86-1392 M�HITE l�ITY CLERK i `
8�.,,E _ MA,.oR IT OF SAINT PALTL File NO. .Z �
, , ,
- � nC Ordi nce N 0. � �
� ,
Presented By � '�
�eferre To G ��- Committee: Date l �� � �
Out Committee By Date
An r•dinan e a�ending Chapters 45 and 215
and eletin Chapters 42, 211, 214, and 233
f the aint Paul Legislative Code
pe taining to nuisances.
Section 1.
That Chapter 42 �f the aint P' ul Legislative Code is repealed in its entiret .
Section 2.
That Chapter 211 of the Saint sul Legislative Code is repealed in its entire
Section 3.
That Sectione 21 .O1 th ough 2 4.03 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code are
� repealed in their entir ty.
� Section 4.
That Section 214.p4 of he Sai Paul Legislative Code is amended by changing y
its section numbe�r to 2 5.095.
Section 5.
That Sections 214�05 th ugh 21 .07 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code are
repealed in their entir y.
COUNC[LMEN Requested by Department of:
Yeas Nays - Communit Services
Drew Y
Nicosia lIl F vOC —
s�ne�bai Agai st BY
Adopted by Council: Date Form Approved by City Attorney
Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY
Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
By By
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' i Section 6.
That Sections 2]i5. 10 t rough �15. 15 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code are
repealed in theiir enti ety.
� j
', Section 7.
That Section 215�. 16 of the Sa t Paul Legislative Code is amended by changing
its section numb�er to 15.091.
Section 8.
That Sections 21�. 17 th ough 2 5. 28 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code are
repealed in their entir ty.
' Section 9.
That Section 215.!�29 of he Sai t Paul Legislative Code is amended by changing
its section number to 2 5.092.
�, Section 10.
That Sections 215'�30 th ough 21 .32 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code are
repealed in their� entir ty.
� Section 11.
That Section 215.�3 of t e Sain Paul Legislative Code is amended by changing
its section number to 21 .093.
Section 12.
That Section 215.�4 of t e Sain Paul Legislative Code is amended by changing
its section number to 21 .094.
� Section 13.
That Chapter 45 of', the S int Pa 1 Legislative Code is amended by deleting it in
its entirety and slubstit ting th following:
45.01. Definitionsll�
Subd. l. Abandot�ed bui ding. bandoned building shall mean any building or
portion of bu lding hich has stood with an incomplete exterior
shell �'or lon er tha three years or any building or portion thereo
which t�as sto d unoc upied for longer than one year and which meets
one or 'more o the f lloring criteria:
(a) unsecure , or
(�� boarded, or
tc) ha�ving m ltiple exterior Housing Code or Building Code
vi�platio s, or
(d) pl�carde as "U it for Human Habitation" pursuant to Chapter
34', of th Saint aul Legislative Code.
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Subd.2. Abate�aent d dline. �� Abatement deadline shall mean the date before
whichlthe nu sance ust be abated as specified in a written order.
Subd.3. Dange�ous st uature Dangerous structure shall mean any structure
rrhich is pot ntiall dangerous to persons or property including bu
not l�mited o:
(a) � struc ure nc �h is in danger of partial or complete collaps ;
tb) � struc ure wh ch has any exterior parts such as chimneys,
�aves, orches siding, railings, or trim which are loose or n
c�anger f fali ng; or
(c) � struc ure Mh ch has any parts such as porches, stairs, ramp ,
�*sils, alconi s, or roofs rrhich are accessible and vhich are
�ither ollaps d, in danger of collapsing, or unable to suppo t
perso .
Subd.4. Enforc�ement fficer Enforcement officer shall mean the director o
the d�partme t of c mmunity services, the director of the departme t
of fire and afety ervices, the director of the department of
polic�, or t eir du y authorized representative.
Subd.S. Exter�inatio . Exte mination shall mean the eradication of rodents
and ot�her ve min by any or all approved methods such as poisoning,
fumiga�tion, r trap ing.
Subd.6. Hazar�,ous �ra te. Ha ardous Maste shall mean any waste material so
define�d by M nn. St t. 116.06, Subd. 13 or described or listed as
hazardlous ra te in inn. Rules Chapter 7045, knovn as Minnesota
Pollution Co trol a d Hazardous Waste Division Hazardous Waste
Subd.7. Intere�sted p rty. I erested party shall mean any ovner of record,
occupying te ant, o lien holder of record.
Subd.B. Last khorn a dress. ast known address shall mean the address shorn
on thelrecor s of t Ramsey county department of property taxation
or a m re re nt add ess knovn to the enforcement officer. In the
case o� part' s not isted in these records, the last knoMn address
shall be tha addres obtained by the officer after a reasonable
Subd.9. Mail. iy mail shall ean by depositing the item with the United
States Postal Servic addressed to the recipient at his or her last
known �ddress vith f rst class postage prepaid thereon.
Subd. 10. Hoxiou� subst nces. oxious substances shall mean substances,
solid �r flui . rrhic are offensive, detrimental to health,
hurtfu.�, or d ngerou . Noxious substances shall include but not be
limite�[ to an dead nimal, or portion thereof, putrid carcass,
decayed anima matte , green hides, or any putrid, spoiled, foul,
or sti�king b ef, po k, fish, offal, hides, skins, fat, grease,
liquor�, huma or an mal excrement, or manure.
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Subd. 11. I Owner. �1WYIBY' Ildl l rnear� t�'IC+SE' SfIVWY� tC� C.�C? i�Wr�E�r' Gr' i iW��@�•� i�Tl tR.=
I1^2CQ1^C� Gf tfl �dfOSE�V C��llritV depat't•�OE'Yit Gt G'r'C��f''rtV taY,c"i 1C�t�
Subd. 12. !F�erson 1 servi ce. F�er�s��r�a 1 sFr^v i c� sn a i J rur-an ��r v i c= r.
I�UBY'SGYi IIV hcl �d�r�n ei C��C�Y tC� the li'it�YtC�PC� Y'E�C'1GlE�fiT C�t^ L�V .tE VIYiD
ia CGpY at the ir�tended recipier�t' s resldEnce �_r o��ce ��f ot�� r-r=_._.
iwith a persan ar suitable aqe ar�d discreti��r�,
Subd. 13. �iRrivy. Rrivv shail he any type of r�c�r�--fius�� fixt�.ire f�_�r tn�
Ireceip and s �maae of hurn�r� wa�te iriCluolriG tlY,ed ur�its w���•r�
Iva�alts as well as oortable units.
Subd. 14. �roperty. Rrc erty shall rnean any p�Zrcei c�f i�r�d vinetht•r vac ��;t
��r r�ot. whethe ar�v structur•e tllE'Y`e��Yi is c�ccupie� c�r r�t�t. ���
�hethe submer ed c�r nc�t.
