86-1428 WHITE - CITV CIERK I PINK - FINANCE � COUI�CII CANARV =�EPARTMENT ITY OF SAINT PAUL File NO. / �� BLL'E - MAVOR Return copy to: I ' ' .y� Valuations - Room 218 I �u cil Re u���/� (JulietAve) (RM) I ' • �y Presented By � Referred To L `� � s Committee: Date � � Out of Committee By I Date WHEREAS , � the Counc 1 of the City of Saint Paul, by Cou cil Resolution C.F�. 238 76 ap roved May 14, 1968 did vacate certain ublic right-of-way �}n the City f Saint Paul described as follows: Thatiporti n of uliet Avenue lying between the extende eastI line of Lo 17, Block 19, Ridgewood Park Addition and �the w st ri ht-of-way line of Highway 35E, subjec to an eas ment for ingress and egress, said easemen being 16 eet i width and lying north and west of th following desc ibed line: Beginning at the point o inte sect 'on of the northerly extension of the east lin of L t 17, Bloc 19, Ridgewood Park Addition, and a lin bein 8 f et so th of and parallel to the center line o Juli t Av nue; hence east on said parallel line to th poir�t of nter ection with the southerly extension o the east ine o the alley in Block 17 , Ridgewood Par Add�tion; then e north along said extended line to th nort�h lin of J liet Avenue and there terminating; and, All Ithat art f the alley in Block 19, Ridgewood Par Addi�tion, lying east of the extended west line of Lot , Bloc$k 19, Ridge ood Park Addition, and also that part of thejnorth south alley lying north of the extended nor h lin$ of L t 7 , lock 19, Ridgewood Park Addition. WHEREA�', Bas d upon utility easement certificates of In ended Non-Use file� volu taril on behalf of the Department of Public Works, and Northwelstern Bell Telephone and made a part hereof b this reference an� file in he office of the City Clerk of Saint Pa 1, the City for its�elf a d on ehalf of these corporations and depar ments waives the righ to tility easements in the vacated ar as as described in� the ertif 'cates of Intended Non-Use . . COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Drew Nays Nicosia l Favor Ma a m Rettman Scheibel Sonne� _ geillst BY � Tedesco Wilson Adopted by Council: Da�e orm Approved by Cit ttor ey � g � �C 1i'�"�-[/�J Certified Nassed by Council Sfcretary Y Bp Approved by Mavor: Date +-- Appro by Mayor for Sub � on Bv - -�-- - B WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - nFINANCE COUI1C11 BWERV -MAPORTMENT � ITY OF SAINT PALTL File NO. �— �°�� Valuationsy-tRoom 218 � �u CZ Res �Z�� (JulietAve) (RM) ' ' Presented By " Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By � Date NOW THEI�EFOR BE I RESOLVED, pursuant to Section 130.06 f the Saint Paul L�gisl tive ode and on behalf of the City of Sain Paul and those p rsons for hom the City has reserved easements, the Council of tl�e Ci y of Saint Paul does hereby waive and relea e the retained utillity e semen s in the vacated public property as spe ified in the Certif�icate of I tended Non-Use; and BE IT Ft�RTHER RESOL ED, That upon passage of this resolutio , the City Clerk i� her by au horized and directed to file a copy o this resolution or re ordi g in the Office of the Register of De ds of Ramsey Couni�y, a d shall maintain a