86-1374 T G TY OF SAINT YAUL Council File N0. �/�� ' - rdinance Ordinance 1�0. � By Referred o Committee: Date Out of Commit e By Date An Ord nance mending Chapter 60 of the Saint Paul Legisl tive C e pertaining to zoning for the City of Sai t Paul and the zoning maps thereof. WHEREAS, ursuan to Mi nesota Statutes, § 462.357 and § 64.210 of the Legislative C de, Si ley P1 za and South Highland Park Apartments duly peti ioned to rezone 129 Daver Stree located on the east side of Davern between Wes Seventh Stree and S . Paul Avenue from B-2 to RM-2 and, the southeast corn r at 1290 Davern S reet 1 cated n the east side of Davern between West Seventh treet and St. Paul venue rom RM 2 to B-2 for the purpose of accommodating a la d exchange to f cilita e the ibley Plaza expansion; the petition having been certified by he Pla ning D vision on July 16, 1986 as having been consente to by at least two- hirds f the wners of the area of the property to be rezoned, and further havin been onsent d to by at least 67% of the owners of the prope ty situated with n 100 eet of the total contiguous property within one year , preceding the date o the p tition; and WHEREAS, he Zon ng C ittee on August 21 , 1986 conducted a public hea ing for the purpo e of c nsider ng the rezoning petition, and pursuant to Secti n 107.03 of the Admini trativ Code, submitted its recommendation to the Plan ing Comnission th t the etitio be granted; and WHEREAS, he Pla ning C mmission considered the rezoning petition at it meeting held n Augu t 22, 986 and recommended that the City Council appr e the petition; and WHEREAS, otice f a pu lic hearing before the City Council on the sai rezoning peti ion wa duly ublished in the official newspaper of the City on August 30, 19 6 and otices were duly mailed to each owner of affected pro erty and property ituate wholl or partly within 350 feet of the property sou ht to be rezoned; a d COUNC[LMEN Yeas Nay Requested by Department of: Drew Nicosia ln Favor — Rettman Scheibel Against BY Sonnen Tedeuo Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Coun il Secret ry BY By Approved by Mayor: Dat Approved by Mayor for Submission to Co ncil By BY WHITE - C�TV CLERK I PINK - FINANCE COUIICII /)'/ /��� BLUERr - MAVORTMENT i CIT OF SAINT PAUL File NO. Y�' !J(l ` Ordin�nce Ordinance N 0. � Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date I WHEREAS, A ublic earing before the City Council , having been conducted on September 11 , 1 86 wh re all nterested persons were heard, and the Council aving considered all he fa s and ecommendations concerning the petition; now, therefore, I THE COUNCIL OF THE CI Y OF S INT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: I I ; Section 1. That the zlning m p of t e City of Saint Paul , Sheet No. 41, as incorporated b refer nce in Section 60.301 of the Saint Paul Legislative C e, as amended, is he eby fu ther a ended as follows: I �fhat p operty ocated at 1292 Davern being more �artic larly scribed as that part of the South �171 .08 feet o Lot 21, Snelling Outlots described as ;follow : Begi ning at the Northwest corner of said ISouth 71 .08 eet of Lot 21 ; thence South along the West 1 ne of ot 21 a distance of 17.5 feet; thence IEast p rallel with the South line of said Lot 21 a ;distan e of 7 .11 feet; thence Northeasterly to a � point n the orth line of said South 171.08 feet of ; Lot 21 distan 96.77 feet East of the West line of ; said L t 21 ; hence West on the North line of said ; South 71.08 eet of Lot 21 a distance of 96.77 feet ; to th point f beginning, be and is hereby j rezon d from -2 to RM-2; and I � That ropert located at 1290 Davern Street � being more p rticularly described as that part of I Lot 2 , Snel ing Outlots lying North of the South ; 171.0 feet escribed as follows: Commencing at a oint on the West line of said Lot 21 dist n COUNCILMFN Re uested b De artment of: Yeas Na�ys Q y P Drew Nicosia [n Favor — Rettman i s�ne'bei i Against BY Sonnen Tedesco I Wilson i Form Approv d by C' y ttor y Adopted by Council: i Date Certified Passed by C uncil Se etary BY By Approved by Mayor: �ate Approved b Mayor for Submission to ouncil By By i � I , C;� �- �.��s� ZONI G COMMITTEE STAFF REPORT �� =s�ma¢=xsc�saaa�=�:a==�=�_ FILE 9950 i 1. APPLICANT: Sibley laza, I�C. and South Highland DATE OF HEARING: 8/21/86 Park Apartme ts � � 2. CLASSIFICA ION: ezoning from B-2 to RM-2 and from RM-2 to B-2 3. LOCATION: 1292 Da ern anc� 1290 Davern 4. PLANNING T�ISTRI : 15 I 5. LEGAL DES RIPTI N: On 'le 6. PRESENT Z NING: M-2; B 2 ZONING CODE REFERENCE: 60.451; 60.531 7. STAFF INVE TIGA ON AN REPORT: DATE: 8/11/86 BY: Donna Datsko ===x==xmiss�=ma�sm=sa� as:=:s axa=a�x�sssaa��msazsa=am�ssssas�ac�_��saaaasc v �aac� ===cc==��=xxo==�s=aaax ax==ma =�as�s=3saamm��axasxs��axs�=mas�s=���am=as=s �xas=� A. PURPOSE: T� accom odate land exchange for Sibley Plaza ex ansion. P B. SUFFICIEN�: The etition as declared sufficient by the Planning Division on Jul 16, 1986; 20 parce s eligib e, 14 pa cels required, 1 S parcels signed. C. PAR EL IZ : 1292 avern 1,459 square feet; 1290 Davern - 6,455 square feet. D. EXI IN L N : Singl family residential and multiple family residential (pa king lot � area). E. RR NDI D North: Mul�ple fa ily resi ential East: Com ercial South: Com ercial West: Sing�e famil reside tial F. Z NIN E i n: Sec 'on 60.451 states: "The RM-2 Multiple-Family Resident al Dis- trict is design d to pr vide for more extensive areas of multiple-family residential de elop- ment as well a uses r ated to he multiple-family residential districts, or uses which rve one-family res�dential needs a d require more extensive sites." - Section 60.531�tates: The B-2 Community Business District is intended to serve the n eds of a consumer po ulation larger t an that served by the "Local Business District," and is y generally char cterize by a cl ster of establishments generating large volumes of veh cular and pedestrian�traffic. G. FINDINGS: � � � � 1. The appli ants pl to re ve 50 percent of the west wing of Sibley Plaza and to ebuild with an a ditiona 40,000 yuare feet. The new portion will be oriented parallel t West Seventh St eet an will ho se a large retail grocery as well as other retail uses. 2. In order t accom odate t e reorientation, Sibley Plaza will require 6,455 square eet of the southe st corn r of the Highland Park Apartments' parking lot at 1290 Davern This area is no zoned M-2. 3. The apart ents n w have 7 parking spaces; 14 spaces will be removed but 1 S ne spaces will be co structe south the existing apartments in a new area acquired by the High- land Apar ments. he tot apartment area will increase by 2,505 square feet. Ab ut =�`• 1,459 squa�e feet f the ne parking area is now zoned B-2. 4. Houses no'�' existi g in th rezoning area will be removed; the right to purchase th se properties has bee acquir d by the applicants. Two of the properties are in B-2 z ned lots and one is in the M-2 zo . � � I � i I � � � - /�?� � Sibl P1 z Inc n h Hi 1 n P rk A r n # Page Two i I G. FINDI N ' i 5. The City s Comp ehensiv I Plan states that "the City will support a diverse comm rcial ac- tivity ba e by w kittg w th business and community groups to... continue physic 1 im- proveme t progr ms to r 'nforce identities which attract customers." (Policy 4.2-1). It also states th t "the C ty will.. monitor commercial trends and adjust land use policie to remain a reast o change affecting the character of commercial areas..." and wil recom- mend "m difyin current land use regulatory provisions to permit appropriate fl xibility in the re se of la d and ructures" Policies 4.2-4 and 4.2-2). 6. The Dist ict 15 an stat as its land use goal that it will work to "maintain the uality of the en ire dist ict, ...in luding commercial areas." H. TAFF ANA he co ercial space was vacant for three years because the co figura- tion of the sp ce was not ade uate to meet prospective tenants' requirements. The re oning proposal pro ides fle ibility o meet the needs of an underutilized commercial center while accommodati g park g requ' ements for the adjacent multiple family parcel. In ad ition, the proposal 's in co pliance ith the City's and the district's land use plan. I. TAF E N A • Based pn findings 1 through 6, staff recommends ap oval of the rezoning f the 1 90 Dav rn parcel from RM-2 to B-2 and the 1292 Davern parce from B- 2 to RM-2. � ! I i � I ; ' I � � I I i I � � , � ; i i � , i I 1 ; . � �-�.�7y � � DEVELOPMENT AND MANAGEMENT OF SHOPPING CE TERS 2227 UNIVERSITY AVE. • ST.PAUL,MINN. 55114 • 612 7901 I i June �26, 1986 ' ; � CENTRAL PLAZA I The I�onorable Mayor and City Council 45th&Central Ave., rv.Ea c/o he Zoning Of f ice Minneapotis,Minnesota 11,00 Clty HS11 Annex � St. aul, MN 55102 CRYSTALSHOPPINGCEN7IER RE: Sibley Plaza Redevelopment Bass Lake Rd.