86-1347 WMITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE G I TY O F SA I NT PA U L Council CANARV - DEPARTMENT � BLUE - MAYOR File NO. Co cil Resolution t � • // Presented By -"' Referred To �� � Committee: Date � Out of Com ittee By Date WHEREAS: 1. On S ptembe 2. 1986 the Port Authority of the City of Saint Paul adopted Resolution No 2700 iving preliminary approval to the issuance of revenue onds in the initial princ pal am unt of $985,000 to finance the construction of a 27,90 square foot office/produc ion fa ility for Glass Service Company in Energy Park. Mille & Schroeder Financial, In . will underwrite the 30-year revenue bond issue. 2. The ort Au hority of the City of Saint Paul will submit an applic tion for an industrial re enue b nd allocation from the State of Minnesota Competitive ool as the pro�ect is in ustria . The City of Saint Paul's entitlement allocation wil not be affected by t is app ication. 3. Laws of Min esota 1976, Chapter 234, provides that any issue of re enue bonds suthorized by the Po t Authority of the City of Saint Paul, shall be issued only with the consent of the City ouncil of the City of Saint Paul, bq resolution adopte in accordance with law; 4. The P rt Au ority of the City of Saint Paul has requested that th City Council give its requi ite c nsent pursuant to said law to facilitate the issuance f said revenue bonds by the P rt Au ority of the City of Saint Paul, sub3ect to final app oval of the details of sai issu by the Port Authority of the City of Saint Paul. RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Saint Paul, that in accor ance with Laws of Minnesota 1 76, C pter 234, the City Council hereby consents to the iss ance of the aforesaid reve ue bon s for the purposes described in the aforesaid Port Au ority Resolution No. 2700 t e exact details of which, including, but not limited , provisions relating to ma uritie , interest rates, discount, redemption, and for the is uance of additional bon s are o be determined by the Port Authority, pursuant to res lution adopted bq the Por.t A thority, and the City Council hereby authorizes the is uance of any additional bon s (inc uding refunding boads) by the Port Authority, found by the Port Authority to b neces ary for carrying out the purposes for which the afores id bonds are issued. COU(VCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Drew Na s � Nicosia [p FaVOC Rettman Scheibel so��e� � __ Against BY ��eAesza Wilson Adopted by Council: Date SEP 2 5 1986 Form Approved by�it�ttorney Certified P s e Cou cil S e � 'r � By Approved by lNavor: a e � s �2�1966 Appro d b Mayor for Submissio C Bv - -�� By �p '� r��EJ vC i - 41986. 1"��'�'-°' St. Paul Pprt Au hority • DEPARTMENT. ��1� N� _ �s�c5�+ J. A. �Cam basso E.A, au�' . CONTACT 224-56s6 PHONE September 2, 198 DATE �ee� e�r � ASSIGN NUhBER F4R R UTING RDER C1 i Al l Locations for S� nature : 1 Department' Di're tor 3 Director of Manageme /Mayor " � Finance and Man gement Services Director � 4 City Clerk Budget Dire�ctor x�: $985,000 REVENUE BO ISSUE 2 C�ty Att01^11E�/ GLASS�SERVICE COMF Y, ING. . HAT WILL BE ACHLEV D BY T KIN G ACTION ON THE ATTACHED MpTERIALS? {PurposE/ Rationale) : The purpoSe of t bond 'ssue is to finance the construction of a 27,900 squar foot office/production facil ' y for G1ass Service Compa.ny in Energy Park. COST BENEFIT BUDGE RY AN PERSQNNEL IMPACTS ANTICIPATED: • The amount of the reven bond issue is $985,000 and will be for a term of 30 ars. There wil]� be.ap8roxima ely 15 new jobs created as a result of this project. � The Port Authorit . will ubmit an appli.cation for an industrial revenue bond a ocation from the State o£ Minn sota C'mpeitive Pool as the project is industrial. The City f Saint Paul's entitlemen alloc tion will not be affected by this application. . F�NANCING SOURCE AND BUDGE ACTIVITY NUN�ER CHARGED OR CREDITED: (Mayor's signa- ture not re- Total Amount of"T ansac ion: quired if under � $10,000) Fu�ding Source: . Activity Number: • ATTACHMENTS List an Nu b �' All Attachments : 1. Staff Memoran um 2. Draft City Co cil R solution . 