86-1464 WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE COUnCII y/} (�� /' CANARV - OEPARTMENT I TY OF SA I NT PAIT L File. NO. �+`� �/" � BLUE - MAVOR u cil e olution -� Presented By . � � � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, That pon e ecution a.nd d�livery of a r�lease in. full to the Ci y, in. a fo m to be approved by the City Attc�rney the pro�er Ci y off '_cers are her_eby a.utharized and r�irect��? t pay crat of the Tort T�iabi ity Fi�nd 09070-511-000 , to : 1 . Charles Eri kso.n, Patricia 1�ee Frickson, and Farm�rs Insu ance G.roizp th� si m of 3 , 741 . 30 in full settlement of th.eir c1 im of dam�ges ustai e� o.n or ak�out January 23 , 1986 , as mor _ p.-rtic larl set ut in the Notice of Claim filed in the itv C�erk ' s ofF ' ce on February 4 , 1986 . COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas -0� Najys � Nicosia [n Favor Rettman Scheibel Sonnen __ Ag8iI1St BY Tedesco Wilson CiT 2 � �9� Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by CounciL• Date Certified Passed by Co ncil Sec etary BY . gl. Appr v y Mavor: ate _ C+T 2 L 1986 Approved by Mayor for Submission to C uncil B _ _ By p 8�.����'� �'�'y' 1 1986 �'u-.. ��/G�`� � ���== o, CITY F SAINT PAUL �� ; o � �� OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY , ���_������� '^ EDWARD P. STA R, CITY ATTORNEY �� m �uu �� �s �°E" 'ff +... r� 647 City Hall, 5 int Paul,Minnesota 55102 '`���.s� 612-298-5121 GEORGE LATIMER I MAYOR October 6 ,I1986 M E M O R A N D U M CLAIM AGAINST C TY OF SAINT PAUL BY CHARLES ERIC SON, ATRICIA LEE ERICKSON AND FARMERS INS RANCE GROUP On Januar� 23 , 1986 a Saint Paul Police Department ve icle driven by Offi er C emmie Tucker struck a vehicle driven by claimant, Patri ia Er ckson, at Arcade �na Minnehaha. Our ve icle entered thje int rsect on on the red light and struck Mr. and Mrs. Erickson ' sl car causi. a damages in the amount of $4 , 988 . 4 , of which their ins rance company, Farmers Insurance Group, reimb rsed them for , less their deductible. We reached a compromise se tle- ment for t�heir roper y damage in the amount of $3 , 741 . 30 . ,