86-1441 i
� ity of St. aul COUNCIL F E N0. ���/
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FIXING TIII�AE O HEA ING THEREOIV File No. J86-07A Asses ment � 9214
File No. J86-078 Ass ssment # 9215
Voting ! ���
Ward In the matt r of the assessmen of benefits, cost and expenses for File No. J86-07C Ass ssment � 9216
the fol�lowing
J86-07A �i ummary Abatements thru July, 1986
J86-07B I oardin s-Up of vacant buildings thru July of 1986 and
J86-07C emalit on of vacant buildings thru August, 1986.
Preliminary Order� " approve '-
Final Order I ' approve ''
The assess ent of b nefits, co t and expenses for and in connection with the above improveme t having been
submitted to the�ouncil,a d the Co cil having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory,therefore,be it
RESOLVEI�, That e said as ssment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved.
RESOLVEI� FURTH R, That public hearing be had on said assessment on the 13 th day of
i�ovembe , 1986 , at the hour of ten dclock A.M., in the Council hamber of the
Court House and�City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Director of Finance give notice of s id meetings,as
required by the �harter, ating in aid notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improv ment, and the
amount assessed �gainst th lot or 1 s of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed.
�CT � �a
COUNCILPERS�N Adopted by the Council: Date �986
Yeas N�ys
���ew ' Certified P sed b Council Secretar
�T��,Q,�, � -
�' ; , In Favor By
Sche�be! ' �
Sonner� Against
7��c� ' Ma or
W�ison p���' �� g�� 1986