3. Port Authorit Resol tion No. 2700 cc. J. Shoholm DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITX ATTORNEIf REYIEW �Yes No Counci Resol tion Required? ' Resalution Required? es No Yes x No Insura ce Req ired? Insurance Sufficfient? es No Yes X No Insura ce Att "ched: , ; , , • ` � (S ,E •REVERSE SIDE FOR INSTRUCTIONS) � Revised 12/84 . � i�y7 POR �T . AUTH RITY OF THE CITY O ST. PA L Memorandum , TO: B(aARD OF ISSIOIVERS DAT�Aug. 2 , 1986 (Se t. 2, 986 Special Meeting) FROM: J.A. ampoba so, SUBJECT: p(�LI gEARI - pRELIMINARY & UNDERTnIl2ITING AGREEMENTS $985, 00 UE BOND ISSUE GI.ASS SERVIC COMPANY, INC. ENERG PARK RESOL ION N . 2700 On Au st 26, the Port Authority Ca�rtnission approved by Resolution o. 2701 the sa e of nd to Glass Service Canpany, Inc. and also held a pub ic hearin for issuance of $985,000 in industrial revenue bonds un er Resolu ion 8 to finance the c�nstruction of a 27,900 square foot produc ion f il ity for the ocxnpany. In ord r to ly with our publication requirements for bond noti , the public hearin was oontinued to the Septenber 2 Catmission meeting s the notice in the St. Paul Dispatch was accidentally not published on t approp iate d y. Staff ds approval of Resolution No. 2700. JAC:ca . - � PORT � �'-�3y� � AUTH RITY OF THE CITY OF ST. PAU NOemorandum TO: BOARD F CO ISSIONERS DATE Aug. 2 , 1986 (Aug. 26, 986 Regular Meeting) FROM: J.A. C mpobas o `�/ � SUBJECT: GLASS ERVICE COMPANY PUBLIC HEARIN - PRELIMINARY AND UNDERWRITING AGREEMENT $985,0 0 REVE UE BOND ISSUE ENERGY PARK RESOLU ION NO 2�00 PUBLIC SALE H ARING - SALE OF LAND RESOLU ION NO 2701 1. THE COMP Gla s Ser ice Company, Inc. fabricates insulating glass windows nd doo s, in talls and glazes glass for new construction as well as rep aceme t glass, and installs auto glass both at its shops and on sit . Th company is 18 years old with its main production oper tion loc ted i Columbia Heights. Glass Service has service centers n Blo mingt , Stillwater, Forest Lake, Columbia Heights and St. P ul. The compa employs 30 people at its main facility in Columbia H ights and an add tional 15 at its service centers. 2. THE PROJEC Gla s Servi ce Company, Inc. plans to initially construct a 27,900 squ re foo building which includes 6,000 square feet of office. They are antici ating the construction of an additional 20,000-plus sq are fee in ph se two of this development to house a related company. Gla s Servi ce will be relocating their existing production operat on in Col mbia H ights and will be consolidating the present St. Paul s rvice cen er emp oying four people presently located at 743 Snelling Av nue Nor h to t e new facility. The company anticipates adding 15 new peo le in t. Paul by the summer of 1987. They have reviewed the Cit 's Fir t Source Agreement and will execute it upon approval o the project. The ort A thority would lease them a site containing 129,974 squ re feet at a ate of $1.75 per square foot plus lOX interest for a 3 -year ter . Thi lease will result in a monthly payment of $2,044.76 a d an annu 1 pay ent of $24,537.15. The pro�ect will be located immedi tely west of th municipal stadium on West Energy Park Drive. � � ��- i��7 BOARD F COMM SSIONERS August 21 , 19 6 Page - - So 1 bori gs have indicated a need for piling on the site. A lo bid of $116,2 0 has been received by the Port Authority for the soil co rectio for the initial building. Upon approval of the proje t and bi packa e, the necessary soil correction will be completed and paid fo with nergy Park construction funds. Soil correction for ph se two co struct on will be provided by the Port Authority at any time ithin th next ight years. Th Port uthority will submit this pro�ect to the State of Minn sota's re enue b nd competitive pool for allocation as an industrial pr ject. Aut oriza ion to issue the bonds should be received by the middl of September with bond sale projected for the September 23 Board me ting. 3. FIN CING The propo ed financing would be done as an 876 industrial develo ment rev nue b nd issue for a 30-year term. Proceeds from the bond i sue wou d be follows: Con tructi n $921,000 Deb Servi e Reserve - p - Cap alized Interest 45,000 Bon Issu ce Cost 19,000 TOT L $985,000 The debt s rvice reserve totaling $82,260 will be financed by G1 ss Se ice at the time of the sale of bonds. The Port A thority would receive earnings on the sinking funds as well as he cus omary fiscal and administrative fees based on a rate o $350 per month or the first ten years, $450 per month for the second ten yea s and 550 per month for the third ten years of the lease. 