86-1424 P. � - F��j►A CE RK �
BLVE �-MAVOR . . Flle NO• �
O/ Z/��/`Ce Ordinance N0. '
Presented By ' `
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee B Date
IAn o dina ce amending the Saint Paul
Cityl Cha ter ection 2. 01 , 2 . 02 , 2 . 02 .1 ,
2 . 04 2 . 0 , 4 . 01 , 4 . 01 . 1 , 7.06 an3 18 . 08.1 ,
pert�ining to t e title for members of the
city counc ' 1 .
�ection l.
?ursuant o Mi nesot Statutes , Sectio.n 410 . 12 , su.h�i.visio
7, an^1 upon re omme datic. of the Charter Gommi�sio�? of cne Cit
of Saint !?aul ,_I the harte of the City of Saint P�:�1 i:� «mende.
in ���tion 2 . 0]l ther of so that the same ,hall r�a:� as follo�,Ts :
Sect.' on 2 , l . E ective officials . There shalJ_ �Q
a mayor e�ected by th voter� of the cit_y at la.rqe , ��z^�
sev��z r�a_-� ��s- councilmembers , eacf� eleCt��. from
a council �li�tr ' ct a providec� herein, and �uch jut��es
an.d oth�r offi ials as are provided �y statl�t?s an:�
electe.� �� prov ded t �rein.
Section 2 .
-_°���an� o Mi nesot . 5tatl�t�s , Sectzon 410.17_ , su:���F�:�. .�.�;:.
'i, ?.a�:�on re o:nmen at�_on o_f the Cha.rte.r Co�n�ni5.�ion of th� �:_ty
�� -�i��t Paul , the harte._ of the Ca_tv o�_ S�i�?t Pavl i_s �:.n�:�:�:�=_3
i:n S�ctions 2 . G2 and 2 . 02 , so th�t t�e same shall reaci �s ��o_l l_o��.��� :
COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of:
Yeas Nays
Nicosia ln avor —
Scheibel Aga nst BY
Adopted by Council: Date Form Approved by City Attorney
Certified Passed by Council Secr�tary BY �' `��e�'� –1� �
Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
By By
. . _ a_ ����
. ��,-- ��
, . . . . ����
Sectibn 2 . 02 . Te ms. The mayor shall hold office
for a termI of fo r years and each eex�e}��e�se� council-
member shail hol office for a term of two years commenc-
ing on th� first bus ' ness day of January of the year
following I�thei ele tion and until a successor is
elected an�l qualifies .
Sectiln 2 . 2 . 1 . The term of office for the mayor
and each lee��e ' ��e�s � councilmember elected at the
1982 sprin ele tion hall expire on the first business
day of �Jan�ary 984 .
Section 3 .
Pursuant o Min esota Statutes , Section 410. 12 , subdivision
7, and upon re�ommen ation of the Charter Commission of the City
of Saint Paul , lthe C arter of the City of Saint Paul is amended
in Section 2 . 04 ther of so that the same shall read as follows :
Section 2 . 4. V cancy. An elective office becomes
vacant tah�n th incu bent dies , resigns by a writing
filed witt� the city lerk , is convicted of a felony,
ceases to Iresid in t e city or is adjudged incompetent
by a court of c mpete t jurisdiction, or when a ee��e��-
�e�se� councilm mber eases to reside within the council
district from w ich �i was elected.
Section 4 .
Pursuant to Mi nesot Statutes , Section 410 . 12 , subdivision
7, and lanon r.e!�ommen ati_on of the C}'lartP_.r C�mmission of th� City
of Saint Paul , the harte of the City of Saint Paul is amended
in Section 2 . 0'� ther of so that the same shall read as follows :
Section 2 . 7, ompensation. The annual salaries
of the m�yor hall be $15 , 200 , and each ee��E���a�
councilme ber 14 , 00 , payable in installments as the
council s all d rect.
. . � �. . � � � � j C��:� ����
� ��i�
i -3-
Section 5 .
Pursuant t Min esota Statutes , Section 410 . 12 , subdivision
7, and upon rec�mmen ation of the Charter Commission of the City
of Saint Paul , the C arter of the City of Saint Paul is amenc�ed
in Se�.tions 4. Oj1 and 4 . 01 , thereof so that the same shall read
as follows :
Secti n 4 . 0 . L gislative power. The legislative
power shal be ested in the council , which shall be
composed of seve eett� }�r�et� councilmembers .
Secti�n 4 . 1 . 1 . Council districts . Each member
of the council s all b elected from a separate district
which is st�bstan ially equal in population to all other
districts . l Each eo�� ��.�pe��o� councilmember shall be a
resident of the dist ict from which l�e �s elected.
Voters may onl� vote for a candidate for the council
district s at wi hin w ich the voters resi�e.
Section 6.
