86-1343 �NNITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE C I TY O F SA I NT PA LT L Council �3 CANARV - DEPARTMENT File NO• � �/ BLUE - MAVOR ouncil Resolution �::--`,, Presented By � �'-3 � - Referred To � �'1�C� Committee: Date � l� Out of Com ittee B Date W�S, The Ma r, pu suant to Section 0. . o e City C arter, oes rec e following nts t spending plans for the 1986 General Fund Budget: Current Amended Budget Changes Budget General Gover t counts Executive in. neral Government Accounts 09061 Cont' ent serve Specified 09061-0537 rati g Transfer Out 2,900,951 -4,7 0 2,896,201 09061 All er nding 0 0 0 - ------------ --------- -- ------------ 2,900,951 -4,7 0 2,896,201 General Gover t counts � �ecutive in. neral Government Accounts 09100 Civic Organi ation �ontributions 09I00-0545 ivic C ntrib. to Outside Agency 169,195 +4,7 0 173,945 09100 All r nding 40,000 0 40,000 . � 209,195 +4, 50 213,945 ,•- " � � 0 RFSOLVID, That Ci Council approves these changes to the 1986 budget. Financing i Avai 1 Approval Recom�ended: � -- ---- —� - ----------- (� -- - ---- --- �=-- - - -- , -�� B et Di ec r COUNCILME Requested by Department of: Yeas orew ays N��S�a Executive Admin. General Government A�ccounts Rettman [n Favor � � Scheibel Sonnen '� __ Against BY �.a�a wi�son Adopted by Council: Da e $�P 2 5 1g8s Form Appr d by City Attorn Certified as e ounc.il S tar BY ` � gl, Q n n '�QQ� Approved by Mavor. at `� a'L � � "'�" Approve y Ma for ission t Cou cil BY � - — Y • �is"1�D 0 CT — 419�6 '�' s:,�� ` DEPARTMfNT � C��/.3S< N� _ Os�154 ��e xowde P D T� CONTACT 292-1577 PHONE s/25/s6 DATE / ��� . � � ASSIGN NUNBER FOR UTING ORDER Cli All Locations- for S' ature : � Department Dir ctor ' 5 Director �of Manageme t/Mayor Finance and Ma agemen Services Director � 6 City Clerk � Budget Directo � Jim nus o t�te � City Attorney 75 w: 5th St. Paul, rfN 55107 _ HAT WILL BE ACHIE ED BY AKING ACTIQN ON THE ATTACMED MATERIALS? (Purpose/ - $4,750.00 budgeted in Co ingent Reserve Specified will be transferRraea��oa�e�ic rganization Contributions. Th mone will be used to fulfill the city's payment obligatio under a contract with COMP S, "A eement Between The City Of SaR r���Q�nd�4PAS", RE��l�/E� �����.�-- -AUG 2 91986 uG 2 �j OFFICE OF THE DiRECTOR 1g8s DEPARTMENT Of FMANCE . COST BENEFIT BUDG TARY D PERSONNEL IMPACTS AN��M�NT SERV�C�ES ITY AT�O�NEY For $4750.00 COMPA will rovide: l. support com�nun'ty-ba d arts activities in the City 'through the Community t Fund 2. special coman 'catio efforts to invo].ve pre-applicants to the City`s Neigh rhood Partnership Program in :de lopin and sponsoring community-based arts activities throu h the Community • Art Fund . 3. siunmaries and valua ion as stated in contract $4,750.00 was bud ted i 09061 Contingent Reserve Specified and spending autho ity is being • transferred to 09 O Civ c Organization Contributions. FINANCING SOURCE 0 BUD T ACTIVITY NUNBER CHARGED OR CREDITED: (Mayor's signa ture not re- Total Amount of"Trans tion; $4750.0o quired if und r � $10,00Q) Funding .Source: 09t1. 1 Contingent Reserve Specified . Activity Number o9io Civic Organization Contributions ATTACHMENTS List nd Nu er All Attachments : 1. Resolution � 2. Agreem�nt Bet een Th City Of Saint Paul And COMPAS`�_,_ 0� ' 3. Specified Con irigent Reserve Status Report DEPARTMENT REYIEW CITY ATTORNEY RfVIEW �Yes No Cou il Re olution Required? ' Resolution Required? Yes No Yes �No Ins rance quired? Insurance Sufficient? Yes No Yes x No � Ins ance ttached: _ . (SEE •REVERSE SIDE FOR INSTRUCTIONS) � Revised 12/84 f : . � �,��y3 CIVIC ORGANIZATIONS CONTRIBUTION AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CI�Y