&West Broad�vay Crystal,Minnesota i �, Dear Mayor and Council Members: � DOODWAY SHOPPING CENtER Ther is enclosed herewith for f iling three 3) Dodd Rd.& Bernard St. I aPPl 'cations for lot splits and two t 2) peti West St.Paul,nn���esota ', tion for rezoning relating to the proposed ', reno ation and expansion of the Sibley Plaza ', Shop ing Center. Also enclosed are copies o a �ExiNCTON P�nu► , site plan and a survey showing the locations of Lexington& Larpenteur ', the hree (3) lot splits and showing also th Ro�„�ue,Minnesota � loca ions of the two (2) partial lots being , rezo ed. The relevant parcels are identifie by 1 tters A through E on the attached site MOUNDS VIEW SQUARE Plan Hwy. 10 at Long Lake Rd.�I MoundsView,Minnesota �i The ntire transaction essentially lAVO1V@S he I conv yance to South Highland Park Apartments of ' Parc ls D and E in exchange for Parcel B; an NORTMWAYSHOPPINGCEN�ER the ezoning of Parcels B and C (together Pa - Lexington Village j NewBrighto�,Minnesota I Cel ) from RM-2 t0 B-2� lA order t0 3CCOTt1TCl0 , date the proposed renovation and expansion o ' the hopping Center as shown the plan. SIBLEY PLA2A ' we:c�tnst��c ! Than you for your consideration on these ap li- St Paul,Minnesota ', C3t1 I1S. ' Very truly yours, - SOUTHVIEW SHOPPING CEN�'ER Southview Bivd.& 12th St.; PAST R ENTERPRISES South St.Paul,Minnesota. I / , R. A Ban�t j Cons ruction Manager ' RAB/ d I Encl sure ', zoN�� : G �ILE s� ; I '� ►������ar ,� lr���r���i�,�,�_ ��:�r�c�t I , ��� c�f:����pr�c���nters � � I � i � , �- (�- ���`� _ . i i , PETITION TO AME D ZONI G CODE �� CITY OF SAIN PAUL i ZONING OFFICE USE ONLY � File � � S � • / a' ��"f, , �� � � � Application Fee S t S � � � Tentative Hearing Date JI�N 30 �1 �86 i , j Number of Lots or Size of P cel: ONIN � � _____________________________ __________ � . TO THE HONORABL� MAYOR AND CI Y COUNCIL DATE June 2 19�_ c/o Zoning Offi�e, 110 City all Annex Saint Paul , Min esota 55102 � i Pursuant t Secti n 64.2 �0 of the St. Paul Zoning Ordinance and Section 62.357(5) So th Highland Park Apartment, a of the Minnesot Statu es, innesota Partnershi , the owner of all of the 1 nd pro osed f r rezoning, hereby petitions your Honorable Bod to rezone the foll wing d scribe property: Street Add ess: 290 D vern Street Legal Desc iption See Attached ; from a Medium 'Densi Mul ifamil e ' -2 Zonin District to a Commun' t Bu iness � - Zonin District for the purpose of Re ovati n and ex ansion of Center. � �-/1 Subscribed and s orn � � By: before this ` %` day of _ i�� 19� Title: Partner � � -, / l' ! / "' ' �.- 1 � � P ag 1 of 3 Notary Pub i 408 �,��,�,.�,�,,,�,,,��,�,,,�,. .0 l � � Z O f�I t�G F 1 L E q� 2'8 caRC� n cH�sor� � i� -� NO?ARY PUBLI -MIN�;FS�7T ; � ��� � RAMSEV COUN��Y y j 2 MY C,MM EiP�f, ;;APR.23. 1 86 y �'!,-. . .•r.'�1......:;JVVJ:.ti^.. 'LWz� I , � . _._ - , , ; �..•�''' � •• �� / i'/ . . � I � PETITION TO ANlEN ZONIN CODE � CITY OF SAINT �AUL � ZONING OFFICE USE ONLY � Fi1e # , �, `' i ' ' i � I i � � � � l� --' +- " �� Appl ication Fee $ �� . ��� 'v � i Tentative Hearing Date i , . J(fN 0 198 �. j Number of Lots or Size of Par el: ZO IN -----------------------=------ --------- G ----------- --------- TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR ND CIT COUNCIL DATE June 23 19 8�_ c/o Zoning Offic , 1100 City H 11 Annex Saint Paul, Minn�sota 5102 � Pursuant to Sectio 64.21 of the St. Paul Zoning Ordinance and Section 4 2.357(5) of the Minnesota Statut s, S'ble Plaza, Inc. , he owner of all of the la�d ro sed fo rezonin , hereb etitions our Honorable Body to P P 9 Y P Y rezone the follov�ing de cribed property: Street Addr ss: 292 D ern Street Legal Descr ption: See ttached from a�l RM-2 Zoning District to a ` Commun' t Bu iness B-2 Zoning �Jistrict for the purpose �f Re ovati 'n and ex ansion of _the Sible Plaza Sho in i Center. ' i i �✓���_ Subscribed and s orn � ; By: befor�-{ne this ` day ; _ of ' /! .-�� 19 '�� Title: �_ i , % � �/ -- �C" ��� ��-�- � P age 1 of 3 , Notary Publ i _ p� ���� a_ �_Sd 2/g5 � � ����1�� . . . �, ' . i I . �- i.37�f CON ENT OF ADJOINING PROPERTY OWNERS TO REZONING We, the und rsigne , owne s of property within 100 feet of the total con iguous descriptions of eal es ate ow ed, purchased, or sold by Petitioner within on year precedinq the da e of t is pet tion, acknowledge that we have been furnished ith the following: 1. A copy � f the et i t i o of SIBI�Y PLAZ.A, INC. 0.530 name of petitioner 2. A copy f Sect'ons through , inclu ive of the St. Pau; Zonin Code; and acknowledge that we are aware f all of the uses permitted under a B-2 District zoning lassification and we are aware that any of these uses can e established upon; City uncil pproval of the rezoning; and we hereb� consent to the rezoning of the� roper descr bed in the Petition of S ► • to a B-2 District. name petitioner LOT BLOCK DDITI CORD OWNER IGNATURE DATE 1,2 &3 1 P isade j� Terrace � /�� f` A�cross from Sn lling - 15,16,1 — Ou lots � th Highland � 21,22 — p k ' (�R��"' �•��- �6 20,21 — ard J. Paster � — S' ley Ma.nor, Inc � 7 .,t���� 1 8 rt a Wirth 1,2 1 crof Jo ph H.& Luci.�le 24 1 crof d G. Vorlicky ��/,�'�'�i 1,2 4 f crof � d & Delores - .,� _ 2,_ ` . , , . 1,2 4 crof Mi q-'Jf��'�. W. 7th & Da. rn No N.E. Corn In Petitions shall not be consid red as officially filed until the 1apse of 7 wo king days after a petitior� is re eived n the Zoning Office. Any signator of any petit'on may withdraw his n e ther from b written request within that time. P age 2 of 3 �,�.. � � �� s+� �'' � '' : i _ ' � � . . •: i �'�i .?`.p�� I � . � � ��,1�� fti ��� . . .. � � � ..:� •f!.y y! , �.,.�� �. r�� ,1 . . �' ��., - j ' �. ���'t..� � � ..�: � c.:l ���� nt-.. j y . � Y��� . ' }�.�_ ' hti'>• � r� . �. ri� � ...•�rr , �. � � ., . :�: t ���,Fntiu ...�iY r� . ' �, �a*i�� .: r� . � • •x y $ � . . . ;' � � u�4� � �� ,�,,.. 1i r��,. �� - � �xt���J�a k r . � � � / � � : i � k, F ' i � ^34k1� �' �� �. 4 - ��' � � . , t�� 4 {� ij�'''4 � � .1�k 1 1�Y�� .�,' :'' i�(.,.1 . ! � � ..'j � 1 t��y`i i } � .` .� � . ... . I 1; �I{�t � �- � 1 � I 1 �. 1 . � � t }x1�3 A' g l I �,��• �.a f J i r• � t���s��l' �.,� Y .. � � � '.'�• �1 r , � _`(��h � �.� pi x (�.I . .. ,�� l;���` °t.:� �� � � . � �. �i ���� '�' � � � . � J!.Ii . , i{� . 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I .n� i - - � �-��- �.��� STATE OF MINNESO A) : S COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) J`-e,�-� �,Qc�-`" � _ Reed Alan Ba et , ing first duly sworn. deposes and states that e is the person who circu ated t e with n petition and consent, consisting of 4 page ; that affiant is info ed and believ s that the parties described are the owners res ectively � of the lots plac d inme iately before each name, that affiant is informed and elieves that each of the partie descr bed above is the owner of property which is wit in 100 feet from an prope ty own d or purchased by petitioner or sold by petitio er within one (1) y ar pre eding he date of this petition which is contiguous to the property describ d in t e peti ion; that extept for Edward Paster So. Hi hland Pk. Apts none of the part es des ribed bove has purchased or is purchasin property fr m petitioner conti uous t the a ove described property within one �1) year of t e date of the petition; ;that t is con ent was signed by each of said owners in the pr sence of this affiant, an that he sig atures are the true and correct signatures of e ch and all of the parti s so d scribe . 2193 Scheffer Ave. , St. Paul Address (612) 698-7599 Telephone Number Subscrib�ed�d s�orn b�fore me thi s/f,_ day of , 19� � L �' // _ �/l , / y2..�� o ary Publ c a � t �, CARO ATCHISON y NOTARY PU T� � Y COUNTY YY C�7A�A1.El IF�S APR.2� 1998 tW � I Approved as to f rm - eb. 85 � Page 3 of = Planning Depar nt r 4<`u , {`� �i�'' 'j' F F F _ _ ... ; � �r�;. �� t it L ' � t V�� . 1 ,r � . "�„;,c �9 5. r � ' < .{ T`.y�, • � A . i �� �� . P � '7 f � _ �� [ �'•t,{I� ' t' 4 1 � Y�'�1 •, � ,. �� _t� Y . 7 1�1 �1 . t 1�.r 'f. � .�C 1". . 