r•�,Ar• DESCRIPTION That pa t of B ocks 5 and 6, Ashton and Sherburne's Addition a d vacated Leba n Str t which lies within the follawing described li es: Cannencing a the corner of Section 31, T29N, R22'W, RaQnsey Count , Minnesota; t ence S 89°50'17" E (asstuned bearing) along the North 1'ne of the NW 1/4 o said ction 31 a distance of 1378.93 feet; thence S °27'44" E 401.22 fee to th point of be�inning of the lines to be herein described; t ence ntinuing S 0 27'44" E 336.60 feet to the [Vorth ine of Arch Street; thence 89°40'20" E 255.0 feet along said North line; thence N 0°27'44" W 337.31 feet; thence N 89°49'49" W 255.0 feet to the po'nt of beginning. Contai 85,917 sq.ft. , mol) ' � �� ��`�7� ' 9/4 86 STAFF REPORT RE: BENS INVE TMEI�TT SUF3LEASE T�0 SIGNDESIGN, INC. ) EI�TI' RISE OLVE AP LICATION A. PRO ED EMP YN�I�TT PROPERTY Benson Inves nt p poses that approxunately 85,917 square feet or appro imatel 1.97 cres of land leased fran the P�rt Authority of he City f Sain Paul ' the Empire Builder Industrial Park be determi ed eligi le for reclas ification as employment property through the Ci y's Riverfront E terpri Zone Program. The property will not be forma ly recla sified for t purposes as an alternative oontribution of infra ructu e impr ements is being provided in lieu of local pro rty tax uctio . Thi alternative oontribution has been approved by he Minne ta De rtmen of Enengy and Ecorio�nic Developnent. The prope ty descri tion s atta ed. This property is identified by the Ramnsey Count Tax partrne through the property identification nlmiber 09-120 0-190 O5. This p�opert was f rly owned by the Burlington Northern as part of its Ja kson treet ps canplex. B. IMP NTS D P ED USE Benson Inves nt wi 1 construct a 21,600 square foot production facili y to subl sed to Signdesign, Inc., a screen process prin ing �npan spec' lizing in retail store signage. Benson Investment is a Minnesota pa nershi oonsisting of the President and Vice Presiden of Produc ion f r Sign sign, Inc. The Port Authority and City Counci have a prove the u of $740,000 of industrial revenue bonds to oonst ct th r�ew fa ility. C. PRQ7E ED IN RF�ISED VALUE The ma ket v lue wil increase by the amount of the improvements pl s the land val e as t property has not generated any taxes being ed by the Port thorit . The developnent will result in an estimated market value of $52 ,000 which is .00008 of the market value of all taxabl pro ty in aint Paul. ' ��-i�7�' . D. RET�INED D NEW OBS Sigr�design s pres nt 28 full-time and 8 part-time employees will ret ined i Saint Paul with oonstruction of the new facility. I add tion, he cam ny estimates it will hire at least 8 new esnpl ees wi in the next t years. The canpany has entered into a City Sair�t Paul F3nplo nt and Training Participation P,greement and anti�cipate recru ting from the imnediate neighbortiood. E. DRAFT PART CIPATI AGREEMEI�IT A dr�ft Pa icipa ion Agreement has been negotiated with the foll ing tax benefi s: Annual 2-Year Total Stat� New ployee Credits 10,000 20 000 Stat� Debt inanci Credits 70,000 70 000 Alte�native local ntribution is $94,462 based on $47,231 per ac e of Port IAuthor ty sit improve�nents. The contribution has had prior appr¢val fr the partment of Energy and Eaonanic Development. Thislrepres nts a rivate-to-public ratio of approximately $9.89 priv�te per $1 pub ic tax reduction or credit. It also represents one new �ob per $11,25 tax credits or reductions. F. COLJNGIL FIN INGS The Blenson nves t/Signdesign, Inc. application proposes creati n of up td 8 new jobs, ne of which would be a transfer frcm another Minne�ota m icipa ity. The proposal will not result in the aband�Onment or d ition of other property owned by the applicant in Saint Paul using eduction of the assessed value of existing pro rty withi� the ity. G. RECON9�+IENpp,TI The s�aff of the Po Authority of the City of Saint Paul recamien s the C�ty Co cil ap rove the attached Participation Agreement for Benso Inves nt a drafted. Staff further recaimiends the City Counc�il dete ine t t the project is eligible for eqnployment pro rty recla�sifica ion an that