86-1431 WNITE - CITV CLER � PINK - FINANGE G I TY O F SA I NT PA U L Council �j CANARV - DEPARTME T File � NO. 1/�`� / BLUE - MAVOR � Council Resolution ;..�._ Presente �� Y � Re o w° � Committee: Date — Out of C mmittee By Date V�IE AS, sed construction of the Middle Belt Line intercept by the t litan te Control Canmission (MW�CC) requires the c tt�ucti of st water sewer pipes for present and future needs the rec struc ion of isting City facilities and the paving of various s ts; no there ore, be it RE VED, hat t City Cour�ii of the City ot Saint Paul does h�ereby e an t betv�een the Metrnpolitan Waste Controi C issi and City of Saint P�ut, which agreernent provides tha cer in st wat and sanitary sewer facilities wiil be ca�tructed vr rec tnic ed apd ia�.s streets parred in con junction with the MWC Mi le Belt L1ne In erceptor constn�ction; and be it RE VED, t estimated cost of the City f�cilities to be owned and inta ned by City, upon completion ot the work, amants to � ,074, to f inanced from Special Assess�nents tt277,040) and ake erflow =797,000) f�ds; and be it f�ther RE VED, t proper City officiais are hereby auttarized arxi di ted to execut sa�d ent on behaif of the City of Saint P� Finan e ire tor `� � .y^�L COUNCILM N Requested by Department of: � Yeas Nays � k��S nnen P `�'"'"" In Favor !�� R ttma -- Nicosia j Scheibel � __ Against B Teaesco �a1 Donald E. Nygaar , Director wilson �r+T 9 - 1gg6 Form Approv by City Attorne Adopted by Counci : ate ���� Certified Pas ouncil S tar BY � By n Appro y � avor' Date �' �1�0� � �t �986 Approv d by Mayor for Sub is o t Coun B ���'��:: -:� � � 1986 i ; � .��_��3 N° 05'786 Publ i�c W ks . ' � i � DE PARTMENT _ �Roy Bredahl 'I CONTACT 292-6138 PHONE August 18, 19 6 DATE �'�✓� e e � SI6N NUhBER fQR ROUTI ORDE C1i All Locat.�ons for Si nature : 1 Departmer�t Di ctor '� 5 Direc'tor of Manag ent/Mayor ,.3 Finance, and f nagem t Ser ces Director n,o.f-6 � City Cle.rk 4 Budget Direct r ; �\31��7 Cit Cou cil � City 14ttorne J AT MIILL BE ACF! ED B TAKIN � ACTION ON THE ATTACNEO MATERIALS? (Purpose/ ;� Rationale) • � The Metropcili an Wa te Co trol Commission will construct the Mid le Beltline Interceptor. S wer: i the ast Side of St. Paul. To avoid re-exc vating streets at a later ti e, Ci y se rs and streets will be constructed und r this contract. The City has udge d fu s for paying its share of .�h�Ee�p � AU G 2 91986 _ . CAST BENEFIT Btl GETARY AND PE I ONNEL IMPACTS ANTICIPATED: `OFFICE"OF THE DIRE 0� i DEPARTMENT QF FM NCE AND MANAGEMENT 5E 1GES Sewers are n ded or th `� Combined Sewer Separation Program. Co rdination with MW�C pro'jeet ill void ,isruption and save costs in the same co struction areas. . , i FINAPlCING SOURC AND B DGET A fiIYITY NUt►�ER CHARGED OR CREDITED: (Mayor's si a- t�re not re Total Aaa�nt of "Tra sactio ,�I: $1,074,004 quired if �e �er � �10,000) Fundi�g. Sour e: Sp i;al � sessment $277,000 La rOve low 797,000 Rctivity Num r: 2 248 a 62906-0732-62798� �� �r��� ATTACHMENTS Li t and umber 11 Attact�aents : S E 2 1��� ii 1. Council Reso ution ' G��Y^ �� �rt=lC� � 2. Agreem