Subd. 15. �tefuse. Refuse shal i mean uutrescible a•r�c; nar•�-p�.�tresc�biE• a����
�ambust 'ble ar� nc�n-ecmibustible waste, �ricluciir�D ua�per. � •. �,�Rbaq�
iateri� resul ing frarn the har�dlinq, processir�q, stor�or. �
�repara 1C�1'�. S Y`V1Y10 eiY�Ci cc�r�sumptian OT fC���f�, VE�UPte+b)E' C�t' ii:'� fii2,1
r�atter, affal. rubbisr�, pl.ar�t wastes such ��s cree trir,i�ninu= c.r
�rass c ttinqs, ashes, ir�cirrer•ator resloue, st.reet: c1e�»inuC..
onstru tiar� d bris, detached vehicle parts, and s�_�iid ir�du=.tr i�:�
�no mar et was es.
Subd. 16. f�espons ble pa ty. A respc�rrsibie p�rty shall be ar�y ur�e or rno ��
di the allawi a:
(la) aa nt,
(Ib) as innee cullectar uf rents.
(�C) hc� der af cantract far deed,
(�1) a cmtgaa ar ver�ciee in pGSSessic�r�,
(¢) re iver u executor or trustee.
(�) le ee.
(�) tha e list d as awners ar� a vacar�t builcizr�o r�c�z=t.r•aLlc,n r�r•�rn
suboitted o the buildinq coue afificer ur�der chaGter� 43 c�
the Sair�t aul Leqislative Gode. c�r^
(th) c,th r pers n, firm, cm carpc�ratiar� exercisir�g aqparer�t
cor� ral av r � praperty.
Subd. 17. Ur�occupi d. An unc,ccupied building is a buildi»g which is r�ot
b ing us d far ts intended occupancy ar a bui ldir�a wr�ich has eer�
o dered acated by the city.
Subd. 18. W�ds. W eds �h 11 mean useless and traublesame plants cc�mrnc�nl
k wn as weeds i cludir�g riOX1GU5 weeds such as cackleburr.
bu�^dock, tumble ustard, wild mustard, wild aats. Car�adian
th�stle, xeye d isy, quack grass, Frer�ch weed, and Russian
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45.U�,N�i i sance�
ca r��tisar�ce shail rear� arr substar�ce, rnatter-•, Er�is�,or,, or�
. tt:lr�o w��ich
CY`@dt25 d (j Y�OF3Y'r_�i_S G1' Llr i�ditFiV CC�Y�Q).tlrr� �iY' iV�i1C'il L�iY'f?cZt.2r,S ti"�Q GltGll�.
C�E'�CB. flE+d 1�fl. Sel Eat y. Gt SclYl l t dl^V L'GY�O 1 t 1�=�Y1 Ot t'Il E� C'1�:V' ��Y"• v�tfi 1 Cft 1 S
��ffensive O}, has bliohtir:n lY�f1�.tFfiCE i�Yi tf�E� C'iiflfiiF;r'�1'i'i elrid W!'i1Li! 1� f�.:�.1 ;L
IlDGY1 C�1^ 11'1 YIY Sf. PE'f,. cZl]E�V, f)][7hWE�V. railr` �aU Y'l0llt ��'i µ;�y yN�.j� af. ,
rai irond ca�, wat . exca �t i�ai;, .o�.illdir�4. ��rer..t tori, iot., nr o,.!nG , r. ,�, ;
_r �.. �.,:
orc,perty laCated ithir� t e Gitv of �airrt F�aul. tauisar�ce� sna.i i ir�cluu� �ii
nr_�t be limi�ed tv h��se s t for^th in this secti��r.
Subd. i. R fuse, oxia��s substances, hazardaus wastes. �Ft�.�se, r.c,x�,:�:.;�
SCIbS'tdYiC 5� 4T^ el�i�'�'OGl�S WdSLE'S 1dV1�'tq, GOC�i2G, clC•C!�pN_IleitEf�.
p led. 1 ft, de osite�. b�.iriec7. r_�r- discr�aroed �.�ut���, i<<. c��^ ticr�ir❑
f�arn ar�v Drc�oer v. struct�_ir�e, or, vehicie: exceGt tcm:
(�) ref se dep sited at placFS d:�sior,atF•d ar,d or�:.viaEd for ih t
pur ose by the Sair�t F�aul �eoislative Code.
ft�) ref se sto ed in acr_��rd�r�ce with prc�visxans afi the ��ir�t
F'au Leuis ative Coue cm vehicle p�rt5 store,� ir, ar, encic, ec�
I st r ct�me,
(c�) com ost pi es establisheci and rnair�tained with Kritter�
per issicm fram the divisiun af public health,
(c�) dea anima s buried with written per�mis�i��r� 1`rc�rn tt�e
div sior� a public health, or
(e) gre n hide received, stored, dressed, nacked. ��r �_uld wi h
wri ten pe rnissitm frarn tr�e divisiar� af public h�ealtri.
Subd.2. F�'rewoad Piies of firewoc�d ir� excess of �0 cubic feet stc:�red
cllaser t ar� iC► eet ta builoir�us used fc�r h�tma•fc f�aGitai.ic�Y�. �il�=
G� firew ad hin Er thar� six feet frc�rn p��ir�t �,f eievati�.r� 1-r�_�,n
g ourrd, r pile t�f firewoao storeci less thar, 1� inrhes ott tr�
Subd.3. W 'eds. G �55 Gr weeds which have urown up�r� any praper,ty tc� a
h�i ght o ei uht ar rnore i nches c�r wi�i ch have ncme t a seE�d.
Subd.4. Stagnant water. �taqr�ar�t water star�dinu c�r� ar�v pr,ap•af�ty. Hr�v
pr�operty, cor�ta ner, cm rnateriai kept ir, such � car�oitior� tn�t
water ca accum�late ar�d staqnate,
Subd.5. Ve�^min h rborag . Cor�diticrrs which in the Gpir�iC�ri c�t tr�e
en�forcem nt affi er are car�ducive ta the harbaraoe ar breed�r�q f
ve min i cluding materials stored less thar� 1� inches atf the
Subd.6. Ve�min i festati ns. Infestations af verrnir� such as rats, mice,
�k nks, akes, ats, grackles, starlinQS, piqeor�s. bees, wasr,s
cafikroach s, or lies; except for bees or pigeor�s icept with
wr�tten rrnissi n fram the divisian af public health.
Subd.7. Sa»itary tructu es. Structures for sa»itatian such as privies
va�lts, s wers, rivate drains, septic tar�ks, cesspaals, drain
fi lds wh'ch hav failed or do nat functic,n praperiy ar which a e
ov�rf 1 owi g, 1 ea i ng, or ernanat i ng odors. Sept i c t anks,
ce spools or ci terr�s whirh are at,ar�dar�ed c,r nc� langer in use
un es� th y are mptied and filled �ith cleari fill. Rr�y vau2t,
ce spool, or sep ic tank which does nc�t meet the follawing
cr teria:
(a the ottam nd sides are cemented ta make impervious ta
, wate ,
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(�h) the bottom is at least six feet belor grade,
(�) pro er ven ilating pipes and covers are provided,
(d) it s loca ed at least 20 feet from any house, residence,
bui ding, r public street,
(e!) it s clea ed at least once a year, and
(f�) the proper y served is located such that connection to the
pub ic sew r is impractical.