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COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) Ree d Ban t , eing first duly sworn, deposes and states that he is the person who circu ated he wit n petition and consent, consisting of 4 pag s; that affiant is info ed an believ s that the parties described are the owners re pectively � of the lots plac d imn diatel before each name, that affiant is informed and believes that each of the parti s desc bed above is the owner of property which is wi hin 100 feet from an prop rty ow d or purchased by petitioner or sold by petiti ner within one (1) y ar pr eding he date of this petition which is contiguous t the property describ d in he peti ion; that except forEdwar J. P ster So . Hi hland Pk. none of the part'es de cribed bove has purchased or is purchasin property f om Ap ts, petitioner conti uous o the ove describe'd property within one �l) year of he date of the petition; that his con ent was signed by each of said owners, in the p esence of this affiant, an that the si atures are the true and correct signatures of ach and all of the parti s so escrib . � 2193 Scheffer Avenu � Address 612 698-7599 Telephone Number Subscribed �d s orn t before � me this � day of � , 19� �/,'� ; �i Notar ub ic •;�,NVVWWWWJ V'J1,M'. '1,'J'v".,'l�V'1�+� � . . . � ,;"*1� CAN l ATCN��O .� �:�:°..� • :>;��-,� NU(ANV P tiLIC--MINNf ,��a ;� �i ;�t,• FlA, SF Y COUN'�Y ,`� Mv C�r��,� E .Nifi:�.s aFN. 3. i��ee y .: . L'�.rd.a�f�r\���Yv��4�Vf., .'Yi�fiIY�. . � :f✓'i � � l.����.�� � __ `' �'�1��M y�, ��.� �� . . � � 1��,�� �'��- Approved as to fbrm - b. 85 . Page 3 of _3 ,. Planning Oepartm�nt f� Ilp�1' F�� 1 � I � ! 1 . y TCt ��S f � � ����. �"fi��in!' 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',: :- .. . ... , . �� � � �� � ' . . . `� . .� .�� .! ,.. `��. , �-�-i3 �y CON ENT OF ADJOINING PROPERTY OWNERS TO REZONING We, the und rsigne , owne s of property within 100 feet of the total contiguous descriptions of eal es ate ow ed, purchased, or sold by Petitioner within one year preceding the da e of t is pet tion, acknowledge that we have been furnished th the , following: 1. A copy f the et i t i o of SOUTH HIC�II.AND PARK APA�S ' i name of petitioner 2. A copy �f Sect or�s 0.530 through , inclus've of the St. Pau Zonin Code; and i acknowledge that we are aware f all of the uses permitted under a B-2 District zoning lassif cation and we are aware that any of these uses can e established upon City C uncil ppraval of the rezoning; and we hereby consent o the rezoning of the ropert descr bed in the Petition of S � � � �� to a B"2 - District. name o petitioner LOT BLOCK DDITIO R CORO OWNER SI ATURE DATE 1,2 & 3 1 Pa isade M� °n Terrace Q�,��t"� 1 �S �-` � � Across fram - Sn lling i--T .5,16,17 16-22 - Sne ling c_ ,�- �,�..� �� i/ �� 21,22 ' E d J. Paster . �� 7•��'� - Sib e Marwr Inc. 11•� ����g�, 1 8 Gr rt Dor Wirth 1,2 1 croft Jos ph & Lucille Boeltl 24 1 croft ld G. Vorli � -i 5^S� Ri d & Delores 1,2 4 croft ellner d- � "/ Z- G, 1,2 4 croft Mi el G. Ross ' ' � � �,s,tJ . - pL W. 7th & Da rn No N.E. Corner tments Petitions shall nbt be nside d as officially filed until the lapse of 7 wor ing days after a petition iis rec ived in the Zoning Office. Any signator of any petiti n may withdraw his name� there om by ritten request within that time. � � P age of ,3 Y f r ��j���q_ � � �� � ; • d . : ai -��� 1(�L�x��'i� L i 2 i �� � .�. o . �� "j�I 9 N � e � 'r� �i I � : � � �' X � 1 t �� - � i' �i l 7'��,y� .' i: , la }� i .:i r�r �j ' 3 �. ���� r; 9r� r � �. • r{'' � � � �. ,� � p..� '. � t}.�..�� ` � �f �� : s..�` 7 , S ' � � �,�i��: 1� � � i � L.' {�� i � . � i . t . ! � x(�r n ° r� � ��, t � . .t � .{.t'�,' _I�:f�y ..J r t . . •c � , F . 4� ���t i�j�:l�yI i �� � l. .'�i . � r �i�t��C! ' ' � �'�i�u c � lr �. t ' J � riu��'ai ' � 'i j"� . . �' ��._„� '�x� .. . } y. � .. � 01 i � ,,' '� �i'�„.'Ti i * � f.'� �S �± 1 � r. _ � t t.� � y ' . . . , . �!,` ;- 'r{'.,_. 'tY���Rg I '�„ 'i' � . �� . �� � . 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" � � � .. . ' . . .. .. � � '�.. � . . ,.. . . . . ... % ('c. Co- �.� ��/ ; � . � CON ENT OF ADJOINING PROPERTY OWNERS TO REZONING � We, the und rsigne , owne s of property within 100 feet of the total con iguous : descriptions of eal es ate ow ed, purchased, or sold by Petationer within on year preceding the da e of t is pet tion, acknowledge that we have been furnished ith the following: 1. A copy f the etitio of South Hi hland Park A artments it,. ' name of petitioner � 2. A copy f Sect ons 0. 5 30 through , inclu ive of the St. Pau Zonin Code; and ' acknowledge that we are aware f all of the uses permitted under a B-2 District zoning lassif cation and we are aware that any of these uses can e established upon City C uncil pproval of the rezoning; and we hereby consent to the rezoning of the �ropert descr bed in the � Petition of S 'uth H' hlan Park A ar e to a District. name o petitianer LOT BLOCK DDITIO R CORD OWNER SIGNATURE DATE Sn lling 2� o ,c , Q�t 6 -Z6-8 Sn 11ing , � 16-22 0 1 �'�2�s'. , � Petitions shall ot be onside �ed as officially filed until the lapse of 7 wo ing days after a petition is rec ived i ' the Zoning Office. Any signator of any petiti n may withdraw his nam there rom by iwritten request within that time. P age of �_ �� C�iVING �lLE sd � � y k , � ,. �.. ;� ��s•.� 1� { -' t j, � . y -'�:'. !y �J9 ��}fia� , a .i:, � .:� • ...� �.`. t '�.���i ft _.^ .Y �.. 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' . , t �. .� . .. . . . . �•1. . � � - > 3��' STATE OF MINNESO A) : S � COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) Ree d Banet , eing first duly sworn, deposes and states that e is the person who circu ated t e with n petition and consent, consisting of 4 page ; that nffiant is infor ed and believ s that the parties described are the owners res ectively ' cf the lots plac d imne iately before each name, that affiant is informed and elieves that each of the partie descr bed above is the owner of property which is wit in 100 feet from an prope ty own d or purchased by petitioner or sold by petitio er � within one (1) y ar pre eding. he date of this petition which is cantiguous to the property destrib d in t e peti ion; that except forEdward J. Paster & Sib e P1 , Inc none of the part es des ribed bove has purchased or is purchasin property fr m petitioner conti�uous t the a ove described property within one �1) year of t e date of the petition; that t is con ent was signed by each of said owners ,in the pr sence of this affiant, an that he sig atures are the true and correct signatures of e ch and all of the parti s so d scribe . . � 2193 Scheffer Avenue - Address ' (612) 698-7599 Telephone Number Subscribed a�r d s rn to before � me thi s ,,�,_�`day f '7 ., � , 19,� f � �^ � //,�'�,� � -,C J �� � � Notary ublic ■ �/V�Nr'V�i . . � S �� AT�� A f � � .t RAM Y COUN�Y � � MV C01Ait.E APR.23 1988 1YR'.YVYKIIV.'Y"J`:f. 1L1h ;wN�r i i i i i I ������ ■ ��� "�� , Approved as to fo m - F . 85 Page 3 of 3 _ Planning Departme t ; ,qg,-.�x� ��.�. � i � .. � �.�' +� yi� 7, •, r : t i trY.�. • �: FH�'��:.��� ! � �t r � ' �; ! �.�+ { � c��i ` Y��S�ir � ; i4 .r.� � 't �.,. � - . 7� ' � i�4�'iµ � � � t r..- � , . ,s . ;� Y'� r� � v ��i �. °>� I i. � � i ����.u"t �.�L I �, � + i'S � rS�' �':jr t �f I . i, .. � ��'' . i I.� h���"`u� t ��Ia � ; i ��' `�'1 � '�.. � .,r}yY � M�. 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' � '-� � �L��j� � .�``�•�.'\ .. .. ., ♦�, i -;.+ � '� �.' � ,f�. �a�{ .�� .i. �w ,.�; � . . � . . i , � � , � . r �d. �� . ' � . �. . . . . 1 ' y Y S . �F,. .I.� � . � - . � . .� � � S 4 . . . . �,:�' 'i.: . . , . , ` � r , . � ' t r�! �:. . � '� � . . � .. . � . ' ' ' �7 ' . .,� � , - . � . ,i �?4, t , .u': . . . . . .. �.f�;. ;.4. . � . . . " ' . . . . . , -,, . ' . , .. � .� .. ,��� . . ... . . � . . ' . .. � .. . '� , . .. . �ti� .. . . . . . . . .. � � i ' � - � � � ��- �-��� : CO SENT. O ADJOINING PROPERTY OWNERS TO REZONING We, the und rsign d, own s of property within 100 feet of the total con iguous descriptions of eal e tate o ed, purchased, or sold by Petationer within on year precedinq the d e of his pe tion, acknowledge that we have been furnished ith the following: 1. A copy f the etiti of Sible Plaza Inc. name of petitioner , �� 2. A copy pf Sec ions 0. 53 0 through , inclu ive of the � St. Pauh Zoni g Code; and i acknowledge that we ar aware f all of the uses permitted under a B-2 District zoning lassi ication and we are aware that any of these uses can e established upon City uncil. pproval of the rezoning; and we hereb� consent to the rezoning of the roper descr bed in the Petition of ible Plaz , Inc. to a B-2 District. name o petitioner LOT BLOCK DDITI R CORD OWNER SIGNATURE DATE n in 21 Ou lots Ed ard J.- Paster � �o'�(,-�6 Sn llin So th Highland 21 Ou lots Pa k A artments x � 6' �'� � Petitions shall ot be onside ed as officially filed until the lapse of 7 wor ing days after a petitionjis rec ived i the Zoning Office. Any signator of any petiti n may withdraw his nam� there rom by written request within that time. ��f���� f�.� ��� Page of �_ �'��� � � `-.. ' � Q�IY�'�� � i u '!, i ' , � � . � • � :.+ _SUC�.Jx�r . .� � , , �r �1. . t 1ry',7f•.�� I�j � , r, . . i ��� � i���.�+��r�C � �..�- t�y,,�, '. �����1{i�li �1 i �.' 7 � ' ' 1 ' ,. � ..;I i����L�'1�1 �1 ,'V� Ij, � . ' r 6 i!