86-1385 WHITE �- C�TY CIERK PINK - FINANCE G TY OF SA I NT PAU L Council � CANARV - DEPARTMENT F11C NO. � -/��� C�LI'�E - MAVOR ` Valuationsy–tRoom 2 8 ounci Resol tion (JS) �CounRes) . � Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committ e By Date WHEI�EAS , The ity Council pursuant to Chapter 6 of the Administr tive Code, did hold a public hearing on January 28 1986, in the City Coun il Ch mbers, City Council File No. 86-87 for the purpose o establish 'ng the level of Excess Operating Cost of Special Lighting n the Ford- leveland Lighting System of Saint Paul, which is to be lev ed ag inst enefitted properties; and WHER AS, ursua t to Chapter 62 of the Administrative ode, the Departmen of P blic orks submitted to the Department of Finance and Managemen Ser ices report showing the estimated total ex ess cost of Speci 1 Li htin in the Ford-Cleveland Lighting S stem is $13 , 659 . 1 for he ye r 1986; and WHER AS, T e Cit Council of Saint Paul at said Public Hearing on January 2 , 198 , hea d all interested parties and approved a plan by which the cost of th above Standard Street Lighting Syste for the Ford-Clev land rea O eration would be assessed against the enefitted propertie ; and NOW, THER FORE E IT RESOLVED, That the City Council of Saint Paul does: here y ado t and levy these excess lighting cos s for the year 1986 ' as Spec al Assessment against the benefitted p operties at the ra e of 1. 35 er assessable foot; and BE I FURT ER RE OLVED, That the City Clerk is hereby di ected to transmit a cer ifie copy of this resolution to the Rams y County Auditor s tha the assessment for the excess operating costs of Special Lightin levi d herewith shall be extended on the pro erty tax list of t e co nty a d collected in 1987 along with curre t taxes , said charges to be pa able in a single installment; and COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas p�eW Nays Nicosia Finance & Mana ement Services Rettman In Favor ` + Scheibel �� Sonnen Agal(ISt BY '`"`�T Director Tedesco Wilson orm Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Yassed by Counc�l Secret ry BY g�, Approved by Yfavor: Dat ' Appr e by Mayor for Submi s' n t Cou cil BY - — __ _____ ._ _ . _ wNITE �- GTV CLERK PINK - FINANCE (j I , y OF SA I NT PA LT L Council _/3�� �ANARV - DEPARTMENT File NO. BLU� - MAVOR Return copy to: C unci Resol ZO/L Valuations - Room 218 (CounRes) (JS) ! > ,. Presented By � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committe By Date BE IT, FURT ER RE OLVED, That the revenues collected with the taxes for Speci 1 Lig ting be automatically placed in the Street Lighting Maintenan�ce Ac ount umber 807-62908-62717 according to standard accounting proc dure. COUNCILMEIV Requested by Department of: Yeas �' Nays � Finance & Mana m Nicosia [n Favor Rettman Scheibel � �,,,,,R. _ Against BY Tedes�o Wilson c - Adopted by� Council: Date � � ���u Form App oved by Attorney 7 Certified Pas e unc 1 Se t BY ( C�` �� � sy� Appr ve y Mavor. Date �+T 1 O 1�QS Appro d by Mayor for Submi n t Co cil By BY p�,; ���I�E� � C T 1 8198'G nance & Mana�en t� Se ices DEPARTMENT N� �612� Peter� White � CONTACT �`�� 298-5317 PHONE � ' Au ust 22 1986 DATE ��i� . Q, �, ASSIGN NUMBER FOR R UTING RDER li All Locations for Si nature : Department Dire tor Director of Manageme t/Mayor 2 Finance and Man gement Servic s Director - 3 City Clerk Budget Uirector 1 City Attorney HAT WILL BE AC IEY D BY T KING A ION ON THE ATTACHED MATERIALS? (Purpose/ Rationale) : Revenue will be col ected or the Above Standard Street Lighting System for the Ford .Clevel nd Are Operation. R F�����D (January-December, 1 86) � 'ei"°` _ � (` E� I`��� _,,, f� �.,-... _ Ofif�,, t�� �r . i: , D :',�;' . �� � . _ � � � AND f��i.� � ,;�.. ......