Pursuant t Min esota Statutes , Section 410. 17. , subdivision
7, and upon rec mmen ation of the Charter Commission of the City
of Saint Paul , the C arter of the City of Saint Paul is amended
in Section 7. 06 there f so hat the same shall read as follows :
Secti n 7. 6 . C' ty election candidates . If the
law prescr ' bes t at th election of mayor and �o�rr3���-
�e�se� co ncilm mber be by party designation, the
candidate f eac party receivina thP hi_ghest n>>mher of
votes in he pr ' mary election for the office of mayor
or the of _ice f �-�r-sor� councilmember in any
district s all b decl red the nominee of his party for
the office at th next city election and his name shall
be placed on t e mu. icipal election ballot together
with the n�me of any andidate for the office nominated
by petitio in accor ance with the law. If the law
does not p ovide for lection by party designation, the
two candid tes or ma or receiving the highest number
Council ����
BI.UE -- MAVOR File NO• � `�
� Ordindnce Ordinance N 0. �
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee B Date
of votes �n th prim ry election for the office, and the
in the p�imar el�c ion f�r the office, anel the two
candidate for the ouncil in each district receivi.ng
the highe t nu ber o votes for council in that district
shall be decl red t � nominees and the only nominees
for the r spec ive o fices at the next city election.
Section 7.
Pursuant to Mi nesot Statutes , Section 410.12 , subdivisio
7, and upon r comme datio of the Charter Commission of the Cit
of Saint P�ul , the harte of the City of Saint Paul is amende
in Section 18 . �. l t ereof so that the same shall read as follows
Sect on 1 . 0�.1 . At the 1972 city election there
shall be lecte a m yor and seven ee��e��t�e� council-
members . Othe wise, such election sha11 be conducted
in �ccord nce ith 1 w anc� charter as i-t-e��s�s- they
exist at the ime f such �lection, except that no
comptroll�r sha be e ected.
Secti�n 8.
This ordi ance hall ake eFfect and be i� force ninety ( 90
days after its passa e , ap roval and publication.
COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of:
Yeas Nays
Nicosia ln Favor —
s�ne�bei � Ag inst BY
Adopted by Council: Date'r; NOU � 1986 Form Approved by City Attorney
Certified Pa s b uncil Sec r By���" �• �yZ�'��� �—/��
Approve Mayor: Date NOV � — �9 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
PUBU HED N V 151 86
!. •, • ��c -/���y
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� C T:, HALL
SAWT PAUL' „ �' �i�,;'�;j, MiNiVESOTA 55102
��;i �' ti&,, a�
�, ���
September 3U, 1986
Mr. A1 Olson
City Clerk ' �
�ity of St. Paul
386 City Hall
St. Paul, MN. 551 2
Dear Mr. Olson:
Q� September �25, 19 6, the Saint Paul Charter Commission, at a meeting
at which the e was quoru present, unanimously approved City Council
ResQluC.ion N . 86-1 22 ame ding several sections o£ the Charter per-
taining to t e titl for m mbers of the City Council and changing the
� - ----n�me--to Coun ilmemb r and it Council Resolutio�.No. 86-1�37, amending
Section 7.04 of the Eharte changing the time period for filing for
public offic .
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Notice is here�y giv n that the City Council of the City of Saint Paul
will hold a pu lic h aring D{�v��i� �; `�'9�'�['�'1t�:QQ A.M. in the
Council Chambe�s in he Cit Hall and Court House to consider the approval
of an ordinanc� bein Counc' Fi�e 86-1424, amending Sections 2.01,
2.02, 2.02.1, �Z.04, .07, 4. 1, 4.01.1, 7.06 and 18.08.1 of the Charter
of the City of Saint aul r ating to title for members of the City
Council. I
. _ .
- ,
The text of th� ordi nce is as follows: -
A� or inanc amending . the .Saint Paul
City �Chart r Se tion 2.01 , 2.02, 2.02.1 , °�-
2.04, �2. 07, 4.01 4.01.1, 7.06 an3 18.0 H.l , �.
per�Cai�ing o th title for members of the
eity c�unci . _"
Section 1. �
Pursuant tol Minn sota Statutes, Section 410.12, su��ivision
7,. and upon rec� mend tion f the Charter_ Co�amissio� of_ rrz City
of Saint Paul, t�e Ch rter f the Cityo uf Saint paul is a:nen�ed
- :in S�ction--2.O1 �here - so hat the same sk�alI,:-r-earl as follo�7s: _ _
Sectio 2.01. E1 ctive officials. There shall be
a mayor eIe tea the voters of the city at large, a��
seven -� � c uncilmembers,, each elect�d from
a council d stri t as rovided herein, and such judges
and other ffici ls a are provided by statutes an3
elected as �rovid d th� ein.
ection Z.
Pursuant to Minn sota tatut�s, Section 410.12, sub3ivision
7, and uoon reco mend tion f the Charter Commission of the Cit�r
�f Saint Paul, t e Ct� rter f the City of Saint Paul is am�nded
in Sections 2.02 �and 2 02.1 o that the same shall read as follows
. _. � � "�. �,
.1'� �.
' ``:.a:; '�.
" ; '
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. . . . . .