t N er 2 �6 i :; • , � � . , . . QEFARTMENT REV EW '� G TY ATTORNEI� REVI�MI � Yes Na uncil Resolu ,�ion Required? Rasalntion Required? x Yes No � T Yes x No nsuran e Requ , d? Insurence S�rffi�ient Yes No Yes X �to nsr�ran e Atta d: (SE •REYERSE SIDE FOR INSTRl1CTIOI�S} . . I�evised 12/8� � ,� � :'-> HOW TO USE THE GREEN SHEET � � � � _ The GREEN SHEET hae several PURPOSES: � ' � � � 1. to assist in routing c}ocuments and in securing required signatures 2. to brief the reviewers of documents on the impacts of approval 3. to help ensure that necessary supporting materials are prepared, and, if required, attached., ' Providing complete informa'Efon 'under the listed headings enables reviewers to make decisions on the doctuqents and eliminates follow-up contacts that may delay execution. The COST/BENEFIT, BUDGETARY AND PERSQNNEL IMPACTS heading provides space to explain • � the cost/benefit aspects of the decision. Costs and benefits related both to City budget (General Fund and/or Special Funds) and to broader financial impacts (cost to users, homeowners or other qroups affected by the action) . The personnel impact is a description of chanqe or shift �of Full-Time Equivalent (FTE) po$itions. � If a CONTRACT amount is less than $f0,000, the i+laayor's signature is not required, if the ctepartment director siqns. A contract aust.alwaye be first siqned by the outside agency before routinq through City off�.Ees. . :.i�..i�j��'t,.�r .9.,.�r.y ' ' Below is the prefte�Yr�-�1ebUTI�iG for the five most frequent types of documents: � ' ;Cf}I�',�'�tACTS (assumes authorized budqet exists) � � 1. Ou�s�de, Aqe�ac�, 4. Mayor 2.. .�nit�ating:'Department 5. Finance Director .. 3. City At#�ox,ney_ 6. Finance Accounting ,,,< ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER (Budget Revision) ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS (all others) 1. Activity Manager , l. Initiating Department 2. Department Accountant 2. City Attorney � � 3. Department Director 3. Director of Manaqement/Mayor '°�:� 4. Budget Director 4. City Clerk ' 5. City Clerk � 6. Chief Accountant, F&MS ' COUNCIL RESOLUTION (Amend. Bdgts./Accept. Grants) COUNCIL RESOLUTION (all others)• 1. Department Director 1. Initiatinq Department 2. Budget Director 2. City Attorney 3. City Attorney 3. Director of Management/Mayor 4. Director of Management/Mayor 4. City Clerk 5. Chair, Finance, Mngmt. & Personnel Com. �5. C,ity Counci,l 6. City Clerk 7. City Council 8. Chief Accountant, F'&MS SUPPORTING MATE�tIALS. In the ATTACHMENTS section, identify all attachments. If the Green Sheet is well done, no letter of transmittal need be included (unless signing � such a letter is one of the requested actions) . Note: If an agreement requires eviderice of insurance/co-insurance, a Certificate of Insurance should be one of the attachments at ti� of routing. Note: Actions which require City Council Resolutions include: 1. Contractual relationship with another governmental unit. 2.. Collective barqaining contracts. • 3. Purchase, sale or lease of�land. 4. Issuance of bonds by City. 5. Eminent