Attach�nent C of the Participation Agr t be fo�warded to the Co�ranissioner of Energy and Eoonanic DeveloFxnen . I � � �_��7� PeR1ZCIPA?ION AGBBBt�NT RIVERFe0r1T EHTEBPBISS ZONB CITY OF SAINT PAIIL Preasble 1. Participa ing Bu iness: 2. Application Approval Benson In estme Name Date 55 W. Ivy Avenue Addresa C.P. No. St. Paul, rtrt 55 17 City Council Emploqment Property Class fication Effective For Assessment Yeara 19 thru 19 Employment Property Class fication Certification bq Commissi ner Depart�nt of Revenue dat d (Attachment C) 3. (Persons)( fficer ) Aut rized to Sign for Participating Busineas: John F. Ba ler James R. Goodoien Name Name Partner Partner Title Title .�, �J--� �'n'�� > '�-t. i ature Signature 4. Person AuthjOrized to Rec ive Communications for Participating Business John F. Ba ler Name Is Authorized to Receive Comm nications From the City or State on Beh lf of the Participating Business. Title 55 W. Ivy venue Address St. Paul, 551 7 Telephone � i ` �-����' . 5. Deacriptlon of ropert to Receive "Employment Property" Classifi ation Use De cription From Ramsey Countq Department Spac for Use of of Taxation, 12 Citq all and County Courthouse): Rams y County - Dept of Taxation PIN Clas ification Ente ed: Date• See Attacihment . (Use R verse Side of This Page If Necessary) 6. Alternativf Loca Contr bution: Yes X No DesCriptio�t An lterna ive local contribution plan comprised of build'ng demolition site repara ion and infrastructure improvements within the Empire Bui ler In ustria Park was approved by the Minn. Dept. of Energ & Economic ev opment. 7. Types of St�ate Ta Reduc ion: (a) Sales T�x Exe ption Amount (b) Income I ax Cr dit (1) Emp,loyee redit x . Amount $20,000 (2) Debk Servi ce Cre it . x Amount 570,000 (c) State Pfiid Pr perty ax Credit Amount The type an� amou t of e mption and credits shall be thoae as certifi d bq the Co�issione� of En rgy a Economic Development. If there is variance etween this sectiofi and t e Com ssioner's Certification, the latter will cont ol (Attachment iC). Subject to domplia ce wit this Agreement, to the provisions of Minneso a Statutes 19�4, Sec ion 27 .1312 to 273.1314 inclusive, and such regulat ons as may be adop�ed by he Dep rtment of Revenue or of Energy and Economic D velopment (the "Act"), and u on fii ng proper tax returns and schedules, the part cipating business isleligib e for redita as apprnpriate against Minneaota ia�om *_av a*:d property taxl liabi ities or the tax years 19 86 through 1988 . I ' �-���� . 8. COVENAN'�S BY TIC7 ATING BUSINESS: In maki�g app catio far enterprise zone credits, the participati business has rep�esent and reby covenants, for itself and its successors or assigns, (the "P�rticip ting B siness") : . (a) that� (it) XX�) will submit construction plans and evidence o financing and will c mmence diligently pursue and timely complete improv ments to the prop�erty d scribe in Section 5 above in the dollar amount and s s e in t�he "Pr perty mprovement Schedule" annexed hereto as Attach entp'�Aified Co�nCeme t Dste September 23, 1986 Comp�letion Date March 15, 1987 Amoul t $ � 0,000 � (b) thatl (it) xx��C 11 recruit, employ and train new emploqees esident in the �conomi hard ip area designated in the Riverfront Enterprise Zone Prog am, or perso who are unemploqed and economically disadva taged or of a pr tected class n accordance with the provisions of the "EMPL YMENT AND TRAI ING S EDULE" annexed hereto as Attachment "B", and that th minimum numb�r of n w empl yees shall be as follows: Numb�r of N w Empl qees 8 (c) thatlI(it) (X X�� ill maintain complete records respecting its erformance of thle cove ants s t forth in Section 8(a) and (b) herein, and p rmit access to sa�id rec rds by accredited representatives of the Minnesota C mmissioner of Re�venue, Ramsey County Taa Department and Saint Paul Port Aut ority; that (it) xxx will eport quarterly to the Division of Job Creati n and Train�ng th numbe of hires covered by this Agreement; and that upon reque�t and t lea t annually (it) f�xxx� will report to the Sa'nt Paul Port �uthor ty on orms provided by the Saint Paul Port Authorit on