�,, _ COST BENEFIT BUDGET RY AND PERSON L IMPACTS ANTICIPATED: � Revenue in the amoun of $ ,659. will be collected with the 1987 taxes by the sey County Department of Taxati n. FINANCING SOURCE AND UDGET CTIVIT NUMBER CHARGED OR CREDITED: (Mayor's signa- $ ,659.16 ture not re- Total Amount�of "Jr nsacti n: quired if under St eet L htin intenance Aecount � �10,000) Funding �ource: . g Activity Number: 07-62 8-6271 . ATTACHMENTS List and umber 11 Att chments : 1. Council Resolutio � DEP�kRTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY RElIIEW x Yes No Council R soluti n Requ red? ' Resolution Required? Ye No Yes �_No Insurance Requi d? Insurance Suffirient? Ye No Yes x No Insurance Attach d: (SEE • EV�RSE IDE FOR INSTRUCTIONS) Revised lZ/84 C�� �/Z"°/' � � �ITy �F, II } r/�9�� '�¢� �f � ��6 �� ��� �C''V Y�i�� (�(p- ��.tl�i r � � � � IIII�!1jIIt ; aie ����� Notic� ��na �a�vofce � ti° ' � �L:i.i L��� oi �$�'���L 186� � OWNER OR TAXPAY�R CTTY COUNCIL DISTRI � 3 DISTRICT PLANNING OUNCIL t1 15 FILE# 1 g?g n ASSESSMENT# 0 Q 7 PROPERTY AD DRESS i=ARCEL IC , PROPERTY TAX DESC�2IPTION � = c � - u . � �S�.S.,E� LEU�1� _ SA F'[TRPOSE I�i To cons� er ratifi ation of the assessment for C�'E��T I�C C��S T� F 0 n T; F ���ak?nv` 51':1ND �t� �TaEFT LIGNTI�vC SYSTEM rC° TN� �D ii°AE?K'«I Y-��� tl��C AVE'��U= AE'kA � IGHTI`,C SYSTE�' FC� HE , � . �.u,�_` ._,_ _ THE �'IME: �f ����,4Y CCT�;r�� 7. 19�E �1' ? 0 _ i1G ?�..^!- PUBLIC � HEARING LACE: ity Coun i:Chambers. 3rd Floor, City Hall-Court House. :itten o oral sta ements by any owner��il! be considered by the Council at hearing. ASSESSMENT �i he pro sed ass ssment for the above property is 5 Your fir.al a essment will INFORMATION �e the a ount rat fied by the City Council at the public hearing.The amount howing on t is notic is the a pur.t that is being recommended to the City Council for rat ficatinn.The �ropose assessm nt roll for this project is available for review in ihe Finance ept. Roc�m 2�18,City all. PAYMENT I�fOTE: Th s notice is your invoice which becomes due and payable upon ap rovai of the INFORMATION c�ssessme t by the ity Council.You may pay your final assessment without int res:to the �eparim nt o! �in r�ce and M�nagement S�rvices, Room 218. City Hcsll-Court ouse within 3 days c fhe Cih; ct�ncil's approval After 30 d��s any�:npaid assessm�ent 1 be certified fc�r c.ollec on ir� 0 equal installments with irie real estate taxes beginning in 19 87 v,�iii'-� inter st at ihe cste of 0 . C 0°�a �er anr.um on tne ur.pcid assessmErt �1 ce CONTINCTED ON R�.'VER�E SIDE r10TIFICATION DATE 9/ 9/R o � • , . uibers; _ �ITY UF ►�,E�I1TT �AUL � � Ntcosin, ctiatr J nlce ReEtman uu�i ii ii ' I kt 9onnen OFFIC� OF THLr CITY COIINOIL ' J n Drew (Alt)� .. .... �-/.3�'S . • �� Date: Octo er 1 1986 � . . . . . . . . - '��� C m1 � t � . ee Re o t p _ . . . . . . . . . _ . �� - . . _ Tof', � Sai t Paul City Council � � . Fr�m: Co mittee �on Public Works � � � � � Ch is Nicosia, Chair _ ._ . '� _ _ _ ____---- _ Hear t n D� te ' - 1. 9%9/86 �, VAC TION: etition of Finch Associates for the vacatio� f the alley in Block 11 . Whitney and Smiths Additio . Pur ose i to construct a parking lot (bounded by Fift , Six h, Wa 1 and Wacouta Streets). Laid over from 9/25/8 for two we ks. .. do menu Rec mmende approval . 2. 9/9/86 !, VAC ION: etition of 3M Company for the vacation of th all in lock 4, Paterson's Addition. Purpose is t _ � corr ct dr inage, parking, security and . truck loadin _ . ,. ---�- }- - - _--� _ - - prob ems ( unded by Grove, Pine, John and 13th Streets) Laid over f om 9/25/86 for two weeks. I�I Laid over i definitel in Comm' y �ttee. . 3. 10/7/86 . �I RATI ICATIQ OF AWARD OF DAMAGES: Condemntng and taking an �I ease ent i certain property for the construction of � �', slop in th gradinq and paving of BENSON AVENUE from 450 - ��, feet ast of Homer Street to Glen 7errace. Laid over from ��, 9/23/ 6 for wo weeks. � ��, Rec ended pproval . . �. � 4. 10/7/86 IRATIF CATION OF THE OPERA7ING COSTS OF THE ABOVE STANDARD ISTREE LIGHTI G SYSTEMS IN THE FOLLOWING AREAS: �IA. AND A ENUE EAST for the months of November 8 D cember 1966; �IB. G ANO A ENUE WEST for the months of November 8 D cember 1986; ��,C. N RTH W BASHA• AREA .for the months of November 8 D cember 1986; p. F PA AY-CLEVELAND AREA f4dr the months of January t ru Dec er, 1986; �. S BY-WE ERN AREA for the months of January thru ' D ember, 1986; �'. LO ERTOWN AREA LIGHTING for the months of January th u Dece ber, 1986; and � (�. GR ND-DAL -VICTORIA AREA LIGHTING for the months of Se ternber thru December, 1986. �P p R 6 V E D �I ..-..-.�......�..:_��"��� .J�.J...—�. .�_._.-1_-��._.�y.., . _^...._.,.�.._..._.,... . . . ..... . .._._... ..--.-..nn:..m.. � .