copy of all Certifica es of Intended NontUse r fere ed in this resolution, on file in the Office of the City �lerk. I COUNCILMEN I Requested by Department of: Yeas �� Nays j N�cos�a n Favor Finance & Mana em nt Services Rettman Scheibel so��e� _ gainst B o Tedesco � Wilson �CT 9 1986 rm App oved by Cit Attorney Adopted by Council: D�te A C � � ��''� Certified Vas• d uncil �, ar BY g}, Appro d by Mavor: Da _ VCT � 1 Appr d y Mayor for Submis ' n B _ By �p���,��;� �"T � 198f� � i! ` DE RTMENT C•�"����`N° _ 06�124 .Dick McCsnn CO ACT 298-5317 PH E Au 27 1986 DA ��� �, , ASSIGN NUhBER FOR RQ�ITING RDER l i A1 Locations for Si nature : Department Directar �i � Director of Management/Mayo � Finance and Management Servi s Dir tor � c� City Clerk Budget Q1reCtor ''' 3 �Councilman Nico�ta _ �� City Attorney "' HAT WILL BE ACHIEUED BY KING CTION THE ATTACHED MATERIALS? (Purpose/ Rationale) • Approve reaolution rele�ta g eas nt r �hta in vacated p�blic �ight=ofoway" � vacated by re.solution c.f. 23857 , May , 1986. i ... RECEIVEp .;,..: � AU G 2 8 1986 OFFICE OF THE DIRECTOR DEPAR'fMENT OF FMANCE COST BENEFIT BUDGETARY AN PERS EL I ACTS ANTICIPATED: �� MANAGE(y�EryT SERVICES None �I � I,,��{� � . tt���___ ___ )°r.- �I�`P� t•_�:���.�_) �� � /'tU�2 ,-. t; ;'� , f:�aY(:i4'S (��I=i�� FINANCING SOURCE AND BUDGE ACTI ITY NU ER CHARGED OR CREDITED: (Mayor's signa- ture not re- Total Amount of "Transac ion: ;', quired if under �, � $10,000) Funding Sourc.e. I',,N�A Activity Number: • ATTACHMENTS List and Num r Al1 ttach nts : 1. Resolution . 2. Copy of C.F. 238576 3. Cet�tificate�s � � .i����� • � 4. rtap I', � i � t � i, DEPARTMENT REVIEW ''; CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW x Yes No Council Res utioh Requir ? ' Resslution Required? Yes No Yes x No Insurance R uired ''� Insurance Sufficient? Yes No Yes '� No Insurance A ached � � . . , . ( EE •RE. .RSE S FOR INSTRUCTIONS) , . � Revised 12/84 �i � W f7 C? � �p ►-+ F-+ � � -�G -�G � � n � � � ►-�O C'� z � —i T r p � � N � � "� i'♦ � _ � 7� v' � y. r� � � � � � � � � � D � C � � r � m � o ' C�] �3 � i x G � � � � � N "C �''� N l�D ~ 00 � c+ I � W I�-� C r�p r• N v� �' G .�.s �' rr �. C �'- � I"�' J. f� � � � � (11 � � N 3 � N (p m � -< ct � ! c ~� C � � � -c , � � n m rt � o O � � � O � � V �."^J W ` � � T� � t` \TV \ \V \ N I . � . • • ' ' c�' � i C� � � . �s, K,, I � � - C � ISTATE OF MIN ESOTA ) � ! Cou ty of . amsey ) ss. � i CITY F SAII PAL'L ) mo I � � u-� � � . . . . . . . . . . Albert B: Olson . . . . . . , . . . � , .City Clerk f tl:e z jCity f Sain Paul, Minnesota, do hereby certify that I hav 86-1428 I compa ed the attached copy of Counr_il File No. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . as ad pted b the _City Coimcil. . , , October 9,. . , . . . _ . . � . . .19 6 _ . I . . . . and proved by the Mayor. . . . . . . , , October 14... . . . . . . . . . . .�9 86. . . . � wi�h th2 or'ginal thereof on file in my office. I furt er certify that said copy is a true and correc cop,; of s id ori inal and the whole thereof. r�TT'�'L�` :ay �,ar.0 an� the seal os the C:ity o� Saint t'au , 22nd October 86 Minn sota t is . . . . . . . . . . . . . . day of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .A.D 19. . . . � . . . . . . . . . �:�.