4. UND RWRITI G � Mil er & S hroeder Financial, Inc. has agreed to underwrite the t irty- yea bond ssue at an interest rate to be set at the time the bon s are sol . We nticipate the bonds will be sold at the regular Septem er, 198 , meet ng. 5. TE S OF T E LEASE The term o the lease would be for thirty years with options as out ined b low: Land Building 10 ears $265,363.58 10% of the ori�inal bond issue 20 ars $189,545.42 l0y of the original bond issue 30 ars $133,727.25 10% of the original bond issue t � . � � �_ �3u7 t BOARD 0 COMMI SIONERS August 1, 198 Page -3 The buildi g purchase option includes the outstanding principle alance as ell as 10� of the original bond issue. Mr. George Vogt and Mr. Eugene Minea of Commercial Realty Group reg stered Glass Service Company, Inc. with the Port Authority o Feb ary 3 1986. A commission of $13,647.27 based on 6y of the land val e will be paid at the time of closing. This conforms to the Port Aut ority' land commission policy. 6. REC MMEND IONS At his ti e, the project is being submitted to the Board for pre iminar approval with final approval awaiting the September Board mee ing. t that meeting, a public hearing on the issue will be held as notic of bond sale in the St. Paul Dispatch was inadverten ly hel up. Ear y noti e to Council 46 was sent on May 16, 1986. The compan and Por Autho ity staff inet with District 12 on August 7, and they ere sup ortive of the pro�ect. Staff has interviewed the officers o the com any, r viewed their financial statements and recommends appr val of Res lution Nos. 2700 and 2701. JAC:ca � � � f�-/.�5�7 . 572F Resolution No. �?�pd RESOLUTION OF TH PORT AUTHORITY OE THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL W EREAS, the purpose of Chapter 474, Minnesota Statu es, own as the Minnesota .Municipal Industrial Dev lop- ment ct (h reinafter called "Act") as found and determin d by the 1 gislature is to promote the welfare of the state by the activ attr ction and encouragement and development of ec nomi- cally sound industry and commerce to prevent so far as po sible the e ergen e of blighted and marginal lands and areas of chron 'c un ployment and to aid in the development of exi ting areas of blight, marginal land and persistent unemploymen ; and EREAS, factors necessitating the active promo ion and d velop ent of economically sound industry and commer e are the i creasing concentration of population in the metropo itan areas and t e rapidly rising increase in the amount and c st of gover ment 1 services required to meet the needs of the incre sed pulation and the need for development of land use which will rovide an adequate tax base to finance these incre sed c sts and access to employment opportunities fo such popul tion; and EREAS, The Port Authority of the City of Sain Paul (the 'Authority" ) has received from Glass Service Company Inc. , (here' naft r referred to as "Company" ) a request that the Autho ity i sue its revenue bonds to finance the acquisit on, insta lati n and construction of a 27,900 square foot offic /pro ction/service facility (hereinafter collectiv ly calle the "Project") in Energy Park in the City of St. P ul, all a is re fully described in the staff report on fi,l ; and EREAS, the Authority c3esires to facilitate th selec ive evelopment of the community, to retain and imp ove its t x ba e and to help it provide the range of services and emplo ment opportunities required by its population, and aid Proje t wi 1 assist the City in achieving that objective. Said Proje t wi 1 help to increase the assessed valuation of t e City nd h lp maintain a positive relationship between as essed valua ion nd debt and enhance the image and reputation o the City; and ' � � ��/3y7 W EREAS, the Project to be financed by revenue onds will esult in substantial employment opportunities in th Proje t; W EREAS, the Authority has been advised by repr - senta ives f the Company that conventional, commercial finan ing t pay the capital cost of the Project is avail ble only n a 1 'mited basis and at such high costs of borrowi g that he ec nomic feasibility of o�perating the Project wo ld be signi icant y reduced; but the Company has also advised t is Autho ity t at but for revenue bond financing, and its resul ing 1 w borrowing cost, the Project would not be under aken; W EREAS , Miller & Schroeder Financial, Inc. (th "Unde write ") has made a proposal in an agreement (the "Unde writi g Agreement") relating to the purchase of the reven e bon s to be issued to finance the Project; W EREAS, the Authority, pursuant to Minnesota Statu es, S ction 474.01, Subdivision 7b did publish a no ice , a cop of w ich with proof of publication is on file in t e offic of t e Authority, of a public hearing on the propo al of the C mpany that the Authority finance the Project herein efore descr bed b the issuance of its industrial reaenue bonds and W EREAS, the Authority did conduct a public hea ing pursu nt to said notice, at which hearing the recommendat ons conta' ned i the Authority's staff inemorandum to the Commi sione s were reviewed, and all persons who appeared at the h aring were given an opportunity to express their vi ws with espec to the proposal. W, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Commissio ers of th Port Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesot as � follo s: On the basis of information� available to t e Autho ity it appears, and the Authority hereby finds, tha said Proje t co stitutes properties, used or useful in connect on with ne o more revenue producing enterprises engaged in any busin ss w' thin the meaning of Subdivision 1 of Section 4 4.02 of th Act; that the Project furthers the purposes stated in Secti n 47 .O1 of the Act and, but for the willingness of the Autho ity o furnish such financing, the Company would no undertake he Project, and that the effect of the Project if undertaken, will be to encourage the development of econo ical y sound industry and commerce and assist in th 2 � , . � ��i3�7 prevent on of the emergence of blighted and marginal Iand, a d will he p to revent chronic unemployment, and will help the City to retai and improve its tax base and provide the rang of servi ces a d employment opportunities required by its populat on, a d will help to prevent the movement of talente and edu ated ersons out of the state and to areas within th ' state w ere t eir services may not be as effectively used an will re ult i more intensive development and use of land within he Ci y and will eventually result in an increase in the Cit 's ta base; and that it is in the best intereats of the por dist ict and the people of the City of Saint Paul a d in furt eranc of the general plan of development to assist he Company in fi ancing the Project. 2. Subject to the mutual agreement of the Authori y, th Company and the purchaser of the revenue bond as to t e det ils of the lease or other revenue agreement as defined in th Act, and other documents necessary to evidenc and eff ct th financing of the Project and the issuance of he revenue bonds the Project is hereby approved and authorized and the issua ce of revenue bonds of the Authority in an amo nt not to xceed approximately $985,000 (other than such additio al re enue bonds as are needed to complete the Proje t) is auth rized to finance the costs of the Project and the recomme datio s of the Authority's staff, as set forth in th staff m moran um to the Commissioners which was presented to the Com issio ers, are incorporated herein by reference and approve . - 3. In accordance with Subdivision 7a of Section 474.01, Minne ota Statutes, the Executive Vice-President of he AUTHORI Y is ereby authorized and directed to submit the proposa for he above described Project to the Commissioner of Energy nd Ec nomic Development, requesting his approval, an other o ficer , employees and aqents of the AUTHORITY are hereby uthor' zed to provide the Commissioner with such prelimi ary i formation as he may require. 4. There has heretofore been filed with the Authori y a f rm of Preliminary Agreement between the Author ty and Com any, elating to the proposed construction and financi g of he Project and a form of the Underwriting Agreeme t. T e forms of the agreements have been examined b the Com issio ers. It is the purpose of the agreements to evidenc the ommitment of the parties and their intentions with re pect o the proposed Project in order that the Compa y may pro eed w'thout delay with the commencement of the acquisi ion, nstallation and construction of the Project wi h 3 � . ��—�3c�7 the a sura ce that there has been sufficient "official ac ion" under Sect 'on 103(b) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 