Subd.B. Mainure v ults. M nure vaults vrhich have become offensive. Manu e
va�Zlts f stabl s where more than tvo horses are kept rhich ar
no� clean d tWic in each week.
Subd.9. Unlsecured unoccu ied buildings. Unoccupied buildings or
unmccupie porti ns of buildings phich are unsecured.
Subd. 10. Dan�erous tructu es. Dangerous structures rhether or not
reg.'��stered pursua t to Chapter 43 of the Saint Paul Legislative
Subd. ii. Abar�doned uildin s. Abandoned buildings rhether or not registere
purs',uant t Chapt r 43 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code.
Subd. 12. Hazalyds. A y thing or condition on the property phich in the
opiniton of he enf rcement officer may contribute to in�ury of an
persQn pre nt on he property. Hazards which shall include but
not �e limi ed to pen holes, open foundations, open wells,
dang�rous t ees or limbs, abandoned refrigerators, or trapping
Subd. 13. Firel�,hazard . Any hing or condition on the property which in the
opinj',on of he enf rcement officer creates a fire hazard or which
is a 'violat on of he Fire Code.
Subd. 14. Healt�h haza ds. An thing or condition on the property r�hich in
the o�pinion of the enforcement officer creates a health hazard or
rrhich', is a iolati of any health or sanitation lar.
Subd. 15. Statute and ommon aM Nuisances. Any thing or condition on
property rhi h is k ovn to the common lav of the land, the Statute
of Minnesota or th Saint Paul Legislative Code as a nuisance.
45.03. Violations�
Subd. i. No pe�son sh 11, di ectly or indirectly or by omission, create a
Subd.2. No ow�er or espons ble party shall allorr a nuisance to remain upo
or in �iany pr perty r structure under his or her control.
Subd.3. Ho ovnier of ny tru Ik, trailer, railroad car or flat, or other
vehicl�e shal leave the vehicle standing on or along any street,
highva�y, fre Nay, o railroad track, or other property within the
City o,� Sain Paul c rrying or containing any refuse, noxious
substa�ce, o hazard us raste, except as otherrise permitted by the
Saint Paul L islati e Code.
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45.04. Dieclosurlle of r sponsi e art .
Upon the reque�t of he enf cement officer or the city clerk, a responsibl
party or ownerishall isclos the name of any other responsible party or
ovrner knorrn to�� him. is sha 1 include but not be limited to the persons fo
whom he is acting, fr m whom he is leasing the property, to whom he is
leasing the prbperty, with v om he shares joint ownership, or with whom he
has any convey�ncing ontrac .
45.05. Inspectio�l of un ccupie buildings.
An oNner or re�ponsib e part shall, upon the request of the enforcement
officer, provide the fficer vith access to all interior portions of an
unoccupied buil;ding i order to permit the officer to make a complete
inspection. �
45.06. Order to cjease. �
In the event that an nforce nt officer observes a person creating a
nuisance, the o�ficer may, a er presenting proper identification, order tha
the person ceas� crea ing a n isance.
45.07. Enforce�en� offi r auth rized to enter.
The enforcement� office shall be authorized to enter any property or
structure in th� city or the purpose of enforcing and assuring compliance
rith the provis�ons of this C apter.
45.08 Authority t� Abate
Subd. l. The c�,ty is uthori ed to abate nuisances in accordance v�ith the
procedures s t fort in Sections 45. 10, 45. 11. and 45. 12. All
abate�ent co ts inc rred shall be charged against the property as a
special asse sment o be collected in the manner provided for in
the Ci�ty Cha ter, C apter 14, except Nhen a request is filed for a
review� of an emerge cy abatement the assessment hearing shall be
replaced by he hea ing provided for in Section 45. 12.
Subd.2. Abatem�nt ma include but shall not be limited to removal,
cleaning, ext rminat on, cutting, mowing, grading� sever repaire,
draini�g, sec ring, �oarding unoccupied structures, barricading or
fencincg, remo ing da gerous portions of structures, and demolition
of dan�erous tructu es or abandoned buildings.
Subd.3. AbatemQnt cos s shal include the cost of the abatement; the cost
of inv�stigat on, su h as title searches, inspection, and testing;
the co�t of n tifica ion; filing costs; and administrative costs.
45.09. Service.
When service of a,n orde or no ice is required, any one or more of the
follovring methodsi of se vice s all be adequate:
Subd. l. by perspnal s rvice; r
Subd.2. by mail� unle it is a vritten order rhich gives three days or
less fo�r the mpleti�On of any act it requires; or
Subd.3. if the �.ntende recip ent or his address cannot be determined after
reasonal�le eff rt, by�posting a copy of the order in a conspicuous
place om the p operty
If a mailed order 'or not ce is eturned by the United States Postal Service,
a good faith effo�t shal be ma e to determine the correct address, unless it
orders abatement �nd tha abate ent has been completed.
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45. 10. Abatementi proce ure. i
Unless the nui�sance s as d cribed in Sections 45. 11 or 45. 12, the city ma
abate the nuis'ance b the p cedure described belor.
Subd. i. Ordepr. The enforc ent officer shall serve a rritten order upon
the orner. The v tten order ehall also be served upon any
respbnsibl party norn to the officer and may be served upon any
party knoN to hav caused the nuisance.
The pritte order hall contain the follorring:
(a) � a desc iption of the real estate sufficient for
' identi icatio ;
(b) �, a desc iption and the location of the nuisance and the
iremedi 1 acti n required to abate the nuisance;
(c) �the ab tement deadline, to be determined by the enforcement
'office a11oN ng a reasonable time for the performance of an
�,act re uired;
(d) ia stat ment t at the order may be appealed and a hearing
!before the Ci y Council obtained by filing a written request
��rith t e city clerk before the appeal deadline phich shall b
,the ab tement deadline designated in the order or seven
!calend r days after the date of the order, vhichever comes
'first; and
(e) ��a stat ment t at if the remedial action is not taken nor a
Ireques for a public hearing filed rith the city clerk Mithin
�the ti e spec fied, the city vill abate the nuisance and
�charge all co ts incurred therein against the real estate as
�Specia asses ent to be collected in the same manner as
proper y taxe .
Subd.2. Setti�ng hea ing dat . In the event that an appeal is filed Mith
the c�ty cl k, the City Council shall rithin trro weeks fix a date
for ai publi hearin .
Subd.3. Noticg. The ity cl rk shall send notice of the date, time, place,
and swb�ect f the earing by mail to the opner and known
respo�hsible arties The city clerk shall also notify by mail a
citiz�n part cipati n district council for the district where the
nuisar�ce is ocated requesting that it notify the surrounding
propemty own rs and occupants. The city clerk shall also notify
the d�partme t.
Subd.4. Hearir�g. At he tim of the public hearing, the City Council shall
hear �rom th enfor ement officer, and any other parties vho rrish
to be !heard. After the hearing, the City Council may confirm or �
modify� the o der of the enforcement officer. If the order is
confirjmed, t e City Council shall, in the resolution, fix a time
withiril rhich the nu eance must be abated and shall provide that if
correc�tive a tion i not taken vithin the time specified, the city
may ab��ate th nuisa ce. The city clerk shall mail a copy of this
resolultion t same rties required to be notified in Subd.3 of
this Slection.