const�uction compl tion, new hires and other direct or indirect onomic activ#ty res ting rom its facility operations in the Riverfront Enterprise Zone. i (d) that dit) (X x�#�c}c 11 promptly and satisfactorily perform each c venant herei� under aken a d each_other requirement of the Act, the Prog am or of this A�greeme t impo ed as a condition of the approval of the appl cation for and glants o tax c edits and designation of property classificat on. 9. REVOCATI01� The Counci�l may evoke n alternative local contribution and may requ st the Commission�er of evenue to approve the revocation of a classification pursuant to the Act if it finds nd determines bq resolution, after hearing up n notice mailed to �the ap licant by certified mail at least 60 days before the hearing, that (a) The co�j struct on or mprovement of the Participating Business' pro erty and o erati fac li P n8 ty s not been completed within two yeara after t e approv�l of t e clas ification, or any longer period as mav be pro ided in Sectio� 8(a) ereof; I � -�'�O-1567� _ (b) ThejPartic pating Business has not proceeded in good faith with the con�tructi n or i tovement of the facility, or with its operat on, in a man�er whi h is c nsistent with the purpose of the Act, the rep esentations of �he app icatio , or the covenants of this Agreement; or (c) ThelPartic pating Business has misrepresented a material statem nt contained in its app icatio for tax credit has failed to perform any exp ess covenant of tl�his Ag eement or is not in continuing compliance with requi ements or cond�itiona for ap roval or grant of an alternative local contxi ution, state tax �reduct ons or credits under the Act, the Program or this Ag eement. REVOCATI N OF ALTE ATIVE LOCAL CONTRIBUTION OR OF AN EMPLOYMENT PROPERTY CLASSIFI ATION HALL RMINATE STATE TAX EXEMPTIONS, CREDITS AND RE CTIONS. The Citq Counci may i pose or request imposition of a remedy other han revocatic�n, inc uding thholding of eligibility certifications for redits, exemptior�s or r ductio s, or institution of suit for specific perfor nce or other ren�edy in law or equity. No failure of the City to exercise o make selectio� of a articu ar remedy for breach of this Agreement by the Participa�ting B siness shall be deemed a waiver of its rights to enf rce performa�ce bq he Par icipating Businesa of its obligations under t e Act or this Agrekment y any emedy available to the City in law. 10. RECAPTUREI In the ev�nt th Parti ipating Business ceases to operate its facili y in the Riverfron� Ente rise one within two years after the expiration of ax reduction� unde the A t and this Agreement, the Participating Busin ss covenants and a ees t t it shall repaq the amount of tax reduction and of the local con�ributi n purs ant to the following scheclule: ?erainatiqn of erati s Bepay�e Portion Less thanll6 mont s afte expiration of tax reductions 100 per ent 6 months II 75 per ent 12 monthallor mor , but esa than 18 months 50 per ent 18 months br mor , but eas than 24 months 25 per ent The repaym�ent sh 11 be m�ediately due upon auch ceasation of operati n of its zone facil�ity, p yable o the State of Minnesota to the extent it rep esents an income taxlcredi or re uction and payable to the City to the extent t representsla pro rty t x reduction or other local contribution. 11. OTHER TERM$ - ` �-��7�' 12. EFFECTI�E DA • This Ag�eemen has b en accepted and executed on behalf of the Par icipating Busines by t e offi ers whose titles and signatures appear in Sec ion 3, above The App�licati n and greement have been approved by action of the aint Paul City Co��ncil s reci ed in Section 2 above, and is executed on beh lf of the City of� Saint aul b the officers whose titles and signatures app r below. This Ag eemen shall be effective upon its eaecution in Section 2 ove and its deliver to t City f Saint Paul by the Minnesota Commissioner of Revenue or his aut�orized desig e. CITY OF SAINT AUL By MAYO Date � By Date CITY CLERK B�' Date DIREC R DE ARTMEN OF FINANCE• � MANAGEMENT SERVICES -. Approved se to Form Asaistan Citq Attorn y . OPE TY IMPROVEMENTS SCHEDULE �� ��7� � ATTACHMENT "A" PARTICIPATION AGREEMENT IVERFRONT ENTERPRISE ZONE SIGNDESIGN, INC. PARTICIPATING BUSINESS A. Faciliry description The com any wi 1 cons ruct a 21,600 square foot building consisting o 4 000 s are fe t of o fice and the balance roduction s ace. The fa ility w' 1 be c nstruc ed on .9 acres in Em ire Builder Industrial Park. 8. Conatructio�Speci catlons�i entify ev ry specification or drawing,titte:date and approving architect or e gineer)* All const uctio speci 'cations will be submitted to the Port Authorit for review. (copies of each draw ng or sp ification musi be supplied to Me P01"t AUth01"1 t,)/� C. Construction Cast O�tail $612,500 stimat d cons ruction cost. All disbursement will go throug the Port uthori D. Financing commitrne�ts(equi and mo age financing) Port Autho ity h s appr ved the sale of 876 Revenue bonds for the proj ct, and Miller and S hroede has agreed to purchase the bonds. *Preliminary plans m y b�su ittod wi the Applicaaon.Within days of approval of this Applica'on by the CommissionK of R �nut,fi I con on plans and sp�cifications acc�ptsbi�to th�Ciry will bo submi . SIGNDESIGN INC. PAATIC� TING 8 SINESS Ci!y of Saint?aul — -'-7 gy � � " i OL�'' gY By — � � BY , PL MEN�T AND TRAINING. SCHEDULE � �-��7� ATTACHMENT"8" - PANTiClPATION AGREEMENT qIVEAFRONT ENTERPiiISE20NE � l L til�'� .�1 �.,�' I �:_ . PARTICIPATING BUSINESS I. GENERAL I A. The City desi�res to inc ease em oyment opportunities for Ciry residents who arelow/moderate inc me ar economically�disadv bge+d(i.� JTPA-eligibledefined�i�t Exhibit�with Developer/Employers for j bs within Saint Paul's Riverfr'lont En rise Zon B. Oeveloper/ ployer a rees to u the�City as its primary source for recruitrnen�training.referrat,a d placement of new or repla errt level oloyees irr accordance with the terms of this Agreement. C. The City's de�egate ag ncy will b theJob Creation and Training Sectiort in the Oepartment of Plan �ng and Economic Development�Sa�nt Pa I.MN 55 2(Jo�Creabon),or any other appropriate Ciry agency as may be esignaced by the , . Mayor. I 0. This Agreemqnt beco effecti upo�the date hereof and shall continue for five y�rs from the ti e EmployeN Dep►elope►o cupies f ilitie�irt the Riverfront Enterpnse Zone unless terminated as provi ed herein. E This Agreem shall b applica e to all Oeveloper/Employer new ar replacemeni entry level positi ns for which low/modera income �econc ically disadvantaged(i.e:.JTPA-eiigibte)parsons are or might rea nably be available Thi Agreem shall n t apply to thosejobscove�ed by existing collective bargaining agr ents or other contracts to hich the eveloper Employer is a party, where the tem+s of this Agreement would cau OevelopeN Erfiployer breech provisions of such agreements. . II. RECRUITM�NT - A. The employm�nt positi ns cover by this Agreement incfude all OevelopeN Empioyer job openings erformed within the Riverfront IEnterpri Zone:in e ctassificabons,Gtlesand qualificatio�s contained in Exhibit A. B. The Oevelope�/Employ r will noti Job Creatlort of its need for new employees in covered positions s soon as the Develeper/ ployer d ides to h re such employees or, if possible,fifteen(15)workinq aays pnor to the expected hinng dates.�f otificatio may incl de the information required in Exhibit A. C. Thet Oevelope�/Employ will pro ide Job Creation with ib best estimate of the number and timing of potential job openings,ttiroktgh use f thefortrr provide�in Exhibit 8. D. The Develope�/Employ may n Job Creatiort of all vacanciea�for Oeveloper/Employer openings'n the Riverfront Enterpri�eZor��which renot edbythisAgroementThsDeveloper/Employerisnotobligated hireemployees from thess�ref�rtals Jo�Cr 'on.however.mustdemonstrateagood faitt►effoK irt this regard. E Job openinga I hich filled by i temat promodons from the Developer/Employer's local worlc forc are not covered by thisAgres�ant II1. REFERRAL �I A. Jotr CreatloR v�rill refer plicant� ordinq ta th�qualifications requested by OevelopsN Empioyer. B. If training for s�ecitic j openin haa beert agreed upon betweert the Ciry and OevelvpeN Employe�in a separate agreement un�er parag h V. h ,traineeappiicants