domain. i�+ 6: Assumption_ of ;liability by City, or granting by City of indemnific�tion. : 7. Aqreements with��State or Federal Govermaent under which they are providing fundinq. - 8. Budqet amendments. . , �� � � • AGREEMENT BETWEEN �` ��-�y`2l . : ME ROPOLITAN WASTE CONTROL COMMISSION ' and THE CITY OF ST. PAUL AGREEMENT NUMBER 2266 Th s Ag eeme t is made and entered into by an b�tween the Metropo itan Wast Control Commission (hereinafter called the Commiss on) nd th City of St. Paul (Hereinafter called St. Paul) . WI NESSE H THAT, In the joint and separate exe cise of their powers nd i cons 'deration of the mutual covenants her in contained, the par�ies ereto recite and agree as followss Se tion . Recitals. l. 1. ommis ion. The Commission has determined hat an inter- , ceptor �Sewer exten ing from Lake Phalen at the north to the intersec- tion of Warn r Roa with State Trunk Highway 61, and fr m Beaver Lake � at the east o th intersection of Margaret Avenue with the intercep- tor se�ber f om t e north should be constructed to implement the Metropo itan Counc' 1's goal of CSO removal tsee attach ent A) . This interce�tor ewer s hereinafter referred to as "the Int rceptor" . � 1.�2. t. Pa 1 Facilities. St. Paul has requested that the cer- tain street nd u ility improvements as described in a tachment A to this co�ntrac be onstructed as part of the Commission' construction of the I�.nter eptor. These street and utility improvem nts are heri- � aafter `refer ed t as the "St. -Paul Facilities" . St. Paul verifies - ' that it� has cond ted all proceedings necessary to a thorize it to .groceed wit the construction of and to finance he St. Paul Faci'lit�ies, xcept the award of a construction contract. 1. 3. Joint Construction. The Interceptor and the St. Paul Facilit�es n be t and most economically be construc ed under the Commission's set of plans and specifications and u der the same constru�Ction cont act; and the construction can best b accomplished by thel, Co issio . A11 of the improvements to b constructed� incluc�ing th Inte ceptor and the St. Paul facilities, a e hereinafter referre�l to s the "Project" . Se tion . Interceptor Construction. 2 .�1 P1 ns an S ecifications. The Commission has etained Orr- Schele -Maye on a d Associates, Inc. consulting enginee s, to prepare plans nd s ecifi ations for the Construction Project. St. Paul has review d a d a roved the plans and specificati ns for the Constr ction Proj ct. The construction project include the St. Paul Facili ies a des ibed in Attachment "A" . _ � 2 02 onst uction Contract. The Commission sh 11 advertise, receiv� bid and shall award the contract for const ction of the Projec . This contract is hereinafter referred to as the "Const�uctio Con ract" . . 2.03 C ntraci Administration. Except as hereinaf er pr�ide�;��3� • , the Construct on Co tract shall be administered by the Co ission, and the Co issio agr es to cause the Project to be comple ed in accor- dance w'th t e Con truction Contract. The Commission sh 11 provide a site co stru tion anager to inspect the work, but S . Paul may inspect the teri ls for and construction of the St. Pa 1 Facilities . at any ime, and m y request the Commission to require t e contractor to perf�rm •a y par ' of the contract in accordance with terms of the contrac and to e force any provision of the contract necessary to obtain s�uch p rfor nce. 2. 