86-1430 WHITE - C�TV CLERK PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL Council �� CANARV - DEP,TRTMEN File NO. BLUE - MAVOR � C uncil esolution -�-�� � � , � ��� Presented By '�. � Referred o li �— 0 Committee: Date � Out of Co mittee y Date WHE�EAS, Th title to Lot 6, alock 4, Ostman's Third Addition, Anoka Cou ty, Minnesota is encumber d by a draina e easement dedicated to the Board of Water Co issioners of the City of Sai t Paul and WHEREAS, Mr Roy �3 +enli e, r;�:i;orn�y for �ih� o�,m�r of said property, ha requested that the Ci y exec �i:� a P r�.i al �elease of uraina�e Easement in order to clear title to said pro erty; nd WHEREAS, Wa er Uti ity st ff has reviewed Mr. Henline's request and staf recommends execution o �the P rtial elease of Drainage Easement because the Board wns no land, nor has it ver ha an in erest in any drainage easement in the imnediat vicinity of said pro eri:y; nd WHEREAS, Th Board of Wat r Ccmmissioners has approvzd a resolution reco mending City Counci appro al of aid Partial Release of Drainage Easemen�t; now, theref ore, be it �ESOLVED, T at the City C uncil hereby approves zhe at�ached Partial kel ase of Drain- age Easemen ; and e it rURTHER RES LVED, hat th proper officials of the City of Saint Paul ar hereby authorized o exec te sai Partial Release of Drainage Easement on behal of the City of Sai �c Paul . COUIVCILME Requested by Department of: Yeas ��y✓ Nays � � In Favor Nicosia Schefbel � __ Against BY Tedesco Wilson ! Adopted by Council: D te OCT 9 �956 Form Approved by City Attorney Certified Pas e unc'1 , ry BY By Approv y lrlavor. Dat �. � f .� ����% Approved by Mayor for Submission t Council BY BY UBIISHED 0 C T 2 51986 DEPARTMENT V'"� �y'��NO 4953 Th.omas�f;. Mogren CONTACT 298-4100 PHONE Au ust 29, 1986 DATE �e`� *, Q,,, ASSIGN NUNB ER FOR ROUTIN ORDER Cli All Locations for Si nature : ✓1 Department Di ector 5 Director of Managem nt/Mayor 6 Finance and M nageme t Servi ces Director 4 City Clerk Budget Direct r ✓3 . Board of Water Corrnn ssioners � City Attorney WHAT WILL BE ACHI VED BY TAKING ACTION ON THE ATTACHED MATERIALS? (Purpose/ Rationale) : Interests of the Board f Wate Commissioners in a drainage easement in Lot 6 Block 4, Ostman's Additio , Anok Count , will be forever released. The Board has nev r had an easement in this area a d the artial Release of Drainage Easement to be exec ted by City officials i a rou ine ma ter to clear title to this property. COST/BENEFIT, BUD ETARY ND PE �DNNEL IMPACTS ANTICIPATED: None FINANCING SOURCE ND BUD ET ACT VITY NUMBER CHARGED OR CREDITED: (Mayor's signa ture not re- Total Amount o Trans ction; N/A quired if und r $10,00Q) Funding Source• Activity Numbe : ATTACHMENTS List nd Nu ber Al1 Attachments : Partial Release f Drai age Ea ement Board of Water C missi ners' solution #3692 DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW X Yes No Coun il Re lution Required? Resolution Required? Yes No Yes X No Insu ance quired. Insurance Sufficient? Yes No Yes X No Insu ance tached. (SEE RE ERSE SIDE FOR INSTRUCTIONS) Revised 12/84 HOW TO USE THE GREEN SHEET ' i The GREEN SHEET has several PURPOSES: , y l. to assist •in routing documents and in securing required signatures 2. to brief the reviewers of documents on the impacts of approval 3. to help ensure that necessary supporting materials are prepared, and, if required, attached. �� Providing complete information under the listed headings enables reviewers to make decisions on the documents and eliminates follow-up contacts that may