86-1383 WMITE - CITV CLERK II PINK - FINANCE COUnCII C�ANARY�- DEPARTMENT G TY OF SAINT PALTL File NO• ^/�� ' U E - M A V O R Return to: u cil R solution Valuations - Room 21 (JS) (CounRes) , � � Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committ e By Date BE IT FURTH R RES LVED, That the revenues collected with the taxes for Specia Lig ting e automatically placed in the Street ighting Maintenan e Account umber 807-62908-62773 according to s andard accounting proce ure. I I , i COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas �� Nays Nicosia � In Favor Finance & Mana ement Services Rettman Scheibel � s.,�,,,,, Against BY Director redesco Wilson Q 7 1986 Form Ap oved by A torney ., Adopted by Council: i Date �,L�'\ Certified Pas• . 1 S re r BY � �' � gS, Appr y Mavor. Da �-' CT � � �g�u App by Mayor for Su issi n to Cou cil sy _ _ sy PU� I�i��D '� �T 1 $ 1g�6 � Ma�a ement Servi � s DEpARTbIENT � l�� 06131 �eter.•White CONTACT �%�""�" '�3 298-5317 PH�NE Au ust 22, 1986 DATE e��'�: �r ASSIGN Nl1M6ER FOR RO ING 0 DER C1 All Locations for Si nature : Department Direct r Director of Management Mayor `" 2 Finance and Mana ent rvice Director � � City Clerk Budget Director • 1 City Attorney � WHAT WILL BE ACHI�IIED BY TA NG AG ON ON THE ATTACHED MATERIALS? (Purpose/ Rationale) : Revsnue will be coll cted f r the ove Standard Street LightingaS�stem far the G nd Avenue East Area Operation. (Nov ber an December, 1986). COST BENEFIT BUDGETA Y AND ERSONN IMPACTS ANTICIPATED: Revenue in the amoun of $1 075.79 ill be collected with the 1987-..taxe��b���� se}. County Department of Taxati n. � �' " �� '` . �: , � ' OFFiCE OF rH� t:?:�;:_ `;�}� DEPARI f,PEN7 G� Fi�V �NC� AND MANAGEN�ENT SE V►C�$ ' FINANCING SOURCE AND 6 DGET TIVIT NUN�ER CHARGED OR CREDITED: (Mayor's signa- � ture not re- Tota1 Amount of "Tra sacti . S1, 75.79 quired if under � $10,000) Funding Source: - s r±�et ghtin Ma.intenance Account Activity Number: 8 �-629 -62773 . ATTACHMENTS List and umber 11 Att chments : 1. Council Resolutio � DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW �Yes No Council solut on Req red? ' Resolution Required? Ye No Yes xNo Insurance Requi d? Insurance Sufficient? Ye No Yes xNo Insurance Attac ed: (SEE EVERS SIDE FOR INSTRUCTIONSj Revised 12/84 � . c,;�(/ ��� �iaY ,a • / � � ,�,�"� j ,�yyy�q y' �¢g. • ;r 'I, � �t �f�8� �$� ��d4��C�� �y—,�0 3 O . o a II �pq /� T ��/� w � �l�����jt�l � I ��� �leaii$�� ������ tii�� i�dV��/� °'� �� ' Rat c���r� of ���s�r�er�# t86♦ I OWNER OR TAXPAYER I CITY COUNCIL DISTRICT 1 DISTRIGT PLANNING CO CIL� 15 FILE� 1.R425 ASSESSMENT# 0 0 7 5 PROPERTY ADDRESS PAR�EL IC PROPERTY TAX DESCRI�'TION :�SSE_SS�C L��r�L :i �a�'}� P'URPOSE Tp consid r ratific tion of the assessment for C�E R a T I�:C C"�S+� F 0� T N Aj"N.r)L'� T �^ �'• S..Z,?.E�.�•<<L �Ch+�TI,f��C SYST��'� F0 ? TH� �_R.,�'JC J',��'�t��JE � ��ST �:EA LIG�'T.I ��., SYS7��: ��`� T�E M�hTNS CF �',�,�f `,��:, %i Q"�� �:c��.�"�oF� lyi{� � i_� � THE T1�IvIE: TU�_ �:��'� . CCTi;�':�-_�'' 7 . ?.9�.