wiN be considered qualified only when the ining is successfully cbmpleted y appli t C. Developer/EmlPlvyer re es th� ight to makeall decisions on hiring new or additional empioyees,i cluding the , qualifications�applica ts.but ag ees to hirefor covered positions from among those persons referr by Job Creatio�who eet the j b descrip 'ons and qualificatiens.or other persons certified as eligible. I - . . (v,r-= � -��r7�' _ IV. PI.ACEMEI�'1± A. When Oevelop�i 6nplo er�otifie Job Creation of job opernngs�n covered positions prior to fifteen( 5) working days in advance of tlhe propo date t hire.Job Crearion will no6fy the Empfoyer five i51 workirg days pri r to the applicabon clo�ing date f thenu er of applicants Job Creation w�ll refer. B. !f Job C�eation�annot r er the to number of qualified persons,the Oeveloper/Employer may fill th remaining pos�UOns.by an�r means. C. Job�Creatlon w ll a)provi e assista ce snd monitorjob retention of employees placed under this agr ment for six months,and b) onitor eloper/ mployer's performace under this Agreement Deveioper!Empioye will submit �uarterly Hirin Summa es in the rm attached as Ezhibit C. D. After the Oeveldper/Emp oyer has ired an applicant referred by Job Creatiart,Job Creation will not b respons�ble for the employee s�onduct nd the D eloper/Employer releases the ciry from any liability for the action of such emplayee� I u. TRAINlNC I � A. Job Creatiort an�the Oev loper/ ptoyer may agree irt a spearate agreement to develop classroom t �ning, on-the-job train;nq.pre- ployme tra�ning or other trairtmg programs.Tha trairt►ng specrficadons an cost for such training shatl be�set forth rt that Ag ent 8. The OevelopeN�ptoyer ill not di cntinue routine ort-the-jott training.tc employees hired.under thi Agreement. because of this I g o�suppl enb to this Agreement VI. CQIV�TROLUN{C L.A�W ANQ GREEMEl�T� A. If this Agreemen�conflic with or r uires OevelopeN Employer to breach an existinq collective bargai ing agreement or any otherexi Itinq agr ents, d agreements shall prevail. B. DeveiopeN Empl�Oyer wiil rovide Jo CreStion with wri.ttert evidenc�that DevelopeN Employer has pro ided the representative o�any coll tive barg ining unit with a copy of this Agreement and has requested com nts from said unit OevelopeN�mployer ill provi such comments to Job Creation. � C. The Oeveloper/ ployer ill compl with any local,state..or federal lav�or regulation as ihey pertain t the Enterprfse Zone designatio . Vtl. DEFiNITIONS�I � A. Riverfront Enterp�iseZon The area designa�ted by th State of innesota as art enterprisaLzone as detailed irt Exhibit D: B. Covered Employ$e� New or replacem�t entry eF empl ees and such other employees as may be mutually agreed upon eriveen the PaRies. �."_ (_�i'�J � '.S � l�1�_ PA ClPATI G BU IN Ciby of Saint Paul �l. �-~.��—^, _ _�" -�._._ _ (L;' S/1���_ By sy�. ey � � ����7� ;., , � � L/���`„1,:i !. � .10S OnJc� FC:^,��Z Cir,� o� Sa�nt Pau' ' U•3p r„nent ot Pi�n��n� an� �cc�.;miC --� „ Ueve�cp• .en; Job Credt�o� and Tra�nir.y SecUOn SIGN ESIGN NC. _ _ l AliG ST 21 1986 1. F�� ��C�__ L. J:.iG�__ � PAPE�CUTTER 1 3 ,:�� �,�� � �; �,T,y„ �, G�`�,� _ ------- --- -- ------- _ .� ------- 55 W. IV1 S T PAUL „ ..,., ___�, c�� -- c. Ccn:a=: Pers�n J fES G ODDIE?� 488-55 4 p-,=-;o 7. Supe��:sor B B BER 8. 6=g��n�n_ uate .S_A.P. En��r, PER*1ANE 'T 9 S;aR�ny Salary S 5• 5� �ef HOL'R _ Salary after tr�ining 8.00 er Hour ;� — g tG. Een2'::s GRO HEALT MEDI AL & DENTAL �' C=.ys co be �•:�rkeC M � 40 (7 — 3:30) 2 Hau�S 73. 1'J�f! un ;,n membershi�be requi �.�� y� No� I°y@5. whiCh union and loca! ru be; 1; �` .� S ^.�. I^':O:VBJ. O�l-�t-°_j0`J i� i!l;t?� tC b S�:rJ I IZ �^C v 2j'. ^vv: ! ^. .'i, . 5� BO Dy''. i h p;,� v.;i� tnat trai �'1'y P°ft0 �n� ,�.-=-^'�SJc., .. .:c'n�"1� r71af1' r — — :,. s��;. � O,:i,?S 1. NEW S OCK PR PARATION 2. PRINTED PEICE TR�M. 3. STOCK :�'VE:�TORY _ - CO TROL, i6. Nscessary Gualificatior�s Ski;�level ot education,experien e or train g required to er,ter program(include licenses an�ior certif�cates ecessary; 1. GOOD MEC�HANICA APTIT DE. 2. GOOD MA'�H SKIL S (BAS C) 3. PREVIOUS WORK XPERIE CEPREFERRED BUT NOT ?