(� I � � � � . � r � j Ni � .,.� � �� � u Ii ri�lf',��r 1 '��P i:. . 7 .:_ � r � y �.f�zSS�L� {. � r.: d �n + � � J �� p�'��r�'�`�t�1��t� � t:"r*�r ' . . ��.� • � �t� �� l�tlf�!k i + � e r '' ~' Y�{1• � > > �i'�� � r i , ' Y C:I���t� ...�''f 1 . �. a. ..�� ;���y..�.����6 � � : y 1� Y . �I ,� ; ' ' . ,'�'p�.�IC tf t � :� ' . , '.. t ' th )�' '''1� . � � i i �r ;, 1 . ' pE''+x��kt° :' � � ��� � ' ` � 1��, +�`�� � ���.r1 � ��, .�i �. t , �. � ���.i��� + � . i . i � ,� � #,� �.� � ' i ., L�q i �� .� �. s _. . x�7t �� � YI 7�;�fL '�� + � ';� y � . ,. . � •�'� �:.. � {� ���T.iA�` _i. Ir � � . ' r ��j?l..z rq`��'j ( , r .'i, , � '� t � �.Y ' 7 . .i. , f . -� Y � r r � i t i 4 r �, . 'ir'�i` � �s����r! i �'�, r + � � - - i ��.:E� � r .�.i'� 'i r. . . f (. 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N_�F �' . � .. . . , '� 1: � _-., - . • �-- —i��� a , . a a CON ENT OF ADJOINING PROPERTY OWNERS TO REZONING � � � iWe. the �md rsigne , owne s of praperty within 100 feet of the total cont guous � descriptions of eal es ate ow ed, purchased, or sold by Petitioner within one year preceding the da e of t is pet tion, ac:knowledge that we have been furnished w th the . ; following: � 1. A copy f the etitio of SI� ��, INC. ! � name of petitioner � � 2. A copy f Sect ons 0.530 through , inclus ve of the St. Paul Zonin Code; and � acknowledge that we are aware all of the uses permitted under a B-2 ; District Zoning lassif cation nd we are aware that any of these uses Can be ! established upon City C uncil proval of the rezoning; and we hereby consent the , rezoning of the- opert descri ed in the ' Petition of S � � • to a B-2 istrict. ame of petiti�ner LOT BLOCK A DITION RE ORD OWNER IGNATURE DATE 1,2 &3 1 , Pal sade M�' � Terrace � ��� f` Across fran Sne ling _ � 15,16,1 - Out ots �_ �� Sou h Hi.ghland � 21,22 - Par ts. _� 20 21 - �� Ec�a d J. Paster . �� //- �6 , ' � — -.Sib ey.rlarior, Inc �" � �!`��Qb ., ._._ L 1 8_y� Gr `rt Dor Wirth �� �•86 1,2 1 � Hame oft Jose H.& Luci�le - �y^�,(� 24�—+--- � 1 T Hame roft Donal G. Vorlicky -/�-8(i � Ri d & Delores - 1,2 ' 4 I Ho�oe roft '� .. 2_ ` � . . . �_J� v� 1,2 4 HoRae roft Mi�.a _G. J. 7th & Da ern�"� __ No w ' N.E. Corne Invgs _ n.��_ �---� ---Y ^ , Petitions shall no be co sidere as officially filed until the lapse of 7 worki g days after a petition i recei ed in he Zoninq Office. Any signator of any petition may withdraw his name herefr rn by w itten request within that time. P age 2 f 3 , i . •� �i . . � � ' q� i',ki� ".4�. i. .s- i:�;' i . - � �i.�ajulti� l:f• �����; � 1"�'�ai. �k� ';ir j '•i a i.�� i ;i ' . � . i ���.i.1 f ' :1 i➢ ; . a � � �. i � �.t.� ' �rp i a .� , .�,� � �` Y, � `' �wF: � i t F„��Ij� C��..` �� �� � � � ; � . 'l ;.�� ;` � �.� � ..i�.�' p��.�''�� jt.. �i . , � �'�.'i � i�i;�ti�!�a �.{ : t �;: ��,. ",r 1 .� � � 14 �ti-1 ,��1 . . ( � ;��y �a�ry Y ' t ' . �.�.�1' , ..(: �M �"'�y�Y �� �3 . ..a..�}� � .�y�.��.w��4' � 1 �S iL '�� - ' � { t '9a�1f y . j I � Z . T �-� t : �?�� 4 i � �'�r-L ' ! '�' r-'.� �Ls ,r t�, ��y.. !' > '�' i � �� i . ;,.� , � i4y? 7� r :' ,-, � �. �i �li i� � 1,. . � � + �. y f : i ` i x�i4, t. i1 . �` s �� �� �J � � �.� :� �' . �=i I � � ; � � a * , �'��4 1 i �.; '� , . - p k. a i C}r�•' . ' . ,�*3 ,�4�1++ i .:. � � � � .`i �f I^� � �.�1 �1 7 . 1 , .. . �. ... t t �f r ry __i r : ' i i.� ��y:.� i �i � } '' � ' 7 ,�'+t 't ,, �, . � � I �� � .. ��� �7 [,(tf; yYq � � '�.�A : . ;C�Y.� r J . .. fM�9���K1 1 � -•� � ' h.: 9 P.. i 5�=' y. 't r � '�� �i.�';���. . ! : I � � 1 t.i�,!� ° . .. . . - .�� t � � : �S�R�Lt�N . � �j.��'; +:: -�r.'�1 , ' �J',� ��.� .� � � = t� � � � � �,.�1 fa {yq:j � ' v � � ��.. i � ' � ;::�i . '1 .� �� � t�i.t�.��a F; 1 s� � .Y i�� . S: . . . � � . . � , ��' r,i�ii:ir' . ' 3 � . . � . ' "a A �- �� 'r r I � , �;i , . . •� F �'f .�1. '�5 . . � . . . . a . � . I . . . � . y� e� i . . , � t�' '�~} . I.. . . . ' - � ' .� � , ... y:tx::,�_} 1. �, 1 ` `,. . .t „ �f � , � � r : � �� ���� , � CON ENT OF ADJOINING PROPERTY OWNERS TO REZONING We. the �md rsigne , owne s of property within 100 feet of the total cont guous ' descrip�tions of eal es ate ow ed, purchased, or sold by Petitioner within one year preceding the da e of t is pet tion, acknowledge that we have been furnished w th the ,; following: , 1. A copy f the et i t i o of SOUTH HIC�II,AND PARK APARZMENTS name of petitioner 2. A copy f Sect ons 0.530 through , inclus ve of the � St. Pau Zonin Code; and ; acknowledge that we are aware f all of the uses permitted under a B-2 District zoning lassif cation and we are aware that any of these uses can be ; established upon City C uncil pproval of the rezoning; and we hereby consent o the rezoning of the ropert descr bed in the ' Petition of S � � � ��5 to a B-2 District. I name o petitinner LOT BLOCK DDITIO R COR� OWNER SI ATURE DATE 1,2 & 3 1 Pa isade M� i°n Terrace a,�G�_,�/ � 1 /s �-�. ' -- ---`�� ,Across frvm - S lling :5,16,17 t _ Sne ling ;� 16-22 . p� . ;�. • -�-.. �- l�/ -�� ' 21,22 ' E d J. Paster ' G'.a� ' 7•N�� Sib �e Manor Inc. � �'�'�'$�v --•--- I � � 1 8 Gr _ rt �r Wirth �„^ ,�� '`j _. ��'C�� C?'Y 1 2 1 � croft Jos ph & Lu�cille _ `� ' �' _�y p� ' Boeltl /.�.1v--��'� _� ^p , � ' 24 1 croft 1d G. Vorlic r � -/5^8�i � + Ri d & Delores 1,2 ' 4 � croft ellner d"' � '/ Z` �o _ � � �tJ - �'�� ' 1,2 4 croft Mic el G. Ross � � �I. 7th &Da ern� '� No� ^ � �1.E. Corner � ' _ Inv stments � � —�.__._._- .- - - � _ Petitions shall ot be or.5i:ie ed as officially filed until the lapse of 7 wor ing days after a petition ,is rec ived i the Zoning•Office. Any signator of any petiti n may withdraw his nam ' there rorn by written request within that time. P age of .3 �� ,; ; � t � t � ,. � � � �i ",I� � i 'i � . �N`�3�� ?��t q� � , � n `� r i , ,�:t ��!i I .,Ili.� � � � i . 4�� � # ���� 1 �� �1 „ .. . '. . . . Iry F��:� � i t .:�f� � I �. • � ..i: _ � . `� ..,� R `���i'�i r ��� , .,, 'i �'1. '' d �; � � �i . 1 . i- f � .�.� d � .,� �1; :�f 4� � � � r• { � f t�t��i;! � ��.1 � . � 'i .r� w i�A�.F,� t' f', �. r�{ r �. ,� �� ��p '�� i ' t �' � � . � �. _� �:,�, , � � -.��� ��,: •, �. �d_t1:� � .,1! aq �,� i � - ' ' �'� � .. . .1'� < �:ax.n•n� d. r�� ;. � �� 1 1 I .. . ' .. i � rt + � � 7 i� '�f 3�5 i �� � � ' � � � '��� �� f x� � � ' �p �i, �{ t t ' . s .-.t4 � .p�, �{r �: �t C i r:j �j�. .•Y �' . I . � 5 1`� �' � �,���h�y .. t j� . , � .I '� .,'� v � .1 r'� . � ' �� { ^�.�'1��I�'f 1 : '`�r +� .. �.•. � �� � 4 � x �_ � . � i i, �! � i �� . 1t � �� �( � ��i � �. , 1 . �'�� f �i�ri� � { � � �^ fa,. I '� i1�'�'1{I�i,�{, �, .r� � ' t � ! .I' .��. c� f.:� 1 yi` . i i j :�1�� �':� ^' . .r � ..�t "i:, �� L't�lS��t . t. �. 1 :: � �� ��� � p � V. � � �I ' ' � �� � i . 4'�� i�, s '��xf� . �: k _ y i��. 1 �.� i ,� r;. � C�.�R�a x �. . ,Y � i. � j, � .+ �����({�4 .i k � I,-. ' .� . r� t l� l.�:3at � � c �:� � z i y � '�i'' �1 . � � . . .. � , � � f ��y:l j ,i'� i�. � � �yr t� . . ' � ' . ' :Y�.: ' r � ,� f. ` �r h� � ' . � ' � � . . . �. ' , . . � . kKl.i..: . � � * � �� �r� 't� „ .��-, c'.i � , ..,. . , _ , -.. . .� . � . , � - _ � a w.r : , . I .. „ , ;, t 1 . . � f; . . , Y - . _. . � � . . . . . " . � . . �a..�'.J l�_ . . . . .. � I � ' �-�'� 1� � , , . . ! , STATE OF MINNESO A) • S. COUNT OF RAMSEY � ) . � � ein first dul w rn , g y s o , deposes and states that e is the person who circu ated t e with n petition and consent, consisting af [� page ; that affiant is infor ed and believ s that the parties described are the owners res ectively ' of the lots plac d imme i,ately before each name, that affiant is informed and elieves that each of the partie descr bed above is the owner of property which is wit in 100 feet from an prope ty own d or purchased by petitioner or sold by petitio er within one (1) y ar pre eding he date of this petition which is centiguous to the property describ d in t e peti ion; that except for none of the part es des ribed bove has purchased or is purchasin property fr m petitioner conti uous t the a ove described property within one �l) year of t e date ' of the petition; ,that t is con ent was signed by each of said owners ,in the pr sence of this affiant, an that he sig atures are the true and correct signatures of e ch and all of the parti s so d scribe . ; 1081 Douglas Road � � ' Address 454-2222 Telephone Number Subscribed �d s �orn t b fore , me th i s Q?,�,_ day of �' - , 19� � /�'� � Notary Public . � ��~ � ATC111SON � NOTARY PU IF-NqNNE TA � qpM Y(�1Y . 1988 � AAY COMWI. 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' I.S � � QATE �, z �'�'C� MULTIPL� FAM�L � , _ ' ` � A � ' ICQMM ERCIAL � , SCALE � I"= 204' N RTH ' j'I � � � ��'�► INDUS�'RIAL ' , MpP , �NQ SAINT PAUL PLAN ING 8 AqD V VACA11!T l � . . �. . � � y���.�� -� ..� . � . � -- - � � i . �.-• . }a� � � � � . . - , < w � .