OF SAINT PAUL AN D COMPAS AN GREEME T, dated this lst day of September, 1986; between �he CITY OF SAINT PAUL, INNESOTA, HEREINAFTER CALLED "Gity" and COMPAS, Inc. , 75 West ifth S reet, Saint Paul , Minnesota. : WIT ESSET : WHE EAS, e Mayor and City Council of the City of Saint Paul wi h to encourag comm ity-based arts programming throughout the city, and WHE EAS, OMPAS, through its Community Art Fund, engages the par icipation of artis s, ar s organizations , neighborhood groups and community ser ice organizations in community-based arts programming in Saint Paul , and WHEREAS, he City of Saint Paul and COMPAS have received a chali nge grant f m the National Endowment for the Arts to support the COMPAS/ Communi Art und, and WH REAS, t is the intent of the Mayor and City Council of the C ty of Saint P ul to xpress their support for community-based arts activity by supporting the united appeal of the COMPAS/Gommunity Art Fund, NO , THER FORE, iT IS MUTUALLY AGREED by and between the City an ' GOMPAS that: 1 , Fo COMPAS's faithful performance of the terms of this ag eement, the Ci y will pay to the COMPAS Community Art Fund the total um of Four T ousand and Seven Hundred and Fifty Dollars ($4,750) , p rsuant to Cou cil Resolution (1986 Operating Budget, General Fund, G neral Govern ental Accounts , Civic Organization Contribution-09100) ; and 2. Th City's payment will be made in two installments , $2, 75 on Octobe 1 , 1986 and $2,375 on December 1 , 1 986, and 3. Wi h the funds , COMPAS will support community-based arts ctivities in th City of Saint Paul th rough the Community Art Fund; an 4. C PAS Community Art Fund staff will undertake special c mmunication effor s to involve pre-applicants to the City's Neighborhood Partnership Progr m CNPP) in developing and sponsoring community-based ar s activities through the Community Art Fund; and � : . � ��-�3y3 General GREEME T/City of Saint Paul and COMPAS Septembe 1 , 19 6 Page Two . COM AS will provide the City and its NPP staff with period'c ummari s of activities proposed for and approved for Communit rt Fun assistance ; and, . CO AS will provide the City with a statement evaluating e _ ffecti eness the Community Art Fund and reporting program ex enditures or tli year in which tMe City's grant is used; and ; . CO PAS will consider this commitment as part of the local match to he NE challenge grant, and the city will continue providing assistance ' o COM AS to raise private funds to match the NEA challenge g ant through 986; nd . 8. CO PAS Community Art Fund employees arrd subgrantees will ot be consid red employees of the City by virtue of this grant, and that EOMPAS will save and hold harmless the City from any and all laims of its agents and employees which allege in whole, or in part an employ ent relationship with the City; and 9.. Fo the purpose of the administration of this agreement t e City's - liaiso will be Anne Nowden and COMPAS Liaision will be James Dusso. iN WITNES HEREOF, the parties have caused this Agreement to be xecuted the day and ye r first above written. APPROVE AS TO FORM: CITY OF SAINT Funding Code: 0.9100-54 By BY Ci ty Atto rn y I ts Mayo r By Its Directo r, Depa tment of Finance and Manage ent Services COMPAS By ts Executive D�re tor By Its Board Presiden • � ' ` �-/�S<3 , . • � COiJD1CIL ADQP't� 1986 BUDGEI' SPDCIFIID CONTINGENI' RESERVE (09061-537) as of A�ugust 25, 1986 Council Changes/Trans£ers ' Adopted -------------------__.