Subd.5. Abatem�nt. I the re edial action is not taken nor an appeal filed
rithinithe t' e spec fied, the city may abate the nuisance.
45. ii. Substantiel�I abate nt prol edure.
When the enforce�nent of icer d termines that a nuisance exists on a property
and the cost of �bateme t of t e nuisance is estimated to exceed two thousand
dollars or the al�atemen invol es demolition of a building other than a
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structure acce,ssary o a re idential building or the abatement substantiall
diminishes the� value of the property and except in the case of an emergency
as provided fohr in S ction 5. 12, the city shall abate the nuisance by the
procedure desc�ribed eloN. good faith estimate of the abatement costs, n t
the actual cos�t calc lated ter the abatement is completed, shall be the
basis rhich de�ermin s Nheth r this abatement procedure shall be used.
Subd. i. Orde�rs. Th enforc ment officer shall serve a rrritten order upon
the pvner, 11 int rested parties, and any responsible party knor
to the offi er.
The �rder s all co tain the folloping:
(a) � a desc iption of the real estate rhich is sufficient for
' identi icatio and ahich shall include the legal description
(b> �the lo ation f the nuisance on the property;
(c) �,a desc iption of the nuisance and the basis upon vhich it is
ideclar d to b a nuisance;
(d) ,the re edial ction required to abate the nuisance; and
(e) ithe ab tement deadline, to be determined by the enforcement
ioffice allon ng a reasonable time for the completion of any
�act re uired;
tf) �a stat ment t at if the remedial action is not taken before
��the ab tement deadline, the matter Mill be referred to the
ICity C uncil ho, after a public hearing, may order the city
jto aba e the uisance and charge all costs incurred against
�the re 1 esta e as a special assessment to be collected in th
�aame m nner a taxes.
Subd.2. Kotic� to p lic.
When �n ord requi es, exclusively or as an option, the demolitio
of a �uildi , the ublic shall be put on notice as follorrs.
(1) � copy f the rder shall be placed on file in the Office of
�he Cit Clerk
(2) The enf rcemen officer shall notify the City Council of each
propert subje t to a demolition order as follors. Each mont
the enf rcemen officer shall send to the City Council a list
bf the ropert es that have become sub�ect to a demolition
c�rder. The li t shall be in the form of a resolution
�eclari g that an enforcement action has been commenced and
�hat as a resu t of the nuisance status of a building on the
Rropert an or er has been issued detailing the violations an
nequiri g, exc usively or as as an option, that the building
be demo ished nd that a copy of this order is on file in the
Office f the ity Clerk. This resolution shall include the
1!egal d script on of each property and shall authorize and
direct he cit clerk to file a copy of the resolution with
t�he Ram ey Cou ty Recorder.
Subd.3. Settin� hear ng dat . If the remedial action is not taken within
the ti�ne spe ified i the rritten order, the enforcement officer
may no�tify t City ouncil that substantial abatement is necessary
and ap�ropri e. Up n being notified by the department, the City
Counci�l shall vithi tro reeks, fix a date for an abatement
Subd.4. Noticet Writt n noti e of the time, date, place and sub�ect of the
hearin� shall be giv n as set forth in this subdivision.
(a) Tlpe city clerk hall immediately notify the enforcement
o#f icer. �
� I
, � i I
' . . . I �<'� �-/� �°-�
• . �I
� -10- �����
(b)�! At 1 st thi ty days prior to the hearing, the enforcement
�� offi r shal notify by mail a citizen participation distri t
' coun '1 for he district vhere the nuisance is located
�� reque ting t at it notify the surrounding property owners a d
occup nts.
(c) � At le st ten days prior to the hearing, the enforcement
�, offic r shal notify the owner and all interested parties b
� perso al ser ice of the notice upon the owner or his duly
� autho ized r presentative and upon each interested party or
' his d ly aut orized representative. When the recipient is ut
� of to n or a ter reasonable effort personal service cannot
' made, either of the folloving methods shall be considered
� adequ te.
�, (1) y conf'rmed mail service vhich is either certified mai
ith si ned receipt returned or firet class mail
onfirm by vritten response or by phone conversation.
' (2> y maili g the notice to the last known address and
ublishi g the notice once a Neek for two weeks in a
rspape of general circulation in the City of Saint
ul and posting the notice in a conspicuous place on t e
b ilding or property.
(d> � At lea t ten ays prior to the hearing, the enforcement
�,office shall notify by mail any responsible party known to
'the en orceme t officer.
Subd.S. Heari�ng. At the ti e of the public hearing, the City Council shal
hear �from t e enfo cement officer and any other parties who rish o
be h�ard. fter t e hearing, the City Council shall adopt a
resoLution, descri ing Nhat abatement action, if any, it deems
apprqpriate. If t e resolution calls for abatement action it may
eithe'r orde the c ty to take the abatement action or fix a time
withi,n Mhic the n isance must be abated and provide that if
corre'ctive ction 's not taken rrithin the specified time, the city
shall� abate the nu' ance. The city clerk shall give a copy of thi
resol�ation the partment who shall mail copies to the same
parties req red to be notified in Subd.4.
45. 12. Emergency �batem t proc dure.
When the enforc�ment o ficer etermines that a nuisance exists on a property
and the nuisanc� const tutes n immediate danger or hazard rhich if not
immediately abated wil endan er the health or safety of the public and ther
does not exist �uffici nt tim to give written notice to the owner of the
affected propert�y, the city m y abate the nuisance by the procedure describe
below. �
Subd. i. Order �6y may r. The city shall order emergency abatement by an
admini�strati e orde to be signed by the mayor. A good faith
efforti shall be mad to inform the owner that the action is being
Subd.2. Hotice� of th abate nt. Fo1loMing an emergency abatement as soon
as the�� costs incurr are knorn to the enforcement officer, he
shall �serve ritten otice upon the odner. The notice shall
(a) a� descri tion o the nuisance,
(b> t}�e acti n take by the city,
(c) the reas ns for immediate action,
(d) t�e cost incur ed in abating the nuisance, and
� j
BLUE . — MAVOR �/���
, I� File N 0.
d .
indnc Ord' ce N O. r
� �__ . .
Presented By
Referr To Committee: Date
Out Committee Byl Date
te) � stat ment t t the orner may request, by Mriting to the cit
lerk ithin t n vorking days of the date of the notice, a
�earin at rhi h the City Council shall revier the actions ta en
by the epartm nt.
Subd.3. Setti g hear ng dat . In the event that the orner files a request or
a rev err of he act on, rith the city clerk, the City Council ehal
Mithi tMO r eks fi a date for a public hearing.
Subd.4. Hotic�. The ity cl rk shall notify the department and the ovner o
the d te, ti e, pla e, and sub�ect of the hearing.
Subd.S. Heari�g. At he tim of the hearing, the City Council shall hear f m
the e forcem nt off cer and any other partfes vho rish to be heard.
Afterlthe he ring t e City Council may adopt a resolution levying a
assess�ment f r all r a portion of the costs incurred by the
departj�ent i abati the nuisance. A copy of the resolution shall be
mailedlto th oMner. A copy shall also be given to the depart�ent.