� � . , '. 7 � .'• ' . . ' ,. . '1 . . . 1 I � .' . �` Y�, ''1 ' I.' { ' � i y` tt" i..a. Rf F . . � �� t - � ' : � � h PF ��2s� .�� '�r . ( � �.i i � � , �Fhty� �.� . . j . { � y 7 I t . � � . � � c� . . . , i . . . . f1.' i� .� '!� � .�� i . .,� , ' ,' . , . � i�"19'j . .n �. :�• . . . . . . .���.' r... �k. .. . . . - . . � � . � -� � �� ; PETITION TO AME ZONI G CODE ' CITY OF SAIN PAUL ZONING OFFICE USE ONLY File # � S ,.I� ,. , - _� � Application Fee $ �6 S � . ' � � � N 3� 1 $6 Tentative Hearing Date . Number of Lots or Size of Pa cel: ON11'�! �" _____________________________ __________ TO THE HONORABL MAYOR AND CI �f COUNCIL DATE June 2 19�_ c/o Zoning Offi e, 11D City all Annex Saint Paul , Min esota 55102 Pursuant t Secti n 64.2 of the St. Paul Zoning Ordinance and Section 62.357(5) So th Highland Park Apartment, a of the Minnesot Statu es, innesota Partnershi , the owner of all of the 1 nd pro osed f h rezoning, hereby petitions your Honorable Bo to rezone the foll wing d scribe property: Street Add ess: 290 D vern Street Legal Desc iption See Attached from a Medium Dens 't Mu ifamil i - Zoni g District to a Commun t B sines -2 Zoni g District for the purpose of Re ovati n and ex ansio Center. Subscribed and worn By: �y before this 7 day of 19 Title: Partner � P ag 1 of 3 Notary ub 'c 408 ~ _�� NOT RY�L T�H�� . � \ ' ZONiNG FILE 9� 2'8 � PU IC-MINNE A } � �t,.� RAMSE COUN'�V � Z MY CCMM.E:rP ES APR.23. 1988 j 3�r�^;�Y:N�,'Y'�h'YJ'r:�;� �NVV'L".11��� .'V1.'N6 I /% , , . C/c =,�3 7�/ PETITION TO AMEN ZONIN CODE CITY OF SAINT PAUL i ZONING OFFICE USE ONLY �... ,,.... ,.. . File # ;- � : . � Application Fee $ S ' � ��� 'v � Tentative Hearing Date . �UN O 198 Number of Lots or Size of Pa el: ZOINQ _____________________________ __________ TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR ND CIT � COUNCIL DATE June 23 19 86 c/o Zoning Offic , 1100 City H 11 Annex Saint Paul , Minn sota 5102 � Pursuant to Sectio 64.21 . of the St. Paul Zoning Ordinance and Section 2.357(5) of the Minnesota Statut s, S ble Plaza, Inc. , he owner of all of the la d prop sed fo rezoning, hereby petitions your Honorable Bod to � rezone the follo ing de cribed property: Street Addr ss: 1 92 D ern Street Legal Description: See ttached from a�l RM-2 Zoning District to a ` Comm ni Bu iness ' B-2 Zoning D�strict for the purpose Ren vatio and ex ansion of the Sible Plaza Sho in Center. Subscribed and sw rn I� By: �,�G'u�c-i befor e this � day of 19� Title: � ; � — P age of 3 r , Notary Public 4080 . . ... �on���� �«.E —. 2,85 ;.� � � �� ,:_� �� _:�� .:_ .�� ' i n �� � � ' � . , L.! . L•br,t:. � . ' - — � iY . .� .. ���;;J, . . .... .. . ..a.�5 �.i � 1 , , I � �-r��� - . ; STATE OF MINNESOT!A) ' . S COUNTY OF RAMSEY '' ) �� �� �� Reed Alan Ba 'et , eing first duly sworn, deposes and states that e is the person who circulated t e with n petition and consent, consisting of 4 page ; that affiant is inforn�ed and believ s that the parties described are the owners res ectively of the lots plac�d imme iately before each name, that affiant is informed and elieves that each of the partie descr bed above is the owner of property which is wit in 100 feet from any� prope ty own d or purchased by petitioner or sold by petitio er within one (1 ) y ar pre eding he date of this petition which is contiguous to the property describ d in t e peti ion; that except for Edward Paster So . Hi land Pk. Apts, none of the parties des ribed bove has purchased or is purchasin property f r m petitioner conti�uous t the a ove described property within one �1) year of t e date of the petition; ',that t is con ent was signed by each of said owners in the pr sence of this affiant, an� that he sig atures are the true and correct signatures of e ch and all of the parti�s so d scribe . , ; • � 2193 Scheffer Ave. , t. Paul ' ; Address I i (612) 698-7599 ,, i Telephone Number Subscrib'ed �nd s orn b�fore me thi s/, 7� day of , 19� i � , i �. o ary Public i * .�, CAROL ATCFNSON NOTARY PU 1C—MINI� A � RAM COUNTY � MY WMM.EXP RES APR.2S, t988 bW � � ' ! ( � ( Approved as to f�rm - F b. 85 Page 3 of 3_ Planning Departm�nt ' I � I � ___ ; _ r G� ��` � 3�� STATE OF MINNESO�A) . S COUNTY OF RAMSEY' ) Reed Bane , eing first duly sworn, deposes and states that e is the person who circu ated t e with n petition and consent, consisting of 4 pag s; that affiant is infor ed and believ s that the parties described are the owners res ectively � of the lots plac d imne iately before each name, that affiant is informed and elieves that each of the partie descr bed above is the owner of property which is wit in 100 feet from an prope ty own d or purchased by petitioner or sold by petitio er within one (1 ) y ar pre eding he date of this petition which is contiguous to the property describ d in t e peti ion; that except forEdward J. Paster & So . Hi hland Pk. none of the part es des ribed bove has purchased or is purchasin property fr m Ap ts . petitioner conti uous t the a ove described property within one �1 ) year of t e date of the petition;�that t is con ent was signed by each of said owners in the pr sence of this affiant, an that he sig atures are the true and correct signatures of e ch and all of the parti�s so d scribe . � 2193 Scheffer Avenu � Address I � i � 612 698-7599 ! Telephone Number I Subscribed �d s orn t before � me thi s '� day�of , 19� � , Notar ublic Y.�.nn.-„w�n,,nrwv�v,r n.ti��vw� ��rs�,r: y��'��, CARC .A�CNiS�P� D,�'=�� � ,��,�� NOTP,RY Pi BL;C—MINNF OTA , '.�e c+ RAM�EY G�U�u�� ` t M�C�^1M E'PIF ��,APR. 2 i988 _ s r:-,_:...,y,r,; -Y�. . ��,�ti• . . . `._...------� __ _ _ .--- -- --�___; __qqsa �.� ������� ���-� _----' � Approved as to f rm - F b. 85 Page 3 of _ Planning Departm�nt i . 1 � �� �� CON ENT OF ADJOINING PROPERTY OWNERS TO REZONING We, the und�rsigne , owne s of property within 100 feet of the total cont'guous descriptions of eal es ate ow ed, purchased, or sold by Petitioner within one year preceding the da�e of t is pet tion, acknowledge that we have been furnished w'th the following: 1. A copy �f the et i t i o of SOtfl'H HI(�]I,AND PARK APAR'IT�1TS name of petitioner 2. A copy �f Sect ons 0.530 through , inclus've of the St. Pau Zonin Code; and acknowledge that we are aware f all of the uses permitted under a B-2 District zoning lassif cation and we are aware that any of these uses can be established upon City C uncil pproval of the rezoning; and we hereby consent o the rezoning of the �ropert descr bed in the Petition of S � HI ARK APARTN�N'!'S to a B-2 District. name o petitioner LOT BLOCK DDITIO R CORD OWNER SI ATURE DATE 1,2 & 3 1 Pa isade �r °n Terrace � � 1 /s ��. Across from - Sn lling � 5,16,17 2 16-22 _ Sne ling � � �1 c .�, �— i/ —�� 21,22 ' Edw d J. Paster � 7.��-�6 Sib e Manor Inc. � � �-���g 50 1 8 Gr port Dor Wirth l,2 1 J Ho�n ecroft Jos h & Lucille Boeltl 24 1 H croft d G. Vorlic r � -/'S"$� �� � Ric d & Delores l,2 4 H croft llner d' � '/ Z` �o l,2 4 H croft Mi el G. Ross � � � �tJ � �� W. 7th & Da. ern No � N.E. Corner ' Inv i�ents Petitions shall n t be c nsider d as officially filed until the lapse of 7 wor ing days after a petition �s rece'ved in the Zoning Office. Any signator of any petiti n may withdraw his name theref om by ritten request within that time. —- P age of .3 I I � � �-i.�� � CON ENT OF ADJOINING PROPERTY OWNERS TO REZONING We, the und rsigne , owne s of property within 100 feet of the total cont'guous descriptions of eal es ate ow ed, purchased, or sold by Petitioner within one year preceding the da e of t is pet tion, acknowledge that we have been furnished w'th the following: 1 . A copy f the etitio of South Hi hland Park A artments name of petitioner 2. A copy f Sect ons 6 . 5 30 through , inclus've of the St. Pau Zonin Code; and acknowledge that we are aware f all of the uses permitted under a B-2 District zoning �lassif cation and we are aware that any of these uses can be established upon 'City C uncil pproval of the rezoning; and we hereby consent o the rezoning of the ropert descr bed in the Petition of S uth H hlan Park A artmen s to a B_2 District. name o petitioner LOT BLOCK DDITIO R CORD OWNER SIGNATURE DATE Sn lling 21 ou o t E x . Q� 6 Z6-86 Sn lling . � 16-22 Ou 1 s Si P1 �R�s, __' Y _..