86-1376 WNITE - CITY GI.ERK �' PINK - FINAN�E � C I T OF SA I NT PA U L Council _ /�� CANARV - DEPARTMENT File NO. BLUE - MAVOR o ncil Resolution (�� � Present By Referred To � Committee: Date ��� 2 Out of Committee y Date An dminist ative Resolution establishing the rat of pay for Water Billing Operator in the Sal ry Pla and Rates of Compensation Resolution. RESOLVED, hat t e 'ritle of Water Billing Operator be paid at the rate et forth in Grade 18, Se tion I 1 of the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensatio Resolution, Cle;rical roup. FURTHER RESOLVED, that is resolution shall take effect and be in forc following the first p y peri after the passage, approval and publication o '.�fi�s resolution. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas �� Nays PERSONNEL OFFICE Nicosia ln Favor Rettman S�heibeF y�,,,^ __ Against BY Tedeg�o wi�son ��+T - 1986 Form Approved y C y ttorney Adopted by Council: D te Certified Pas ouncil e ry BY � By Approv by , avor: Dat y�+ � 1986 Approve Mayor for Submi o unCi By PuB iSNED � � 1 1 1986 BY . , 4 Personnel Office p pARTMENT � /3y� . --- — Jeanette �Sobania C TACT 422, PpNE r en 7-24-86 D fiE � Q, ASSIGN NUMBER FOR ROUTIN ORDER Cli 11 Locations for Si nature : 1 Department Director � 3 Director of Management/Ma r Finance and Manageme t Servi ces Di ector � � City Clerk Budget Director 2 City Attorney WHAT WILL BE ACHIEVED BY TAKING ACTION THE ATTACHED MATERIALS? (Purpose/ Ratio�a�e� • This resolution establis es the rate o , pay in the Salary Plan & Rates o o pensation for the new title of Water Billi g Oper tor. ;, � �,��-,.� �� �_. REG�� �E� �l � - JU� � 9 19�6 COST BENEFIT $UDGETARY D PE ONNEL �� PACTS ANTICIPATED: � �� ���� �� �����Y None _ . . FINANCING SOURCE AND BUD ET ACT VITY N {�ER CHARGED OR CREDITED: (Mayor's signa- ture not re- Total Amount of �Trans ction: quired if under � �10,000) Funding Source: Activity Number: • ATTACHMENTS List and Nu ber A1 Attac ents : 1 . Resolution � 2. Copy for City Clerk . DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW Yes No Cnuncil Re oluti Requi ed? ' Resolution Required? Yes No Yes No Insurance equi ? Insurance Sufficient? Yes No Yes No Insurance ttach : (SEE • VERSE IDE FOR INSTRUCTIONS) Revised 12/84 . . C ,� � CI ril< � -�.��� � � ` F�,, ` CIT OF SA.INT PAUL I ,,i;;� . . OF'FI OF THE CITY COUNCIL . .. ammittee Re art � F F:i�an� � M a e e�t & Personnel Cammittee. EPTEMBER 25, 1986 1. Approval of mi}nutes rom me ting held September 18, 1986. approved 2. Resolution aut�horizi g an a reement with the State Department of Health whereby the ci�ty sha 1 prov'de lead screening to children. approved 3. Resolution addpting Corne Lot Long Side Assessment Policy for local � service improv�ements exclud g sidewalks. approved 4. Administrativ Order : D-8099: Authdrizati n of p ent to Sam Grogg for consultant services (lai overllfrom S ptembe �8, 1986) . discussed D-8102: Budge�t revi ion in ED-Community Development Block Grant Fund (lai overlfrom S ptembe 18, 1986) . discussed ,5, �� �sh g the at�°of pay for Water B�lliag �ezatar �� Srade 18, g�����:.�°a�`� f't�e alarq aa''�nd ''�tates o�"���st�ri Resolution (Iafd e��.�_ ��c� S_ �-, �.986). I apgroved c•"� !_"J {�'1 ..` ,v . ..�� ,..��� .� 'T '_'.5 I.� I rn . --- o . - „ =: ,� .. :-� f_� �,j �_ , CITY HALL II SEVEN FLOOR SAINT PAUI, MINNESO A 55102 �o�s