4 C mmiss on's Desi nee. Any action or right which may be � taken o� exer ised by the Commission under this contract, may be taken or exer�ised by th Commission's Chief Administrator or his designee on behal.f of he C ission. Se ion . Project Costs 3. 1 G neral Rule. St. Paul agrees to pay for all Project Costs attribu able to co struction of the St. . Paul Facilities described in p Attachm nt " ". S ch costs include the particular item specified in � the fol owin para raphs. . _ 3. 2 Unit rice Cost. St. Paul shall pay or aIl work materia s, e uipme t and supplies used for constructi n of the St. Paul F cilit es p rtion of the Project on the basis o unit prices contain d i th bid p=oposal for the Construct'on Contract. Estimat d qu ntiti s for unit price items attributable t the St. Paul Facilit es a e set forth in Attachment "B" . Th _ Cit of t. Paul shall carry out the followi g restoration _ . .. __ _ _�_. work i con ectio with this Project; removal and r placement of - bouleva d tr es a d shrubs . In full payment to consid ration of St. Paul' s �resto atio work on the Project, the parties a ree that St. Paul s�all ay on y 40$ of actual quantities for the ollowing unit price tems attri utable to the St. Paul Facilities; oncrete side- walk, cpncre e dri eway 6" thickness, concrete driveway " thickness. 3 .I03 dditi nal Costs. St. Paul shall pay for 11 additional work, ateri ls, quipment and supplies used or other osts incurred for co stru ion f the St. Paul Facilities portion o the Project, which re no inc uded as unit price items, on the basi set forth in the Con�struc ion ntract. 3 .I04 te I Costs. St. Paul shall pay, to t e Commission, design cost for Step II (preparation of plans and s ecifications) attrib table to t e St. Paul Facilities. Such cost i agreed to be 5 .5 pe�cent of t costs of construction of the St. P ul Facilities based �n th unit prices and quantities contained in th Construction Contra t. is c st shall be paid within 90 days of th award of the Constr�ction Cont act. -2- . , C�,� �--��r 3/ . 3 .� St II'I Desi n En ineer Costs. St. Paul shal pay, to the • Commissi n, osts for consulting engineer's Step II ser-vices � (construjction engi eering) attributable to the St. Pau Facilities. Such coslt is gree to be a prorated amount of the cost f the design engineer' s St p II services based on the percentage of construction costs f r th St. Paul Facilities (as determined by pa agraphs 3.02 and 3. 3) mpar d to the total construction cost under the Construqtion ontr t. . 3 . 