86-1341 WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE G I TY O F SA I NT PA U L Council ` CANARV - OEPARTMENT � �`/� ,/ BLUE - MAVOR File NO. T/ oun il Resolution �,���� i - Present d By �./� Referred To � � Committee: Date Out of Commit ee By Date A administrative Resolution establishing t e rate of pay for Administrative Assistant-- P blic Works Department in the Salary Plan & R tes of Compensation Resolution. RESOLVE , that the title of Administrative Assistant--Public Works D partment be paid at t e rate set forth in Grade 16, Section I D 4, Professional Em loyees Supervisory roup o the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation Resolution; FURTHER RESOL D, that this resolution shall take effect and be in f rce � following th firs pay period after the passage, approval and publicatio of this resolut'on. '���- COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas p�eW Nay /f Nicosia ���/ Rettman [n Favor Scheibel � Sonnen __ AgelnSt 'Tadeseo� Wilson Adopted by Council: Date SEP Z 5 1986 Form prove by Attorney Certified Yas• .il Sec ry BY gy, Approved b Mavor: D \ �S—�� `�u Appco d y Mayor for Submi to o cilG By ��, s - p����.� �Lr� ��'T - � 198ft: c� �' � PersanneT Office � DEPRRTMENT �� /`�y/ ° 05930 . Jeanette. Sobania CONTACT 4221 PHONE Juiy 25, �9s6 DATE e�� - e , ASSIGN NUt+�ER .FOR R0 ING OR R C1i All Locatians for Si nature : - ?_ Department Direct r 3 Director of Management/ yor Finan.ce and Mana� ment S rvices Director � � City Clerk Budget Director 2 City Attorney • WHAT WILL BE ACHIEYED BY TS NG ACTION ON THE ATTACHED MATERIALS? (Purpose/ Rationale) : This resolution estab ishes he rate of pay- for Administrative Assistant--Rublic:W rks Department. GRADE 16 A B C D E F G 10-yr. 15-yr. 1134.56 Ii�180�59 122 .47 1289.91 1354.85 1423.04 1495.40 1539.79 • 1585.00 REC IVED c��� . COST BENEFIT BUOGET Y AND PERSONNfL IMPACTS ANTICIPATED: � �,��� JU(, 2 9 �986 � ,�,�-- None CITY 1TO�R��EY r�������,� J IJ l_ 3 ' "►��� f,1aY�R'S OFFICE � FINANCING SOURCE AND BUDGE ACTIVITY NUf�ER CHARGED OR CREDITED: (Mayor's signa- ture not re- Total Amount of "T ansac ion: quired if under � $10,00Q) Fundi,ng Source: � Activity Number: • ATTACNMENTS List a d Numb r All Attachments : 1 . Resolution � 2. Copy for City Clerk - DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTQRNEY REVIEW Yes No Counc'1 Res lution Required? ' Resolution Required? Yes No Yes No Insu nce R quired? Insurance Suffic�ent? Yes No Yes No Insu nce A �tached: 'SEE •REVERSE SIDE FOR INSTRUCTIONS) � Revised 12/84 ,, . . . , • , R . �-���// CODE: 1214 B.U. : 16 EFFECTIVE: TITLE OF CLA S: MINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT--PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT DESCR PTIQN F WORK eneral Statement of Duties: Performs responsible supervisor and dminis rative work in the implementation of departmental pol cies nd the coordination of line and staff functions of the depar ent; nd per orms related duties as required. u ervi ion Received: Works under the general supervision of n ssista t City Engineer. u ervi ion Exercised: Exercises within a unit general superv sion hrough subordinate supervisors over clerical personnel. TYPIC L DUTI S PERFORMED e lis ed examples may not include all duties performed by al ositio s in this class. �.,�,,,,.�,��^^.� Coord nates the activities of all bureaus and divisions of t e Publi Works Department within the general policy and progra dete ined by the Director. Plans installs and maintains procedures to assure proper an promp disposal of all departmental matters. Provi es clerical support work for the department. Proce ses all paperwork for staff accessions, transfers and separ tions; advises managers on personnel matters. Prepa es and conducts training programs. Condu ts investigations regarding the operation of the depar ent, and reports thereon. Super ises the preparation of non—technical specifications; nd requi