86-1344 WHITE - GTV CIERK PINK�� - FINANCE G I TY O F SA I NT PA U L Council 3 � CANARV - DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAVOR Flle NO• ` � �'ouncil Resolution � Presented By � Referred To `'� �V �-'L Committee: Date � � � Out of Commi tee By Date WAEREAS, $612, 000 ha been appropriated for expansion of the Edgec be Community Recreation Cent r wi h tax increment financing from the Park Nurse y Tax incremen District; and WAEREAS, the pr ject is nearing completion and costs exceed approp iation by $17, 000 for a t tal roject budget of $629, 000; now, therefore BE IT RESOLVED hat, upon recom�endation of the Mayor, the Park Nu sery Development Tax Incr ment General Obligation Debt Service Fund and the 1986 Capital Improve ent udget, as heretofore adopted and previously a ended by this Council, be fur her ended as follows: Park Nurser De elop ent TIGO Debt Service Fund, 968 Cu�rent e�iaea Financing Plan Budget Ch-angE ud et 89115 Undesigna ed F d Balance - 1986 Park Nurse y Tax Increments 0 + 17, 000 17, 000 S endin Plan 89 15- 537 Oper ting 7.Yansfer Out 0 + 17, 000 17, 000 pag 1 of 2 COUIVC[LMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas p�gW Nay Nicosia Rettman IIl FBVOc Scheibel Sonnen __ Against ' Tedesco W i Ison Form Appro by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Coun il Secret ry BY By� Approved by ;Navor: Dat Approve y Mayo ' sion to Cou cil Bv - — Com�aanit ervic s DEPARTMENT (i�`- �'�3�� ND 3989 • ° John Wirka CONTACT � ' PHONE /25/86 DATE 1 e�r� e� C'/ ASSI NUMBER FOR R UTING RDER Cli All Locations for Si nature : D artment Direc or � Director of Managemen /Mayor Finance and Mana ement ervices Director � City Clerk � City Attorney WHAT WILL BE ACHIEVE BY TA ING ACTION ON THE ATTACHED MATERIALS? (Purpose/ Rationale) : Costs for const uctio of Edgcumbe Con�mur�ity Recreation eenter wil be , b�dgeted in fal . RECE �- AU G 2 1986 COST/BENEFIT BUDGETA Y AND PERSONNEL IMPACTS ANTICIPATED: OfF'ICE OF TH DtRECTOR OEPARTMENT F E�f'fNANCE Contract can be aid n full and Project can be closed o11dD MANAGEM TSERVICES ��0.=��=- `���:� ,����� ' i�u0 �;1��'�;," � r �:���'� FINANCING SOURCE AND UDGET CTIVITY NUMBER CHARGED OR CREDITED: (Mayor's signa- ' ` "` � ture not re- Total Amount of Tra sacti n: S1 7,000 quired if under Un esignated P'und Balar�ce $10,00Q) Funding Source: Pa k Nurserp Develop�aent Ta Increment G.O. Debt Service Fund Activity Number: 89 15 R��'�- �`,�F!� ATTACHMENTS List and umber 11 Attachments : AUG 2 ���s see attached resolt�tion 'S"a j r —S ...,..D,:-,1"' 1. Council Resolution �� � � � � °'�`�'``�� DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW Yes No Council R soluti n Required? Resolution Required? Ye No Yes No Insurance Requir d? Insurance Sufficient? Ye No Yes No Insurance Attach d: {SEE EVERSE SIDE FOR INSTRUCTIONS) Revised 12/84 s� . . �r /�'f�/ F��, , � CITY OF S�.INT PAUL :�:a�i � • ;;,i, �i�,t�� OFFICE OF TFIE CITY COIINCIL �OIl1I111.��2� ���?Qrt F: ane l�ana eme�t � P�rsonnel Committee. SEPTEMBER 18, 1986 1. Approval of min tes from meeting held September 4, 1986. approved 2. Resolutio amen ing the 1982 Capital Improvement Budget by transferri g $560,OOQ from Metr Park Grant (Battle Creek Park Re�mbursement) to Log �� Par s and Recreatio - Ce tral Service Facility (laid over from September 4, 19 6). approved (3-1, ettman dissenting) � 3. Reso�.utio . amen ng the 1986 Gapk�eal I�provement Budget by adetfng �i7, to the Irit'�a ing P n and to the Spending Plan for Park Nursery Tax Incr ents fEdgcu�bt Ec�e� �y Reereation Center). ` approved 4. Resolutio amend'ng the 1986 budget and adding $17,000 to the Financin Plan • and to th Spend'ng ,Plan for City Property Management Fund - Building epairs (City Hal facad ). approved 5. Resolutio amend ng the I986 budget and transferring $4,750 from Conti gent Reserve t Civic Organization Contribution. approved 6. Resolution conse ting to the issuance of Port Authority Revenue Bonds n the amount of 740,0 0 to finance construction of an office/production fac'lity for Bensen Inves ment in Empire Builder Industrial Park. appraved 7. Resolution conse ting to the issuance of Port Authority Revenue Bonds i the amount of 985,0 to finance the construction of an office/production acility for Glass ervice Company in Energy Park. approved 8. Resolution establ'shing the rate of pay for Administrative Assistant - ublic Works Depa tment n the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation Resolutio in Grade 16, ection I D 4, Professional Employees Supervisory Group. a roved 9. Resolution author zing a five-year lease agreement between the city and Port Crosby Ass ciates (Amhoist) on behalf of the Police Department for the expansion o the mpound Lot (laid over from September 4, 1986) . laid ov r indefinitely 10. Resolution uthor zing an agreement with Independent School District No. 625 whereby the Saint Paul Police Department will provide School Police Pat 1 services du ing t e 1986-1987 school year. approved 11. Resolution uthor' ing an agreement with the State Department of Health hereby the city wi 1 prov'de laboratory screening tests, health and risk reduct on counseling nd phy ician referral services to individuals identified as eing at a high r sk of eveloping Acquired Tmmune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) . approved CITY HALL SEVENTH FLOOR SAINT PAUI,M OTA SSI02 �ose _ .. .._. _ ___._... . . ,_ . _ _ ._ ___ _ , . . __ .. . ._.. > �.�.-_, _ -. . , �'