45. 13. Penalty.
Any person rho v�.olate any p vision of this Chapter or fails to comply rith a
larful rritten o#�der is ued pu suant to Sections 45. 10 or 45. 11 or a laMful
verbal order iss�ed pur uant t Section 45.06 shall be guilty of a misdemeano .
45. 14. Other re�ed�es.
Hothing in this ¢hapter shall e construed as relating to Saint Paul Legislat ve
Code, Chapter 11� perta ning t snor removal or Chapter 163 pertaining to
abandoned vehicl�s.
Section 14.
This ordinance sha 1 take effect and be in force 30 days after its passage,
approval, and publi ation.
COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department of:
Yeas Nays I� Community Services
Drew I
Nicosia ln F VOC —
Scheibel � Agai st BY `
Adopted by Council: Date C' > > Form pprove by rn
Certified Pa Cou cil ret BY
Approv Mayor: Dat
� 1 � Approved May or S bmis ' n to Council
PUBI� � � 2 0 $�.
. �
` �� � • i . Services PARTMENT l-�"���✓���' 0 3 215
Alice Bi"ani NTACT �
292-7771 ON'� �
. ,-�� T� r�en e
ASSIGN NUN�ER FOR ROUTIN ORDER Cli 1 Locations for Si nature :
1 = Department Director 3 Oirector of Management/May r
� Finance and Manageme t Servi ces Di ctor 4 City Clerk
Budget Director 5 City Council - ,7anice ettman
�City Attorney ,I
l. Enables Environmenta Heal Secti n (EHS) to deal with sani- Rationale) :
tation problems on non-r sident al prol rty.
2. Broadens definition f abat ment t enable EHS to deal with the unusual situation
3. Will facilitate enfo cement �ayprov ing clearer definitions
4. Streamlines the Legi lative Code b bringina a number of nuisance & abatement sec 'ons all
into one chapter and bet er org nizing ; hat chapter
5. Provides uniform pro edure or aba ' ment •
6. Provides a shorter, impler city p cedure for taking down problem buildings to re lace
state pr� ocedure. (See Attached Page)
1. Since the ordinance nables rather han assiqns duties, it will have no direct imp ct on
personnel & budget ;
2. The`improved language shoul reduc � time lost in court
3. The ordinance places espon ibilit_ ' for authorizina expensive abatement with the C t_y
� � ��C tVED
� 4� St P. �r �ti
ture not re- MAYpR► �����
Total Amount of Transac ion: quired if under
Funding Source:
Activity Number:
ATTACHMENTS List and Numb r All ttachm ts :
proposed ordinance amen ing ch pters ' , ,214 and 215 and deleting chapters 42, 211, & 233
x Yes No Council �ra.i n�e: quired :orainan�e Required? �Yes No
Yes x No Insurance Req ired? � Insurance Sufficient? Yes o �/,,
Yes X No Insurance Att ched: ���
Revised 12/84� !
`< < ��, ' � -/39�
7. Allows for be ter re ponse emergencies
8. Enables city o clea up ha rdous waste dumps
9. Allows police en and fireme as we11 as inspectors to stop a person in the
act of creating a nuisan e such ' s abandoninq hazardous waste
�� .
- . � � /,�9°�
�, ; !
� a>
�� uii�iiini ^�a
4�9�s�� � 647 Ciry Hall, Saint Paul, innesota 55102
November 20, 1986
r^ e{ .r�
To : Counailmem er Wi son � �'�
Chai�, Cou cil D velopment and : . `� `T
Transporta io C mmittee � -_ �
From: Jim I�a ;, `'= R,
. --:; _. .
Re: Nuisaince dinan e; j;� �--:_;
Detac�ed V hicle Parts Amendment �'
Per the Commitljtee' s direc ion Alice Bi"ani and I have draft d
JJ e
amendment lang�age or th draft ordinance which include "detache
vehicle parts"; in t e def' ition of "Refuse" in Chapter 45 of the
Legislative Code (p e 4, raft ordinance) and except from the
definition of �,'Nuisa ce" ( age 5 , draft ordinance) therein "vehic e.
parts stored im an e close structure. "
Enclosed is a qlraft rdina ce amendment indicating the new langua e
by underlining� Rev sed p ges 4 and 5 of the draft ordinance have
been sent to the Cit Cler as has a copy of this memo and enclosu e.
cc : Councilmem�bers rew a d Sonnen
Jan Andersion
A�. 41ao�n '�
" _ � -�.�9�
. .
' Iln or inanc amendin cha ters 45 and 215 and
g P
elet'ng ch pters 42 , 211 , 214 and 223 of
the S int P ul Legislative Code pertainin�
to nu' sance .
Councilr�enbe Wils , upon recommendation of the Council
Aevelopment �.nd Tr nspo tation Committee moves �o amend the
draft amenda�ory o dina ce in Section 13 thereof as follows :
"4�. 01 efini ions .
. �� , ,
! "Su d. 15 . Refuse . Refuse shall mean putresci le
and non-n trescible and combustible and non-
com ustib e waste, includin� paper , ,arba�e,
mat rial esulting from the handling, processing,
sto age, reparation, serving and consumption of
foo , veg table or animal matter , offal , rubbish,
pla t was es such as tree trimmings or grass
cut ings , ashes , incinerator resi�.ue , street
cIe nings construction debris , detached vehicle
ar s , an solid industrial and mar et wastes .
"451i. 02 uisan e.
' A n isanc shall mean any substance , matter, emi sion,
�i or hing hich creates a dangerous or unhealthy on-
j dit'on or which threatens the public peace, heal h,
! saf ty, o sanitary condition of the city or whi h
. ' is ffens "ve or has a blighting influence on the
�i co nity and which is found upon or in any stre t ,
. . . i all , hi hway, railroad right of way, vehicle, ail-
- a � i roa car, ater, excavation, building, erection, lot ,
• ` ! �ro ds , r other pronerty located within the Ci y of
�� Sain Pau . Nuisances shall, include but not be imited
I to t ose s t forth in this section.
�I Subd. 1 . efuse , noxious substances , hazardous
� astes . Refuse , noxious substances ,
r hazardous wastes la,yin�, nooled,
, ccumulated, piled, left , devosited,
. i
.. . � . � --����
� �
. -2-
, � buried, or discharged upon, in or
� from an ro ert structure
� flowing y p p y, ,
or vehicle; except for:
(a) refuse deposited at Places
designated and provided for
that �urpose by the Saint
Paul Legislative Code,
(b) refuse stored in accordance .
with provisions of the Saint
Paul Legislative Code, or
vehicl�e arts st�ored "in an
enc ose structure,
(c) compost pil.es established
and maintained with written
permission from the division
• , of nublic health,
- - --�~-°�- ' (d) dead animals buried tiaith the
written permission from the
, division of public health, or
� e reen hides received stored,
� � ) F �
dressed, nacked, or sold with
written permission from the
division of public health. "
- .
—--- � - .
• .
. .
� .