Sectio 2. 02. Te ms. The mayor shall hald office � t
for a term �f fou yea s and each ee��E���e�se� council-
member shall� hold offi e for a term of two years commenc- -
ing on the Ifirst busi ess day of January of the year
following t�heir election and until a successor is
elected and quali ies . _
. .. :
Section 2. 02 1. he term of office for the mayor� _
and each eQ�aE� ge�se councilmember elected at the '
1982 spring lelect on s aIl expire on the first business
day o� January 19 4 . .
ection 3 . '
Pursuant tolMinn sota tatutes , Section 41d.12 , su'bdivision
7, and upon reco mendation f the Charter Commission of the City
of Saint��Pat;rr, t e Ch rter f the City of Saint Paul is amended
in Secti:o:�---.2-.-04 t ereo .-so� t at the same sfiall-=�ead as follows : -� _
� Section 2. 04 Vac ncy. � An elective office becomes
vacant when the ' ncum ent dies , resigns by a writing
file3 with he c ty c erk, is convicted of a felony,
ceases to re�ide ' n .the city or is adju3ged incompetent
by a court o� com etent jurisdiction, or when a Ee�:�e}�-
ge�se� counc lmem er ce ses to reside within the council .
' di�trict fro whi h �e as elected.
. .
• ection 4.
� Pursuant to Minne ota tatutes , Section 410. I2 , subdivision
7 , and upon recommenda ion f the Charter Commiss�on of the City
oF Saint Paul , thIe Cha ter f the City of Saint Paul is arrended
in Section 2. 07 tthereo so t at the same shall read as folloias :
Section 2.07. Co ensation. The annual salaries
o£ the mayo�r shall be $15, 200 , and each ee��E}��ax
councilmembe S14 000, payable in installments as the
council shal dire t.
. .. . . �,,� �fi�y
Section 5.. �
Pursuant t Min sota Statutes, Section 410.12 , subdivision
7, and upon rec mmend tion of the Charter Commission of the City
of Saint Paul , he Ch rter of the City of Saint Paul is amended
in Sections 4. 01� and .01. thereof so that the same shal� read " �
as foilows :
Sectio� 4. 0 . Le islative power. The le islative `
power shall, be ested in the council , which shall be
composed of seve �et�a �}�ea councilmembers.
Sectiom 4.0 .1 . Council districts. Each member
of the coun il sh 11 b elected from a separate district
which is su stant ' ally equal in population to all other
districts. Each eo��e ��ae��se� councilmember shall be a
- resident of the distr ct -f•r-om which - �e-��s -
. _ _
-:elected:--- - __ ____
Voters may only ote or a candi3ate for the council
district se t wit in which the voters reside.
� -
ection 6.
Pursuant to Minn sota tatutes, Section 410.12, subdivision
7, and upon reco mend tion f the Charter Commission of the Gitv
of Saint Paul , t e Ch rter f the City of Saint Paul is amended
in Section 7.06 �hereo so t at the same shall read as follows :
Section 7. 06 Ci y election candidates. If the
law prescribes th t the election ot mayor and c-otr�rc��-
�e�se� cou cilme ber e by party designation, the
candidate of each party receiving the highest number of
votes in th pri ary e ection for the of:Eice of mayor
ar the off' ce o �-1-�e�r-�or� councilmember in any
district sha 1 be decla ed the nominee of his party for
the office a the next ity eZection and his name shall
be placed an th municipal election ballot together
with the nam o� ny ca d�date for the office nominated
by petition in a corda ce with the law, If � the law
does not pro ide or el ction by party designation, the
two candidates fo may r receiving the highest number
.� � � � ���y
. - ,
of votes in the. rimar election for the office, and the
in the pri ary lecti n for the office, and the two "
candidates �or t e co nci.l in each district receiving _ '
t h E h i g h e s t n u m b o f o t e s for counci l in that district � �
shall be d�clar the nomin�es and the only nor�inees �
for the resqectiv of�' ces at the next city election_ .
Section 7.
Pursuant to Minn sota Statutes, Section 420.I2, subdivisio:� �
7, and upon reco�mend tion f the Charter Commission of the Cit �
of Saint Paul, t e Ch rter f the City of Saint Paul is amende3
in Lection 18.0$�1 the eof s that the same shall read as follows:
_ ._._. ...�
. . . _.._ .;.r.
. . .. ____ � �. _---..
-�---- .=- -_ _.
. ._ _ �--- - -
- - Section 18. �� .1. At the 1972 city election there
stiall b� ele ted may and seven ee��e���re�x counci�-
.memlaers. O herw' se, s ch election � shall be conducted
�ir, accordan�{e wi h law and charter as -3.-#==e��s�s- they
exist at thle ti e of such election, except that no
comPtroller }Shal e ele ted.
ection 8.
Th�s ordinan e sh 1]: ta e e:Efect and be in force ninety (90l
days after its pa�sage appr val and publication.
Dated October 14, 19�6
Albert B. Olson
City Clerk
(Oc ober 18, 1986) �
(Oct ber 25, 1986)
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