� ^T :.v : vJ � . `�' . PUBLIC HEARING P�,,ACE: Ci Ceunci Chai�ers, 3rd Floor. Ciiy Hail-Court House. V�jntten or ral stat anents by any owner��ill�e corsidered by the Council at t is h�aring ASSESSMENT T I e prop ed asse smert for the above l�roperty is 5 Your final ass ssmen!will INFORMATION b the am unt ratif ed by the City Council a! the public hearing.The amount s ow-ing on th s notice �s the a �unt that is being reco,-nm�ended to the City Counci:'_or rati cat:on.The p�oposed ssessme t roll for this project is available for revieui in the Finance ept. Room 2 lll8, City H il. PAYMENT N�TE: Thi notic.e s your invoice whicn becomes due ar.d ����able upon ap roval of the INFORMATION a�sessme� by the ity Council.You may pa�y�rour finci assessment�vithout inte est to the D�partme t ot Fir. ,ce ana Mar,agement Services. Room �18. City Hall-Court ouse within 3�u days of the City euncil's approval Af!er 30 dcr�s any ur.paid assessment wil be certified to co?lect n in � equal installments w:+��: the reai estat� taxes beginning n 19 E 7 �,�:��h :nter i at the te of � _ 0 !l°ro per�^n�:�.im� on �he t.ir.paid assessment �ia ce CONTI?vLTED ON REVERSIE SIDE NOTIFICAT?ON DATE 9/ 9/�6 � . 1[em eta: _ �� �i TY UF �.AI�T'.P �AUL ct�rs Nt�ostn, chatr ����i���� , . Jenlc Reltman nn �u n O P`I E Hikl onnea C QF THLr CITY COIINOIL � ' John Dre�r (Alt) ... i ' . � -�3�'� � • " F , Date: Octobe 1, 1986 . . . . - o m itte e � Re o� � p r . ; . . . . . . . . . _ f To; �I ain Paul City Cauncil � - Fro�ri: o mittee �on Public Works � � � � Chr s Nicosia, Chair � _ , _ __ _ _----- _ Heartn Da e ' , 1. 9/9/86 VACA ION: P tition of Finch Associates for the vacation o the alley in Block 11, Whitney and Smiths Addition. - Pur se is to construct a parking lot (bounded by Fifth, Sixt , Wat and Wacouta Streets). Laid over from 9/25/8 for wo wee s. . d�� menu , I Rec ended approval . 2. 9/9/86 I VACA ION: etition of 3M Company for the vacation of the j alle in lock 4, Paterson's Addition. Purpose is to j corr ct dr inage, parking, security_ and. _truck loading . .. — --- _---��--- - prob ems ( unded by Grove, Pine, John and 13th Streets) II Laid over f om 9/25/86 for two weeks. II Laid over i definitely in Committee. 3. 10/7/86 . I RATI ICATIO OF AWARD OF DAMAGES: Condemning and taking an j eas ent i certain property for the construction of Islop s in t e grading and paving of BENSON AVENUE from 450 - feet east o Homer Street to Glen Terrace. Laid over from ! 9/23 86 for two weeks. . I Rec ended approval . r � 4. 10/7/86 RATI ICATIO OF THE OPERATING COSTS OF THE ABOVE STANDARD II STRE LIGH ING SYSTEMS IN THE FOLLOWING AREAS: I A. AN0 VENUE EAST for the months of November b ecemb , 1986; j B. RAND VENUE WEST for the months of November 8 ecemb , 1986; I C. ORTH ABASHA� AREA for the months of November 8 ecembe , 1986; II D. ORD PA KWAY-CLEVELAND AREA for the months of January hru De embe�, 1986; I E. ELBY-W STERN AREA for the months of January thru � ecembe , 1986; � F. OWERTO N AREA LIGHTING for the months of January hru De ember, 1986; and � � II G. RAND-D LE-VICTORIA AREA LIGHTING for the months of eptemb r thru December, 1986. ��p �6�E p ....._..._.._..„..-......1..,.,f'�_,__ ��.J�..J_ _.-��:.�....._�.��:....�. ...�.�..,__.,.....,..,..._..- ........... ........_....-Y.__..t..._.__.....•.�.. . . . . _. . ___.....-..._.,�....�. I