. -
; #� . ��
� ', � - �3 9�
The prapoeed arc�inenc will combine moet of the city'e property re ated
nuieance abatemQnt pr cedur s ir,to one chapter. Snow and abandoned vehicles
heve epecialize� proc dures in place end since they are functionin well,
it is propased t�a lee e tr,e eeparetE. The r�esult will be more un form
abatement procec�ures.
45. 01 Dffinitionit.
Thie section� defi es mo e terme and replaces current definitio s with
more precise�iones. Thi in turn will help to more clearly def ne what
iB a nuieenc� and more xactly spell out proceduree.
45. 02 Nuisancee. ��
Msny more sp�cifi prob eme will be declared nulsances end the enerel
definition w�ll be more recise. This will help to reduce vagu ness--a
problem comm�n to eny n isence ordinances. Included in the li t of
nuisences wi 1 be:
gerhage �i no ious ubstencee hazerdous wastes
r�eeds i et gnant weter improperly stared firewo d
vermin ve min h rbarege open, vecent buildinge
ha�erdsl� ab ndone buildings failed eewers, cesBpoolB etc. .
da gerou buildinge
43. 03. Viol�tion��i.
It will be a biola ion t creete a nuisence, or leave e nuisanc on
property or ijn e v hicle. It will be incumbent on e property o ner to
monitor thet �rope ty fo nuiser,ces.
45. 04. Diealosure', of r pon• bl• p�rty.
45. 05. Inepectionlof un ccupi d buildings.
45. 06. Order to c�ese.
45. 07. Enforcemen� offi er au horized to enter.
These section� will eid i enforcement. It Nill be the responsi ility
of any person 'iin co trol f a property to disclose the owner or ther
persons in coritrol f pro erty and to provide inspection of eny acant
building on tt�et pr perty The enforcement officer pill be give
authority to v!er6al y ord r a perscn, on the spot, to stop dumpi g,
discherging pa,stes, or ot erwise creating e nuisance. The offic r will
aieo be giveniautho ity t enter for inepection. This gives the legal
baeis for a se�rch erran if entry is denied.
+5. 08 Authority tb Aba •.
This section p�ill g ve th city the authority to deal with all t e
eorte of nuieehces overe in this ordinance. Currently this eu hority
ie scattered a�ound in se eral difference ordinences. Furthermo e this
gives eddition 1 eu orit such es demolition of structures, rem el of
dangerous port�onB- etr ctures, clean up of hazerdoue Nestes, s d
barriceding ofihazar s. e authority to contract this pork out s
given elsepher� end e not needed here. This section will aleo e pend
the coste the �ity c n cha ge to the offending property to includ
inepection cosi�s, te ting osts� notificetion costs, title eeerch s,
etc. . .
- .
/ .
:' • �, �_- �,��=z
� �
45. 09. Service. l'
This sectio� deteils t e procedure for serving the first notic s given
in all kind� of a atem t. Personal service will be dicteted hen the
problem ie �rgent en�ug that lese than four deys shauld be gi en to
correct it. i It w 11 al ow poeting as notice only in thoBe cas e when
tr,e depertm�nt ca not d termine wha actually owns the property or
knawe who tt�E own r ie ut ie unable to determine e correct ed rese.
Such caees Will b very rare.
45. 10. Abetement� proc dur�.
ThiB seatior� dete ls th ebetement proceduree for routine type of
problems. It! will remov the time canstraints of the current o dinance
end replace �ithem ith t e contraints of reasonablenese and req ired
service. Th�ie wi 1 all w proceduree such es boarding of open acent
buildinge to� be a compl ehed more ra�,idly. It will provide en appeal
proceBS throjugh t e Cit Council, gimilar to the present proce ure.
However, unitlke t e cur ent ordinance, it will require notific tion of
the communit� cou cil i euch an appeal ie filed.
45. 11. Su�stanti�l aba em�n proa�durf.
Thie sectionidetai s the procedures for et,atement which is cost y or
which subster�tiall effe ts the value of the property. Most ty ically
handled unde� this categ ry will be demolition of buildings and clean
up of hazardcpus wa te. hie procedure will replace the more
cumberBOme pnocess dicta' ed by the State Stetutues for the demo ition
of hezardous ��build ngs. ThiB type of ebatement will elways req ire e
council heeri�ng en noti ication af the community council. In rder
to protect th�e puh ic, n tification of pending demolitions will be
placed on fil�ie in he Co nty Recorder's Office. More stringent
requirements iof no ifice ion ere placed on the noticeB of heari g to
eny finenciel!ly co cer�ne partiee such es the owner or lien hal ers.
The reasone fpr th mand tory hearing and increesed notice
requirements ere e veral old and include protection of property
rights� incre�sed inanc el liebility and responsibilitiee, and the
need to balenpe co munit concerns, public coete, and property ighte.
45. 12. 6mfrq�nay �bat• nt p oa�dur�.
This eection aietail the procedureB to be followed when the prob em ie
an emergency. It d ffer from the current emergency provisions n two
weys. It Nil� requ re th t the department meke a good faith eff rt to
inform the owrher as soon B possible and it will eliminate the
requirement fc�r e C ty Co ncil hearing in cases where the owner oes
not contest the cit 's ac ion.
43. 13. Pfnalty. I�,
This section provid d spe ifically for tegging ae an enforcement
tool. Tegs ca�in be sed t help inaure that'pro'perty owners do n t
come to rely a,n the City e a contractor to clean up thelr messe .
43. 14. Oth�r r�m�d��if�.
ThiB provieioniie i clude to ineure thet this ordinence does no
interfere Mith! the rdine ces rhich are currently functioning Me 1 for
the removel of�ieben oned ehicles and snoM.
C�r`-- -r.�r�
� -3-
In Jul the fiNet r osed version of tr,is ordinance wes assed o t for
Y► P P P
comment. Sugge�tions recei ed reeulted in a complete rearganizeti n of
the ordinence. Attac ed is an outline of the revieed ordinance. ost
of the changes t�all i two reas: more definitions and changes in
procedures. The�i incr ased efinitions do not represent significant
chengee, i
The most importeont ch ngee n �,rocedure ere ag followe:
1. Procedu�ee f r ord nary, eubstential, and emergency abatem nt
heve be�n se arate in order to tailor notice requirements to the
neede o�f esc type and aleo to meke procedures more clear.
2. Courtes� ord re se t before ebetement proceduree are initi ted
are no longer eddr sed in the ordinance because their pre ence
only cr�eted onfu on and since they are not a legal requ rement
for eny � leter actio .
3. Hotific�tion roced ree ere epelled out. Attached is a
flop-ch�rt wh ch eh we how the notification requirement re ete
to the proced res.
4. Initial 'order must go to both the owner� of reaord and any
persone �iknown to he e cantrol of the property.
5. For init'�iel o ders, posting is considered proper notice only in
extremeicases when he ownership of the property can not be
6. Notifice!tion f com unity cauncile regarding hearinge has b en
added. �,
7. More str�ngen noti icetion of ownere and financially inter sted
parties 1Ls re uired for 8ubetantiel abatement heerings. Bu to
control �osts, publ cation is reserved only for those cases where
ell stte�npts t eer the theBe parties have failed.