6 S e I T Commission Costs. St. Paul shall pay, to the Commiss 'on, onst ction engineering, construction ma agement and adminis rativ cos s incurred internally by the Comm ssion (force account Icosts att ibutable to the St. Paul Facilities. Such costs is agreed to be a pr rated amount of such force account c sts based� on the per enta e of onstruction costs for the St. Paul F cilities (as determi ed b pa agraphs 3.02 and 3.03) compared o the total constru tion osts under the Construction Contract. 3.�8 a en . The Commission shall pay all sts fo= the Project as i curr and allowed in accordance with the Construction Gontrac . e Co ission shall submit to St. Paul, n t more often than on e a month a statement indicating amounts paid, expended or accruedI for he Pr ject attributable to the St. Paul Fa ilities. St. Paul shlall ake yment of the Statement amount to t e Commission within 35 d ys o receipt thereof. Past due amoun s shall bear interes at he r te of 1� percent per month or part f a month as provide by innes ta Statutes, 1985 Supplement, Section 471.425. Se tion . Ownership,_ Maintenance and Use. 4 .I1 U e of onstruction Pro 'ect. On completion f the Project and pay�men� f al costs thereof;' the Commiss�ion shall e- entitled to - - the s le a d e clusive ownership, maintenance and use of the Interc tor, and t. Paul shall be entitled to the sole and exclusive owners ip, ainte ance and use of the St. Paul Fac lities. The Commissjion s all perate and maintain the Interceptor, and �St. Paul or itslagen s or employees shall operate and maintain the St. Paul Facili ies i cludi g the regulator manholes, alI in good working order and wi hout causi g damage to the other party' s facil'ties. If it become nece sary for either party to excavate a portio of the adja- cent r ght- -way containing the facilities of each, su h party shall give t e oth r pa ty notice of its intention to excavat . Such notice shall e giv n no less than two days prior to commence nt of excava- tion e cept in ca e of emergency, in which case notice hall be given prior o co ence ent of excavation. Written notice ma be delivered or mai ed t the t. Paul City Hall or the Commission' general offi- ces at 350 etro quare Building in St. Paul, as the c se may be, and oral n tice may e given by telephoning any designa ed officer or employ e of eith r party at the same locations. I the case of emerge cy, 'f the Commission's offices are elosed, the ity shall give oral n tice to th Commission' s Chief Administrator or ne of its mem- bers; �nd i the St. Paul City Offices are closed, the Commission shall ive ral otice to the City Manager or a memb r of the City Counci . -3- --- ___ I._. _...�.__ ___.�_.._.__.__.__ __. _.._ _._ __ . .__....._ _. ___._._ _... ._ .. .:_.__ _�... _._ _ .. __..__...�..�_ . . � d'(a.�I�3/ z , II IN ITNE S �W�iEREOF, the parties hereto have xeCUt this - Ag�eemenl!t on his day of , 1986 . METROPOLITAN WASTE CONTR L COMMISSION • Chairman Chief Adminis rator i � CITY OF ST. PAUL . � � Mayor ti � � City Cler , / r Ap ov a t r by Leg�l�� unsel _ ; �+/ I . __ — ___ _ _ ,.... -- - _4_ . . _ � ___ _ = . � ��O_�c/3 / CITY OF SAINT PAUL COST� ' I.AKE PHALEN BRANCH, 11ID BELT L1Ne SHE SHEEi SHEET SNEET SNEET SHEET SHEET SHEET SH'rET SHEET 5HE TOTAL S70f�! SEW�R U�IT 5 6 8 13 14 17 18 19 2Q 21 22 QUAN. 6�' RCP CLASS