86-1427 WHITE - G�TV CLERK PINK - FINANCE G I Y O F SA I NT PA U L Council ���� � .,CANARV - DEPARTMENT . BLUE - MAVOR ' FIIe NO• Return copy to: CO ncil solution Valuations - Room 218 � (RM) (CounRes) �� • 'C Presented By T Referred To ��) �'�'� Committee: Date — Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS', the Coun il of the City of Saint Paul, by C uncil Resolution C. . 104894, pproved September 1, 1936, did vacate c rtain public right-of-way ' n the City of Saint Paul which is more particularly descr bed a follows: The nort -sout alley in Block 3, the Strand Addition to !Saint Paul WHEREAS, bas d up n uti ity easement certificates of Intende Non-Use filed volu taril on behalf of the Department of Public Works and the Water Uti ity nd made a part hereof by this refere ce and filed in the offi e of the City Clerk of Saint Paul, the Ci y for itself and o beha f of hese corporations and departments waiv s the right to uti ity aseme ts in the vacated area as described n the Certificates of In ended Non-Use . NOW THE EFOR BE I RESOLVED, pursuant to Section 130.06 f the Saint Paul L gisl tive ode and on behalf of the City of Sain Paul and those p rsons for hom the City has reserved easements , the Council of t e Cit of Saint Paul does hereby waive and relea e the retained util�ity e semen s in the vacated public property as spe ified in the Certificate of I tended Non-Use; and BE IT F RTHER RESO VED, that upon passage of this resol tion, the City Cle k is hereb authorized and directed to file a c py of this resolut on f r rec rding in the Office of the Register of Deeds of Ramaey Co nty, and s all maintain a copy of all Certifica es of Intended Non-�Use r feren ed in this resolution, on file in the ffice of the City C erk. COUNCILMEIV Requested by Department of: Yeas „�� Nays N�cos�a [n Favor Finance & Mana ement Se ices Rettman I I Scheibel w so�oe� , � __ gainst BY c irector redesco Wilson �Cj 1986 Form Appro d by Ci Attorney Adopted by Council: D te C Certified Pas e ounc.il ,ecr BY � 4 B�' Approv y 1Aavor: D _ � Appro Mayor for Su io to C ci By _ By Pt+��C i'L� n _ � � �� �JO� . J 'I � �(_ �''!��lY��� o Financ� � Mgmt. Servi ces ' DEPAR7MENT ; . �612e� t - - ; Dick McCat►n ' CONTACT 298-5317 �;' PHONE Aug �2, �986 ,� oATE een e , ASSIGN NUNBER FOR BOUT NG OR R C1 i Al l . Locations for Si nature� : �part�t�ent Qirecto � Director of Management/ yor Finance and Manag nt S vices irector � 4 City Clerk Budget Director 3 Councilman Nicoaia City Attorney HAT WILL BE ACHIEVED Y TAKI G ACTI ON THE ATTACHED MATERIALS? (Pur.pose/ City Council to appro e the aiver �� utility eaaement rights in the tno th e�uth al ,ey ia Block 3, Strand Ad ition acated iy C,F. 104894, Setp 1, 1936 I� �EC�I�,f�D �� AUC� 1 � RECEIVED ,y . � COST BENEFIT BUDGETARY AND P ONNE f':I�IMPA�TS��������ATED: l�t�G 12 1986 OFFICE OF THE DIRECTOR None DEPARTMENT 0� FINANCE � AND MANAGEMENT S�RVI�;�S � 4; ;; " ' II FINANCING SOURCE AND BU GET AC IVITY ER CHARGED OR CREDITED: (Mayor's signa- ture not re- Total Amount of "Tran action quired if under � $10,00Q) Funding Source: ,' N/A Activity Number: • ATTACHMENTS List and N ber A 1 Atta nts : 1. Resolution � 2. Certificatea � 3. Copy of C.F. 104894 � 4. Map .. �� DEPARTMENT REVIEW , CZTY ATTORNEY REVIEW �Yes No Council Re olutio Requi ',��ed? ' Resolution Required? Yes No Yes ,�No �nsurance equire ? Insurance Sufficient? Yes No Yes �No Insurance ttache : '.I � (SEE •R VERSE ,�DE FOR INSTRUCTIONS) � � Revised 12/84 � . � ' � °- � � � • �,� -i��7 , • . C RTIFI AT� OF INTEND�D NOI�-USE Date— - �- ' THE fiONORABL� �S.AY AND i�IEMBERS ` OF TNE COUNCI�L OF `?'HE CITY UF SP.I�IjT PAU Tne unders �gned i:ere y certify that thex do not intend a �xercise thc�ir ut lity ioht� in the foliowing described realt : N-S i All of the^a��iey in B7o�k , Tl:e Strand Actdition �Y�ng between the E-W alle and the Northern Pa ific R R. R/W. ��� i i i • ���,�.�1�.��:�--- - Depar tment or Compar.y I t s � ��__ x �� �, � Signature ' STti?'E OF! i�l1tQN?SOT� ) � J J . COUNTY OiF R:�:�i EY ) Tn� foregoing instrumenL taas acknowledged before me this --L-L-� --d y o f �� _ _ . 19 ZS by I � �� � � � , Lh2 � _! --- -J -- °L ---�-� �a_ , � a �f✓�� � _ L � �nde � the laws of the S ate of -�--- Mi.n. esbta . n r ` � °�---_ �nnnnnnnnnnnnnn�,v,n,..;,�.