delay execution. The COST/BENEFIT, BUDGETARY AND PERSONNEL IMPACTS heading provides space to explain the cost/benefit aspects of the decision. Costs and benefits related both to City budget (General Fund and/or Special Funds) and to broader financial impacts (cost to users, homeowners or other groups affected by the action) . The personnel impact is a description of ahange or shift of Full-Time Equivalent (FTE) positions. If a CONTRACT amount is less than $10,000, the Mayor's signature is not required, if the department director signs. A contract must always be first signed by the outside agency before routing through City offices. Below is the preferred ROUTII3G for the five most frequent types of documents: CONTRACTS (assumes authorized budget exists) 1. Outside Agency 4. Mayor 2. Initiat�.ng Department 5. Finance Director 3. City Attorney 6. Finance Accounting ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER (Budget Revision) ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS (all others) 1. Activity Manager 1. Initiating Department 2. Department Accountant 2. City Attorney 3. Department Director 3. Director of Management/Mayor 4. Budget Director 4. City Clerk 5. City Clerk 6. Chief Accountant, F&MS COUNCIL RESOLUTION (Amend. Bdgts./Accept. Grants) COUNCIL RESOLUTION (all others) 1. Department Director 1. Initiating Department 2. Budget Director 2. City Attorney 3. City Attorney 3. Director of Management/Mayor 4. Director of Management/Mayor 4. City Clerk 5. Chair, Finance, Mngmt. & Personnel Com. 5. City Council 6. City Clerk 7. City Council 8. Chief Accountant, F&MS SUPPORTING MATERIALS. In the ATTACHMENTS section, identify all attachments. If the Green 5heet is well done, no letter of transmittal need be included (unless signing such a letter is one of the requested actions) . Note: If an agreement requires evidence of insurance/co-insurance, a Certificate of Insurance should be one of the attachments at time of routing. Note: Actions which require City Council Resolutions include: 1. Contractual relationship with another governmental unit. 2. Collective bargaining contracts. 3. Purchase, sale or lease of land. 4. Issuance of bonds by City. 5. Eminent domain. 6. Assumption of liability by City, or granting by City of indemnification. ' 7. Agreements with State or Federal Government under which they are providing funding. 8. Budget amendments. - , .. , �� C�r-��-���� . .�� �?� ' �� PAR IAL RELEASE OF DRAINAGE EASEMENT Th� Cit of Saint Paul , a municipal corporation of the State f Mi nesot , being the grantee of a drainage e sement, des�rib d a a ecital on Certificate of Title No. 16989, registe�ed i Volu e 55, Page 181 , in the Office of the R gistrar of Titl�es o Ano County, Minnesota, does hereby wh lly and complet�ly r leas all rights granted by said easeme t over the fol owing desc ibed property: Lo Six (6) , B ock Four (4) ; Ostman' s Third Addition, ac ordin to t e map or plat thereof on file in the O��ice o the egistrar of Titles in and for the Co nty o Anok and State of Minnesota. � Dated: CITY OF SAINT PAUL Approvec� as t Form• George Latimer, Mayor Assistar�t Cit Atto ney Eugene Schiller, Director, Department of F nance and Management Services Albert Olson, City Clerk - - - ,... ___��..__�._�.,TM ___a_ _..._..���.._,�_._._ ~ r - • , �'(o , /��o�'C� STATE OFIMINN SOTA ss. CQUNTY O� RAM EY The fore oing 'nstrument was,�acknowledged before me this day of , 1986 by George Latimer, Mayor of he City of $aint aul , a municipal corporation of the State of Minnesot�, on ehal of said City of Saint Paul . Notary Public STATE OF MINNE OTA ) _ . _. _ .