86-1368 ��
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File No. X�$th S t
Voting IntheMatter f im roving both sides of Ninth Street from St. Peter Stree
Ward to abasha Street both sides of Eighth Street from Wabasha Stree
2 to ibley treet, lboth sides Seventh Street from Sibley Street to
Wac uta St eet an both sides of Sibley Street from Eighth Street
to eventh Street by grading and paving, widening, bituminous mil
and overla , sign 1 system and lighting system. Also, construc on
of ewer a d wate service connections, if requested by owner. w
cat h basi s and urb will be constructed as needed, tre�s will
pla ted wh re pos ible, and all other work necessary and inciden al
to anplet said provement.
The Council f the Cit of Saint aul having received the report of the Mayor upon the above improv ent, and
having considered 'd report, ereby res lves:
1. That 1 e 5 4 IOOOt and the s e is hereby approved with no alternatives, and that the estimated c st thereof
is$ > > , finance by financed by 1986 Public Improvement Aid $16,000;
198 Muni ipal St te Aid $1,004,000; 1986 Minnesota Department o Transportation
$20 ,000; 987 Ca ital Improvement Bonds $227,000 and M�nicipal tate Aid
$12 ,000.
2. That a pub ic hearin be had on said improvement on the 21s t day of October, 198 ,at
10:00 dcl ck a.m., the Cou cil Chambers of the City Hall and Court House Building in the City of aint PauL
3. That notic of said ublic hear g be given to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, tating the
time and p ace of he ring,the n ture of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated.
COUNCIL PERS N Adopted by the Council: Date SEP 3 1986
Yeas Drew ays
�a Certified P s ed y ouncil Secretary
Scheibel � In Favor
Ted es c o Against
Wilson O�T Z _ .� ' � Mayor
PUBIISi�ED 0 C T 1 1986