86-1345 WHITE - C�TV CLERK PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL Council CANARV - DEPARTMENT � BIUE - MAVOR . FIl@ NO. Council Resolution ---� � �� Presented By ✓ Referred To � L� Committee: Date � Out of Commit ee By Date RESOLVED; By t e Cou cil of the City of Saint Paul , upon the request of the Mayor and the positi e recommendation of the Long Range Capital Improvement Budget Corr�nit ee tha the 1982 Capital Improvement Budget, as heretofore adopted and ended y this Council , is hereby further amended as follows: Current Amended Appropriation Change Appropriation Metro Parks G ant SG 83-54 (Battle Creek Pk. Re mbursement) 560,000.00 -$560,000.00 -0- 803-63900-079 -63379 Log # Parks a d Recr ation C-1001 Centra Servi e Facility -0- +$560,000.00 $560,000.00 � �� F� Upon approval of the above amendment, financing for the Parks and � �' ��� Recreation Ce tral S rvice Facility, Log #C-1001 , will be as follows: � o � 1.� N O Current Amended � �. �,' Financing Change Financing -� � � .. � ,� ., .., 1981 CIB $41,000 -0- $41 ,000 �� 1982 CIB $435,000 -0- $435,000 �° Energy Retrof t CIB unds $134,968.40 -0- $134,969.40 a U Metro Parks G ant SG 83-54 -0- +$560,000 $560,000 a �' l 610,969.40 + 560,000 1 ,170,969.40 � m - o � a � � � � c�, APPROVED as to Fu ding; APPROVED; �n �, � � r-. �, .� �. � � � � 1� Dept. Finance agement Servi��q udget D re or COUNC[LMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Drew Na s � Nicosia Communi t Services Rettma�r" IR Favo[ Scheibel � Sonnen Against �� Wilson p t �c Adopted by Council: Date SEf Z 5 19vU Form Approve by City Attorney Certified P s• Co ncil S ar BY sy� � A►pproved by Ylavor. a ��a-S � G �� APP�o Mayor for ubmi uncil By � _ '�-�-�� sv r��n�tn r� n n T _ ��: 19�6 CS/P�rks DEPARTMENT �Id(p-- 0 3793 s�Johtr 'Wi rka • . � CONTACT 292-7400 PHONE � June 25 1986 DATE 1 Q�� � Q Q. ASSIGN NUMBER FOR R UTING RDER Cli All Locations for Si nature : _ r 5 Director of Manageme /Mayor Finance and Man gement Services Director 6 City Clerk 7 Parks and Recr a ' City Attorney WHAT WILL BE ACHIEV D BY KING ACTION ON THE ATTACHED MATERIALS? (Purpose/ �c����� Rationale) : This action s nece sary to authorize an increase in the J U L 3 0198� construction budget for the Parks & ' Recreation Central Service Faci li ty, an is re ommended for approval by the Capital Improvement Budget Cornrni tee. �� I����.�-..;��,��,� �i Y ATTORN�� �\.�`� ,r-�� .1u�_ 3 � ��a� RECE VED � ,,,_,� „r JUL 1 1586 COST/BENEFIT BUDGE ARY AN PERSONNEL IMPACTS ANTICIPATED: ' ���`"' " `'T�``��- Co�amuiifv .i��: I�GI.�Y�;r:� ._ '. . Increase con tructi n budget by $560,000.00 for a new pr ject t tal of $1 ,170,969.40 r,�U�. � R ��!��' OFFlCE OF T N:: _� ?EP.ARTMENT � _- c- .0 �QANAGEM�i�f 5�...• FINANCING SOURCE AN BUDG ACTIVITY NUMBER CHARGED OR CREDITED: (Mayor's signa- ture not re- Total Amount of ransa ion: $�60,000.00 quired if unde $10,00Q) Funding Source: Met o Parks Grant SG-83-54 (Ba tle Creek Park Reimbursement) Activity Number: 803 63900-0799-63379 ATTACHMENTS List a d Num er All Attachments : 1 . Council R solution DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW xYes No Council Res lution Required? Resolution Required? Yes No Yes x No Insu nce R quired? Insurance Sufficient? Yes No Yes x No Insu nce A tached: SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR INSTRUCTIONS) Revised 12/84 ` CITY OF cAINT PAUL � ���y5/ ��h ` AJ ;;,i,}�'�t�i1 OFFICE OF TF3F CITg COUNCZL Committe� Re�ort F an� Mana eme�t & Persannel Committee. SEPTEMBER 18, 1986 1. Approval of mi tes from meeting held September 4, 1986. approved 2. .R�aat���Ei, a_�e iag the 1982 Capital I�ravement Bt��tget brp traneferr g $560,000 fron Met o P#�r Grant (Bsttle Czeek Paxk Reimbt�se���: to Log � Pa s and Recrea. -�- C ` Eral ServiCe Facility (lafd over from .September 4, 1 86). ap�►�co�z � �Rettman dissenting) � :, 3. Resoluti n. ame ing the 1986 Capital Improvement Budget by adding $1 ,000 to � the Fina cing an and to the Spending Plan for Park Nursery Tax Inc ements (Edgcumb Comm ity Recreation Center) . approved 4. Resoluti n ame ing the 1986 budget and adding $17,000 to the Financ' g Pian � - and to t e Spe ing .Plan for City Property Management Fund - Buildin Repairs (City Ha 1 fac e). approved � 5. Resoluti n ame ing the �986 budget and transferring $4,750 from Con ingent Reserye o Civ' Organization Contribution. - approved 6. Resoluti n cons nting to the issuance of Port Authority Revenue Bonds in the amount o $740, 00 to finance construction of an office/production f ility for Bens n Inve tment in Empire Builder Industrial Park. approved 7. Resoluti n cons nting to the issuance of Port Authority Revenue Bonds in the amount o $985, 00 to finance the construction of an office/producti facility for Glas Servi e Company in Energy Park. approved 8. Resoluti n esta lishing the rate of pay far Administrative Assistant Public Works De artmen in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation Resolut'on in Grade 16 Secti n I D 4, Professional Employees Supervisory Group. approved 9. Resoluti n auth rizing a five-year lease agreement between the city a d Port Crosby A sociat s (Amhoist) on behalf of the Police Department for t expansio of th Impound Lot (laid over from September 4, 1986). laid over indefinitely 10. Resoluti n auth rizing an agreement with Independent School District o. 625 whereby he Sai t Paul Police Department will provide School Police P trol services during the 1986-1987 school year. approved 11. Resoluti n auth rizing an agreement with the State Department af Aeal h whereby the city will p� ovide laboratory screening tests, health and risk red ction counseli g and hysician referral services to individuals identified s being at a hig risk f developing Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AI ). approv d CITY HALL SEVENTH FLOOR SAINT PAUL, INNESOTA 55102 et�sae _ _ � _. . ...__ ..._. ,.,._„.. --:._ _:. . ,� . .._ __._.. _... .____...., ......... .-.., ...,__�,.._ ��,. � 's