-��.-��- ,,�°� . C;�.�,�:���./ . . . . . .. I City Clerk. ��. I : � . �� , � . � , , . t, ._ r �. " , _I: � `.. . _ _.. ... i � . ` I �MITt - CITV CL.ERK PIt�K � FINAN�E I'rY F SA I NT PA U L Council _ ��a �/ �4NAqV - GIEPARTMEN7 �lA.'E y-INhVOR 1 .. _ FL�e NO. O R�i.urn co to: I Valuationsy- Room 218 �� cil Re lution (JulietAve) (RM) ' �n/ � Presented By , � Referred To � � - �- � � S Committee: Date � � Out of Committee By � Date WHEREAS, jthe ounc ' 1 of the City of Saint Paul, by Council Resolution C.F1 2385 6 ap roved May 14, 1968 did vacate certain ublic right-of-way iln the City f Saint Paul described as follows: Thatjporti n of uliet Avenue lying between the extende east �line f Lot 17, Block 19, Ridgewood Park Addition and �he w st ri ht-of-way line of Highway 35E, subjec to a eas ment for ingress and egress, said easemen being 16 feet i width and lying north and west of th follbwing desc ibed line: Beginning at the point o inte�secti n of he northerly extensior_ of the east ?in of L t 17, Block 19, Ridgewood Park Addition, and a lin bein� 8 fe t south of and parallel to the center line o �' Juli t Av nue; hence east on said parallel line to th �" poin�t of ' nters ction with the southerly extension of �"% the jeast ine o the alley in Block I7, Ridgewood Park �, Addiltion; thence north along said extended line to t e � nort�i lin of J liet Avenue and there terminating; and, � All Ithat art o the alley in Block 19, Ridgewood Pa k Addiltion, lying east of the extended west line of Lot , . ;. _�_.__ Block 19, Ridge ood Par1c Addition, 'and also that-part f =- the Inorth south alley lying north of the extended nor h line� of L t 7, lock 19, Ridgewood Park Addition. WHEREASj, Bas d upo utility easement certificates of I tended Non-Use filed volu taril on behalf of the Department of Public Works, and Northwe tern Bell Telephone and made a part hereof b this reference an file in t e office of the City Clerk of Saint Fa 1, the City for its�elf a d on ehalf of these corporations and departments waives the Iright to tility easements in the vacated areas as dsscribed injthe C rtifi ates of Intended Non-Use. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Drew Nays NiCOSia � [ Favor & a e Rettman I Schaibel I � Sonnen I ga1qS� By �t� Tedesco Wilson arm Approved by Cit ttor ey Adopted by Council: Da�e � Certified Passed b Council S cretar B � � C��'-�'v y � y Y B}• Approved by Mavor: Date �-- Appro by Mayor for Sub ' on By _ ___F___ B _. . _ � wHITE — C�TV CLERK ' � �INK — FINANCE ' COU�IC11 /�/'�� �Ar�ARV —�EPAR:MENT ITY OF SAIN�T PAUL File �NO. �/ . '� B�y E �— I,n,e,.r o a Valuationsy-tRoom 218 �u CZ Res �Z�n (JulietAve) (RM) ' ' Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date NOW THEREFORE BE ZT RESOLVED, pursuant to Section 130.06 f the Saint Paul Legisla ive ode and on behalf of the City of Sain Faul � and those pe�sons for hom the City has reserved easemeat , the d Council of t e Cit of S int Paul does hereby waive and relea e the �": retained util�ty ea emen s in the vacated public property as sp ified � in the Certif cates of I tended Non-Use; and � � BE IT FU�THER ESOL D, That upon passage of this resoluti n, the � City Clerk i here y au horized and directed to file a copy o this resolution f r re ordin in the Office of the Register of De ds of " P.ar�sey �o�nt , an sha 1 raaintain a copy of all Certifica es of Intended Non- se r feren ed in this resolution, on file in the Office � of the City C erk. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas �� Nays Nicosia � Finance & Mana ement Services Rettman �� FaVOf Scheibel Sonnen Ag i[1Si B Tedesco _ W ilson CT 9 - 198fi rm App oved by Cit Attorney /� Adopted by Councit: Date A C /' /l � �� 1� C e r t i f i e d Y a s- d � u n c i l S a r B y � B� Appro d by Vlavor: Da �CI � Appr d y Mayor for Submis ' n g' BY p�;tt����.����7 �'i 1 198� �3 yLi:.ic7L V I K� � S �'' 0 Z � C� (n' . _ .r • • M � A CD � � lb �' e�a. � � � � . � � Q � � � � �• 0 � ` _ • � �> � CD m n cm ' � sv � .' o -" �. p : n � yg �o � ? `� T , C � oNm U'' �. m o � : � � � (ro �, � � � zo �� Q � � � Z r� � � � � � m � � 7p5' •° ao� �. � � @ � � (� +� � ,� � � n: � � � � � D � I r�+ � � � �. o„� S� �` C� �°') c� �i ��'0 r,. a f� ,b� � � � 3 0 � `.�° n � � w'� � � � � � vv � � � � � N � n fl- � '�t � � � � � C � 3 � Oq�- i • '� °' c � � Lr. �� .-• � , ;� . - , ���p _� .�� r �E�2T FICAT OF INTENDED NON-USE ' Date��_���- THE HONORABLE MA OR A D MEM ERS OF THE COUNCIL 0'F THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL The undersigne her by c rtify that they do not intend to exercise their utilit righ s in the following described realty: S Exhibit "A" - � - -- - Department or Company I t s _�i� - — / �� . Signature STATE OF MINNES TA ) ) ss . COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) The forego ' ng i stru ent was acknowledged before me this _��� day of � , 19_�� by , he � ._. --- °f -- � _ , a _ _under the laws of the State of Min esota . annnnn,�nnnnnnnnr.n�•.r.,,,^�.r,^.,�,,^„•.,�r,n ' ■ �— — - � � -- � r��� Not b ic , Ramsey County, �tinnesota _. ; n c . ""< .,.,,�� ;_ /�� �'� ,L'" � : r��r,^.,;Y PU�L(C � , :F�so� __��`r � /`t� I% �� � ��i�.:;;;�� ar.rdSEYCOUtlTY My ommission expires � My Comm.Expires Oct.14,19190 �— � ti VWVWWVVVVVWVWWVVVVVVVVVVVNW• 1 . I, , . - . � F�.- � , � . �� ��� _ Exhibit "A" That p rtion of Ju iet Avenue lying between the extended east 1 ' ne of Lot 17, Block 19, Ridgewood Park Addition, and th west righ -of-way line of Highway 35E, subject to an asem nt fo ingress and egress , said easement being 6 feet in idth and lying north and west of the follow ' ng d scribed line : Beginning at the point of intersection of th northerly extension of the east line of Lot 17, B ock 1 , Ridgewood Park Addition, and a line being 8 feet south of and parallel to the center line of Juliet Avenu ; the ce east on said parallel line to the point f int rsec io;� with the southerly extension of ti�e eaSt lin of t e alley in. Block 17 , Ridgewood Park Addition; th nce orth along said extended line to the north line o Juli t Avenue and there terminating; All that par of t e alley in Block 19 , Ridgewood Park Additioln, ly ng ea t of the extended west line of Lot 7, Block 19, Ri gewoo Park Addition, and