86-1426 WMITE - CITV CIERK I PINK - FINANCE G I Y OF SA I NT PAUL Council �//y1 J CANARV - DEPARTMENT File NO. • v -/�� r BLUE - MAVOR C nc ' esolution -�---� ; I M � Presented y Referred To Committee: Date � � � Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, Th� May r, pu suant to Seetion 10.07.1 of the Charter of the City of Saint Pa 1 , do s eer ify that there are available for appro riation total revenues i exc ss of those estimated in the 1g86 budget; and WHEREAS, Co nail ile 2 7510, Adopted Oetober 1 , 1981 , did est blish oertain Special und P liei s; and WHEREAS, th May r ree mmends that the following additions be ade to the 19 86 budget• Current Amend d FINANCING PLAN � Budaet Chanaes Bud e G/L 724 - Publio Util �.ies nvestigation Fund 50250 - Cable V - egisl tive - 9890 Unde igna ed Fu d BalanQe 56 ,287 + 23 ,000 79 287 All ther Finan ing 101 ,715 -0- 101 715 50200 - Utilit es R te In est. Admin. All ther Finan ing 50 ,558 -0- 50 558 Total 208 ,560 + 23 , 000 231 560 Net Change + 23 000 � SPENDING PLAN G/L 724 - Public Util ties nvestigation Fund 50250 - Cable TV - egisl tive - 0859 Oth r Com uniea ion Equip. -0- + 23 ,000 23 ,000 - All Other Spend ng 158, 002 -0- 158,002 50200 - Utili ies R te In estigation Admin. - All Other Spend ng 50 ,558 -0- 50 , 558 ------- ------- ------- Total 208 ,560 + 23 , 000 231 ,560 Net Change + 23 ,000 NOW, THERE ORE, E IT ESOLVED, that the City Council adopts t e above additions to tn 1986 Budg t: Ap ed as to und n : Approval Recommended: . Director oP Fin n e a d Budget r tor COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas �, Nays � Nicosia [n Favor Rettman Scheibel � Sonnen _ Ag81[lst . BY Tedesco Wilson � T 9 1986 Form Appr v by City At ney Adopted by Council: I Date Certified Pass d b n I.i Se ret r BY By� Approv y Mavor. Da � �� F9�� Approve b Mayor for mission to Co ncil B _ — BY R.,. -, 19�5 P(!�' ¢;..��� '; � � i Council Resea ch DEPARTMENT � �'��� 0 � N. 332� . . c�h.n Connell ' CONTACT PHONE Se t. 11 198 DATE 1 e�� e ASSIGN NUMBER FOR RO TING 0 DER C i All Locations for Si nature : Department Direc or � Director of Management Mayor Finance and Mana ement ervice ' Director City Clerk Budget Director � City Attorney WHAT WILL BE ACHIEVED BY TA ING AC ON ON THE ATTACHED MATERIALS? (Purpose/ Rationale) : Amending 1986 S cial Funds budget. COST/BENEFIT, BUDGETA Y AND ERSONN L IMPACTS ANTICIPATED: Adds $23, 0 0 to he f ' ancing plan, and spends $23,000 for Ca le-TV equ 'pmen . Provides necessary equip�,pnent for ca le-tv ope atio . FINANCING SOURCE AND UDGET CTIVIT NUMBER CHARGED OR CREDITED: (Mayor's signa- ture not re- Total Amount of Tr nsacti n: $23, 0 00. quired if under $10,00Q) Funding Source: Speci 1 Fun s, contingency - Activity Number: 50250 -Cabl TV Legislative ATTACHMENTS List and umber All At chments : Council Resolution i one age. DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW Yes No Council esolut on Req ired? Resolution Required? Y No Yes No Insuranc Requi ed? Insurance Sufficient? Y No Yes No Insuranc Attac ed: (SEE REVERS SIDE FOR INSTRUCTIONS) Revised 12/84 �. i h/ �.:. i�+r'f�'-� s .. � �--- �/(Q`7'" . ,�n•. CI OF SAINT P��..UL ;;;;;��� � O CE OF' THF CITY COIINCZL Camrnittee Repart �:i� ce ana eme�t Persannel Cammittee. October 2, 1986 1. Approval of �inutes from m eting held September 25, 1986. approved 2. Resolution a�provi 1986- 9$9 Maintenance Labor Agreement between Indepe dent � School Distr�ct No. 625 an Twin City Glaziers, Local 1324. laid over 10 9 3. Resolution a provi g 1986 988 Maintenance Labor Agreement between the Ci y " and Twin Cit Glaz ers an Glass Workers, Local 1324. laid over 10/9 4. Resolution d recti g the rt Authority to refund $884,000 to City taxpay rs and to cance� the ropose $867,421 tax levy for 1987. laid over 10/9 5. �e�st�3on th� 1 6 budget and adding $23,000 to the Financing an a�d ��,; e�t�ia Plan r Public Utilities Investigation Fi�nd - `C'i�'b2� - Leg�:�ri.�x .: r e�red � _ 6. Resolutian �endin the C BG- Year XI�.-Program and adding $T,153,000- ta t e - - - Financing PlJan and to the Spending Plan, 7 existing year 12 projects. app oved as amended 7. An ordinanc amend ng Cha ter 85 of the Legislative Code pertaining to t e regulation �f wate rates in the City of Saint Paul and inserting a new chedule of rates ef$ective Januar 1, 1987. approved UNDER SUSPENSI01� 8. Resolution �mendin 1986 eneral Fund to allow for a $40,000 advance to he Police Impo�nd Lot Specia Fund. approved 9. Resolution endin 1986 udget providing for $39,800 worth of spending nd the repayment o $40,0 0 cash advance to the General Fund. a roved � c� -t --� r-< - �..� ..'; � '? 'n _ . - � , � ; ►-, r,� _� C.) p . . _ _ .._i —...�I • `i.7 -�%.'.n. . �..`� q r� CL� � CTTY HALL EVE�ITH FLOOR SAIN'T PAUL, ESOTr1 55102 �si6 I