- _ . _. - -� .�_ ) ss. --_ _ COUNTY 0�1 RAMS Y ) The foreg ing i strument was acknowledged before me th' s day of , 1986 by Eugene Schiller, Directo of the Depar�tment of Fi ance and Management Services of the Ci y of Saint Pau�. , an Albe t Olson, City Clerk of the City of Sai t Paul , a municiphl co porat' on of the State of Minnesota, on behal of said Citylof S int P ul . Notary Public 'I _ . _ ___ _. .� _.�..__�...�.._...._.. _....._..__ _.�...._._.___._._._r__�.�,____. _ .- �- ��-/S�3o , . I CITY OF ST. PAUL � O ICE OF THE BOARC OF WATER COMMISSIONERS RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM No 3692 c��i�SSE�N� Lange iu DAT �gust 2 , 1986 WNEREAS, The itle t Lot 6, Block 4, Ostrnan's Thfrd Addition� An ka County, Minnesota i s e cu�er d by a dralnage easement dedicated to the 8oa d of Wat�r Comnissi ners f the ity of Saint Paul ; and WNEREAS,I ffir. oy B. Henline, Attorney for the owner of said pr perty, has requeste�d that the Eio rd execute a Partla�l Release of Drainage Easeme t in order to clear title to sai property; and Wt�EREAS,I Water Util i y staff has reviewed Mr. Henli ne's request and staff recormien s exe ution f the Partial Release of Drainage Easemen� ecause the Board o s no and, n r has it ever had an interest in any drainage asement in the imae iate cinit of said property; now, therefore, be it � RESOLVEO� That the B rd of Water Co�issioners hereby approves t e attached Partial elea� of Ura nage Easement; and be it further R�SOLYED That the B rd recornnends that the Honorable C1ty Council approve a resoluti n aut oriaing the proper officials to execute said Partial Release of Drainage Eas�e t on b half of the Ci ty of Saint Paul . � Wster �O oners Adopted by the Board of Wa Commiasioners Yeas N a ILangev n Tedesc Augus 20 19 �i6 Vice Preeident achra h President icosi In favor 4 ppoa Q I secr. I � •� � �Y� -iy3a ��T• �. CITY F SAINT PAUL o"�� '�� OFFICE OF TH CITY ATTORNEY �,` "'�������� '� EDWARD P. ST RR, CITY ATTORNEY � �e °Q���� 647 City Hall, aint Paul,Minnesota 55102 612-298-5121 GEORGE LATIMER MAYOR July 21 � 1986 � Al1en J � Coul er Water U ility 4th Flo�r City Hal�l Ann x Re: Re ease f Dra nage Easement Lo� 6, B ck 4, Ostman' s Third Addition Anqka Co nty Dear Mr. Coul er: I have eview d you letter and the proposed Partial Releas of Drainag� Ease ent. You state that the Water Utility d es not have an eas ent ver Lots 6 , Block 4, Ostman' s Third A dition in Rnok� Co ty. That being the case , it would be appr priate for the Boa to approve the execution of a partial elease pertaini�g to this property. I have had the partial elease form re-draft d so as to require the signatures of the Mayor, City Cl�rk a d th Director of the Department of Fina ce and Manageme t S rvice , as is required by Section 86. 03 f the Administ�ativ Code The signing of this partial release should also be appr ved y City Council Resolution concurring in the actions take by he Board of Water Commissioners . f you need as ista e in preparing these resolutions , please notify me. � Y urs ve�y tr ly, JE O E J� SEG L A st�an Ci ttor ey i J :c� `V Encl . . : �,,c- ��v -��/30 ' LAW OFFICE JOHN M. ANDREW& ASSOCIATES 3434 LEXINGTON AVENUE NORTH SAINT PAUL,MINNESOTA 55126 JOHNM.ANDREW TELEPHONE ROVB.HENLINE 15 JLlly 1986 � �6,2>4az-�9oo Mr. A1 Kol er City of St� Paul Engin ering Department 25 West 4th Stre t Room 400 St. Paul, Minnes ta 5 102 Re: Partial Rele se of Drainage Easement 6951 East Ri er Ro