86-1407 WHITE - C�TV CLERK PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PA U L Council CANARV - DEPARTMENI� �/ O . BLUE - MAVOR I Flle NO. II, Co ncil Resolution Presented By Referred Tq Committee: Date Out of Com ittee B Date I RESOLVED: I That pplica ion (I.D, #73873) for a One Day City of St. Pau Gambling I Permi (Bing , Raffles, Paddlewheels, Tipboards and Pulltabs applied � for b the C urch of the Holy Childhood at 1435 Midway Parkw y on �i Octob r 11;, 986 between the hours of 7:30 P.M, and 1:00 A.M be and the ��� same 's hereb approved. �I � � �I �I COUNC[LMEN �i Requested by Department oE: Yeas �� Nays �i �1 Nicosia �� In Favor Rettman �i Scheibel �� •�s�� ', � Against BY Tedesco � Wilson � ��r ' �° ���� Form Appro d by City A torne � Adopted by Council: ate Certified P•s- d b Council cr BY gy. . Approv y :Vlavor: _ � j � 0 �986 Approved b Mayor for Submission to Counci By _ By ���r';���� �;�:; i u 1986