also that part of the north-so th al ey lying north of the extended north line of Lot , Blo k 19 , Ridgewood Park Addition. � i , . . . ��, ,��� • CERT FICAT OF INTENDED NON-USE Date Au�ust 25, 1986 THE HONORABLE M YOR A D MEtd FRS OF THE COUNCIL C�F THE CITY OF SAINT PP�UL The undersigne hereby c rtify that they do not intend to exercise their �tilit righ s in the following described realty: S e Exhibit "A" Northwestern Bell Tele�hone CompanY Department or Company �ts Engineer-Distribution � Sign ture `^ STATE OF MINNESO�A ) Washingt n ) ss . COUNTY OF H(AfDQ�C� ) The foregoi�ng instrum nt was acknowledged before me this I _ 25t{1 �day of�_ AUqUSt r 19 g6 by George P. Carl son __ __, he _ E�i neer_Di stri buti on _�_ ___ __� � of _ Northwestern Bell Telephone Companv , a ___ COr^�OrdtiOn ____ under the laws of the State of Minnesota . �` , //ff �� JUOITH M.CARR — ---0�:���� <� MOTARt'PfbtlC-MIMNESOTA �i � WA8HINaTONCOUNTY Not �y Public ,Wd�Sh1�OnCounty , Minnesota Mr coina.Eav+..s hb.6.�9fs, t . My c mmission expires _��y g��c�_�__ 1 . I . . . . ,��� - • �� Exhibit "A" That po tion f Jul et Avenue lying between the extended east li e of ot 1 , Block 19, Ridgewood Park Addition, and the west right of-way line of Highway 35E, subject to an easeme t for ingress and egress , said easement being 16 fee in w dth and lying north and west of the followi'ng de crib d line : Beginning at the point of interse tion f the northerly extension of the east line of Lot 7, B1 ck 19 Ridgewood Park Addition, and a line being 8 feet outh f and parallel to the center line of Juliet venue the ce east on said parallel line to the point o£ int rsect on with the southerly extension of the east lin of t e alley in Block 17 , Ridgewood Park Additio ; th nce n rth along said extended line to the north 1 ' ne of Julie Avenue and there terminating ; All tha par of t e alley in Block 19 , Ridgewood Park Additio , lyi g eas of the extended west line of Lot 7, Block 19, Rid ewood Park Addition, and also that part of the nor h-sou h all y lying north of the extended north line of Lot 7 Bloc 19 , Ridgewood Park Addition. � , i . � . . C� � -���� ��� z ' � � n�o�o n hy.,,.�N.,»,,.�1Kj���H, $�„o7�tr1^�ti xC'..- - •co y e y�wwA� C�o�Gocco°pz � ab� �aF� ��; W�P�a�.e.o;w r'o�" 9�x�n���.�w a � w � .. �Q.x m��+(D�M �(O~D r°,,�.o�x�����o%'� ywywe�a��KCiMry R `y . �y o m � �p�d'.... � o H.�o p'(]p:��'" a .»�y ..o w�ym o` C y •n,,,� �� w�� �� yp ��o oµ� o ��� °�a�.y ]a:'.7 , p �� c '� Z� . a�a p'ti o�^o. °p.-�.,' o-;:� w�P.» o ay o. �c� y •� <• 0.0 �� o��-'* G.�,��n•-. 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S10(D:�N?:%.�+MP��oMnfD,N.,?!n'.3'GT.'ro04 y7COf�'%O �+1 �d 07pN <p� N � NO.N� � Rrn o, rvm �`e r,nro� �or�o � °ero� A'c�ccX', ... ao . . __. ..� � � '-1 � � \ � � � � a � � l' � � � , � ; '� � � , # ; a:�� ' � � � � /�,-_... - i���' g � (i�` : � . . . L X / NGTON PK�t' � � � t� �s� . ° � . � � � „ c . � � r � y ^ � o s�' . . 4� � 13�`,' �.J3. . V I � . e I I � ro w � � � * �. � � , � � , . � � :;� � � .T� _A - � r I . 6g � � 3. � � __�__ _ "_ _ .s_ >i. a � � I� 3,?' 40' I I p q , ., o y � � i � � ., I �. 6j� � \� U� Z � � � � � , 'S� � I �' � --- �. � ' v � � � T.