�1ANDATORY. __ALL REFERRA S FRO JO MC Y, THA.NKS �� -����' • ATTACHMENT 8 ' D(HIBIT A JOB ORDEA FOR11R City of Seint Peul 0 rtrnent ot Plannmg and Economic Development Job Croation and Training Section �. Employ�r 2. Cate 3. Jotr Tid� 4. Number of Open ngs S. Job Locatlon �. ContaCt Persort Phon�_ 7. Supervisor 8. 8sginning Oate Ending 9. Stardng Sa1ary S p t 0. 8tnet�q t t. pays to be worked 12. Hours t 3. Will union msmb�raht b�rsqu rod?' Y No If yes,whiCh un�on anq locsl nu bK �4. If this job involvad o�- s-job ining to subsidized by the Ciry,how long will that tra�ning penod be? (attach sp�cific tra�nin�plan) �5. Specrfic Dut�es 16. Nocessary Qua1i . SWIt I�wl ot�duucatlo�J or trai in9 nquind b�ntar proqram(includ�licsns�s and/o�csrtifica necessary): 1 i�. Aro you�emplc�yeb fn th�s pos+bon exp,cted tc provids any nscessary tools�n;he job(s►?Yes � No_(If yes, please anach an item�zsd list(wlth pricesl of tools requi�ed for�ach po�i�on.► t8. Oescrib�any on-the-iob;raini�g you normally p�ovide for this po�don(i.e..w�thout Ciry funding) 19, Is there a pr�ssib�liry for�romObon from this�Ob?Yes yp If yel. to what pos�tiOn�s)? Z0. Emito�nMnW Ca�diilons 21. PhysicslONnsnds a Working Environm�nt a.Str�ngth=96 dms job will require Ins�de 96 Standing 96 Walking 96 Outside 9b Sitting a6 Yes No We�ght(Number of Pounds) b.Extreme cold w�th or w�thout - L,fdng Carry�ng temperature chanqes Push�ng Pulling c.Extreme heat with or w�thout Y�s No tempKature Changes b.Climbing d.'JVet and/or humid �18����9 • Stoop��g e.Vibr3ron Kneeling -- . Crouch�ng f. Haurd! Ctewlinq MeChanical Fieaching EieCtrical Handling Burns Fingenng Exp3oswe! Feeling Rad�OaCtiwty Talking Other hearing Ordinary Converoation g.AtrnosphKic Conditions Oth�r Sounds Fum�s Ousts . SNing Mists Acwry.Neu �� _ Acuily,Fu Poo�V�ntiisoa� DeP�+Perc�Pbon OthK Colo�Visiort Feld of Visio� h.Nois� Estimated Maxfmum Number of Dec�bsl� 22. Cculd a pefson with limited English sp�aking skills pertvnn this job? Yes No_ Could a oerson w�th limited English reading/writing skiJls perform thi�job? Yes No 23. Is pub�ic transportadon eas�ly acceuible? Yes No 24. Does Me job reqwre sh�ft wo�k o►other Man tradihOnal hours� Yes No pf yes.pl��Clar�tyl . � ATTACHMENI'B DCHIBIT B ES 1MATED HIRING SCH�DULE �-i�17� City of Saint Paul D vision of Job Creation and Training � Employer SIGNDE IGN I _._._ Date A� 21 1986 Tran fer from Fu re Job ther Immediate New ires Tittes Lo pons New Hires (No. Oate) i i CU'I'I'ER � 1 ; i ! PP�CKING & COLI�AT G 1 (NOV.-DE .) 1986 I i I ; PRIl�TTING HII�PER 1 (APR.-MA ) 1987 I I � ISCRF.E�V Q�EP.NER I � (SF.�CO1�ID SHIFT) , 1 (APR.-MA ) 1987 j i I ASSE�LY (SEWINC�) 1 (RPP..-NAY 1987 i INK MTXER 1 . • i ASSF�96LY 1 (SEP'I'.; 1988 i i PACKING & COLLAT 1 (DEC.) 1988 I � � i ; I i � � � � � I � � i i i � � � �-/�F7� � ATTACHMHHT 8 D(HIeIT C UARTERLY HIRING SUMMARY Fo�Ouarter Ending List�d bNow are positlon in you� which an covKed und�►t�Employm�nt and Training Agr t with the Ciry. Pltas�list tn�num of hi for t�is wrter for xch cat�gory and r�tum this fortn to the Job Crea6on Train�ng S�coort wlfnin thi (30) follovwng tht clos�ot thst quartK P n� T N�w Mires 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. � 8. I certi that the abov�infortna � i - �Y s tru and accurats. Authoriz�ei SignaW� � _ rti. ao.� P1ew rsWm this fo�ta Job Cre�tion and Training S�c Oeparam�nt of Planni and cmic elopm�nt 25 West Founh StrNt Sa�nt Paul.Minn 55102 ; r--,�j � �--/�7� r+czacronen� o - n�o � � u �' �'� �"L�:��� �� �' • . � � '� �,�s. � �'�(�'��G� "_'�,�—'""�� '���;�;;'��� � �� ,' • ; � ', a ..'"�' �I_:�l_� I►,�#' �] BB�� ' � -+� ` ' �- I� � i �� `�--� r�,—�!,� � ,— �� � I iI N ;� � � 'i I"�-�, `_�* �i �I ,,�� �I '� _ '� �_� �L.._ • . L.�+�i_i l.�i U �� ='�'-.+... I - ,� � • i�� `i • '� ;i'-� � `--1'� _'_ •`►r -- � r�� � �i ��� ` �_�.ii .:ii �:�`� ��I �f� i"' ------1 --- , � � � 3 _ %s.•�--- ,\`'�•.;' '—"� � ; , ,-- -- . . 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Q. . ,� C1 "p ,�``,��� � � .� .: H OQ �' , �� ,�-" `����'�. ' ._� _/: . i nr�t n R1� I�f'�t ..i.��,� � �.�I 6� � (��..