__� Petitions shall npt be onside d as officially filed until the lapse of 7 wor ing days after a petition is rec ived in the Zoning Office. Any signator of any petiti n may withdraw his name there rorn by ritten request within that time. P age of _� ONING �lLE sd � , j . _137� • � � STATE OF MINNESOtA) ' . S COUNTY OF RAMSEY' ) Ree d Banet' , eing first duly sworn, deposes and states that he is the person who circu ated t e with n petition and consent, consisting of 4 pag s; that affiant is infor ed and believ s that the parties described are the owners re pectively � of the lots plac d irtme iately before each name, that affiant is informed and believes that each of the partie descr bed above is the owner of property which is wi hin 100 feet from an prope ty own d or purchased by petitioner or sold by petiti ner within one (1) y ar pre eding he date of this petition which is contiguous t the property describ�d in t e peti ion; that except forEdward J. Paster & Sib e Plaz , Inc none of the partfies des ribed bove has purchased or is purchasin property f om petitioner conti�uous t the a ove described property within one �1 ) year of he date of the petition; �, that is con ent was signed by each of said owners in the p esence of this affiant, an� that he sig atures are the true and correct signatures of ach and all of the parti�s so scribe . , '� - � . � . ! 2193 Scheffer Avenu ; Address � ', , (612) 698-7599 ', ' Telephone Number Subscribed a d sVvorn t before ' me this ��dayi of , 19� � _ ( Notary ublic . ,,v�nnti. % C ATCNI � NOTARV BLIC—AMN A Z � MY CQMM.E R:S APR�Y . 1�8 � 1Y1���Y,1L'V1�YVVV"J'�}":tJW�: 1�'r1�ti Nk I i I Z����� ��LE 4..�.- Approved as to �orm - eb. 85 Page 3 of __3___ P 1 ann i ng Departrt�ent ' i � � _.._ _ - _a-_ _-_._ --._- . ,. _ _ ---_.. __ . �Go—/373� CON ENT OF ADJOINING PROPERTY OWNERS TO REZONING We, the und rsigne , owne s of propert,y within 100 feet of the total con iguous descriptions of eal es ate ow ed, purchased, or sold by Petitioner within on year preceding the da e of t is pet tion, acknowledge that we have been furnished ith the following: , 1 . A copy f the etitio of Sible Plaza Inc. name of petitioner 2. A copy f Sect'ons 0. 530 through , inclu ive of the St. Pau Zonin Code; and acknowledge that we are aware f all of the uses permitted under a B-2 District zoning lassif'cation and we are aware that any of these uses can be established upon City C uncil pproval of the rezoning; and we hereby consent to the rezoning of the ropert descr bed in the Petition of ible Plaz , Inc. to a B-2 District. name o petitioner LOT BLOCK DDITIO R CORD OWNER SIGNATURE DATE n in 21 Ou lots Ed ard J.- Paster GZ� �'�6-�6 Sn llin So� th Highland 21 Ou lots Pa A artments � � 6" �`� i Petitions shall not be onside ed as officially filed until the lapse of 7 wor ing days after a petition 'is rec ived i the Zoning Office. Any signator of any petiti n may withdraw his nam there rorn by written request within that time. ���"���� ��' �y �.9/�S� P age of 3 ��� i I i ' � � / � %� ',J � I p. ^. � � � - I CON ENT OF �1DJOINING PROPERTY OWNERS TO REZONING i We. the �md�signe , owner of prol�erty within 100 feet of the total conti uous descriptions of al es ate own d, purchased, or sold by Petitioner within one ear precedinq the dat� of t is peti ion, ac.knowledge th�t we have been furnished wi h the following: l . A copy o�f the Petition of SIBLEY PLAZA, INC. name of petitioner 2. A copy o�f Secti ns •530 through , inclusi e of the St. Paull Zoning Code; nd acknowledge that �ue are ware o all of the uses permitted under a B-2 District zoning chassifi ation nd we are aware that any of these uses can be established upon ity Co ncil a proval of the rezoning; and we hereby consent t the rezoning of the..p�operty descri ed in the Petition of SIB , INC' to a B-2 istrict. ame of petitinn�r LOT BLOCK A DITION RE ORD OWNER IGNATURE DATE 1,2 Sv 1 Pal sade M� on Terrace � � Inc. � �� G �cross from Sne ling � - 15,16,1 - Out ots SLR INC. . _ �� Sou h Highland � 21,22 - " Par_ ts;- ---f---- -ii- �6 20,21 - Edw d J. Paster . �� - ----�----._ --- � --- - Sib ey Manor, Inc -- . � �i -�`{��Io I - ------- -I___.____.� _�_ _.___� � 1 8 ; Gr�port , Dor Wirth �-� ..--- � 86 .� -a—� �__ 1,2 1'y� Home�croft Jose H.& Luciile - a��,� _.___.�� � 24 � 1 _�Hom�croft Dona G. Vorlicky 7`/f'�(� 1,2 � 4 ' � Ho roft ` �ch d & Delores �L .�—�_ �� l ln�r_ ' " 2-- ` � , 1�2 4_.__ Hor.ie roft Mic _.. G. Ross � _ �F �-J f/Y6 f. 7th & Da ern �� No N.E. Corne In_yes ._nts__ �-----! -�---- -------- — - -�-- � -�------�--- --- — Petitions shall no be c rsiderei as officially filed until the lapse of 7 working days after a petition i�s received in he 7_oning Office. Any signator of any petitio may withdraw his name theref orn by w}�itten request within that time. P age 2 of 3 I - � i - � . �o". �� ?� � , I I ; CON ENT OF �IDJOINING PROPERTY OWNERS TO REZONING We. the �mdelrsigne , owner of pro�erty within 100 feet of the total conti uous descriptions of rl al estate nwn .d, purchased, or sold by Petitioner within one ear preceding the dat� of this peti ion, arknowledge that we have been furnished wi h the following: 1 . A copy o� th� P t i t i on� of SOUTH HIG�II,AND PARK APART�I�V'I'S name of petitioner 2. A copy o� Secti ns 6 .530 through , inclusi e of the St. Paul Zoning Code; nd acknowledge that �ue are ware o� all of the uses permitted under a B-2 District zoning c assifi ation nd we are aware that any of these uses can be established upon ity Co ncil a proval of the rezoning; and we hereby consent t the rezoning of the ploperty descri ed in the Petition of SOt�TH HI P APARZT�ITS to a B-2 istrict. ame of petitinner LOT BLOCK A DITION RE RD OWNER SI ATURE DATE l,2 & 3 1 Pali�sade rlarj Terrace A'+ Q,��L_�/_—�— � /s �-� �f-�s ,cross fram - Snelling i,16,17 2 _ 16-22 - Snel�ling 1� ,..�n � � c.�:_.a.r'�•._. :"�- ' -�-` �.' � � ' �;� Plaza -�;-L 21,22 " I Edwa J. Paster �v � , �G;a.�e�1. ' -n��'�0 - ------�---- --- �. ___ Sibl�ManorL Inc. � � '�`�'� �v _�_____�_�__._.____�__ � 1 8 : Gran�ort � Dora �Tirth �-��•y�Q„ �� -. ��"�� �- �------ - - 1,2 lyY� Home�roft Josep el�ucille _ _�y p� —.�_ ''O ----�-- ; i - � 2�4 f� 1�Hame�roft Donal G. Vorlic r -�5 $� I M � Ric d & Delores 1,2 4 Home roft _ We lner _ _ d' '/ Z` � �� . 1,2 4 Homec roft Micha 1 G. Rr�ss ' � � �� ��G i. 7th & Da ern ' No�' f.E. Corner � Inves nts --�----�--- ---�------- � � ', _�_�.___....�_._�- ----i._..__.._._�-- - - � �.1�._�, _ _�.... _ Petitions shall notl be corSidered as officially filed until the lapse of 7 worki g days after a petition is recei ed in t e 7_oning Office. Any signator of any petition may withdraw his name t�erefr n by wr'tten request within that time. ; P age 2 f .3 �I � I . - '� � -�� 7� , STATE OF MINNESOT�1) . , ; . S COUNT OF RAMSEY j ) � � , in first dul sworn de oses and states that h is the 9 Y . P person who circul ted t e withi petition and consent, consisting of [� pages; that affiant is inform d and believ that the parties described are the owners resp ctively � of the lots place� irtme iately efore each name, that affiant is informed and lieves that each of the artie descri ed above is the owner of property which is within 100 feet from anyI prope ty own or purchased by petitioner or sold by petition r within one (1 ) yelar pre eding e date of this petition which is contiguous to he property describe in t e petition; that except for none of the parti s des ribed ove has purchased or is purchasin property f ro petitioner contig ous t the a ve described property within one �1 ) year of the date of the petition; hat t is con nt was signed by each of said owners in the pr sence of this affiant, and that he sig tures are the true and correct signatures of e h and all of the parties so d scribe . , 1081 Douglas Road � i ' Address 454-2222 ' Telephone Number Subscribed �d s orn t b fore , me thi s � day of ' , 19�� � ,�-- � Notary Public , � s CAROL ATCHISON � � r�aw�r�u �c—r�n� A � � � v crnnrrr �ses MY COMM. IRES APR• s Y I i I Approved as to f�rm - F b. 85 Page 3 of 3 _ Ptanning Departm�nt � , __ _. . - - - -I _ _ _ �--- ._ .. __, _ _ _ � .. � -e��� �; . 1 ' S . P UL Y COUNCI� . � P 6�1 HEARING NOTICE ZONING To: Pro ert � owners within 350 feet; P Y Represenjtative of Pla ning District 15 FIL E N 0. 950 PAGE . .� �URPOSE I To ezone two parcels, one from RM-2 to B-2 and one from B-2 to RM-2, to accommodate a land exchange for Sib ey Pla a expansion. i LOCAT10t� 12 0 Davern St. (6,455 sq. ft.) - RM-2 to B-2 12 2 Davern St. (1 ,459 sq. ft.) - B-2 to RM-2 PETITIONiER SI LEY PLAZA, INC. AND SOUTH HIGHLAND PARK APARTM NTS � HEARING i � SaBy, September » , 1986 �o:oo A.M. Ci v Council Chambers, 3rd Floor City Hall - Court House I 1' ouEST�o n� �s r' Zo ing 298-4154 (Donna Datsko) Co tact the Zoning Section of the Planning and Ec omic D elopment Department, Room 1101, City Hall Anne , 2 W. 4th Street, St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 Le al Descri tion: On file. � , , �__: > � ,:, � -> ..�� � I � -�, I � , � -_ �- I n� �-� :� C i :-:�7 ` � � �� . � � __ , o s I n 8- 9-86 N tice � t .+ i I . � �` f',�,;� � I . . I . _ � , . _: .,. .,. __ ,_ ��:- :� . ,��� �., ����� . ���.. ::{f ;. �.