tions materials, equipment and supplies. Plans nd coordinates the physical arrangements and the facil ies of various offices of the department. Provid s for the acquisition and maintenance of office vehic es. (continued on reverse side) AD INISTRATIVE ASSISTANT--PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT • . • . , r , ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT--PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT (continued) KNOWLEDGES, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Knowledge of the organization of City government and of the operations of the various departments. Knowledge of the personnel, structure, resources and procedures of the Public Works Department. Knowledge of the principles and practices of modern management. Ability to plan, organize, supervise and evaluate the work of others. Ability to coordinate designated activities of the department. Ability to communicate effectively, orally and in writing; with all levels of management, employees, and other departments of government. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS Graduation from college and three years of experience in administrative work at least two years of which must have been in public administration. ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT--PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT . . �- /�N/ ,��:. CITY OF SA.INT PA.UL :;ii�ii OFFICE OF T73F CITY COIINCIL C�mmi�tee Repart �' an�� l�ana eme�t � Personnel Cammittee. SEPTEMBER 18, 1986 1. Approval f minu es from meeting held September 4, 1986. approved 2. Resolutio amend ng the 1982 Capital Improvement Budget by transferrin $560,000 from Metr Parks Grant (Battle Creek Park Reimbursement) to Log 4t Park and Recreatio - Cen ral Service Facility (laid over from September 4, 198 ). approved (3-1, ettman dissenting) � � : 3. Resolutio . amend ng the 1986 Capital Improvement Budget by adding $17, 00 to the Finan ing P1 n and to the Spending Plan for Park Nursery Tax Incre ents (Edgcumbe Commun ty Recreation Center) . approved 4. Resolutio amend ng the 1986 budget and adding $17,000 to the Financin Plan - and to th Spend'ng ,Plan for City Property ManagemEnt Fund - Building epairs (City Hal facad ) . approved 5. Resolutio amend ng the �986 budget and transferring $4,750 from Conti gent Reserye t Civic Organization Contribution. approved 6. Resolutio conse ting to the issuance of Port Authority Revenue Bonds n the amount of $740,0 0 to finance construction of an office/production fac'lity for Bense Inves ment in Empire Builder Industrial Park. approved 7. Resolutio conse ting to the issuance of Port Authority Revenue Bonds 'n the amount of $985, 0 to finance the construction of an office/production facility � for Glass Servi Company in Energy Park. approved 8. Re�lutio esta ishing the rate of pay for Adffiinistrative Assistant Public Warks .Dep rtmea f� ti�a Salarq Plan snd Rates of Compensation Resolut n in Grad�.Zb, $ecti I D 4, Professional Employees Supervisory Gronp. �rpro�red 9. Resolutio auth rizing a five-year lease agreement between the city a Port Crosby As ociat s (Amhoist) on behalf of the Police Department for th expansion of th Impound I.ot (laid over from September 4, 1986) . laid ver indefinitely 10. Resolutio auth rizing an agreement with Independent School District o. 625 whereby t e Sai t Paul Police Department will provide School Police P trol services uring the 1986-1987 school year. approved 11. Resolutio auth rizing an agreement with the State Department of Heal h whereby the city ill p ovide laboratory screening tests, health and risk red ction counseli g and hysician referral services to individuals identified s being at a hig risk f developing Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AID ). approve , CITY HALL SEVENTH FLOOR SAINT PAUI, NESOTA SSI02 a�ss ...,... ..._._,_.<T.._ _ _. .._._._.._ _. ...._ _ _._.. .. . ',. . .._ . �._ ., ___. . . , �