8. Whenever '� demol tion f a building ia ordered, notice will b
pleced im the ounty Recorder'e office where it would be
diecover�d by nyone doing e tit1E search on the property.
9. The deac�iptio of t e option for eppeal to diBtrict court ae
been removed f om th ordinance. This process ie incredibl time
consumir►� einc it c n take two years �uat to get on the
celendar.� Agg ieved perties elways have the option of eppe ling
e city cquncil decis on to district court but there is no n ed to
encourage� euch appea s by describing in the ordinance.
One change in a de�finit on is significant:
1. Abendoned�� buil ings ow include buildings which have stood w th
incomplet� ext rior hells for three yeers or more.
_ _
. . . ,
� ���--i ��
����•�••�••• + ........� . ORDEAt OF TH
\ owner owner \ MAl(OR
\ -known known
\ responsible res onsible\ and attempt
� parties � p \ to notii'y owner
\ _ �, parties \
\creater of \I -interested \
nuisance(opt)\� \
..�.����.�` arties \
� ...e.__..�
^°^ ^�^ abat�ement
°orr'pliarae appeal ��i c°mpl� compiiarxe �t�.�� �
\\\:=:��:\ �
i ���est t
hearing �, hearing, NOTICE of
-department -department ' ' hearing
owner -owner
_-owner -interested
_ -known I� arties
= responsible
= parties --known = HE��RING
— — —
_ -community � = responsible = tobe heand
= Council = partieS = -enlorcement
—-community - officer
= COUnCiI — -arryone who
_ — wishes to
be heard
to be heard to be heard
-enforcement � -enforcement RE:�OLUTIO
officer officer -owner
-anyone who -anyone who
wishes to wishes to
be heard �he�
�� costs o
_ -owner I =-owner
_ -responsible = -responsible -
= party I� = parties not specified !
per 45.09
CO� complian �a� ���
personal service,
� ABA MENT' confirmed mail,
or po:st, mail,
and ublish
� ' . , � � �.�9a
45.0�. Defi itior�s 2
Sub . 1. bandc�ned building. ;�
Sub .2. batemer�t deadline. 3
Sub .3. angeraus structure. �
i� Sub .4. nforcement officer. 3
Sub .5. xterminatian. �
Sub .6. azardous wastes. 3
Sub .7. nterested party. 3
Sub .8. ast known address. 3
Sub .9. ai 1. 3
Sub . 10. xious substances. 3
Sub . 11. ner. 4
� Sub . 12. rsona 1 serv i ce. 4
i Sub 13. R ivy. 4
Subd i4. P operty. 4
Subd 15. R fuse. 4
Subd 16. R sponsible party. 4
i Subd 17. U occupied. 4
, Subd 18. U secured. 4
Subd 19. W eds. 4
45.02 I'iNu i san e. 5
Subd. l. R fuse, noxious substances,
h zardous wastes. 5 '
� Subd.2. Fi ewood. 5
�, Subd.3. W ds. 5
' Subd. . St gnant water. 5
�� Subd. . Ve min harbarage. 5
'i Subd. . Ve min infestations. 5
� Subd. . Sa itary structures. 5
�� Subd. . Ma ure vaults. 6
i Subd. . Un cured unoccupied buildings. 6
�i Subd. 0. Da gerous structures. 6
i Subd. 1. Ab ndoned buildings. 6
�� Subd. 2. Ha ard. � 6
' Subd. 3. Fi e hazards. 6
� �� Subd. 4. He lth hazards. 6 -
'� Subd. 5. St ute and Comman Law Nuisances. 6
45.03. �Jiolat i ns. 6
! Subd. l tcr ate a nuisance) 6
�,Subd.2 (al ow a nuisar�ce to remain 6
!Subd.3 tal ow a nuisance to remain in a
ve icle) 6
45.04. �isclos re of esponsible party. 7
45.05. �nspect on of noccupied buildings. 7
45.06. Urder t cease. 7
45.07. Ehforc nt of icer authorized to enter. 7
'i - - .
. ' -13��
. • �
45.OI� Auth rity t Abate. 7
Su . 1. (city a�_ith��rized t�� ab�te
r�t�isar�ces) 7
Sub .2. ab�terner�t rnay ir�clude> 7
i Sub .3. abater�ier�t c��sts) 7
45.Q�. Servi ce. 7
Sub . 1. ersc�r�a 1 serv i ce 7
Sub .2. y niai 1 7
Sub .3. c�st ing 7
45. 1 I�. Abat ment ocedure. 8
q P
Sub . 1. der. 8
Sub .2. tting hearing date. 8
Sub .3. t ice. 8
Subd 4. H aring. 8
Subd 5. A atement. e
45. iill' Subst ntial batemer�t procedure. 8
Subd 1. 0 ders. 9
Subd 2. N tice to public. 9
Subd 3. S tting hearing date. 9
Subd 4. N t ice. 9
Subd 5. H aring. iC�
45. 12.I'� Emerg ncy ab ement procedure. iU
! Subd. l. 0 er by mayor. 10
�, Subd.2. Na ice af the abatement. 11
' Subd. . Se ting hearing date. 11
�i Subd. . No ice. 11
'� Subd. . He ring. li
45. 13. I�;Pena 1 t . 11
45. 14. �,Other emedie . 11
�+,°.i.�1?,. �I�/1GZdt 4ri5.
45.04. �Discla ur•e of respor�sible party. 7
45.05. ',Inspec ion of unoccupied buildings. 7
45.06. i0rder o ceas . '
45.07. �nforc ment o ficer authorized to enter. 7
� 45.08 A��thari y ta A te.
45.09. �ervic .
45. 10. �bat em r�t pro d ure.
45. 11. Substa tial a tement pracedure.
45. 12. �merge y abat ment pracedure.
45. 13. �?ena 1 t
45. 14. �lt her r med i es
_____ __- .
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eptember 11, 1986
T0: Kathy Stack
FROIi: Alice Bi�jani II
RE: proposed nuis�nce or inance
In July, the first ropose versi n of thie ordinance ras passed out for comment.
SuggeStions receive� resul ed in complete reorganization of the ordinance.
Attached is an outlipne of he rev �ed ordinance. tiost of the changes fall in tMo
areae: more definiti�ns an chang in procedures. The increased definitione do ot
represent significan chan es.
The most important c�anges in proc dure are as follors:
1. Procedures �for or nary, ubstantial, and emergency abatement have been
8eparated i#� order to tai or notice requirements to the needs of each ty e
and also to�Imake p ocedur s more clear.
2. Courtesy orqfers se t befo e abatement procedures are initiated are no
longer addr�ssed i the o dinance because their presence only created
confusion a d sinc they re not a legal requirement for any later actio .
3. Hotificatiori proce ures a e spelled out. Attached is a f1oM chart rhich
shors hor tt�e noti icatio requirement relate to the procedures.
4. Initial ord�rs mus go to both the oMner of record and any persons knorn to
have contro]l of th prope ty.
5. For initial �iorders posti g is considered proper notice only in extreme
cases rhen t�he o�n rship f the property can not be determined.