�:��,_ „�;- � ��� ,.. . . IF :'rF 7 �a: t •,r���A' . . •,� \.: .% ,:s.4+i s�,";'�� 2 L,�j RS 7'� kX a.[]IficttT #'r�h'� A,,w�iti /�.;,�,_ `' - 't1, "'' `�..- .��esw l iJ1is • . . y'��y �'�} •r �A, � �� � .., ,.. .�., . ,. {�Oi ��ii�� ... . . _ � x .. � t�stx, s�la .r+�. :.��i , �ti''� aad�Il �ad 't ��ve�io b � � ��,�, i., ,;y �y b'.v � ;;' M� .4 �, �i.rki��.`�t�l' . . s _ �- _ _ �. .. � � ..����r,� , _ { . .. .. � . . .- _. . . _ .. _. .... ._._-- - .. ... . ...._ __ _, �.. . __ _ �- � .� . . .� . � . ... i i I ; i I � I i ; , , , � , , � � � , I • ' . �'�`+ -lst 0 02 '� 2nd 0 - 9- ��a � 3rd - /y-� Adopted /0 0'�-��v � Y as Nays �� j DREW � � �i.�-�- i.��,� � NICOSIA �� t.. �.��j p ��rr� � SCHEIBEL , SONN�N . I WILSON MR. RESIDENT TEDESCO _ __._..__� _ _ ._, ._,_.., �._. ---- --__ _ - �. I I I I . ._ M�HITE - C�TV CLERK PINK - FINANCE G I Y OF SA I NT PAU L Council CANARV - pEPARTMENT File NO. �� BLUE - MAVOR � • • � � �//(/�i�li� Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committe By Date f�et Nor h of t e southwest corner thereof, thence E st on he Nor h line of said South 171 .08 feet of L t 21 a distan e of 96.77 feet to the point of b ginnin of pr perty herein to be described; thence c ntinui g East on the North line of said South 1 1 .08 et of ot 21 a distance 140.23 feet to the E st 1 i n of th West 237 feet of sai d Lot 21, t ence rth on the East line of said West 237 feet a distan e of 9 .07 feet; thence Southwesterly a d stanc of 167 09 feet more or less to the point of b ginnin , be a d is hereby rezoned from RM-2 to B-2. Section 2. This ordina ce sha 1 take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from a d after its passa e, approval a d publication. COUNC[LMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas � Nays Nicosia P1 anni ng and Economi c Deve1 opm nt Rettman I(1 FBVOC - Scheibel O _ Sonnen _ Ag81I1St BY Tedesw Wilson n p� u 2 � �9�i1! Form Approved y Ci y rney Adopted by Council: Date Certified •sed by Coun il Secret ry BY . sy� Appro y Vlavor. D t r V T 2 L� �9ot7 Approved by ay for Submission to Co cil B By BIiSH .,'��.' 19$�, . . i � ,� �� : . „�,� C1Ti Op I $ � � ' CITY OF SAI T PAUL � o - �� I DE�ARTMENT OF PLANNING AND ECONOMIC DEV OPMENT � ���w nm ti � vm °11 �� � �a ; DIVISION O PLANNING ,s6+ 25 West Fourth Street,Saint Paul, innesota,55102 612-292-1577 GEORGE LATIMER � , MAYOR i September 18, 1986 Albert B. 011son, C ty Clenk Room 386 Cit�'y Hall St. Paul , Milnnesot 5510$ Dear Si r: i Attached per your etter f request dated September 11 , 1986, is the pro er ordinance for the 'mpleme tation of the City Council action approving th petition of� Sibley Plaza nd South Highlar�d Park Apartments to rezone pr perty at 1292 Daviern St eet fro 6-2 to RM-2 and 1290 Davern Street from RM-2 o B-2 for the purpose o accom dating a land exchange to facilitate the Sible Plaza expan;sion. I Please cont,'act me if our office can be of further assistance regarding t is matter. Sincerely, ! i �a�n nr�� ��—�' Donna Dats�Co Planner II� Zoning Sec�tion DD:sb i � I ' � i I ' _ � i � ( ,:; � �,_, �:. ;, a,.. t �.a ;s c _ :.� i� ` _` s'al�fi�,b�`�:.z �t »�i r >,.���t + _» �... t -1 t t . � �f � -�. � ,1� F . T ,�y .1' � �' 1 .� k _ � � 1 .t+3 x� �.. '�` A6 { '� 1 4`� "�.q1 V�& t . S .� �y k � � n y x a � _ �� �.��� d� t y � 3 , t ��kt � �*��'�Vj } } � * l'y F � `j yvr.. F if d T / ! � i. Y f �:� J �'�`�� } •�f .. �.� ��f' I � f yv3 } 0� � - ! tl !�. y �; 5 ¢. > f / i.�; . ;a' p �.7�i /' �1 •1 : 'f a �'� � '� �', ` _ 6 � . 4 � J'; Y ' ' �' 9 ''�� � 'd7vry` '�� � �� ��` .t. .� ' �'' ,�'"h' - � :� i_'-_ � � '� — � t 7 y .i� �'�,� �' ��{� ��,�'� x .,4 .a :,� , t� �, :i , Y t F � 5 4 � �. e � �• � �z r". d �,� .,,�s� k : z � F �r� � J� . � � ��i �� � � = ,� �:. � ^ z i"EO a ' r �y, ,� x � ( � i' . ` ' z a = � � '1�.-:�� .t � � � r .,t s !' aG� �: a'f � �j '� t d• A �y�, f f ,, � �i 1 ��y�� � Y _ . ' 'p /i,: h� .i1 : .: �t� Z: - l ' [ - �:. 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'-.�=' kf �f t� k �..�. ,�' �r �' h � t * � }, � � � � .� �� � '�� as�•` � �� � � r �i =� ' l �.. i l T 5 ,y :+� � :�y ' / �I � (—�y, �'� � , f 4p Nr��� . +" ' `�t "�'�* '�� ' y�. s�� � ' � � �� .. �_ � "s �:y ��. '�' � ` �f+I�� � � t t. '� � �t t ��'a . ; `. . ¢ �� .�� �,�-•;� `h �� � � � .1 a + � # ,�." i ` � t { 1 x. af. �„`, � �' ' ' € i �' 4 5 ,.� s . J�� ' ,c ,'.r r j`� _ $ ' � � � t,-� / i � r � x i �� � " i .�` .��� *' � , \ �� �^ � . k A' Y . . y ,.',. y '.^a C : � ' t 1t.R k. .^�` 3 �.� t �" - �'r �<e- '���1. �� � � _ ����! `�-" e �r � �` a �, . r - J, r _ ,✓ � a ..x �v 1 � .. � ;. � 't � =w . � t ' y � �! � , ., f :f , ' 'i . * t :� i ., t 'E p� Y' F 1 1Y S � i � . .°} ,�,f� �'�'r T� � k �� " �.' j ����. �� I• � ���� t� a� �� r � �� , {� . � I ' , � i.ra 4 ? , �S :-1^.. � F_ �,; a r t �-� / � � 2 � � ; z' _y , �s � ► - � t, 7 ,� - , � s c �`� � , � , , , p �-. , . 's t N; . . � ; �=I� ,h� � _. � � , � ; t� � l." r: �. C :� � � �� .�} �` '1. ':% t F�J� � !�� - . ' - � ", t yx }1 'P' i � F\ 4 , � ;ti � -! 4 � 7� , - .. . < _ . ,.. �� ' - ;� . �' ._ ' ` `r.; Y : � .� ? .:. _ .-� .. �- ..�� . '�: . - ' � . .: ���a i: � � , ., ` .. , . , 'r . ' � ,:. � � :., � , r. �x{ �y , , � . , - ti . .�- � � �, k.� � t S � �k , �-:. , � �i�� �� �" � `,�. �� �7 , �`. _ � ��: �aN ' • �� . _ , _ . .rt� . � ` ' � .,�� �?. . _ . ,. . _. . ... •,��..�� �� � � � ,'J� ��' _ �� °.� i�' • R�t,C'tt O�'7 I ; . . CITY OF SAI T PAUL � . a i DE�ARTMENT OF PLANNING AND ECONOMIC DEVE OPMENT � �iii�lt��i � i �m �o , ; DIVISION O PLANNING ,.6, i 25 West Fourth Street,Saint Paul, nnesota,55102 612-292-1577 GEORGE LATIMER i MAYOR Se tember 2 19i86 P , � Albert Olson, C,ity Cle ; Room 386, City± Hall ; St. Paul, MN 5�5102 RE: Zoning Fiile #99 0 - Sible Plaza, Inc. and South Highland Park Apartments City Cou�cil"He ring: Se tember 11, 1986 PURPOSE: Ta accom odate a land exchange which would facilitate the Sibley Plaza expansion; one� parcel t 1292 avern (1,459 sq. ft.) rezone from B-2 to RM-2 and one arcel at 1290 Daver� (6,455 q. ft.) r zone from RM-2 to B-2. PLANNING IOMMIS ION D CISION: Approve (14-0) ZONING CO I TT DECI ION: Approve (4-0) STAFF RECOMMEN ATION Approve SUPPORT: a�ne pers n testif' d. OPPOSITION� None Dear Sir: On August 2 i, 1986 t e Zoni g Committee of the Planning Commission held a public hearing on this rezon�ng. Th petitio er testified. At the close of the public hearing, the Co mittee voted 4 to 0 �o appro e the r zoning based on staff findings. On August 2�., 1986 he Plan ing Commission upheld the Zoning Committee's recom enda- tion on a unanimous voice v te. i This rezoning is sch duled t be heard by the City Council on September 11, 1986. lease notify me b}� Septe ber 9 if�any member of the City Council wishes to have slides o the site presented at;the pu ic hearibng. � Sincerely, i � � �o�K�.I I �a � ��� � �: �, Donna Dats�o _ �i Planner II i ' ��' - F�= � � �� DD:mb �� � �+ 1`.� ek.:.. �� _ Attachmen�s . �� ��� , � �,_� �� ' �* � C p ��'�"� � .4t ��,,A 'ry "��� j. , \F��q}aF«.4��«�'} �wp,��}y, I � (@�..�i^i n ��W �V•� � I � � � � � __. ��. ti•.� I . _ .��� . �G , . city of saint �aul � � . pianning cor�hmi 'on esolutior� file number � 86-78 . date Au 'St 22 1986 WHEREAS, Sibley �laza, In . and S th Highland Park Apartments filc #9950 have applied for a rezoning from B-2 i� RM-2 nd fro RM-2 to B-2 under thc provisions of Sections 60.451 a d 60.531 of thc Saint �aul Le islativc odc to accommodate a land eachange for Siblcy Plaza xpan- sion on property loc�ted at 292 Da ern and 1290 Davern (legal description attached); and WHEREAS, the Zo�ing Co mittee f the Planning Commission on August 21, 1986, held a ublic hearing at which all person presen were given an opportunity to bc heard pursuant to sai ap- plication in accorda�nce wit the re uirements of Section 64.400 of the Saint Paul Legislati e Codc; and WHEREAS, Saint P!aul Pla ning Co mission, based on the evidence prescnted to its Zonin Com- mittee at the publi¢ hearin as sub quently reflectcd in thc minutes, made the following f ndings of fact: 1. The applicant� plan t remove SO percent of the west wing of Sibley Plaza and to reb ild with an additional �10,000 s uare fe t. The new portion will be oriented parallel to West Se enth Street and wil� house large r tail grocery as well as other retail uses. 2. In order to ac�ommod te the r orientation, Sibley Plaza will require 6,455 square feet of the southeast cor cr of t Highl d Park Apartments' parking lot at 1290 Davern. This rca is now zoned RI�I-2. � 3. The apartme�ts now ave 47 arking spaces; 14 spaccs will be removed but 15 new s ces will be constructc�south f the e isting apartments in a new area acquir�d by the Highla d Apartments. he tot 1 apart ent area will increase by 2,505 square feet. About 1,45 square feet of the n�w park ng area s now zoned B-2. 