d Lot 6 , Block 4 , Os man' s Third Addition, Anoka County Dear Mr. K lter• Pursuant t our arlie telephone conversation, I have drafte and enclose a artia Rele se of Drainage Easement. Please take e appropriat step ta h ve the Release executed. Thank you ery m ch fo your assistance in this matter. It i greatly appreciate . If you hav any uesti ns or need any additional information lease contact me Yours very truly, � � . Sh1� I Roy B. Henline RBH: smw Enclosure RECEIVED ` �6�� WAT��R �EPARTMEN ENGINEERING DIVISI N � I � ��� �-���� - � H mbero: _ � GITY UF' �AI�TT �AUL in lceNRettmanh�� � 1�1 tl° ' $1 i Soiinea � � OFFIO� OF THE ' 1 Drew Alt �ITY COIINOIL ( ) • Date: Octo er 1, 1986 t •. . ' , . - C � mlttee Re o t p _ T : Sa nt Paul City Council � � - F om C mmittee on Public Work � � C ris Nicosia, Chaxr � Hearin Date 1.� 9/9/ 6 ACATIO : Petition of Finch Associates for the vacatio of he al ey in Block 11 , Whitney and Smiths Addit on. urpose is to construct a parking lot (bounded by Fi th, ixth, Wail and Wacouta Streets) . �aid over from 9/2 /86 or two weeks. . d+� menu ecomme ded approval . 2. 9/9/ 6 ACATIO : Petition of 3M Company for the vacation of the Iley n Block 4, Paterson's Addition. Purpose is to ' orrect drainage, parking, security and truck loa ing roble (bounded by Grove, Pine, John and 13th Stre ts) aid ov r from 9/25/86 for two weeks. aid ov r indefinitely in Committee. 3. 10/7 86 RATIFI TION OF AWARD OF DAMAGES: Condemning and takin an easeme in certain property for the construction of slopes in the grading and paving of BENSON AVENUE fr 450 - feet e st of Homer Street to Glen Terrace. Laid over rom 9/23/8 for two weeks. Recomm nded approval . ' 4. 10/7/86 RATIFI ATION OF THE OPERATING COSTS OF THE ABOVE STA ARD � STREET LIGHTING SYS7EMS 1N THE FOLLOWING AREAS: A. G AND AVENl1E EAST for the months of Novemb r 8 D cember, 1986; ' B. G AND AVENUE WEST for the months of Novemb r 8 D cember, 1986; C. N RTH WABASHA� AREA for the months of Novemb r 8 D cember, 1986; ' D. F RD PARKWAY-CLEVELAND AREA for the months of Ja uary t ru December, 1986; E. S LBY-WESTERN AREA for the months of January thru 0 cember, 1986; F. L WERTOWN AREA LIGHTING for the months of Ja uary t ru December, 1986; and G. G AND-DALE-VICTORIA AREA LIGHTING for the month of S ptember thru December, 1986. ���� ;��3� , 5. 10/�4/86 FINAL RDER: (laid over 4 weeks til October 14, 1986) for � the c nstruction of a sanitary sewer in STINSON ST EET from M ckubin Street to 280 feet east of Mackubin. Laid o er in Cortxnittee for two weeks. 6. RESOLU ION: waiving retained utility easement rights in the n rth/south alley of Block 3, Strand Addition as vacate by C.F. 104894. (8-26-86) Recomm nded approval . 7. RESOLU ION: waiving retained utility easements in C.F. 238576 which vacated the public right-of-way on par of JULIET and the alley in Block 19, Ridgewood Park Addi ion. (9-11-86) Reco nded approval . 8. RESOL ION: requesting the State Commissioner of Trans rtation to determine the maximum safe spee on SNELLI G AVENUE from Edgcumbe Road to West Seventh St eet. (9-11-86) Rec nded approval . 9. RESOL ION: approving an agreement between Metropo itan Waste Control Commission and the City for the constru tion of th MIDDLE BELT LINE INTERCEPTOR SEWER in the East Side of St Paul . (9-16-86) Rec ended approval . 10. RES(�: 1�JNs a�tM�.rf3'ft� � P+e�'�"t���,��e� of tirar r�ge eas � ih Lcrt 6, �lock 4, 0��'� �Adt�itfcm� ka � Courrt . C9-1I-86) R epprovai . C1TY HALL SEVEN H FLOOR SAINT PAUL, MINNESUTA �5102 612/298-d475 �,�as