IV L.F. - -- ° -- -- -- 60 — __ � - 6p 60' &CF CLASS III I L.F. - -- -- ~ -- ~ 1J4 -- -- -- -- = 114 54' RCP CLASS II L.F. — -- -- -- -- ~ ° ~ 254 = 254 4E' RCP 4000 N D L.F. -- -- -- __ -- sZ -- -- — __ _ � 4E' RCP CIASS 11I L.F. -- -- 16 -- -- -- _- � __ = 16 48' RCP CIASS II L.F. 40 — -- 40 -- 40 80 -- ~ , -- - = Sb6 42' RCP CLASS III �.f. -- -- __ � � � 332 � -- - 332 36' RCP CLASS III ' L.F. 165 -- __ — -- -- -- -- -- = 185 33' RCP CLASS lV L.F. -- -- 55 -- -- -- -- -- -- = � "s3' RCP CLASS III L.F. 289 -- 16 -- ~ -- -- -- 40 = 345 3D' R�F CLASS II1 OR IVI L.F. -- 85 -- -- 63 -- — -- -- = 148 3^' RCP CLRSS II L.F, q -- ~ -- __ -- -- -- 40 -- = 80 24' RCP CLASS 11 L.F. �5 -- -- — -- » -- — -- = � 21' RCP.CLAfiS III L.f. -- -- -- -- -- -- — -- 310 - = 320 18' RCP CLASS 11:� IV dR V L.F. -- -- 3S — -- -- 130 198 30 = 393 25' RCP CLASS 1V L.F. 3 -- ° -- -- ~ — ~ -- ° = 3d 15' CATCH BAS1N LEAD I L.F. 54 -- -- -- -- 40 30 -- 84 = 208 12' CATCH BASIN I:AD J L.F.. 4 �64 -- 36 -- 30 5Q 110 15 150 = 595 3d OR 48' flC FLARED ETJD SECTl�! EACH 1 1 -- -- -- -- — -- ~ -- = Z 18-0fc 24' RC fLARED EN� SECTION EACH 1 -- -- -- -- -- ~ 1 = 2 'YPE II1 R]P RAP C.Y. 25 -- -- ° -- -- ° 12 -- = 37 TYPE IV RIP RP.? W FABR#C C.Y. S — -- -- ~ -- ° -- -- -- = 50 STANDARD MANkGLES EACH - 1 -- — ~ -- ~ 1 1 2 = 5 t�1HH0�E TYPE S4 EACH 1 -- -- 1 -- 1 -- -- -- -- = 3 t+�ddHO�E 7YPE S6 EACH -- -- -- ~ ~ -- -- — -- = p t4��HOLE TYPE S8 I EACN 1 -- -- -- -- __ __ � __ 1 _ p t+ANHOI� TlrPE�SI� EACH — -- -- -- -- 1 -- -- = � __.._ :_ _ _ _ _ __=_,. „ "1ANHOLE TYPE D2 - D37 EACH 1 1 1 1 -- -- 1 1� __ --_- � --- - c�CESS t�ANHOLE DEPTH FOQT .5 26 S 11 -- -- 16 -- 4 12 = 80.5 CATCH BAS1N EACH 8 -- 2 — 2 3 5 1 10 = 33 Rc?'��lE PIPE L.F. 0 450 -- 40 — -- 1T0 -- 40 280 = 102U RETIOVE CAiCI+ BASINS � HOLES EACH 10 -- -- -- — 3 ° f 8 = 24 REMWE BI71�11NOU5 PAV B�(T S.lf. 350 -- -- -- -- -- -- — 2q00 = 2750 •RfHOVE CONCRE7E PAVETt S.Y. » __ -- — -- » ° 80 -- = 80 RQ1t1VE CUR6 AND 6UTTE LF — -- -- -- — -- -- — 1200 = 1200 RQ'OVE AND REPIACE FEI�CE LF - -- -- -- — -- -- -- -- 230 = 23Q LU1P SU'� BID I3E t1H I,�y-STl L.S. -- -- 1 . -- -- -- — -- = i L'UiP Slti BiD 18A COt�N&CTI�1 L.S. - -- -- -- — -' 3 » ° " = 1 S�REc� CONSTRUCTION I CLASS 5 A6GRE6ATE T�1 20 240 -- -- -- ° -- ° ~ 1200 = 1460 BAS� COURSE BITUIINOU T(N 7 75 -- -- — -- -- -- — 290 = 402 BINDEr� COURSE 817l�IJN US TQ� Z 45 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- = 67 WGIRING COURSE BITII�I US TQV 8 17 — -- 290 -- — ~ — 23D 0 = 875 BiTl�i]NOUS TACK COAT GAL. 0 36 • -- -- — ° -- ~ �- I10 - = 176 � COtt�REiE CUR@ & GUTT 8-6-14 L.F. -- 160 -- -- f960 -- -- — -- 1250 OU = 5378 �Q�6RETE SIOE1rALK S.F. — -- ~ 1000 -- �- ° -- 0 = 1500 SQD S.Y. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ~ �200 -- = IZAO Ca�CRRE DR:VEti�11f 6' S.lf -- -- -- -- — __ __ __ -- 00 = 500 --- .I...____.w_� __.�.._.__.._ ... ,.__.__.._,.,..,-__...._ _____.�.... _.