�,� : ._..,. rt �. o r �w :as e xw ttn - � � Ent ' Zone � , _ �-��7�' ' ATTACHMENT C MINNESbTA D PARTM NT OF ENLR�Y-,�Nb ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT I Certtf atioa a d Appitcation for Eaterpri:e Zone Cred[t N��H�� Miaa�wcs ID Nute�e F�du�l ID Num Benson Investm nt, A inneso a Partnership/ Si ndesi n nc. 5961239 41-138486 Addrw(nwnb�e wd• ) Nam�and tdphoo�aumb�e ot p�ewa to eoatace�t t is bu�inw it w�h���qwstion�about thir foem. 55 W. Ivy Av . John F. Babler 488-5504 Cicp 9tat� Zip Cod� St. Paul Minnesota 55117 D��erib�eh�acpaosioo tMhr(�9 aer fi�t ot aa�ion,numb�e o!job�cr�atd ��0�'d�PK°°�buriaw d nstue,� ia peoduee). The partnersh�i��,A psr�u,+uu�w in�nark�t v u�,cwc ot President of Produ�tion r Sign esign) will construct p ac21S6001sg ft.the Pr sident & Vic with an estimated arket alue o � 4• produ tion facilit � $520,000. They will lease the facility to Si ndesign, Inc. Ent�eoriw Zon�C it. I over) 1. 9a1�ta�c paid on putehaw qIf eoeutrue 'on mat�ei or puipni�nt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1. �� _• in�a�t paid on d�bt W Qnaqu eon�e tioo ot n taeility 3. s. Nu � . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . ..1. S7�_�00 mb�e ot woeka�anp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3i 8-- b. Cr�dit p�e�ork�e(from 11�6 bdo� . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . b. $2�–�� c. Multipir td�au+nb�r on li��bp ch��mouat on lin�b . . . . . . . . . . . . .Je. $2�0.000 Bord�r Cilr Zon�Onlr .. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . 4. a. Numb�ot woel��er�mp{o�. . ... .. .... . . .. ... . . �a. b. Cerdit p�t woek�e(troia T bdo�) .. . . . . . . . .. . . . . ... .. . • • • . . .. b.��_ e. Multiplp th�numb�e on liu s br tM pt Op in�b . . . Total Ce�d[b . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4e.��_ - S. Total ent�rpeiw�ont er�dlq(�dd lin�1 2,Se and ). . . . . . . . . ... . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . .. . .. .. . S. S 9_0,00p Eae�rpeia�Zon��tp Nanr d bl�phon�numb�e�p�nop to contaet it w�hsv�qu«ei�u abouc lhis[ cm Saint Paul, MN John A. Campobasso, Port Authority of the City of S . Paul 224-5686 Gpl dueription of pro I foe wh' er�dit u el '�d. See Attach�nent 6. FiU in cM er�dit amouat•W b� owd t ��eh� .. . . . . . . . . . g, $2,500 T. Hord�r eitv soe�onlr-FW in h�er�dit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . �— t to allow�d!oe�aeh anplqrN . . . . . . . . . . . . . T. 8. Ch�ek tti�aPPr'oPeist�baa�: ( a�w t � h► ( � ot�wtin�faeilitp —� ALo Nl in tlu a�eount ot es�dit�o b�allo foe peo tas p��sblt ia lY . . . . . . . .. . . . . . S. �I. HOi"d�t tlh/tOAr wwhr�{O!�{�.j(i � , ��� Fill in eh�amoune ot eMi�to bt�Ibw�d t P�'oP�7 at P�s�bb iu 1�_ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9. Loeal eoatributioa( how ' �d Zon�D�duetioeu An alternative local contr bution plan com- prised of building dlemolit'on, si e prepara- B��B.lane. . . . . . $��_ 8�9 tion & infrastructur� impr vement within the �������`pi°r• • • . . 94.462 Empire Builder Ind. �ark w s a �"°1R�8���••• • • . . 561�99� ppr ed by Commissioner Dayton October 14, 1985. , I h�nbp��elae�and c�rt' ch�t e!� ptieatioa cnu and coee�et to ch�bMt o[ /� e�ryr kaowbdp and bdid. �.� � � � �� iia ur�oi APPlieaae D� City Cl�rk or Admiai�trator I D Commi�ionn o��n�pr a��D �t C�eti�eation th�t D sa applieant u laeat�d in th� ��P�e Zoa��nd er�di��s��il�bb. El�ee�d Cicr Otseial D Con�ion�r a[M►ww D� I APP��d!ar e�etilkatiee..�.......o � 1 � r '� � � r►� t0 C�la� tb! �1�tpt�! ZOD� CI�t� �Oq �i/t C�7�lA�! Patt 1 O� �a foim aod bt�. a r�prwotatitv� O! tb� �t�rp�is� za�e city �ill ia Part Z t0 SbOM t� asiouat o! cr�dit tb� city rill allar. �t raprrentative aad a� elecLed o�ticial must. als� c�rtily thtt ttr intor�atian is v�rr�ct by sigoing at tb� bottcm o! t1� t�ot�. 1�l�t�r th� �afomat3+a�n �u bMn c�rtiti�d bq t� city. it oust b� sent to tb� �PPr�•t lyail�tb� lOai, to�ic �lo�tt a�d t� ��t of �varuie for �eota D�p�art�ent o! H�rc,�� aoa �ooaomic D�1c�nt � � �� �� �,�allo99 oeoul�vard 1�s th� tomi h� be�n a�ppso�red by t.� � �� � �� - t, it rill b� lorr�sded to t6� D�pastm�t o� R�vrdu� !or a�proval. Z!