__ -- 1986 Council Budget File Date A.moun Available Salary Reserve (co tract artid year-end � accruals) 2,636,090 Human Rights Dir. Sel tion 86-46 1/16 (7, 57) Acting Finance irecto acljustment �vithdrawn (21, 32) 2,628,233 Comparable h�ortt, (See Fund 0 Balar�ce) Fair Labor Stand s Act (See Fund 0 Balance) Worker's Compensa ion (See Fund 0 Balance) Deputy Director o Perso el (See Fund 0 (P.I.T.F. reco �endati n) Balance) Personnel (P.I.T.F. reco ndati n} 75,000 86-174 2/13 (34, 00) 40,100 Telephone Rate In rease 5� Reserve 86,500 86,500 CONIPAS Contract f r Serv'ce 5,000 pending (4, 50) 250 United Arts Contr ct for' Service 5,000 5,000 Cooperating Fund rive ntract fc}r 5,OQ0 86-629 5/20 (4,750) ?.50 Service United Way E�nerge ,cy Ca Contract 4�,000 86-16 1/9 (40 000) 0 Sanitarian I - Ce tific te of Occupancy 26,808 26,808 Deputy License I pecto Trainee 21,553 21,553 and fringes Total 2,900,951 (11.� 189) 2,808,6:� periding - Pendi actio by the Finance Com¢nittee or identified but not yet s mitted by the de artmen . recomm. - Reco ed b the Finance Coiranittee for approval. ON�S/jeanetta 700/RF�ERV86 8/25/86 . . �. � �-i��-� ,�:, �� CITY' OF SA.INT PAUL ��'''�'' � OP'FICE OF TH� CITY COIINCIL _ t�it ill.tu �. . �ammittee R�port in.�n �e Ma a em.e�.t � P�rsonnel C�mmittee. SEPTEMBER 18, 1986 1. Approva of mi utes from meeting held September 4, I986. approved 2. Resolut an ame ding the 1982 Capital Improvement Budget by transfer ng $560,000 from Me ro Par s Grant (Battle Creek Park Reimbursement) to Log 4� P ks and Recreat on - ntral Service Facility (laid over from September 4, 986) . approv d (3-1 Rettman dissenting) � 3. Resolut on. am ding the 1986 Capital Improvement Budget by adding $ 7,000 to the Fin ncing Plan and to the Spending Plan for Park Nursery Tax In rements (Edgcum e Co unity Recreation Center) . approved 4. Resolut'on am nding the 1986 budget and adding $17,000 to the Finan ing Plan - and to he Sp nding .Plan for City Property Managemcnt Fund - Buildi g Repairs (City 11 fa ade) . approved � 5. Reaolu fxt. at� din� �he 29$6 budget and trans�erri�g $4,750 fram Co tingent R °��.b''�i 'ic Organization Contribution. approved 6. Resolu ion co senting to the issuance of Port Authority Revenue Bon s in the amount of $74 ,000 to finance construction of an office/production acility for Be sen In estment in Empire Builder Industrial Park. approved 7. Resolu ion co senting to the issuance of Port Authority Revenue Bon s in the amount of $98 ,000 to finance the construction of an office/product on facility for Gl ss Ser ice Company in Energy Park. approved 8. Resolu ion es ablishing the rate of pay for Administrative Assistan - Public Works epartm nt in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation Resol tion in Grade 6, Sec ion I D 4, Professional Employees Supervisory Group. approved 9. Resolu ion a horizing a five-year lease agreement between the cit and Port Crosby Assoc' tes (Amhoist) on behalf of the Police Department for the expans on of the Impound Lot (laid over from September 4, 1986) . la d over indefinitely 10. Resolu ion a �thorizing an agreement with Independent School Distri t No. 625 whereb the aint Paul Police Department will provide School Polic Patrol servic s dur ng the 1986-1987 school year. approved 11. Resolu ion a thorizing an agreement with the State Department of H alth whereby the city wil provide laboratory screening tests, health and risk eduction counseling a d physician referral services to individuals identifi d as being at a igh ri k of developing Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome ( IDS). appr ved CTIY HALL SEVENTFi FLOOR SAINT PAU MINNESOTA SSI02 °r�°s __ ._ ..... .._. _..,..,... . ... _... , w_._. . ..___.m� __ � _ _--- _. __ _.... ._,. . ,._. . �..�,,,,_..-x�._�s�,...,,�.�_ �