86-1437 ^ �c - L��♦ CIEFlK PINK � FINANCE. � I TY OF SA I NT PALTL Council CANARY - OEPARTMENT ' f,j` f3�.UE - MAYOR File . NO. / ` � ounci esolution - - ----. lR Presented By V �`� -_ �� Ref red To Committee: Date Out f Commi tee By Date WHEREAS, Ga y R. N r�strem, Treasurer of the City of Saint Paul , h s served the City iith gr at dis inction for twenty-six years; and WHEREIAS, th City f Saint Paul has become a ieader in public fun ing investment pract ces th ough Gary Norstrem's direction; and WHERE�IS, Ga y Nars rem, through his productiv� iobbying efforts w th the State Legi!slatur , has ecured state legislation which enabled the Cit to make investments not Ilowed it in the past, leading to increased oppo�-tuni ies for investment incom for City monies; and WHERE�S, th ough G y Norstem's efforts in 1986 the City was the irst government entit in Mi esota to issue General Obligation debt in boo entry form, therjeby aliowing limination of costly manual paperwork pertinen to issuing bo�ds, t us savi g 907. or more of the administrative costs of eht issuance f r Sai Paul ; and WHEREAS, Ga Norst em efficiently manages a current inves�anent rtfalio for the Ci�y ave ging i excess of 100 miliion doliars; and , __ _. WHEREAS,. Ga Norst em_has for_man_y years succes�ful ��� �ed he City's int�rests hroug his active participation in y" • Fi ance Officers A�socia ion on th the state and nat�� - WHEREAS, Ga Norst em has been both re ,o o atly by CITY 8 STAfiE mag ine by being elected as "tr � m� recognizin� the st in he public sector", nc n �0 ,�7 RESOLVED, Th t the ouncil and the entire �'��� �� .�e Ga y Norstrem fpr his rillia t efforts in managing C .,, and pres nt him with this �lacque as a m ento of his services tc ..�ty, with grate ul appreciatibn and hanks. COUNCILMEN ' Requested by Department oE: Yeas Drew Nays � � t�itesia Rettman In Favor Scheibel � son�e� Against BY Tedesco Wilson ' Adopted by Council: I Date OC 1 � 1988 Form Approved by City Attorney Certified Pas e uncil Se ary By By . Approv b Mavor: Datle _ `– ��'j � ���� Approved by Mayor for Submission to C uncil BY - — BY _- PU 1SS�1ED CT 2 51986 