�.n�. , ,,,_ ,.,,,,.,� „ N o t a y P 1 i c , R a m s e y l:o u n t y , M i. n e s o t a � t�f .l,v�'�L.c: �, � <��.� ,. . < _ <.'3��,°�;� k�T,1�tY PLi��'�-< <r.,;�S3TA � ����_ �i / � ��% `< `+`,�-'' i�;;n,,s;_•.c� ,,�,. � My co�:^::ssion e.:�i::es � My Co'�In'm.Exp;res ct.14,1990 � MVVWWWVVWVyVVWV�JVW VvVVVWV ft 1 • • .' � . _� ' i�E����,�� �=b�'-�`r�?', � �� � � -, � � •�isson V�.lu«c,�s &Assessn nts �i� \ pep�. Fu�a�& N➢ana ment Servic�3 CERT FICATE OF INTENDED NON-USE \ — \ \ � Date � • THE HONORABL MAYO AND EMBERS OF THE COUNC �. OF E CITY OF SAINT `\PAUL The undersigni�d he eby c rtify that they do not intend to exercise their i�tilit right in the following described realty: N-S All of the^alley in `�Block The S ran:� Aedir_ion � \ ,� Sai t Paul Water Utility __ _ ` Depar ment or Company ts eneral Manager � � �� .� ��� -�--L \ Sign ture \ •scTA � ` ) ss . � ) instrument w� s ac nowle ged before me this o f Au ust , 19 g( by , the Gener 1 Mana r - Wa er litility• 'rS. --��n�-�i , inder tY�e la s of the State of � `� `� ,+ i - � -1.�--` — -- G���Ram e o nty , innesota s:.1 S S 1 O ri ?'t L7 L C°`,S •-- /��/� 9 � , L .� � , �= � _�(/a7 e e • 1I m ra. _ �� �i T Y U P` �AI1T'1` �A UL Jnnio NRelt�man�a� �ji���� . Hlki vnnen �u� � � FIOE OF THE �I ' i TY COIINOIL John rew (A11.) . ... . . _ • �� Date: Octobe 1, 1986 t , , . . . � � o m ltte e Re o r p . . . . . . _ . . . . .. _ To: �i ain Paul City Council � . Fro�n: o mittee on Public Works � � hr's Nicosia, Cha�r '�,, . Hearin Da e 1. 9%9/86 �, VACA ION: P tition of Finch Associates for the vacation of �� the alley in Block 11 , Whitney and Smiths Addition. �� Purp se is to construct a parking lot (bounded by Fifth, ��i Sixt , Wall and Wacouta Streets). Laid over from 9/25/86 i for wo wee . . dn menu �� ', Rec ended pprovai . 2. 9/9/86 ��� VACAT ON: P tition of 3M Company for the vacation of the �� alley in B ock 4, Paterson's Addition. Purpose is to ', corre t dra nage, parking, security and truck loading ', probl ms (bo nded by Grove, Pine, John and 13th Streets) I Laid ver fr 9/25/86 for two weeks. �� Laid ver in efinitely in Committee. . 3. 10/7/86 I', RAT1F CATION F AWARD OF DAMAGES: Condemning and taking an �� easem nt in certain property for the constructton of � slope in the grading and paving of BENSON AVENUE from 450 - ��� feet st of omer Street to Glen Terrace. Latd over from ', 9/23/8 for t o weeks. � � ',Recomm nded a provai . � 4. 10/7/86 ���RATIFI ATION OF THE OPERATING COSTS OF THE ABOVE STANDARD �,STREET �IGHTI G SYSTEMS IN THE FOLLOWING AREAS: ',A. G ANO A ENUE EAST for the months of November b D cember, 1986; I�. G ANO A NUE WEST for the months of November 8 D cember, 1986; �. N TH WA ASHA� AREA for the months of November 8 De ember, 1986; I�. FO q PARK AY-CLEVELAND AREA for the months of January th u Dece ber, 1986; �. SE BY-WES ERN AREA for the months of January thru De ember, 1986; F. LO ERTOWN AREA L1GHTING for the months of January th u Dece er, 1986; and (#. GR ND-DAL -VICTORIA AREA LIGHTING for the months of Se tember thru December, 1986. -i - - _..__ ._ _ . : ,,c� -/�a7 � ' ` 5. 10/14/�6 F NAL OR R: (laid over 4 weeks til October 14, 1986) f r t e con ruction of a sanitary sewer in STINSON STRE T f Mack bin Street to 280 feet east of Mackubin. L id over in Committee for two weeks. 6. ,µ ��il�t�fin� �� ��El�.#ty eessMr►t �i�hts ' �� fi ;.:i l :�.B: 3'. Strsnd Acid i t i c�n s .F.��l�I'��13'� ����6) ' ��t'�rv�i . 7. li RE OLUTIO : waiving retained utility easements in C.F. 23 576 w ich vacated the public right-of-way on part o JU IET an the alley in Block 19, Ridgewood Park Addition (9-11-86) Re ommend d approval . 8. I RE OLUTIO : requesting the State Commissioner o Tr nsport ion to determine the maximum safe speed o SN LLING A ENUE from Edgcumbe Road to West Seventh Street (9-11-86) Re ende approval . 9. RE LUTION approving an agreement between Metropolita Was e Cont ol Cortmission and the City for the constructio of he MID LE BELT LINE INTERCEPTOR SEWER in the East Sid �� of t. Pau . (9-16-86) Rec ende approval . 10. � RES LUTION authorizing a partial release of drainage eas ent n Lot 6, Block 4, Ostman's Addition, Anoka � Cou ty. (9-11-86) Rec ende approval . I CITY HALL I SEVEN H FLOO SAINZ' PAUL, MINNESUTA 55102 12/298-d475 �#',�.�'4s