as amend d, t allow for the issuance of industrial revenue onds ( incl ding, if deemed appropriate, any interim note or no es to provi e te porary financing thereof) to finance the entir cost of th Pro 'ect upon agreement being reached as to the ult mate detai s of the Project and its financing. Said Agreement are hereb app oved, and the President and Secretary of the Autho ity re hereby authorized and directed to execute s id Agree ents. Upon execution of the Preliminary Agreemen by the C mpan , the staff of the Authority is authorized and direc ed t continue negotiations with the Company so as o resol e th remaining issues necessary to the preparation of the 1 ase nd other documents necessary to the adoption b the Autho ity f its final bond resolution and the issuance a d deliv ey o the revenue bonds; provided that the Presiden (or Vice- resi ent if the President is absent) and the Secret ry (or A sist nt Secretary if the Secretary is absent) of th Autho ity, or if either of such officers (and his alterna ive) are a sent, the Treasurer of the Authority in lieu of suc absen off' cers, are hereby authorized in accordance with the provi ions of Minnesota Statutes, Section 475.06, Subdivi ion 1, to acce t a final offer of the Underwriter made by the Under rite to purchase said bonds and to execute an Under riti g Agreement setting forth such offer on behalf of the A thor' ty. Such acceptance shall bind the Underwrite to said ffer but shall be subject to approval and ratificat on by the P rt A thority in a formal supplemental bond resoluti n to be ad pted prioc to the clelivery of said revenue bonds. The revenue bonds (including any interim n te or notes) and interest thereon shall not constitute an indeb edne s of the Authority or the City of Saint Paul w thin the m anin of ar�y constitutional or statutory limitation and shall not onstitute or give rise to a pecuniary liabilit of the A thor' ty or the City or a charge against their gener 1 credi or axing powers and neither the full faith and cr dit nor t e ta ing powers of the Authority or the City is ple ged for t e pa ment of the bonds (and interim note or notes) r inter st t ereon. In order to facilitate completion of the r venue bond finan ing herein contemplated, the City Council is h reby reque ted o consent, pursuant to Laws of Minnesota, 1976 Chapt r 23 , to the issuance of the revenue bonds (includ ng 4 � . , . ������ any i terim note or notes) herein contemplated and any addit onal onds which the Authority may prior to issuance or from �ime t time thereafter deem necessary to complete th Proje t or o refund such revenue bonds; and for such purp se the E ecuti e Vice President of the Authority is hereby autho ized nd directed to forward to the City Council cop'es of th' s res lution and said Preliminary Agreement and any addit 'onal vailable information the City Council may requ st . 8 The actions of the Executive Vice-President of the A thori y in causing public notice of the public heari g and i desc ibing the general nature of the Project and estim ting he principal amount of bonds to be issued to finan e the Project and in preparing a draft of the propos d appli ation to the Commissioner of Energy and Economic Devel pment State of Minne�ota, for approval of the Proje t, which has b en available for inspection by the public at t e offic of t e Authority from and after the publication of . notic of t e hearing, are in all respects ratified and confi med. Adopt d Sep ember 2, 1986 � Attes � L /�, res ;/ The Port uthority of the City . � � � �� of Sain Paul ��' .�� �� �-0'f i L�//� ` �ecret ry �" 5 _ � �_�.��� � �� PORT AUTH RIN OF HE CIN OF SAINT PAUL TOLL FREE(8 )328-8417 1900 AMH IST TOW • 345 ST. PETER STREET • ST. PAUL, MN. 55102 • PHONE(6 2)224-5686 September 2, 1986 Mr. Jam s Bell s, Director Plannin and E onomic Development Department City of St. Pa 1 14th F1 or, Ci y Hall Annex St. Pau , Minn sota 55102 SUBJECT GLAS SERVICE COMPANY $985 000 REVENUE BOND ISSUE Dear Ji : We subm t here ith for qour review and referral to the office of the syor, City Co ncil a d City Attorney's office details pertaining to the iss ance of $985,000 in revenue bonds to finance the construction of a 27,900 quare foot of ice/pr duction facility for Glass Service Company in Energy P rk. The Por Autho ity will