86-1357 WHITE - CITY CLERK PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL j/(o- � Council CANARV -DEPARTMENT /y BLUE� - MAVOR File NO. / / • r Z �nce Ordinance N 0. Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Com itteeBy Date An ordinan e amen ing Chapter 402 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code per aining to gambling, s prev ously amended by C.F. 86-671, Ord. No. 17384. The Counci of th City of Saint Paul Does Ordain: Section 1 That Secti n 402. 4 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code be amended to rea as follows: 402.1 . Gam ling Managers. All operation of gambling devices and 'n the conduct of raffles ursua t to city ep rmit shall be under the supervision of a s ngle gambling manager designate by the organization. The gambling manager shall be r sponsible for gross rece'pts an profits from gambling devices and raffles and for its conduct in compliance ith a 1 laws and rules. �`M¢ g��lilbX�yi� �fi�.�i��¢� ��i�.X� ���b¢ �. � q1¢��¢� �6��ig( - �� fM� ��� �� �X� ��� �� f��b�t �� t�i� �t������t��vi ���������I�� ��i tM� f� �Mf�X $�t��td��V��� �� �M �i��i�.g�t1�` �lt�t��� ��I� i�Yi� �����` �� td�� ld�t�u� �i��t l�t��� � ��i�1 ������ 16� ��$�� t fM� ���$ �� tbt����� ��� X��� i�M�� �� al��� ld���t� �tt� ����XX�t��v�! Section 2 This ordina ce sh 11 take effect and be in force thirty days from and af er its passage, ap roval and publication. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Na s � — /�T�ee. Nicosia ln Favor Rettman s�ne�bai �_ Against BY Sonnen Tedesco Wilson ; ��V L� �J �986 Form Appro by City A torney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Pa ou cil Secr y BY By Approved b Mayo . ' �^� NOV f � a�PProved y Mayor for Submission to C uncil By By PUBIi HED �`:��' ;' 9 1986 r � ' � , .� � WMITE� �- C�TV C�eaK �� rINK - FINANCE CANARV -DEPARTMENT - CITY �OF SAINT PAUL F1eci1N0. �� /�� n BIUE — MAVOR rdin�nce Ordinance N 0. — Presented By � Referre o � � S �-�T� V I Commi ttee: Date � r v'- Out of Comm ttee By Date An rdinance amending Chapter 402 of the Saint Pa 1 Legisl tive ode pertaining to gambling, as previously ame ded by C. F. 8 -671, Ord. No. 17384. The Co ncil f the City of Saint Paul Does Ordains Section 1 That s ction 402. 14 of the Saint Paul Legislat e Code be mended to read a foll ws: �O . 14. Gambling Managers. All eration of ga�nbling device� and in he c nduct of raffles shal e under the aupervisi n of a single ambi ng manager designa d by the organization. T e ga�nbling man�ger shal be responsible r grose receipte and profit from ga�nblin devi ces and raffl and for ite conduct in compli nce vrith all lar and rules. ?YI�E/ ��A16Zi�[�/�I�ti���t/dM�YZ/�i�i�/d/fid� ii�i/ld�ri�/ i�ixK�i a,�i� i�z0�e00 �is��r�ti�ii�x�i���aK�t��t��i���c�i�� ��di��i�K� f�i�Hf� i��t �t,a��c� r�fi�K�i,���s���t��ie�����i��di�K�i��t,�� �ii�x�i lb��id/�Ad �/�f fi� K��/�I���t�/��/�i�i�d/��/LM�/¢i�Ji/i�i/�iti� d�/d��/ Z�dd/�Yi fi/20 d �/l��i�t�/i�d/�dd��ZZdii�d! Section 2 This o inan e ehall take effect and be in force thirty da s from end afte� i s pa sage, spproval and publication. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Na s Drew Nicosia ln Favor — Rettman s�ne�bai Against BY Sonnen Tedesco Wilson Form App ve by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Cou cil Secr tary BY By Approved by Mayor: D te Appro ed y Mayor for Submission to C ncil By By ' . . - . Flo�/3.5� • . . � • � � CITY O�' SgINT PAUL /7���° ������;, ' OFFIC� OF THE CITY COIINCZL n..,..G.p..!we1 L�: . .~A:.�.ral�� - . Date : October 20 1986 , OMMfTTEE RE PORT _ TO = Satnt PQU i Ci1`y Councit � FRO = C0171t1Il�t2Q OCt. LEGISLATION Cl��IIR: JOHPJ DREW � 1 . Appr val f the minutes from the meetings held September 22 and Sept mber 29, 1986. APPROVED � COMM TTEE OF-THE-WHOLE -- AGENDA ITEMS 2 AND 3 : • 2. Disc ssio of possible 1987 State L�gislation regarding elephone Dere ulation. NO ACTION TAKEN � . 3. Disc sio of possible 1987 State Legislation to reauth ize Chap er 1 0 of the 1983 Minnesota State Statutes which nables the ort uthority to provide venture capital to small sinesses, and equi es City Council approval on all Port Authorit Revenue Bond Issu s. EXISTING LEGISLATION SUNSETS ON JUNE 30 1987. COM ITTEE APPROVED PORT AUTHORITY'S RE UEST TO SUPPORT HE EXTE SION OF THE PROVISIONS OF CHAPTER 110 INDEFINITELY. 4. An dina ce amending Section 402. 14 of the Legislative Code p to gen�biing managers. Council File No. 86-1 57. CITY HALL SEVENTH FLOOR � , SAINT PAU MINNESOTA 55102 ■�r 1� ft ,,r � � � ' -. �� . �ist " � J -'� 2 d• /�U ...� �., � 3rd � ��0-� Lr � Adoptec� -_=_y�_.:,_=.�-:�--.�� . /�- z�- � Yeas Nays ; . DREW NICASIA �'j_ �' d" �- ��� / t� RETTMAN �7 y/�' � ; SCHEIBEL , . SONN�N WILSQN MK. PR�SIDENT TEDESCO