4. Houses now �xisting n the r zoning area will be removed; the right to purchase thes properties ha�s been cquired y the applicants. Two of the properties are in B-2 zon d lots and one is ini the R -2 zone. 5. The City's Cbmpreh nsive Pl n states that "the City wil!-support a diverse commerci 1 activity base by wor�Cing wit busin s and community groups to... continue physical improv ment programs to�reinfor e identi ies which attract customers" (Policy 4.2-1). It also stat s that "the City will... uQonitor ommerc al trends and ad just land use policies to remain abreas of changes aff�cting t e chara ter of commercial areas.." and will rocommend "modif ing cur- rent land u� regul ory pro isions to permit appropriate flexibility in the reuse of and and structures" olicies .2-4 an 4.2-2). (continued) I�Y�OVed Pan 1 � Re e _ _ in fav�or �oi� �ote � agait�st ' � � --- � . - - -- __. _.. _ _ __ _----_ ._ _ _ _ --__ �_. ._--- .' : � �_ 3�� . � cit of saint � aul � . y ' ' lut�on planrung m� on eso file number � I � date � File #9950 Page Two 6. The District 15i Plan st tes as it land use goal that it will work to "maintain thc qualit of the entire district, �..includ ng com ercial areas" NOW, THEREFOR�, BE I RESO 'VED, by the Saint Paul Planning Commission, that the etition of Siblcy Plaza, Ina. to rez ne prop rty at 1292 Davern Strect, more particularly describcd s At- tachmcnt A from B�-2 to R -2 zoni g classification is consistent with the Comprehensive P an for thc City; and BE IT FURTHER �ESOL ED, by the Saint Paul Planning Commission, that the petition f South Highland Park Ap�rtment to rezo e property at 1290 Davern Street, mort particularly de cribed as Attachment B f#om RM 2 to B- zoning classification is consistent with the Comprchen ive Plan for the City; and i BE IT FURTHER IRESOL ED, th t the Saint Paul Planning Commissioa does hereby rec mend to the City Counc 1 of the City of aint Paul that proporty located at 1292 Davern Street c rczoncd from B-2 o RM- and th property located at 1290 Davern Street be rezoncd fro RM-2 to B-2 in accorda�ce with the peti ion for rezoning on file with the Saint Paul Planning ivision. i i � I I � � . I moved b� � seconde�d by in fav�or � , � against � ' � I � I�_ _ _ _ _ , . . . . . . � � � 9��� ATTACHMENT A �`/37� _. � That pa�}t of he So th 171.08 feet of Lot 21, Snelling Out- lots describ�d as ollow : Beginning at the Northwest corner of said South 1'�1.08 eet o Lot 21; thence South along the West line of Lot �1 a istanc of 17.5 feet; thence East parallel wit the South li�ne of said ot 21 a distance of 70.11 feet; thence Northeasterly to poin on the North line of said South 171.08 feet of Lot ;21 di tant 6.77 feet East of the west line of said Lot 21; the�ce We t on he North line of said South 171.08 feet of Lot 21 a ;dista ce of 96.77 feet to the point of beginning. i � ___.__.__ . ----.-- -_.__.__._; : _ .___ ___, .�.__.______.__.. _, I . , . �'6 /C��� . . , � �9�so TTA�HMENT 8 J _ That ar�t of ot 21, Snelling Outlots lying North of .the P South 171. 08 ;feet escri ed as follows: Commencing at a point o the West lfne� of s id Lo 21 distant 171.08 feet North of the southwest co�ner t ereof thence East on the North line of said � South 171.08ifeet f Lot 21 a distance of 96.77 feet to the poin of beginning,' of pr perty herein to be described; thence continu ing East on �he N th li e of said South 171.08 feet of Lot 21 distance 140i.23 f et to the East line of the West 237 feet of said Lot 21,ithen e Nor h on the East line of said West 237 fee a distance o�f 92. 7 fee ; thence Southwesterly a distance of 167.09 feetimore r les to the point of beginning. � i I � I � r I � I I . I I j I ! i . I I I � �'G- i3�f� . . ' MINU ES OF ?HE ZONING COMIvIITTEE CITY C¢UNCI CHA ERS, ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA ON AUGUST 21, 1986 RESEN"T: Mm� s. Mort n and rac • Messr P n al n kc of the Zonin mmi �e y, s. a g a d Rcp g Co t ee; Mr. Seg�l, Assis ant Cit Attorney; Ms. Lane of the Division of Housing and B ilding Co�e Divis' n; Ms. eseman, Ms. Datsko and Mr. McGuire of the Planning ivision staif. ABSENT: Mm�es. Sum ers, Zi man; Messrs. Lanegran, Levy. 'The meeting was�chaired by Glad s Morton, Vice-Chairman. SIBLEY PLAZA 'INC. A D H HI HLAND #9 : Petition to rezone 1292 Dav rn from B-2 to RM-2 and 1290 D vcrn fr m RM-2 to B-2 to accommodate a land exchange for Si ley Plaza . expansion. � Ms. Datsko showgd slide of the ite and reviewed the staff report with a recommendati n for approval. No co�respon ence wa received on the matter. Reed Banet, Con�structio Mana r for Paster Enterprises, 222? University Avenue, and Project Manager for the�eapans' n proje t, presented drawings of the proposal. He stated that hey are proposing to tea� down pproai ately 5596 of the west wing of the shopping center and reorient it parallel with W.;7th Str et. The roposal will accommodate a 25,000 sq. ft. supermarket and also increase the par�Cing rat os in th existing parking lot to current City code. He explain d that in order to accomu�odate t is, they purchased three homes along Davern Street, two of wh ch were zoned B-2 and q'ne zone RM-2. 1"he property at 1290 Davern will accommodate the ch nge in the configuration o�' the sh pping c nter, and the property at 1292 Davern will accommod te the new parking lot for khe Sou Highl nd Park Apartments. The proposal includes a two-wa entrance and exit off Da�vern fo the apa tments. They are also proposing a new entrance along Davern for the shopping ce�ter, no only to accommodate the stores located west of the proposed s permarket but also to accammoda the re 'dents west of the shopping center which will make ac ess to the front of the sh�pping c nter ea ier. Joseph Mast, D� vern P rk Real y Company, inquired as to how many parking spaces c rrently ex- ist and how ma�ny are roposed if there are plans for any entranccs to the stores othe than from the parking lotb and if lease ad been signed for the grocery store or projected drug tore. Mr. Banet repo�ted tha presen Ily there are approximately 257 parking spaces in the s opping ccr:icr; the ne� parl:i:; lot wil have 4G3 spaces. The propo$ed Farking would provid 27 spaces over the City �±equire ent and will increase the existing parking lot capacity for the xisting buildings. Th¢re are o plans or any entrances to the stores other than from the par ing lot. He stated that�they ar in fina negotiations with Applebaums and anticipate the leas to be signed within ithe nea two we ks. When the Applebaums' lease is signed, the drug st re chain has indicated they� will co e into he shopping center. Mr. Mast testi$'ied tha they a in favor of the project if it doesn't create traffic pro lems and if sufficient par�king is rovide on the lot. Mr. Banet staf ed that the pro osed parking is very close to what they assume is the i eal level for a shopping ce��nter of his typ which is S cars per thousand square feet of retail spac . They have � done an anal sis of t e eaisti g and the future development and determined that th code rcquirement ould b 436 pa king spaces for the lot including the proposed expansi n. They are providing 46 parki spaces With respect to the entrance along Davern Street, the have created the second e�trance ot only o accommodate the stores that will bc located near it ut also to help the traffic pfioblcm n Daver . . � i __ - - - - . . � �- --/3�f� . Zoning File #995d .' Page Two � Mr. Mast stated t�'at now arking s horrendous for the ezisting shops even with a lot of v cancies present. Because �he Cha ps Bar Grill is a very busy placc which is located to the nort , the parking situation iis not v ey good in that cars are not parked in the stalls and ar� double arked in the lanes that �re mea t for in ress and egress from the shopping center. He suggested that for the benefit of allithe nei hbors, a well as the shopping center, that the parking situation be corrected. With t�e new ddition of a drug store and a grocery store, there is a great dea more cars projected fo� the sh pping c nter. Ms. Morton aske staff i the ap icant is providing the required number of parking spa s. Ms. Datsko reported hat the plan wo ld go through the site plan review process at which ti e the required number of par ng spac s would be determined. Hearing no furt}�er testi ony, , Morton closed the public hearing portion of the meeti g. Ms. Tracy made motio to reco ' mend approval based on staff findings 1 through 6. . Repke seconded the mo�ion, w ich pass d on a roll call vote of 4 to 0. I Submitted by. I Approved by. �o�na�j �'S Donna Datsko � Gladys Morton � � � � � � : I I � _ . �