86-1458 � r �
FINALIIORD R By '% ` / '
'' File No. s-12477
� �
Voting In the Matte�of s lk trr�ctiaa :sd/or rscoostrnctio� �ith Issesra Crrb
Ward � asd el aatios s�ifor r�atrrct�r3as s! Ara�ps aal� rt
I �a�c rT, s 4i8 =otiest �ts�s�t ■., 137 �f�eL firs�t t. ,
2 I 2A2 th trset e.
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* l of sc wl t estirted to �e s�praacirt�lr �4.Z5 pr pw
i�oo of w k coas acted.
Ar�y s l�sisst aad/or rest�ctnri� cosu nill b� •sst�ssd a �
sdd tioa d�s lk ssssss�ts. �
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. �
4 �� �32,�J -�3�-- �� �
under Preliminary drder approved � :��,
Ii �
The Council Qf the Ci y of Sai Paul has conducted a public hearing upon the above improveme t, due notice
thereof having beeni given as rescribed by the City Charter; and
WHEREAS, T�e Counci has hear all persons, objections and recommendations pertaining to said prop sed improve-
ment and has fully considere the sam ; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, "�hat the ouncil o the City of Saint Paul does hereby order that the above-described improvement
be made, and the prbper City officers a hereby directed and authorized to proceed with the improvement; nd be it
FURTHER R�SOLVE , That u n the completion of said improvement, the proper City officers all calculate
all expenses incurredjtherein a d shall re rt the same to the City Council in accordance with Chapter 14 of the City Charter.
i OCT 2 1 1986
COUNCIL PERSION Adopted by the Council: Date �� "2C 8
Yeas�� IyYays
11�Mi� ' Certified Passed by Council Secretary
ZltWh ,
$d1�ibl1 In Favor By �
son�en �
ledesco I� Against
Vilson I �C'� L L �9 6 Mayor
' PU�IISHED ��10V 1986
- - T � U � C ITY CCU �IC I � C� �` �e�/�
P i H ARI NG NOTICE � ����`��
SlDEW � L � C ONS � RUCT I 0
' � I'ile. No. 5-11477
Cit} Council District ��2
Dear Prop r;.y Ow er: District Planning Co cil ��l
To co sider sidewalk �onstruction and/or reconstruct"on with
�U R P Q S E ' Integ al Curb and the elimination and/or restructuri of Area-
,t N n ways t the following locations:
L 0 C A T I 0 N 4 0 N. Robert Street, 137 E. 8th Street and
2 2 E. 7th Street �
H E A � I N �;7 ' Tuesda , October 21, 1986, 10:00 A.M.
City C ncil Chamb�rs, 3rd Floor Cit}� Hal1
, iIf the ouncil approves the orders �or any part thereo'�) , a
ortion of the costs w�.�_1 be asse�sed tafter cor_sLruct 'on) against
INFO�MATION I ��'r1eEi� ecl properties. 'Che I:�T1M11'TL:D AS:�F.S�^"L�i`1S C��r -his project
( re as ol�ows: — - f- —�
, � 'IDE.1 IAL rates (SI�iGLE FAMII:�' TO THFtEE FAN1Ii,Yj - F a 5-foot
I - ;.�
-ide s walk: �Iew construction (where n.� wa - _�isLe �l , $1 ?, �;t, �
er fro t ._�. • replacerr.ent of. e1d sidew ., $6. ��;} o_r ront fr.. i
' or a. 6 foot wide ��waik: New .struction, Si�.hG er front €
t. ; re lacement of eld ' aalk, $7.80 per �rcr�t ft.
r- a�`�°"�,.
11 cor er ential Froperties �ai •-eceive a credi - up to *h�
irs feet of new or recoristrt:cted �i vt�k along nd ab�.ittino
' �ze "?o g sid�" of the property. �
.OMMERC .�.L rates (all propert;� other than residential)
OC% ef actual cost estimated to be approxir.:atelv $4.2 per square
oot ot i,T�lk constructed. Areaway elimination and/or restructur-
, ing cos s will be assessed in addition to the sidewalk assessments�
�Ther> may be some sections of sidewalk that are in s tisractory
Q U E S T i 0 I�J � cendition. Please cal'1 292-6?76 (Construction) ur 29 -4513
, (.?sses ments) witn any questions. Also, Cit_y staff 'l1 be
avai�a �e to aris��er any last mirzute questions on this projec�
in the City Council Chumbers from 9:30 to 10:00 A.:M, he same
' dav as the hear:ing.
Octaber 3, 19 6, bv ti�e Valuation and Assessr.�ent Divi ion
Notice sent ' - ,
Jepartme:�t o= F�inaecc- ar_c� i°'.ar:a�emer.� Ser•�ices
Room 21_8 Ci.t•,� ?-H�11 - :,ou'_'� Hou�e
St. D3L11� ''il_P:1°SOt:=_ �.) r�=
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