__:___ . . • . � �� �� � ��-/�(o-/ , . , i ATTACHMENT B 2 o�f 2 CITY OF SA1NT PAUL CQSTSI BcAVER LAKE BkrkFlNCH; M1D iEtT LINc SHEET SHEET SHEET SHEET SHEET SHEET SHEET SHEET SNEET SHEET SHEEf SH ET SHEET SHc� TOTAL STOi�! SEId'cR IT 3A 4A 5A &0 7A l0A 11A I2R 14A 15A 16A 17 I6A I9k QI)APl. 48' RCP CLASS 11 .F. '-- ° -- -- __ � � � � __ � 5 -- -- = 50 41' RCP CLASS III ,F. — __ � � � __ � -- -- 40 -- -- -- = 4Q 42' RCP CIASS 11 I .F. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 30 ° -- — = 30 27• RCP CLASS III .F. -- -- -- -- -- — 17 -- -- -- 37 — -- = 54 2)• RCP CLASS lI .f. -- -- 1�2 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- » = i12 24' RCP CLASS :I1 .f. -- . . -- -- -- -- -- -- 188 -- -- -- � 288 21' RCP CIASS 1V I .F. -- -- -- — -- — -- -- -- -- 13 — _ � 2:' RCP CLASS I11 I .f. - -- -- -- ~ 35 137 -- -- 90 — 245 24 = 53S 28' RCP CIASS 1V .F. — 50 -- -- -- -- -- — — -- — — — - 5p I8' RCP CLASS JII .f, 30 45 -- -- 45 ' -- -- -- -- 20 93 -- 189 15 = 497 15' RCP ClASS 1V I .F. -- -- -- -- — — -- -- -- -- -- 7�8 = �00 15• RCP CLASS I11 .F. 30 30 -- -- -- 50 -- -- -- -- � l34 -- = 879 12' RCP CIASS 1V .F. -- -- -- — -- 4Q 30 — -- -- -- -- = �0 15' CATCH BASIN LEAD I .F, - -- -- -- -- -- 6D -- 25 90 60 100 -- = 335 12' i,►i7CH BaS1N LEAD .F. 60 -- -- 15 4Q 40 -- 105 60 25 — 125 ?40 = B10 TYPE III RIP RAP ,Y, -- -- __ __ � __ � � � __ __ — 10 = 10 �Tar�RD MariHO�E E�Ck 1 2 -- -- i f 3 • -- I 5 2 8 d = 3D !1ANHOtE TYP'c 51d CH -- -- -- __ — -- -- -- -- » -- -- » : I IXCESS t1ANk�J!E DEPTH I f00T ° -- -- — 5 2 -- S — — 6.5 -- = 2I,9 CATCH 6ASJti CN -- 4 -- -- -- 2 4 -- 4 4 2 14 !O = 44 R9i0UE PIPE L.F. -- -- -- -- -- — — -- -- -- 24U 28Q = 42C RII10VE CATC4 BASINS & �HOLES EACH — -- — -- — -- -- -- -- -- 4 9 = I3 RET10Jc BITI�'11NOUS PAV S.Y. -- -- -- -- -- -- — — 650 -- 4400 3000 = 8050 REMOVE CONCRETE PAVEt1 S.11. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- I� = 20 REFIWE CRVGRETE DRIVRJA�Y S,Y. — — -- -- — — -- — -- — — -- 1� = 10 REt10UE �IDEi�IK S.F. - -- -- __ __ -- -- -- -- -- __ __ � s�p = 650 RB10VE.CURB AND GUTTER I -_�.. __ lF -- -'"- "- -_-e. — -- -- �_-- -- — --___ — ?UO = 9U0:_- -. LIl1P Sl�! BID 4A-B C�IE,�'iJQ� L.S. - 1 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- _ : SANITARV S�d�R I 8' UEP SANJTARY SEUER I L.f -- -- 305 -- -- — -- -- -- -- -- — -- = 3�5 �8' D1P SA��ITARY S�ER L.F -- -- 25 -- -- -- -- — -- — -- -- -- = 25 SANITARV SEIdER MaNHOLEI EACN -- -- 2 -- -- __ -- -- -- -- -- -- -- = 2 STREET COrlSTRUCiIdV I CIRSS 5 AG6REC�iTE Ta� -- -- 600 — -- -- -- -- 320 -- -- 180Q 190a = 4620 BASE COURSE BITl�11N0US TQ�1 -- -- 125 -- -- -- -- -- 80 -- -- 500 460 = I16S WEARIN6 COURSE BITtt11N�US TQ�I 308 450 310 -- -- 300 -- -- 55 -- -- 380 360 = 2475 BITttiiNOUS TACK COA' 6AL. -- -- -- — -- -- -- — 35 -- — 200 200 = 435 CONCRETE CURB � GUTTERIB-d-24 L.F. 21 0 1820 2760 2700 -- -- 1830 — -- 400 -- -- 1410 :300 = 1635Q CONCRETE SIDEWAIic S.F, 2 0 200U 3000 2200 -- -- 900 — — 700 — -- 170D 1800 = 14760 SOD I S.Y. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 2000 1500 = 350Q CONCRETE DRIV�LIA�T 6' �ICIWESS S.Y. 7 170 �SD 43 — -- -- — — 50 — -- -- 15 = I2U9 . CONCRETE DRJVEWAY 7' T 1CIWESS S.lf. 135 -- -- -- -- 240 -- -- 50 — -- 200 -- = 1208 � . -- _ _ I