6. Hotificatio� of co munity councils regarding hearings has been added.
7. More stringe�nt not ficati n of orners and financially interested parties s
required for� subst ntial atement hearings. But to control costs,
publication ��is res rved o y for those cases vhere all attempts to serve
the these paprties ave fe ed.
8. Whenever demblitio of a ilding is ordered, notice srill be placed in th
County Recor�ier's fice ere it rould be discovered by anyone doing a
title searchjon th proper y.
9, The descript�on of he opt on for appeal to district court has been remov d
from the ord nance. This rocess is incredibly time consuming since it c n
take tro yea�s �ust to get on the calendar. Aggrieved parties alrays hav
the option o� appea ing a ity council decision to district court but the e
is no need t encou age su h appeals by describing in the ordinance.
One change in a defin�tion i signi icant:
1. Abandoned bu ldings nor in lude buildings vhich have stood with incomplet
exterior shel�ls for three ears or more.
The city attorney's o�fice h s sign d off on the proposed ordinance. Steve Roy an
I are in agreement that it i ready to go. Tedesco's office is rilling to let it g
ahead rithout raitingjfor th regis ration ordinance. I am planning to brief
Rettmann's office on t�he ord nance s soon as you give me the go ahead.
Do you vish it to be i�pntrodu ed to uncil noM or to send it out for comment first?
One alternative rould lfor Re tmann nd it out pell in advance of the first
committee hearing on i�t alon rith notice of the time and the place of the hearin
to all the interes� pa�ties. Please let me knoM rhere to go from here.
: �� � g -S(oPM
� ��� g�
45.dil. Def nit ion . 2
Su d. l. Abandc+ned building. ^c
Su d.2. Abatement deadline. 3
Su d.3. angerous structur�. 3
Su d.4. nforcement officer. 3
Su d.5. xtermination. 3
Su .6. azardous wastes. 3
i Su .7. nterested party. 3
� u 8. ast known address. 3
S b .
Sub .9. ai 1. 3
Sub . 10. oxious substances. 3
Sub . 11. wner. 4
Sub . 12. ersonal service. 4
� Sub . 13. rivy. 4
Sub . 14. roperty. 4
Sub . 15. efuse. 4
Sub . 16. esponsible party. 4
Sub . 17. noccupied. 4
Sub . 18. secured. � 4
Sub . 19. eds. 4
45.021i Nuisa e. 5
Subd 1. R fuse, noxious substances,
h zardaus wastes. 5
Subd 2. F rewood. 5
Subd 3. W eds. 5
� Subd 4. S agnant water. 5
i rb ra e. 5
Subd 5. V rmin ha o g
Subd 6. V rmin infestations. 5
Subd 7. S nitary structures. 5
Subd 8. M nure vaults. 6
Subd.9. U secured unoccupied buildings. 6
!i Subd. 10. D ngerous structures. 6
, Subd. il. A ndoned buildings. 6
� Subd. 12. H ard. 6
�, Subd. 13. Fi e hazards. 6
i Subd. 14. H lth hazards. 6
'i Subd. 15. St tute and Common Law Nuisances. 6
45.03. 'i Violat 'ons. 6
� Subd. . (c eate a nuisance> 6
�i Subd. . (a low a nuisance to remair� 6
i Subd. . (a low a nuisar�ce ta remair� ir� a
v hicle) 6
45.44. !iDisclo ure of responsible party. 7
45.05. IlInspec ion of unoccupied buildings. 7
45.06. prder t ceas 7
45.07. �nforc ent of icer authorized to enter. 7
�.._..._....� ....., �.,.�.�._.__.�._.,_...�.
--- -- -
� (?� -- /�� y�
: . � �
45. 108 Auth rit t Abate. 7
Su d. 1. (city author�ized tc� abate
r�u i sar�ces) 7 ,
Su d.2. tabatemer�t may ir�clude) 7
Su d.3. (abat erner�t cast s) 7
45.0�9. Ser i ce. 7
Su d. l. persc�r�al service 7
Su d.2. by mail �
Su d.3. asting 7
45. ip. Abat ment p ocedure. 8
Su . 1. rder. 8
Sub .2. etting hearing date. 8
Sub .3. ot ice. g
Sub .4. earing. 8
Sub .5. batement. 8
45. iil�. Subs antial abatement procedure. 8
Sub . i. rders. 9
Sub .2. ot ice to publ ic. 9
Sub .3. etting hearing date. 9
� Sub .4. t ice. 9
� Sub .5. arin . iC�
45. 12� Emer ncy a t ement proced ure. 10
Sub . 1. der by mayor. 14
Subd 2. N tice of the abatement. 11
Subd 3. S tting hearing date. 11
Subd 4. N tice. 11
Subd 5. H aring. 11
45. 13.I� Pena 1
y. 11
45. 14.'� Ot her remed i s. 11
. __ . a _ __ _ _- - ----- _ _. _----- ---- . _------ --
. � �.. � ��� ;�y�
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���••••�•�•• I . �........� . ORDEFt OF E
` owner owner \ MAl(OR
\ -known -known
\ �esponsible res onsible\ and attempt
\� parttes p \ to notify own r
_ � parties \
\creater of � -interested \
nuisance(opt)�� \
�.�.�.�..�``� arties \
, _._e.....�
�a� ,,,p, � �� abat�ement
non non
��� � � � � �\\\`\\`\\\� \
hearing hearing
-deparfinent ' � ' -department : 1 hearing _
=-owner owner -owner
— -int r t
e es ed
= -kn wn
= arties
- responsible I��
= parties --known — HE��RING
- -community = responsible = tobe neard
- council �� = parties = -enioroement
=-community = officer
= COUnCiI — -arryonewho
_ — wishes to
be heard
to be heard to be neard RE:30L1lTI N
-enforcement -enforcement
officer officer -owner
-anyone who �; -anyone who
wishes to � wishes to
be heard be heard
�s�s cas no
_ -owner =-owner TYPES OF SERVI E
_ _
_ -responsible = -responsible -.-. -
— <
= party �� = not s ecifie
— parties P .
pei• 45.09
��' ��i ��� �a�
personal service,
', ABA EME confirmed mail,
or po:st, mail,
and ublish
_. �- �,-/�- 9'°�
�"',�- '--'�X- �i �
Oate :
November 17, 19 6
� 0 MIT E
TO = Salnt P
� ul C ty Counc� l
F R 0 M � C O I�'11 IT�It e e O'h C i ty Deve 1 opment and TransAOrtat i on
William �. Wiison
. �-
� 1 , �'_
� . F i rst F�e�d i nc - 85-1 �9 -. An ord i nance amend i ng ;� ; " ��
ChaAter �t02.0i and 2.02 of the Legisiative Code �
pertaini�g to Bingo o brina in compliance with
State Lai�. (C itte recommends removal from committee
list - np lon_ r rel vant)
� • - i� , -
2. An Ordln�nce a endin Chapters 45 and 215 and deleting •
Chapters�i42. 2ii . 21 and 233 of tne St. Paul Leqislative
Code A�rtaining t nuisances. (Committee recommends
apAroval , with mendm nts)
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