• -�„ �; ; r�.- y. � I , i i ^ '� � �� ��3s;' I .�.. .. . �� L__.� �--- � - o � � .,, : ,.,.._ o a � ^ � . �,., . � � � , � � � � , � � �e . - .� , -�-,���' • _ 1[embese: _ � �ITY UF �AI1TT YAUL !n ceNReltm nh`� ��i i ii ' ' Hiki 9onnen FFI� OF THE OITY COIINOIL John Drew ( t) • ° Date: October 1, 986 . �. . � . . - C � lttee Re ort p . To: Sai t aul City Council � � � - From: Co m'ttee on Public Works � � Ch is icosia, Chaxr Hearinq Date 1.� 9/9/86 VACATION: Petiti n of Finch Associates for the vacation of th all in lock 11 , Whitney and Smlths Addition. Pu pose is to c nstruct a parking lot (bounded by Fifth, Si th, 11 an Wacouta Streets) . Laid over from 9/25/86 fo two eks. . do menu Re ommen d appr val . 2. 9/9/86 VA ATION: Petition of 3M Company for the vacation of the al ey i Block 4, Paterson's Addition. Purpose is to co rect rainag , parking, security and truck loading pr blems (bound by Grove, Pine, John and 13th Streets) Laid ove from 9 25/86 for two weeks. La d over indefi itely in Committee. 3. 10/7/86 RA IFICA ION OF WARD OF DAMAGE5: Condemning and taking an ea ement in ce tain property for the construction of sl pes i the gr dinq and paving of BENSON AVENUE from 450 fe t eas of H r Street to Gien Terrace. Laid over from 9/ 3/86 r two eeks. Re ommen d appr val . ' 4. 10/7/86 RA 1FICA ION OF THE OPERATING COSTS OF THE ABOVE STANQARD � ST EET LI HTING YSTEMS 1N THE FOLLOWING AREAS: A. GRAN AVEN E EAST for the months of November 8 Dec ber, 1 86; B. GRAN AVEN E WEST for the months of November 8 Dece ber, 1 86; C. NOR WABA HA• AREA for the months of November & Dece ber, 1 86; D. FORD PARKWA -CLEVELAND AREA for the months of January thru Decemb r, t986; E. SELB -WESTE N AREA for the months of January thru Dec ber, 1 86; F. LOWE TOWN REA LIGHTING for the months of January thru Decemb r, 1986; and � G. GRAN -DALE- ICTORIA AREA LIGHTING for the months of Sept er t ru December, 1986. ^-�---,-� ---- - � __.__ ���3� 5. 10/14/86 FIINAL 0 DER: ( aid over 4 weeks til October 14, 1986) for t�e co structi n of a sanitary sewer in STINSON STREET fi�rom Ma kubin S reet to 280 feet east of Mackubin. L�laid ov r in ittee for two weeks. 6. I�ESOLUT ON: w iving retained utility easement rights in t�he no th/sou alley of Block 3, Strand Addition as �acated by C.F. 104894. (8-26-86) f�ecortme ded a roval . 7. �� � �s#�ed t�i��,s�seta�nts in C,F. `. w��t�i'`' ate�d �he pub?i c r i 9Mlh-o€-�IiY +cdNtt Pa�'t af �IUIIET the li�y in Biock !9. Rid�od Park Addition. I (9-11-86) (�e ova 1 . 8. �ESOLUTION: equesting the State Commissioner of ransp tation to determine the maximum safe speed on �NELLI AVENU from Edgcumbe Road to West Seventh Street. (9-11-86) �ecortm ded ap roval . 9. �RESOLU ION: a proving an aqreement between Metropolitan �laste ontrol ommission and the City for the construction �bf the MIDDLE ELT LINE INTERCEPTOR SEWER in the East Side �Of St. Paul . � (9-16-86) iRecomm nded a roval . 10. IRESOLU ION: uthorizing a partial release of drainage jeaseme t in ot 6, 81ock 4, Ostman's Addition, Anoka ICounty (9-11-86) iRecomm nded a roval . CITY HALL I SEVEN FLOO SAINT PAUL, MWNESUTA �5102 12/298-�1475 �,x*�ae I