� D�pes�aat of � will nati�Y tb� Fht�spti�s Zon� CitY o! a�pr�o�a1. �_ � Y'� �P �aticns in tbe ent�rprise aaa wfthin two yeari after you - CLi� t1�r! CZla1t./r you Mill haV! t0 repall all Or pa[t Ot t�� C�tldlt�. 7bis �om abould be filed rith yau oouotY Auditos if local prop�rty taz reductions � �� ��ic�ation� or Staw Psid Pra�pertY tas cr�dits ar� rec�sted. If bord�r�c.ity zan�s�, ya aust fi�l� ft�i�pr�y � ��e aa lin� 6 (or lin� 7 for rw�iw credit cn �aved fo=m with Y�onr co�ty �uditor to Y'�r P=�Y � statment. Oontact (61Z) 297-1304 !or additia�al ioformstf�an. * Signdesign, Inc. is a screen process printing company specializing in retail store signage. The company will create 8 new jobs with a $183,000 increase in their annual payroll. - �- ����� . , LEJGAL DESCRIPTION T t part of B1 ks 5 and 6, Ashton and Sherburne's Addition a vacated Leba Stree which lies within the follawing described lin s: Ccmnenc�ng at e NW orner of Section 31, T29N, R22W, Ra�nsey County Minneso�a; the ce S 8 50'17" E (assuned bearing) along the North li e of the NW �/4 of id Se tion 31 a distance of 1378.93 feet; thence S 0 27'44" E 401.2� feet o the int of beainning of the lines to t�e herein describ�d, the ce c,on in�ing S 0 27'44" E 336.60 feet to the North 1 ne of Arco St�eet; t nce S 89 40'20" E 255 0 feet along said North line; hence N 0 27'4I4" W 3 7.31 f t; thence N 89b49'49" W 255.0 feet to the poi t of beginnin�. (C ntains 85,917 sq.ft. , mol) . . , I �-��7Y _____ _ � r-- .�., :J,' a�..�:, .-�,� :- . "•'��""`; - - °.�lgr;. � :�xl� _ }'� � • � - i.S} .�54�'�°�.t�w _'i. j a� }���� �� ' ' � i , � yi:�.,' _- . x- - - s-rt y• . . . . I . � _ � � _ . . . :t� � , v�_. . . .. . . . . . . . _ . . . . " ., . . . . ,__. r ._ . . . .. m . ... s.- _ _ ... r6 `t . .. _ .:'�� +y" h�. i .t . # T � . . :• ..f a»Th� -%�,�•..x� �Q"�'P' . � e,_ _ ., .._ ,Y ��Y� .�iC�1���IA� }, �,�� ' � �, � - _: �.,� _ . -. + :.�'i58ixa�t,:-P91ti-Ri ::� _ _ �: :�: 4 " �ti '�+�� �' �Nl� '��2� -i ';,.. r. , �... ;: ' �� ,.� - ' �� � :� - � � ;:� - . �'. � ��� - j���_.,� � -y� y_ I [� '� �: !"'` ro+ � ���,�. �?'?"�6 i.� .i.. +k'� 1 � i Y I �, � ►..����`� �� '"t: �"*'��� �kl���rfil �" , . ._ k �: '�' . . . ' , F, �2�;E��O� �. I I �_�, ,� _ �. k ; , �. �� ,� ���+�'� -���� = t� i r ,'ty'�o #seard or '�t �.r��r#ei�►s����t `�re. � �: ; � �.�_, ' .. ��A,..y . i''- ,1:' L '�� #+ �.� �, � � . �� �����. ._ . �, �� . . .., ��'. � �' "o���� _ ... � P� � '�' �': . . . ! c�o t� ,6, �. ^�: �.: �ac�c1 _A ��-' .z � ,�` , . . _ _ . �� � � , u�r " '. Bt.� �3!{i, � *r'���' . :j ;� ,.� � .. . v c:..;�a $�L_� �:�: T. . .. e Y'T�V�� � . ��e�vt4`.'� �:-- �� �`:l�. - '" .• .. �- -�� : . . .�ira �.< �e`�. - .. . . .. .�+ ..<.�...�,..<w�,+ . ` . .. . . . ��i's�'-�. I •"J.'�.z+�� . _ . ._ . x, . .... _. ... ..... I �� �� �� Downtown Riverfront Commission esolution City of Sain Paul file number 86-12 date October 2 1986 WHEREAS, �he app icatio of Benson Investment (subleased to Signdesign Inc.) be determined el 'gible or reclassification of its property leased fro the Port Authvrity o the C ty of Saint Paul in the Empire Builder Industrial Park as employment pr perty hrough the City's Riverfront Enterprise Zone P ogram. The property wil not b formally reclassified for tax purposes, as an alternatiye cont ibutio of infrastructure improvements is being provi ed in lieu of 1 cal pr perty ax reduction. This alternative contribution has been approved y the inneso a Department of Energy and Economic Developmen , and has been resent d and onsidered at this meeting; and WHEREAS, he app icatio and favorable staff recommendation were consi ered, and found to be onsist nt with Enterprise Zone objectives; and WHEREAS, aid ap licati n and applicant commitments meet the job creati n objective of th River ront Enterprise Zone Program; NOW, THER FORE, E IT R SOLVED by the Riverfront Commission that the applicati n of B nson i vestment/Signdesign, Inc. for reclassification eligibili y unde the S int Paul Riverfront Enterprise Zone Program is recommend d to t e Sain Paul City Council for approval . � � ' moved by Mr. Pa e seCOnded by Mr. aul kner in favor 10 against � � �