86-1351 �_� WNITE - C�TV CLERK PINK - FINANCE COUACII D// :/(�r CANARV - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PALTL O �(/_/�/JI BLUE - MAVOR File NO• City Attny/JTH • • i Co ,uncil solution ,��_- r / � Present d By ` �'ti Referred � N� � Committee: Date � � Out of Com ittee B Date RESOLUTION APPROVING UDAG GRANT AGREEMENT, CAPITAL CITY CENTER PROJECT SOLV D, by the Council of the City of Saint Paul t at pursu nt to A�plication authorized by Resolution Council ile No . 8 -989 dopted July 30, 1985, the United States Denar ment of Ho sing nd Urban Development has given its nreliminar appro al of UDAG assistance to the Capital City Center Pr ject and t ndere to the City a 'JDAG Grant A�reement No . 5-86- -27- 0077 , which Grant Agreement is hereby accepted and apnro ed and the M yor i authorized to execute the same on behalf of the City f Sai t Paul . COUNC[LM N Requested by Department of: Yeas Drew Nays �'� [n Favor Rettman �elteibeF� �/� Sonnen �� __ Against BY Tedesco �lMfsotf^ Adopted by Council te SEP Z 5 1986 Form Approv City Attorney Certified Pas e b cil e a y BY Bp Approved b avor• te � �a'� ��e #j �9�6 Approved by Mayor for Submission o Council . BY - - — BY PUBLISHED 0 C T - 41986 .... � . . � -�35 i . �s!`i . � CITY OF SA.INT PA:UL �:�ii��i � OFFICE OF THE CITY COIINCIL � Committe� Repart %�.an � l��na �me�t � Personnel Co�r�.ittee. SEPTEMBER 18, 1986 1. Approva of mi utes from meeting held September 4, 1986. approved 2. Resolut on ame ding the 1982 Capital Improvement Budget by transfer ing $560,000 from Me ro Par s Grant (Battle Creek Park Reimbursement) to Log # P rks and Recreat on - C ntral Service Facility (laid over from September 4, 986). approv d (3-1 Rettman dissenting) - 3. Resolut on am ding the 1986 Capital Improvement Budget by adding $ 7,000 to the Fin ncing lan and to the Spending Plan for Park Nursery Tax In rements (Edgcum e Co nity Recreation Center) . approved 4. Resolut'on am nding the 1986 budget and adding $17,000 to the Finan ing Plan - and to he Sp nding ,Plan for City Property Management Fund - Buildi g Repairs (City H 11 fa ade). approved S. Resolut'on am nding the 1986 budget and transferring $4,750 from Co tingent Reser.ve to Ci ic Organization Contribution. approved 6. Resolution co senting to the issuance of Port Authority Revenue Bon s in the amount of $74 ,000 to finance construction of an office/produetion acility for Be sen In estment in Empire Builder Industrial Park. approved 7. Resolu ion co senting to the issuance of Port Authority Revenue Bon s in the amount of $98 ,000 to finance the construction of an office/product on facility for G1 ss Ser ice Company in Energy Park. approved 8. Resolu ion es ablishing the rate of pay for Administrative Assistan - Public Works epartm nt in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation Resol tion in Grade 6, Sec ion I D 4, Professional Employees Supervisory Group. approved 9. Resolu ion au horizing a five-year lease agreement between the cit and Port Crosby Associ tes (Amhoist) on behalf of the Police Department for he expans on of he Impound Lot (laid over from September 4, 1986) . la d over indefinitely 10. Resolu ion au horizing an agreement with Independent School Distri t No. 625 whereb the int Paul Police Department will provide SchooZ Polic Patrol servic s dur' g the 1986-1987 school year. approved 11. Resolu ion a thorizing an agreement with the State Department of H al�h whereby the ci y wil provide laboratory screening tests, health and r3sk eduction counse ing a d physician referral services to individuals identifi d as being at a h'gh ri k of developing Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome ( IDS). appr ved C.'TY HALL SEVENTH FLOOR SAIt�:tT PAU MINNESOTA 55102 �s46 . ... ._ .. . ... . . .......__. ..,..._..._.....>. ...„....,..._.. ._,..,-..m,.,.,._.,,�,..,_,.-_�_ ,.._._..._. .��.._.-.:.......:. ....._.�"'.....�.. ._....._„___...,_..,_........._..,. .� rq�w-+, -. ...,..�,.�r.n.,..�.,.. .__-o,�.-.x :�S _ . / . .... - . ... . . .. � �O�PIITTEE REPORT � �p-/3.57 FI�;AIvCE, '.MANAGEMEN & PE ONNEL COMMITTEE September�,18, 1986 Page..2 12. Resolu ion au horizing an agreement with the State Department of He lth whereb the c ty will provide tubal ligation services. approved 13. Admini trativ Orders: D-8098 Addi ions of $35,000 to the Public Safety Building remodei ng. a ro D-8099 Aut rization of payment to Sam Grogg for consultant serv' es. laid o D-8101: Aut orization for payment for incidental expenses for Sai t Paul Emp oyees Picnic. appro ed D-810 : Bud et revision in PED-Community Development Block Grant und. lai ove D-810 : Aut orization for payment to Ameriean Association of Zool gical Par s and Aquarium for expenses incurred by the Committee while ins ecting Saint Paul's CQmo Zoo. a ove D-810 : Ad itions of $73,786 to the contract for Public Safety B ilding . ___,_ . re odeling. _ _.._: _e_ ,_. a ove --_ _- - D-81 9: Au horization for a lease agreement with Chicago and Nor hwestern Tr nsportation Company and Lunda Construction Company to use the Fi lmore Line to transport steel for use in construction of High Br dge. ap oved � 14. Repo t on tinerant Food survey by Alice Bijjani, Saint Paul Divi ion of Publ c Hea th. ,:..�. � ,1- .. � ��; .�.,� 15`.` . ;Resa �' pProving UDAG'Grant Agreemen� (Capital City` Center F ��c�)- ., a rrnrec�'{�' ,