86-1432 WHITE — C�TV CLE K PINK — FINANCE COUACIl j/�} CANARV — OEPARTM NT GITY OF SAINT PALTL File N " � ^/���� BLUE - MAVOR Co ncil Resolution Presented By Referre To Committee: Date Out of ommitte By Date Wf�EtEAS, Th t�layor, pursu t to Section 10.07.1 of the City Charter, dce certify that there are availab e for ppropr'ation revenues in excess of those esti.mated in the 1986 bu�3get; and Wf�RF,AS, Th Mayor reco nds the following changes to the 1986 budget: Current ��� Budget Ch es Budget FINANCING P ------------ ------ ----- ------------ UO1 Gener F 0200 Fur1d lance, Unreservecl U esign ted 1,840,252 +4 ,000 1,880,252 SPII�IDING P OO1 Gener F Poli e De tment Sup rt Se vices ivision 04300 Sup rt Ser ices Administration � 043 0-0535 Recove le Advance to 0 +4 ,000 40,000 cial Fun�7s (24051) l�,i, �HA�E +4 ,000 RF50LVID, at t City ouncil approves these changes to the 1986 budge . Fin cing s vai able Approval R�ecor�unended __ ��> =,� ---- - �=- ---- - ..f- - � ---- ' ctor o Finan e ���,�-a� Bt�dget i tor COUNC[LM N Yeas � Nays Requested by Department f: �� Police Departmen� Nicosia [n Favor Rettman Scheibel � Sonnen _ AgelllSl BY Tedesco Wilson Adopted by Council: ate �CT g 1986 Form Appro d by City Attorney Certified Pas ouncil e BY sy Approv y lNavor: Date � OCT 14 1986 Appr y Mayor for Su ssi n o�ouncil By _ (T IT�^!9' '1/�`. Q t $�' ..._e �5.� � . � �. � ��V� Police `'� flEPARTMENT � �G /�� �� _ Osi�s John Stur er i CONTACT . , ; PHONE . _ ' 10/2/8 6 . DATE � ,, �,i . r � SIGN NUNBER ROUTI G ORDE Cli All Locations for Si nature c Depa�rtment D rector i Director of Manag �t/Mayor � Finance and nag nt Ser ;,ices INrector - City Clerk Budget. Direc or ! City Attorne � . HAT iiILL BE ACH EYED 8 TAKIN1 ACTION �I THE ATTACHED MATERIALS? (Purpose/ � . Rational e) The Police De artme t wil ' be able to respond to City . Council' s req est t incr "ase the enforcement of the city,'s "sno ird° tagging policy. These resol. tions'will establish a budget for a second v icle storage lot operation This is on y a temporary solution to the snowbird roblem for the 1986-1987 sno sea n. � '� � ;� COST BENEFIT BU ETAR AND PE ONNEL IMPACTS ANTICIPATED: The general f nd w' 1 ad nce dollars to the operation. so that s ending may occur pri,or to rece pt o norm � revenues. The net cost of this, operat on for the 1986- 19$7 season w 1Z b $39,8 0 . The general fund will be repaid. . ;� fINANCING SOURC AND B DGET A �� IVITY NU�ER CHARGED OR CREDITED: (Mayor's sig a- pecia un enera undture rlot re Total Amount f "Tra sactio r 79 ,800 40 ,000 quired i f u de�r i $10,000) Fu�ding Sour e: ' 1 Fund and Fund Balance � � wing receipts Activity Num er: 24051 � . 04300 ATTACNMENTS Li t and umber 1 Attachments : � �ECE �► two budget amen nt• solutions OCT 3 �986 . I� OFFICE OF TH DIRECTOR � �', DEPARTMENT F FRVANCE . AND MANAGEM T SERVICE� � , DEPARTMENT REVI I CITY. ATTORNEY RE�IIEW xx Yes No uncil esolut n Required? ' Reso�utlon Required? Yes No Yes XX No I suranc Requi d? Insurance Sufficient Yes No � Yes �No I suranc Attac d: (SEE 'REVERSE SIDE F'aR INSTRUCTIONS) � Revised 12/84 .A • . ,�..� � � _i��:�.. (�•� �� Y :( �',�,s .,w,��+ CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTERDEPARTMENTAL MEMORANDUM T0: M�yor La imer FROM: D�puty C ief St rner SUBJ: T�mporar Impou d Lot DATE: O�tober , 1986 We herebylreques that a special activity fund be established ent 'tled Temporary Impound L1ot and that ccount number 24051 be designated for this activity. The purpose �f thi fund will be to establish a temporary impoun lot for the 1986-87 c�}inter eason to accommodate the storage of vehicles which must be towed from cityistreet �for v rious reasons. We furthe�r ask that $ 8,800 be placed in the aforementioned accou t for purposes of comme�cing hat a tivity. Revenues generated by this activit will be used to offsetithe a ance. Attached �s the 1986 op rating budget for this activity. Thank youifor y ur consideration in this matter. . JS/laf attachmer�t cc: Gre� Blees . I -� � j , _ �.�y�3 �- � � F nd 435 Vehicle Impounding — Police Lot Temporary �lehicl Impou Lot 24051 $1!4,500 Site Re tal 1i,000 Site P paration S00 Utilit 'es 100 Vests 200 Portab e Toilets 9,500 Salari s I2,000 Fringe �_— $38,800 0,000 epayme t of Cash Advance $7I8,800 otal S ending . �'t �/ C.� IeYf� � � � `�,- �7�� Fr� . CITY OF SAINT P9.UL '''"''!`" = OB'FIC� OF TSF CZTY COIIYCZL :un iq.it ._ ' �ommi�tee Re ort F � .. . � F:� ce ana eme�t & Persannel Con�ttee October 2, 1986 l. Approvlal of inutes from meeting held September 25, 1986. approv d 2. Resolu�tion a provin 1986-1989 Maintenance Labor Agreement between Independent � School� Distr ct No. 625 and Twin City Glaziers, Local 1324. laid o er 10/9 A 3. Resol�}ltion a provin 1986-1988 Maintenance Labor Agreement between the City _ and T�in Cit Glazi rs and Glass Workers, Local 1324. laid over 1 /9 4. Resol�tion d rectin the Port Authority to refund $884,000 to City taxpayers and tc� cance the p oposed $867,421 tax levy for 1987. laid over 0/9 5. Resol�tion a ending the 1986 budget and adding $23,000 to the Fina cing Plan and tQ� the S ending Plan for Public Utilities Investigation Fund - Cable TV �- Legislative. app oved � . 6. Resol�t.ian ending the EDBG Year RII Program and add3ng -$T,153,00 to the -_ - Finan�ing P n and o the Spending Plan, 7 existing year 12 projec s. approved as amended 7. An or inanc amend g Chapter 85 of the Legislative Code pertainin to the regul tion f water rates in the City of Saint Paul and inserting new schedule of ra es ef ective anuary l, 1987. approved UNDER SUS ENSIO 8. Resollti� endin ' 1986 General Fund to allow for a $40,000 ativa e to the Polic� I d Lot Special Fund. approved 9. Resol�ution mendin 1986 Budget providing for $39,800 worth of sp nding and the repayhment o $40,0 0 cash advance to the General Fund. a roved c� C� r�� n � � �'t J Po.,) 7:;; _. l-J y. ..' =�7 ���: I GJ . �J -i_�1 �+xti: . � �� �� C%7 CITY HALL I SEVENT�i FLOOR SAIN'T UL,MINNESOTA SSIOZ ��e I