submit an application for an industrial reven e bond al ocatio from the State of Minnesota Competitive Pool as the p o,ject is industrial. The City of Saint Paul's entitlement allocation will ot be affecte by th s application. The Port Autho ity staff has conducted a thorough evaluation of the f rms and/or i divid als that are involved .in this pro�ect or in which the principa s hav an interest. This investigation has included detaile credit a alysi , Dun and Bradstreet reports, direct communication wit regresen ative of financial institutions with whom the participants ave done bus ness nd data base checks to determine if any principal(s) h ve been in ny wa involved in legal proceedings as a result of securiti s fraud, e torti n, embezzlement or financial misrepresentation. In addit on to the staff inemorandum, we are attaching a draft copy of the proposed City ouncil resolution and a copy of Port Authority Resolut on No. 2700 which uthorized the sale of revenue bonds in the amount of $985,000 Your exp ditio handling of this matter will be appreciated. ours truly, , EAK:ca E gene A. Kraut cc. Mayo Latim r Egecutive Vice President EUGENE A KRAUi,C.I.D. G.D NSHEE.C.I.D. CHARLES M.TOWLE CUFFORD E.RAMSTED.P.E. PERRV K.FEDERS C.P.A EXECUINE VICE PRESIDENT ASSL EXEC.VI E PRESIDENT DIRECTOR OF INDUSfRIAL pEVELOPMENT CHIEF ENGINEER DIRECTOR OF FINANCE ASST.TRFASURER RICHARD A GIERDAL WIWAM E.McGNERN PROPERN MANAGER DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC RELAtIONS COMMISSIONERS GEORGE W.WI R WIL WILSON ARTHUR N.GOODMAN VICTOR P.REIM RAYMOND E.LANGEVIN CHRIS N COSIA JEAN M.WEST PRESIDENT VI PRESIDEM SECREfARY mEasuaea COMMISSIONER COMMI IONER COMMISSIONER C.I.D.Certified Industrial Developer ,.. ..�.. � • CITY OF SA.INT PAUL � ��/��7 "'`�r '' OFFICE OF THF CZTY COIINCZL !:�il i�i.su �Omn�uttee RepOrt F:' an� l�a.n.a eme�t & Persannel C�mrnitt�e. SEPTEMBER 18, 1986 l. Approval f min tes from meeting held September 4, 1986. approved 2. Resolutio amen ing the 1982 Capital Improvement Budget by transferri g $560,000 from Metr Park Grant (Battle Creek Park Reimbursement) to Log 4� Par s and Recreatio - Ce tral Service Facility (laid over from September 4, 19 6) . approved (3-1, ettman dissenting} 3. Resolutio . amen ing the 1986 Capital Improvement Budget by adding $17 000 to the Finan ing P an and to the Spending Plan for Park Nursery Tax Incr ments (Edgcumbe Commu ity Recreation Center) . approved 4. Resolutio amen ing the 1986 budget and adding $17,000 to the Financi g Plan � and to t Spen ing ,Plan for City Property Ma.nagement Fund - Building Repairs (City Hall faca e) . approved 5. Resolutio amen ing the Y986 budget and transferring $4,750 fror.i Cont ngent Reserve to Civi Organization Contribution. approved 6. Resoluti cons nting to the issuance of Port Authority Revenue Bonds in the amount of $740, 00 to finance construction of an office/production fa ility for Bens Inve tment in Empire Builder Industrial Park. approved 7. Resolut� cons ting ta� the issuance-:0£ Port Authority Revenue �onc�s in the amou� 'o $.�83, 04 to finance the canstruction-af � affice/productio faci.7.ity for 63:a►s �rvi 'e Company in Energy Park. approved 8. Resoluti n esta lishing the rate of pay for Administrative Assistant Public Works De artmen in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation Resolut'on in Grade 16, Secti n I D 4, Professional Employees Supervisory Group. a proved 9. Resoluti n auth rizing a five-year lease agreement between the city a d Port Crosby A sociat s (Amhoist) on behalf of the Police Department for th expansio of th Impound Lot (laid over from September 4, 1986) . laid over indefinitely 10. Resoluti n auth rizing an agreement with Independent School District o. 625 whereby he Sai t Paul Police Department will provide School Police P trol services during the 1986-1987 school year. approved 11. Resoluti n auth rizing an agreement with the State Degartment of Heal h whereby the city will p ovide laboratory screening tests, heaZth and risk red ction counseli g and hysician referral services to individuals identified s being at a hig risk f developing Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AI. S). approve CITY HALL SEVENTH FLOOR SAINT PAUL, INNESOTA SSI02 � d�sa .._,..... . _._ .. _ �___ _._ ._: _.. . _____� _ ._...._ . . _. _ ....�.,�.�. � -